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Taylre Perkins

Coaching Philosophy

I have always dreamed of coaching. I want to help students become great athletes but

even better people through playing a sport that they love. I think that it is important that all

athletes are good people on and off the court. Sportsmanship and respect are very important to

me. I want my athletes to be respectful to their teachers, parents, classmates, and especially

respectful to other coaches, players and referees during games. Hard work is also very important

to me. I want them to try their hardest and never give up. Another aspect of my philosophy is

commitment. Commitment is very important to any sport. Everyone on the team needs to be

committed to the game. Everyone needs to show up to all practices and games. The final aspect

is teamwork. The players need to play and act like a team. If there is no connection between the

players, then the team won’t be very successful. The team needs to get along on and off the court

and build a connection to be successful. The style of coaching that I will use is democratic. I will

make the decisions about things such as, goal setting or decision making but allow for my teams

input. I think that this will help them if they are able to have a say in the decisions made for the


Competency is important for any athlete. The athlete must understand the rules and have

knowledge about the sport. If the player doesn’t know the rules, they won’t have much success

playing the game. An athlete must have good character. They must be respectful to everyone and

remember that they are representing their school when they are playing games, as well as, before

and after games. Students must be dedicated to the sport and want to put forth the effort needed

to be successful. All player on the team must be dedicated to the sport and willing to put in the
time and effort needed. The athlete also needs to be fair and caring. They need to be respectful of

the rules and not partake in any cheating or unfair play. The athletes must be good citizens. This

means that they should be committed to the sport and their team. They need to play as a team and

realize that they can’t win the game on their own, they must work together. They also must be

role models. The athletes that are on the younger teams look up to the older athletes and want to

be like them. So, these athletes need to be good role models for the younger athletes who look up

to them. I want my athletes to be respectful and hardworkers!


Teamwork Commitment

Hardwork Respect

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