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They currently just visit the best shop manager of the year to recognize the performance. It would
be better to have leader boards with relative rankings for the top few spots, & recognize the
employees who are leading specific categories such as customer service/support or sales.

Also, leader boards would have to be set up every month and not every year.


This will make the top performing shop managers feel validated.

Also, through this Bark Gift Shops Ltd. will let their best performing shop managers to lead by

2. Change the Performance Parameters

If the shop managers get complacent once achieving their respective targets and then leave money
on the table, perhaps the incentives to surpassing the targets are not enough.

Also, a way of tackling this could be by completely changine the performance parameters form
sales/revenue to sales per square ft of the gist shop, conversion rates for every person that enters
the gift shop, no. of bills generated, sales per category, avg. transaction value, units per transaction
etc keeping in mind the best inerests of BGS.

3. Gift Cards:

Pass out gift cards to the shop managers who have above average performances every month,
rather than handing out random gifts which the shop managers might not actually need.

4. Sales Targets

Sales quotas should be set exactly the same for all shop managers who operate the similar scale
shops in equivalent sales markets or territories. Or else, BGS can expect a shop manager to think
that it’s unfair if his quota is higher than the other shop managers who are operating a similar sized
shop in a similar territory leading him to get discouraged, which would eventually affect his

In case variations in sales is noticed in similar sales territories, shop managers should be rotated so
as to see if the low performance can be attributed to the particular shop manager or if it is due to
any other reason.

5. Reward Determination

Base reward determinations on objective performance data as opposed to basing it on the Regional
managers understanding of the performance standards, this would remove the subjectivity out of
the reward determination and disparity in rewards for shop managers operating in different regions.
6. Self-Evaluation

Incorporate the aspect of self evaluation when BGK’s shop manager’s performance is being

Sometimes the shop managers may be more critical of their performance than their respective
regional managers who might overlook some things. A form with MCQs & essay type answers can be
used together. Comparing a self-evaluation of the shop managers to the regional managers’s
objective appraisal can be helpful in finding discrepancies and similarities along with a better
understanding of the shop manager’s performance.

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