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Integumentary system

The skin is the best indicator of general health, it is considered in the differential diagnosis of
almost every disease.
The skin provides:
▫ protection of the body from environmental effects
▫ containment for the body structure
▫ thermal regulation
▫ sensation
▫ synthesis and storage of vitamin D
The epidermis is a keratinized epithelium-that is, it has a tough horny superficial layer that
provides a protective outer surface overlying its regenerative and pigment deep or basal layer. The
epidermis has no blood vessels or lymphatics the avascular epidermis is nourished by the
underlying vascularised dermis.
The skin is also supplied with a afferent nerve endings that are sensitive to touch,irritation and
temperature. Most nerve terminals are in the dermis,but a few penetrate the epidermis
The dermis is a dense layer of interlacing collagen and elastic fibers these fibers provide skin tone
and account for the strength and toughness of skin.
The predominant pattern of collagen fibers determines the characteristic tension and wrinkle lines
in the skin.
The tension lines tend to spiral longitudinally in the limbs and run transversely in the neck and
The deep layer of dermis contains hair follicles, with associated smooth arrector muscle and
sebaceous glands.
Concentration of the arrector muscles of hairs erect the, hairs causing goosebumps. Hair follicles
are generally slanted to one side, and several sebaceous glands lie on the side the hair is directed
toward as it emerges from the skin. Thus, contraction of arrector muscle causes the hair to stand
up straighter thereby compressing the sebaceous glands and helping them secrete the oily
products on the skin surface.
Located between the overlying skin and underlying deep fascia, the subcutaneous tissue is
composed mostly of loose connective tissue and stored fat and contains sweat glands,superficial
blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and cutaneous nerves.
The subcutaneous tissue provides the most of the bodies fat storage,so its thickness varies greatly
depending on the persons nutritional state.
Skin ligaments, numerous small fibrous bands, extend throughout the subcutaneous tissue and
attach the deep surface of the dermis to the underlying deep fascia. The length and density of
these ligaments determines the mobility of the skin over deep structures. Where skin ligaments
are longer and sparse,the skin is more mobile such as the back of the hand. Where ligaments are
short and abundant,the skin is firmly attached the underlying deep fascia, such as in the palms and

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