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Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118

Spatial prediction of species distribution: an interface between

ecological theory and statistical modelling
M.P. Austin
CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, GPO Box 284, Canberra City, ACT 2601, Australia


Neglect of ecological knowledge is a limiting factor in the use of statistical modelling to predict species distribution.
Three components are needed for statistical modelling, an ecological model concerning the ecological theory to be used
or tested, a data model concerning the collection and measurement of the data, and a statistical model concerning the
statistical theory and methods used. This component framework is reviewed with emphasis on ecological theory. The
expected shape of a species response curve to an environmental gradient is a central assumption on which agreement
has yet to be reached. The nature of the environmental predictors whether indirect variables, e.g. latitude that have no
physiological impact on plants, or direct variables, e.g. temperature also influence the type of response expected.
Straight-line relationships between organisms and environment are often used uncritically. Many users of canonical
correlation analysis use linear (straight-line) functions to relate ordination axes to variables such as slope and aspect
though this is not a necessary part of the method. Some statisticians have used straight lines for species/environment
relationships without testing, when evaluating new statistical procedures. Assumptions used in one component often
conflict with those in another component. Statistical models can be used to explore ecological theory. Skewed species
response curves predominate contrary to the symmetric unimodal curves assumed by some statistical methods.
Improvements in statistical modelling can be achieved based on ecological concepts. Examples include incorporating
interspecific competition from dominant species; more proximal predictors based on water balance models and spatial
autocorrelation procedures to accommodate non-equilibrium vegetation.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Vegetation models; Species models; Continuum; Niche; Generalised linear models; GLM; Generalised additive models;
GAM; Canonical correspondence analysis; CCA; Spatial prediction; Regression; Ordination; Species response curves

1. Introduction Zimmermann, 2000; Elith and Burgman 2002;

Scott et al., 2002). A wide variety of statistical
The spatial prediction of species distributions and machine-learning methods have been intro-
from survey data has recently been recognised as a duced, often in conjunction with geographic in-
significant component of conservation planning formation systems (GIS) and remote-sensing
(Franklin, 1995; Austin, 1998, 2002; Guisan and (Fitzgerald and Lees, 1992; Aspinall and Veitch,
1993; Pereira and Itami, 1991; Franklin et al.,
2000). Guisan and Zimmermann (2000) provide an
E-mail address: (M.P. Austin). extensive review of these developments, identifying
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102 M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118

many of the alternative statistical approaches that experiment, by theoretical analysis or by repeating
may be used. Various forms of regression analysis the study at a different location. Another use of
predominate in the literature. Generalised linear statistical models is calibration, where biotic data
models (GLM, McCullagh and Nelder, 1989; are used to estimate past environmental condi-
Austin and Cunningham, 1981) and generalised tions, an approach of increasing importance in
additive models (GAM, Hastie and Tibshirani, palaeoecology. Birks (1998) states ‘‘The most
1990; Yee and Mitchell, 1991) with logistic regres- significant development in quantitative palaeolim-
sion using presence/absence survey data appear to nology has been the creation of many modern
be increasingly popular as the statistical model to calibration data-sets of biotic assemblages and
be used (Franklin, 1995; Guisan and Zimmer- associated environmental data. Such calibration
mann, 2000; Scott et al., 2002). sets, when analysed by appropriate procedures,
In the majority of cases, the purpose of the have the potential to transform fossil biostratigra-
statistical modelling is the prediction of species phical data into quantitative estimates of the past
distribution. The detection of functional relation- environment.’’ These calibration methods (ter
ships between species and environment and the Braak and Verdonschot, 1995) are not considered
testing of ecological theory tend to be secondary further except where they relate to ecological
considerations (Guisan and Zimmermann, 2000). assumptions.
It will be argued in this paper that neglect of There are three major components in any
ecological knowledge is a limiting factor in the framework for statistical modelling in plant ecol-
application of statistical modelling in ecology and ogy. There needs to be an ecological model, a data
conservation planning. At the interface between model, and a statistical model. The ecological
ecology and statistics, it is possible for statisticians model consists of the ecological knowledge and
to assume inadequate ecological models that may theory to be used or tested in the study. The data
confound their evaluation of new statistical meth- model consists of the decisions made regarding
ods. On the other hand, ecologists may construct how the data are collected and how the data will
simpler statistical models than they believe are be measured or estimated. The statistical model
necessary because they are unaware of the power involves the choice of statistical method, error
of modern statistical methods, A synthesis of function and significance tests. Each model inter-
current ecological theory and modern statistical acts in both obvious and subtle ways with the
models is badly needed. This paper reviews some other models to determine the success of any
of the current problems and tries to assemble some statistical modelling exercise.
of the components necessary for a synthesis to be The ecological model may contain assumptions
produced. The review is mainly concerned with to be incorporated into the analysis or hypotheses
plant community ecology, though similar argu- to be tested. It may, for example be assumed that
ments can be applied to other fields of ecology vegetation and species composition are primarily
(Austin, 1999a,b). determined by environment rather than by succes-
sional status or by time since last disturbance
(Franklin et al., 2000). The functional link between
2. A framework for statistical modelling in plant plants and environment may be assumed to be all
community ecology straight-line relationships (Austin, 1999a). A hy-
pothesis might test whether species respond to
Statistical models are based on correlation and environmental variables or gradients with a unim-
often have as their purpose prediction. It is not odal, symmetric, response function.
possible to determine causation from correlation, An important example of the data model is that
but a description of functional relationships can be used by classical phytosociologists (Braun-Blan-
achieved (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981; Box, 1966). The quet, 1964; Westhoff and van der Maarel, 1978).
reality of such relationships and the causal me- Samples (plots) are selected subjectively by the
chanisms responsible should then be pursued by ecologist without any statistical sampling design
M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118 103

