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Stage 3: Making a documentary about a myth or legend

What to do?
1. Make a documentary about a myth or legend of your town, city, or region.

To know more about this assignment, let's follow the next instructions.
1. First, click on the “what to study” button and read the learning material.
Schedule a Web conference session. Schedule a web conference with your
tutor and classmates to interview each other.

2. Record a documentary about a myth or legend of your town, city or region.

Then, upload your video in a webpage like Youtube or Vimeo and share the
link in your platform journal.
3. Finally, click on the “How to check it” button and read the checklist with
the criteria to evaluate your speaking abilities .

Legend of the commanders of Córdoba.

Is based on a historical incident in 1448 in the city of Córdoba. The protagonist of

the legend, Don Fernando Alfonso de Córdoba today lies buried in the Chapel of
San Antonio Abad of the Mosque of Cordoba, having died in Cordoba in 1478.

Fernando Alfonso de Córdoba was one of the most important men of the city of
Córdoba. Noted for its enormous possessions and his immense fortune. Also,
enjoyed the friendship of the king of Castile John II, father of Isabella, which gave
him a comfortable position in the Castilian court.
Fernando Alfonso was married to Doña Beatriz de Hinestrosa, very young and
extremely beautiful lady. He loved his wife with the same passion that the day of
his wedding, but the couple they shared a frustration, and was not having children,
this clouded happy marriage.

The chronicles who did everything possible and impossible to achieve offspring,
from solemn religious vows and promises to spell Oriental Mohammedan
soothsayers and sorcerers spells.
But to no avail. Don Fernando Alfonso, disillusioned witches and doctors thought
he had to rely more on their love and nature and, convinced that these natural
causes would increase his palace and on their farms of Córdoba, resolved to leave
the court and return to his city to not be separated from his wife, and live your
marriage away from the political and courtesans disturbances. The Castilian
monarch, who as you know you held dear, would not let him go without give a gift
that will serve as a reminder of those times past with his king. It was a precious
ring, elaborately worked, distinguished for being a true work of art. The deep love
Cordoba gentleman dispensed his wife revealed on that occasion, and that he
gave her the ring he had given her Juan II.

There had long been in Córdoba, when one day received a visit from his cousins,
the commanders Don Fernando Alfonso de Córdoba and Solier and Don Jorge de
Cordoba and Solier, both brothers of the Bishop of Córdoba Don Pedro de
Córdoba and Solier. Both visitors were knights of the Order of Calatrava and each
of them was Commander in a locality, where Don Fernando Alfonso del Moral
commander and commander of Don Jorge Cabeza del Buey.
The two young commanders of Calatrava were so handsome and gallant as
attractive and courtiers. They were twins and had much resemblance between
them that even his own father seemed unable to distinguish.
Unable to avoid the effect that the beautiful lady Doña Beatriz had on his soul, the
commander Don Jorge, who could not take his eyes off her, fell in love with her
and soon the love for her became an uncontrollable passion. The commanders
continued for some time in Córdoba, and nobody would think that Don Jorge had
even the possibility of declaring his feelings to the beautiful wife of his cousin.

It happened that the city of Córdoba had to make an important request to King
John II as the best person to accelerate the management was the gentleman
twenty Fernando Alfonso de Córdoba, the City Council unanimously approved on
him were even only responsibility to move to the cut and comply with local
application, personally handing the Castilian king.

A Don Fernando Alfonso deeply disliked having to distance himself from his wife
but had no choice but to fulfill your request.

After three months of absence Doña Beatriz's letters became less frequent, while
Don Fernando Alfonso began receiving letters from a faithful servant of his in which
it ordered him to return as soon as possible. As he stood in court, the gentleman
received twenty-one days the visit of Commander Don Jorge, who came from
Cordoba to request a hearing to John II. The two relatives spoke of Doña Beatriz,
glad her husband of having such good news about his wife and that the
commanders have it in such high esteem. Don Jorge marched to meet with the
King and then quickly returned to Córdoba.

Meanwhile Fernando Alfonso received an order from the monarch which required
him to appear before him with the utmost urgency. Once in his presence, the king
spoke visibly angry, and when asked Cordoba gentleman on the ground, the king
told him that he had not behaved like a good subject, since he had cared little ring
given to her because it had given his cousin Don Jorge. The twenty told the king
that he did not know what it meant, and then the king replied that he had seen put
on a finger of his right hand the ring he had given Fernando Alfonso to bid him
farewell. The Cordoba gentleman was livid. Suddenly he understood. He was
invaded by anger and an irrepressible feeling of hatred and revenge seared heart.
asked the king for permission to retrieve the ring and his honor. King Don Juan
understood that something serious happened to the worthy gentleman and granted
license to return to their city.
At dawn he went into the garden, where he waited for his faithful servant Rodrigo,
who informed him of the horrible truth that Doña Beatriz and Don Jorge were lovers
and that countless occasions had sullied the home and the marriage bed of twenty
of Córdoba. He then filled with fury and desire for revenge, vowed to avenge his
offense. That night organized a hunt. As he expected, neither cousins wanted to be
part of the hunting expedition, under the pretext that they had urgent matters
pending in the city. Then Don Fernando Alfonso pretended to go alone to the hunt,
leaving them free to act as they wished.

Met in one of the lounges Doña Beatriz and a cousin who shared secrets and sins,
and the ladies the knights of Calatrava, Don Jorge, loving lady of the house, and
Don Fernando Alfonso lover was also found the premium. Meanwhile, the twenty
with the speed of lightning entered the room where his wife and the Commander
Don Jorge were. First stabbed his wife with a knife and then, with his sword, killed
the commander, who already ran for his. Then came Don Fernando Alfonso in the
room of his other cousin and killed him and the prime of his late wife.

The gentleman twenty killed many people were at home and knew his disgrace.
When Don Fernando Alfonso had fulfilled his revenge, he disappeared into the
dark night, followed by loyal servant lu Rodrigo, to try to forget his tremendous
Unfortunately, hiding somewhere far away.

The facts show that King Don Juan II was immediately aware of what happened
and that at the request of the city of Antequera, in which fence bravely
distinguished twenty Cordoba, was granted a royal pardon in 1449 and he filed the
merciless executioner of his wife and their unfair relatives. Apparently, he never
reappeared by the court.

On April 22, 1474 he issued will in Córdoba Don Fernando Alfonso de Córdoba,
before the public notary of Córdoba Fernán Gómez. This will, Four years after
granting testament Famer, in 1478, died at his mansion of Cordoba neighborhood
of Santa Marina, and was buried in the Chapel of San Antonio Abad of the Mosque
of Cordoba. Here are also the remains of his second wife.

Spanish literature exists in a work of powerful, from the pen of Lope de Vega and
which is regarded as "famous comedy". Its title is' The commanders of Córdoba or
honor redressed ''. The work was printed in Madrid in 1609 in the Second Part of
the comedies of Lope de Vega. Years later Menéndez Pelayo included in Volume
XI of the works of Lope de Vega, published by the Royal Spanish Academy.

The terrible crime committed by Fernando Alfonso de Córdoba fu immediately

picked up on the popular poetry.

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