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Lurking in aquatic sites with cilia padding slimly or in moist sites.

Predators and scavengers making them

free living, not parasites. Turbellaria regenerate like no body else (body cut into 2 half and 2 heads are
formed) but turbellaria, have so much more so I tell myself

1. They are hermaphrodites but cannot self fertilize

2. They let gas in then gas will diffuse out again
3. When food is scarce they can eat themselves and later start reforming
And if food is in, they can grow back that old skin

Chemoreceptors in their auricles tells there’s food backwards (food where you turn)

Flattened dorsoventrally and bilateral in symmetry


But tubellaria, have so much more

1. They can sense things with their nerve cords in their ganglion
2. Eggs in cocoons most of larvas stay within
3. Their pharyx bend, they ingest their prey by muscular foldings
And if its under them, then it aint getting over them

Eat, swim diffuse it and regenerate, cause they


Both male and female sex organs

Role they fight over

2 flatworm wear up exposing their mid sections

White nibs are weapons not intentional ones

Penis and double barrel in seminare if they can shoot first



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