considerations. Species abundances are estimated for the selection of resources by animals but is very
using a mixed cover/abundance scale with unequal similar to estimating plant species response curves
class intervals, the statistical implications of which (Boyce et al., 2002). The ecological model and the
have not been considered until recently. Guisan data model for plants and animals differ. An
and Harrell (2000, Guisan 2002) point out that this important difference is the difficulty of estimating
cover/abundance measurement is an ordinal vari- the non-use of a resource by an animal. Even
able that requires, therefore, special attention estimating the absence from a habitat or site of a
when selecting the statistical model. Franklin et mobile or cryptic animal is a non-trivial problem.
al. (2000) consider a number of problems that can Consequently the statistical models may differ.
arise with the data model. These include problems However, Boyce et al.’s discussion of evaluation
of the appropriate scale of observations and procedures has general applicability.
locational accuracy when ecological field data are The focus here is on the many ecological
used with GIS and databases. The scale of resolu- assumptions and theories that can impact on
tion and types of errors associated with digital spatial modelling of vegetation. Prediction can be
terrain models were also discussed. The authors achieved without the regression equation having
included satellite imagery derived variables in their any necessary ecological process basis, but the
case studies. Such remotely-sensed variables have result is unlikely to be robust. The more that
their own data models, which need to be evaluated knowledge of ecological process can be incorpo-
for compatibility with ecological models. Franklin rated, the more robust the prediction and the more
et al. (2000) provide a useful geographical per- explanatory power the equation is likely to have.
spective on issues associated with the choice of However, statistical models currently used are
data model for vegetation prediction. static and contain no dynamic elements (Guisan
The term ‘conceptual model’ has been used to and Zimmermann, 2000; Guisan and Theurillat,
include both the ecological model and the data 2000). It is assumed that vegetation is in equili-
model. Separating theory from data availability brium with the environment, or at least a quasi-
and model applicability can ensure debates about equilibrium where change is slow relative to the life
theory are not confused with differences in data span of the biota. This is a central ecological
models. See the papers by Oksanen (1997), Austin assumption of the use of these statistical models at
and Nicholls (1997), Oksanen and Minchin (2002) the present time. O’Connor (2001) has also re-
for a recent example of a debate over theory and cently made this point. There are, therefore, limits
data models concerning the shape of species on the degree of success that can be achieved by
response curves. statistical models using environmental predictors.
Similar difficulties can arise with the statistical This will vary depending on the degree to which
model regarding the error function assumed, history and disturbance are important in the
choice of model whether generalised linear model biome under study. Franklin and colleagues
(GLM), generalised additive model (GAM) or (Franklin et al., 2000; Meentemeyer et al., 2001)
classification and regression tree (CART, Breiman have recently shown the predictive importance of
et al., 1984) and methods of validation. Statistical topographically dependent environmental gradi-
decisions can change the ecological model. Choice ents in the fire-prone California chaparral. Note
of data transformation, e.g. log to stabilise the the recent use of GAM by Fewster et al. (2000) to
variance will change the functional relationship examine the population dynamics of birds and the
from an additive to a multiplicative form. Boyce et use of temporal data by Boyce et al. (2002).
al. (2002) review statistical methods for evaluating Current techniques need not be limited to static,
resource selection functions (RSF) from the per- equilibrium situations but the nature of ecological,
spective of the ecological and data models used. data and statistical models will need to be re-
RSF are defined as any function that is propor- examined.
tional to the probability of use of a resource or Where it is accepted that it is important to
area by an organism. The approach was developed maximise our knowledge of the functional rela-
104 M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118

tionships between plants and environment, current any predictive modelling effort. Most ecological
ecological concepts need to be carefully consid- textbooks (Begon et al., 1990; Giller, 1984; Krebs,
ered. For example, consensus is emerging that the 1994) present the response as a unimodal, sym-
continuum concept is a more appropriate model of metric bell-shaped curve. Austin (1999a) drew
vegetation organisation than that of the plant attention to the lack of evidence for this assump-
community or association and is more suitable tion. Niche theory is based on this assumption and
for spatial prediction (Austin and Smith, 1989; additionally makes several others (Fig. 1):
Franklin, 1995; Guisan and Zimmermann, 2000).
Similarly, it is now well recognised that statistical 1) Both the fundamental and realised niches of a
models provide a description of the realised niche species are bell-shaped symmetric curves.
of a species but can say little about the funda- 2) Competition restricts niche breadth.
mental niche (Austin and Smith, 1989; Austin, 3) Maximum abundance occurs at the optimum
1992; Malanson et al., 1992; Franklin, 1995; for the fundamental niche.
Guisan and Zimmermann, 2000). The statistical 4) Species maxima are equally spaced along the
model may not represent the realised niche. The gradient.
source-sink model (Pulliam, 1988) regards the 5) Species maxima are of equal amplitude.
geographical distribution of a species as composed 6) Collective properties of species, e.g. species
of two areas. The source areas are where popula- richness, dominance or stand abundance show
tion growth is positive. Sink areas are those areas no patterns of response along the gradient.
where population growth is below replacement
and populations are maintained by dispersal from Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg (1974) Fig.
source areas. Hence statistical models may be 12.3, see also Austin (1999a) put forward a more
describing an amalgam of realised niche and sink general theory which relaxes several but not all of
areas. Pulliam (1988) comments that ‘. . . in such the above assumptions. Their theory assumes that
cases, it can be said that the fundamental niche is a superior competitor can displace a species from
smaller than the realised niche.’ Watkinson and the optimum of its fundamental niche. As a
Sutherland (1995) discuss some plant examples, consequence, a species realised niche response
Cakite edentula is given as an example where may take a wide variety of shapes from skewed
reproduction from populations at one position on to bimodal (Fig. 1). There is no general agreement
an environmental gradient maintains sink popula- on species response shape. Many predictive studies
tions at other positions on the gradient (Keddy,
1982; Watkinson, 1985). A more inclusive theore-
tical framework is needed which recognises both
niche and source-sink ideas. Few statistical models
of distribution have considered reproductive suc-
cess though see Heegaard (2001) for an example of
the occurrence of sink populations in an alpine
There is much less consensus regarding other
theoretical concepts in plant ecology than the
continuum concept and their role in spatial

2.1. Biotic components Fig. 1. Three alternative models of species response shape. The
first diagram shows the niche theory model. The second and
third diagrams show possibilities when a superior competitor
Assumptions about the shape of the response of displaces a species from its optimum while the fourth gives
species to an environmental variable (usually details of labels and curves. (Austin and Smith, 1989, with kind
termed an environmental gradient) are central to permission from Kluwer Academic Publishing.)
M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118 105

fail to address this issue when specifying the effect on the types of models needed to predict the
mathematical forms to be used in fitting their distribution of shrubs and herbs in forests.
statistical models. Austin and Smith (1989) tabu-
lated the assumptions adopted by many ecologists 2.2. Environmental components
in their conceptual models of vegetation. Many
failed to specify the shape of species responses, Theoretical discussion of environmental gradi-
changes in total biomass along the gradient or ents does not usually distinguish between types of
species richness. Conceptual models of vegetation gradients (ter Braak, 1985, 1986; Austin and
organisation are incomplete to judge from these Smith, 1989; Guisan and Zimmermann, 2000).
tabulations. This may contribute to why many Two distinct classifications of environmental gra-
models of species distribution fail to test theore- dients have been used, idealised types and distal or
proximal gradients.
tical assumptions (Franklin 1995; Austin, 1999b;
Austin (1980) suggested there were three idea-
Guisan and Zimmermann, 2000; Scott et al.,
lised kinds of gradients. These were direct, re-
source and indirect gradients. Indirect gradients
While the continuum concept of vegetation may
are those where the variable has no physiological
be accepted, little attention has been paid to what
effect on plant growth or competition. Examples
alternative patterns of species distributions might are altitude, latitude or longitude. Their correla-
be compatible with the concept (Austin, 1985). tion with species distribution is due to their
Gleason’s (1926) concept of species having indivi- location-dependent correlation with variables
dualistic distributions along the gradient though such as temperature or rainfall. Direct gradients
influenced by competition is only one possible are those that do have a direct physiological
realisation. Trees, shrubs and herbs may vary influence on growth but are not consumed by the
independently of each other but partition the plants, Examples are temperature and pH. Re-
environmental gradient according to conventional source gradients are based on those variables that
niche theory (Fig. 2). Other more complex possi- are consumed by plants such as light, water and
bilities can be imagined. If the response of shrubs nutrients. These are idealised and not exclusive
and herbs is dependent on the composition of the categories. Water can be a resource gradient under
canopy layer in forest this could have a profound conditions of low availability and an indirect
gradient when it is sufficiently abundant to cause
anaerobic conditions due to waterlogging.
Environmental predictors (gradients) may be
either proximal or distal. Proximal and distal refer
to the position of the predictor in the chain of
processes that link the predictor to its impact on
the plant. The most proximal gradient will be the
causal variable determining the plant response.
For example, available soluble soil phosphate
concentration at the root hair would be a more
proximal resource gradient than total soil phos-
phorus. Indirect gradients are clearly distal vari-
ables. Species distribution models will have only
Fig. 2. Four alternative patterns of vegetation organisation local value either for prediction or understanding
along an environmental gradient. The a and b represent the when using distal variables. Models based on
classical community and continuum models. c Shows the niche proximal resource and direct gradients will be the
theory model with species partitioning the resource while d
shows a possible pattern where trees, shrubs and grasses most robust and widely applicable. They will also
partition the gradient independently. (Austin, 1985, with kind be the least practical in terms of knowing what to
permission from Annual Reviews Inc.) measure or in terms of resources and time to
106 M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118

measure them. It will be very difficult to provide Schluter, 1993; Rosenzweig, 1995). A case can be
GIS coverage for proximal variables. Use of made for more critical use of regression models
proximal variables for predictive mapping of when applied to collective properties of vegetation
species distribution is, therefore, probably imprac- (Austin, 1999b; Pausas and Austin, 2001). Austin
tical. (1999b) comments that quadratic equations have
The expected shape of the species response will been fitted where the authors’ theory indicates that
vary with the nature of the gradient. Response to a hyperbola should be used (Cornell and Karlson,
an indirect gradient could take any shape. The 1997).
shape would depend on the nature of the correla- Guisan and Theurillat (2000) modelled species
tions between the indirect variable and the causal richness using a Poisson GLM. They then com-
gradients (Guisan et al., 1999; Guisan and Zim- pared this pattern with that obtained by accumu-
mermann, 2000; Franklin et al., 2000; Meente- lating predictions from individual species. The
meyer et al., 2001). Guisan and Zimmermann results for current climatic conditions were similar.
(2000) point out that in many cases ‘indirect The patterns differed when different climate
variables usually replace a combination of differ- change scenarios were used with the models.
ent resources and direct gradients in a simple way’. Assumptions about the patterns of response of
This is likely to lead to robust predictive models collective properties are also critical when simu-
only where the causal gradients are linearly lated data are used to assess the performance of
correlated and those gradients are themselves different types of statistical models (Minchin,
linearly correlated with the indirect gradient. 1987; Faith et al., 1987; Palmer, 1993; ter Braak
Gradients of altitude at sub-alpine and alpine et al., 1993; Austin et al., 1995). The relationship
altitudes may show this characteristic. Topo- between patterns of individual species response
graphic position is another indirect factor that curves and response curves of collective properties
may behave in this way, but once the lithology such as species richness remains to be elucidated.
changes, the correlation structure between the
variables will change. Austin and Smith (1989) 2.4. Ecological processes
discuss the expected response shape to direct and
resource gradients. They proposed certain shapes While the equilibrium assumption is essential
but no definitive conclusions have been reached. for static modelling, other assumptions about
ecological processes tend to remain unconsidered
2.3. Collective properties (Guisan and Zimmermann, 2000). Models of
species distribution usually focus on environmen-
When plants grow together, the resulting com- tal predictors. Processes such as dispersal, compe-
munity can be described by certain collective tition, succession, fire and grazing pressure need to
properties such as species richness, dominance be incorporated. Leathwick, in a series of studies
and total biomass. The relationships between these on the distribution of New Zealand forest trees has
properties have attracted considerable theoretical incorporated a number of these features (Leath-
interest (Cornell and Lawton, 1992; Cornell and wick and Mitchell, 1992; Leathwick, 1995, 1998;
Karlson, 1997; Naeem et al., 1994, 1996; Tilman et Leathwick et al., 1996, 1998; Leathwick and
al., 1996, 1997; Partel et al., 1996). Frequently, Austin, 2001). Leathwick and Mitchell (1992)
these studies use only simple regression models modelled the distribution of forest trees, in the
(Austin, 1999b). More complex statistical models central North Island of New Zealand using GLM.
have been used in exploratory analysis of species The region had been disturbed by the large Taupo
richness patterns in relation to environment (Cur- Pumice eruption (130 AD). Depth of the pumice
rie, 1991; Margules et al., 1987; Pausas, 1994; deposits was a significant predictor for several
Austin, et al., 1996). Investigations of global species. The positive correlation of rapidly disper-
patterns of species richness tend to emphasise sing conifers with the deeper deposits close to the
indirect gradients such as latitude (Ricklefs and eruption centre was interpreted as a result of a
M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118 107

dispersal process rather than an environmental species behave differently in relation to environ-
control. All forests close to the eruption centre mental predictors. Leathwick and Austin (2001)
would have been destroyed. The slower dispersing introduced competition from the dominant tree
Nothofagus species would normally dominate such species Nothofagus in modelling the spatial dis-
sites but have yet to reach them. This is an example tribution of the density of these other forest
where spatial autocorrelation should be an intrin- species. Prediction was also improved by making
sic part of the model. Whenever a statistical model the competitive effect of Nothofagus species a
is established with spatial autocorrelation or function of position on the environmental gradi-
autologistic components, one of two assumptions ents (i.e. a term describing interaction between
is being made (Wu and Huffer, 1997; Augustin et Nothofagus density and the environment value was
al., 1996; Gumpertz et al., 1997; Weir and Pettit, used). The GAM results indicate substantial
2000). The model may have been mis-specified and reductions in abundance of other tree species as
an important environmental predictor showing Nothofagus abundance increases. The magnitude
spatial autocorrelation left out of the model. of the reduction varies with position on the
Alternatively, biological processes associated with dominant environmental gradient (Leathwick
species dispersal ability, historical disturbance or and Austin, 2001). Leathwick (2002) examines
dispersal barriers such as mountain ranges may be further the competitive influence of different
responsible. Use of spatial autocorrelation in Nothofagus species.
distribution models without considering the pro- There are difficulties associated with introdu-
cesses responsible can only lead to less than cing competitive terms into habitat modelling. It is
adequate models. Both Gumpertz et al. (1997), difficult to distinguish whether absence and re-
duced abundance is due to competition or is due to
Weir and Pettit (2000) consider covariates but
an unidentified environmental variable. The
their impact on the methodological comparisons
Nothofagus example is exceptional. There is strong
being made is not examined in detail. Augustin et
circumstantial evidence that the Nothofagus spe-
al. (1996) include environmental covariates in their
cies are absent due to historical events. The
study of red deer distribution but admit that herd
probability of competitive interactions between
behaviour should perhaps have been included in
species is much reduced with plot data unless the
the model. The interface between spatial autocor-
species are sufficiently large and abundant for
relation methods and ecological processes needs
them to interact as neighbours. When present the
greater attention.
Nothofagus species are often the natural domi-
Work using GAM by Leathwick (1995, 1998),
nants and are the most abundant species on the
Leathwick et al. (1996, 1998) on the phenomena of
plot. At a plot size of 0.4 ha interactions with other
‘Beech Gaps’ in New Zealand emphasised the need
species are probable. The occurrence of density
to combine ecological knowledge with statistical levels sufficient for interactions to occur will not
modelling. The gaps, which occur on both North be the case with less common species, reducing the
and South Islands, do not correspond with any of value of this approach. Models based on pre-
the environmental factors currently known to sence /absence data are unlikely to detect such
influence tree species distribution in New Zealand phenomena. The potential of simultaneous regres-
(Leathwick, 1998). Nothofagus displacement is sion models for ecology (Brzeziecki, 1987) is likely
thought to have occurred due to major historical to be restricted to very special circumstances for
disturbance events, e.g. glacial advances, volcanic this reason. See discussion below of Austin (1971)
eruptions and plate tectonics (McGlone et al., for an alternative approach to incorporating
1996). Their slow reinvasion is probably due to competition. Biotic processes as distinct from
their limited seed dispersal and obligate ectomy- environmental processes are rare in statistical
corrhizal association (Bayliss, 1980). In the ‘Beech models of species distributions and need greater
Gaps’ where Nothofagus is absent, other tree consideration.
108 M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118

3. Use of ecological theory in plant community regression model y /a/b /x where x is annual
modelling rainfall achieves these outcomes (r2 /0.46). The
number of degrees of freedom is the same and the
How is ecological theory being used in statistical outlier is now incorporated in the model. An
models of plant species distribution? There are a ecological interpretation of the model is that there
number of problems at the interface with statistics is minimum rainfall below which no flowers are
that need to be considered more carefully by the produced. Above this threshold, flowering in-
analyst and perhaps applied more generally in creases with rainfall until a limit is reached above
ecology. which rainfall has little or no effect.
Statisticians will regard the example as an
3.1. Straight line models example of poor data analysis. If examined, the
pattern of deviations in the residuals would have
Regression models fitting straight-line relation- exposed the limitations of the straight line. Yet
ships between plant responses and environmental statisticians when evaluating new approaches such
variables are frequent in the ecological literature. as the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method on real
Statements that curvilinear relationships were data for species distributions do the same. Wu and
tested are usually absent from such cases, even Huffer (1997) model plant species distributions in
though a curvilinear relationship would make Florida with straight-line relationships for climatic
ecological sense. variables using logistic regression. They ascribe the
An example typical of many in the literature pattern of residuals obtained to spatial autocorre-
might concern the number of flowering stems lation in the species data. No mention is made of
produced in a given year as a function of rainfall. probable mis-specification of the model. Three
This example may seem trivial to many ecologists. methods of autologistic regression are then com-
However, many multiple regressions consist solely pared using the same data. Gumpertz et al. (1997)
of straight-line relationships without any concern fit straight-line relationships for the effect of soil
for the ecological rationale of the relationship. variables on spatial pattern of a disease. They
Statistical significance is sufficient. A straight line mention the possibility of other relationships but
was fitted to the data. The relationship was do not pursue them. Weir and Pettit (2000) in
significant with r2 /0.30 (Fig. 3). There is one methodological study of spatial autocorrelation
noticeable and influential outlier. An alternative using the common toad suggest the use of envir-
model, however, exists which is equally parsimo- onmental covariates but only examine linear and
nious, explains more of the variance and is quadratic spatial trend surface models. Latitude
ecologically more rational (Austin 1991). The appears to be the indirect environmental gradient
operating in this data set from Finland at the
northern limits of the distribution of the common
toad. Ecologically the model appears poorly
specified. Temperature might be a more appro-
priate variable. What are the consequences of
potentially mis-specifying the model on the eva-
luation of different statistical methods?
One of the most popular statistical methods in
plant ecology at the present time is canonical
correspondence analysis (CCA, ter Braak, 1986).
The method combines a multivariate ordination of
species occurrence data with a constrained regres-
Fig. 3. An example of straight-line regression where an equally sion maximising the correlation between the spe-
parsimonious and ecologically more rational model is possible. cies ordination axes and selected environmental
(From Austin, 1991, with permission of CSIRO Publishing.) variables. The species are assumed to have unim-
M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118 109

odal responses to the underlying environmental need not be the case. ter Braak (1986, 1987) makes
gradients as specified by the ordination axes. clear that various transformations and scalars can
Current practice is to estimate the underlying be used as the environmental predictors. Spline
gradient as a linear (straight-line) combination of functions can be incorporated (W. Venables pers.
environmental variables. An arbitrary selection of com.). A failure in communication between statis-
17 references from Birks and Austin (1992) ticians and ecologists is occurring.
bibliography of papers using CCA all used linear A detailed review of the impact of straight-line
combinations. Many of the variables would be regressions on ecological interpretation is re-
classified as distal indirect variables, e.g. latitude, quired.
altitude and aspect. A review of papers using CCA
in volumes 10/12 of the Journal of Vegetation
3.2. Assumed ecological theory
Science (1999 /2001) gave 11 that did not mention
the linear basis of the correlation. Twenty out of
Statistical regression models are not normally
the 22 papers do not consider the possibility of
associated with an explicit ecological theory. One
curvilinear relationships or that distal indirect
exception is CCA. ter Braak (1985, 1986) makes
variables may have very different relationships
the ecological assumptions very clear:
with the ordination gradients than direct or
resource variables. Leps et al. (2000) explicitly 1) the species tolerances (niche breadth) are
use interactions between variables in their con- equal;
strained regression. However, they used principal 2) the species maxima (amplitudes) are equal;
components analysis (PCA) rather than CCA 3) the species optima are homogeneously distrib-
because the ordination axes were short as deter- uted along a gradient that is long compared
mined by detrended correspondence analysis with species niche breadth.
(DCA). Brunet et al. (2000) is one of the few
papers reviewed to provide graphical evidence of ‘Homogeneously distributed’ refers to either
the relationship between the correspondence ana- equally spaced optima or optima distributed
lysis (CA) axes and the environmental predictor randomly from an uniform distribution. This
variables. The main predictor was distance from implies a particular species-packing model (ter
the woodland edge; their figure one shows that for Braak, 1986). It is a one-dimensional model.
several sites the relationship between CA axis one Further axes are assumed to be independent of
and distance would be better described by a each other. The model is very similar to the
curvilinear function. Ejrnaes and Bruun (2000) standard niche theory discussed above. The as-
using DCA found reciprocal and quadratic rela- sumptions define symmetric bell-shaped responses
tionships for the DCA axes with pH and max- for the species. The influence of changes in species
imum summer irradiation, respectively. richness along gradients is not addressed; see
There is no ecological reason to expect these Pausas (1994), Austin et al. (1995) for examples
variables to have linear relationships with the of well-defined patterns of species richness along
underlying direct and resource gradients that environmental gradients. Changes in patterns of
determine species patterns. There is no reason to dominance, another collective property of vegeta-
expect that linear combinations of these variables tion, with associated changes in species amplitudes
will provide good estimates of the gradients either. along gradients are not considered. The packing
The model of species response used in CCA is clear model must be considered incomplete ecologically
and theoretically acceptable to a degree, and the in the sense of Austin and Smith (1989).
linkage with environment is explicit. In practice CCA is considered robust to changes in the
the measurement of relevant environmental vari- assumptions (Palmer, 1993; ter Braak, 1987; ter
ables is inadequate. The results will be subject to Braak et al., 1993; ter Braak and Juggins, 1993).
the same failure of interpretation as in the one Palmer (1993) showed that CCA recovers the
variable straight-line example given above. This distribution of vegetation plots in relation to the
110 M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118

true underlying gradients. To do this, the ordina- tempted to test the propositions of Gauch and
tion axes were regressed on predictors consisting Whittaker (1972) about species patterns along
of the true gradients plus random variables. The gradients. He found that positive-skewed unim-
outcome is not surprising; random variables are odal response curves were typical of eucalypt
unlikely to be a match for the original generating forest in southeastern Australia. However, tree
variables. The success of CCA was not examined species richness was found to increase along a
when indirect predictors with complex functional temperature gradient (Austin, 1987). This was in
relationships with causal proximal variables are contrast to Gauch and Whittaker (1972) who
included. Ter Braak and colleagues (ter Braak et thought there was no consistent relationship of
al., 1993; ter Braak and Juggins, 1993) used similar species richness with gradients from a subjective
data generated by the same program COMPAS evaluation of their data. Other theoretical propo-
(Minchin, 1987), to examine the performance of sitions could not he tested due to the confounding
CCA and various statistical procedures ill-adapted effect of the gradient in species richness. Note
to deal with unimodal species responses. CCA was running means were used to describe the species
assessed as being robust to the relaxation of the response curves. Minchin (1989), in a more
assumptions and as being better than the statistical extensive analysis using 100 vascular plant species
alternatives. In neither the work of Palmer nor ter and statistical modelling, tested several hypoth-
Braak were alternative methods better adapted to eses. He found that only 45% of species had
a more complete ecological model of species unimodal, symmetric response curves. The modes
responses such as non-metric multidimensional of the ‘major’ species were randomly distributed
scaling using the Bray /Curtis coefficient (Faith rather than evenly distributed. Other hypotheses
et al., 1987) tested. gave inconsistent results between different struc-
Guisan et al. (1999) provide a comparison of tural (growth form) species groups. Total species
GLM with CCA. The GLM modelling included richness (alpha diversity) had a complex trend
cubic polynomials and interaction terms. The surface pattern in relation to the two complex
authors conclude that the spatial distribution of indirect environmental gradients studied. How-
individual species is better modelled by GLM than ever, each structural group of species had a
CCA. However, CCA may have some advantages response pattern in accord with the hypothesis
for rare species with few positive observations. The that species richness shows a unimodal response
combined use of information from other species in along environmental gradients.
defining the underlying gradient helps to define the Two conclusions in addition to rejection of the
behaviour of the rare species. Ejrnaes (2000) also bell-shaped curve hypothesis can be drawn from
considers that DCA may have some advantages these studies. Changes in species richness along a
over CCA. gradient are inconsistent with assumptions about
The simulated studies (Palmer, 1993; ter Braak uniform distributions of species modes (ter Braak,
et al., 1993) used reasonable vegetation data but 1986). Species richness is a collective property of
the environmental data were unrealistic. The use vegetation, therefore, that needs to be incorpo-
of real data always runs the risk that none of the rated into models (Margules et al., 1987; Huston,
methods compared recovers the full truth. ‘Truth’ 1994; Pausas, 1994; Austin et al., 1996; Pausas and
in real data sets must always remain uncertain Austin, 2001). Secondly, an adequate model of
(Austin et al., 1995). In any research some community variation along environmental gradi-
assumptions must be taken as given but should ents must take into account differences in response
be questioned as soon as possible. patterns between species groups with different
growth forms (Minchin, 1989).
3.3. Ecological theory tested Recently, others with more powerful statistical
models have tested hypotheses about species
Relatively few papers have attempted to test response curves and the appropriateness of the
existing vegetation theory. Austin (1987) at- CCA model. Bio et al. (1998) tested the species
M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118 111

response shapes of 156 species in relation to six onmental gradients using GLM, GAM or CART
environmental variables using GAM. Twenty- to describe the individual responses have not been
three percent of the 156 models contained exclu- made. Species packing models have been neglected
sively sigmoid (linear) and Gaussian response in hypothesis testing so far. One exception is the
curves. (Note linear responses arise when species work of Austin et al. (1994), Austin and Gaywood
distributions extend beyond the extremities of the (1994), Austin (1999b). It was hypothesised that
gradient sampled.) The remaining 77% of models species responses along an environmental gradient
had at least one response function that was would have a skewed shape with tails towards the
smooth and more complex. Ejrnaes (2000) exam- mesic central portion of the gradient and modes
ined also with GAM, the response functions of 146 with steep declines towards the extremes of the
species in relation to a single pH gradient. He gradient. The process basis of this was that species
found 20% of species with symmetric unimodal limits towards the extremes were determined by
curves. In addition, Ejrnaes (2000) compared the physiological tolerances while internal limits were
performance of modelling with environmental determined by competition (Austin, 1990). This
predictors as opposed to using DCA axes as was confirmed by GLM models applied to eu-
predictors. He avoided circularity by deriving calypt species in forests of southeastern Australia
DCA ordinations minus the species being mod- (Austin et al., 1994; Austin and Gaywood, 1994).
elled. Twenty-two species were modelled. Better The generality of the result requires testing.
predictive models were obtained with DCA axes Eucalypt forests in Australia are a unique vegeta-
for 19 of the species. The conclusion is drawn that tion type. All the canopy species belong to one
the species are responding to the same fundamen- genus (sensu lato ). Although several environmen-
tal environmental gradients. One may conclude tal predictors were used in the successful models,
other species are better estimators of the gradients the pattern was only found for the temperature
than an arbitrary selection of environmental vari- gradient. The pattern applied to species with
ables. Ejrnaes (2000) suggests that this may be a temperature optima within the range studied, i.e.
more important effect than deviations from the temperate species; those species with optima at
symmetric unimodal response (Austin and Gay- higher temperature were not included, i.e. sub-
wood, 1994). Vayssieres et al. (2000) also examined tropical species with truncated responses in the
the shape of species responses during a compar- region.
ison of GLM and CART methods using three Oak This work has led to controversy. This con-
species. Two of the three species were fitted with cerned the estimation of the coefficients of the b-
models including cubic polynomials and interac- function ((x/a )a , (b/x )g ) when it is used to fit
tion terms. species response curves, particularly the depen-
Guisan et al. (1999) in a comparison of GLM dence of the a and g values on a and b values
and CCA found polynomials and interaction (Oksanen, 1997). Austin and Nicholls (1997)
terms were useful in modelling species distribu- responded demonstrating that the results de-
tions. They concluded that GLM gave better pended critically on how data limits (i.e. a and b
models for individual species but that CCA had values) were set for modelling individual species.
some positive features. All the studies agree that Oksanen and Minchin (2002) have now examined
symmetric unimodal responses are rare and a wider range of possible models for the shape of
skewed curves predominate. More detailed com- species response curves. A significant issue re-
parison is difficult because no two studies have mains. Should species whose response curves are
used the same approach or similar types of clearly truncated, i.e. their range extends beyond
vegetation data. Ejrnaes (2000) and Guisan et al. the limits of the gradient sampled, be used in
(1999) agree that CCA types of constrained theoretical studies of response shape? There is then
regression have advantages but there is no con- no data on which to base an estimate of the species
sensus (Austin et al., 1994; Bio et al., 1998). limit. Failure to have an agreed data model is
Detailed analyses of species patterns along envir- confusing tests of theory.
112 M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118

Progress in testing hypotheses concerning vege- while proximal variables assumed more impor-
tation patterns has been slow. Progress in statis- tance as predictors under more optimal conditions
tical methods, remote-sensing and GIS has for the species. The regression models and the
outstripped that in ecological theory (Franklin et importance of competition effects varied with
al., 2000). Even when the purpose is prediction, a plant community the species was occurring in.
better synthesis of theory will inform modelling Initial regression modelling of the stem density per
and less biased predictions will result. A systematic plot of Eucalyptus roysii in relation to simple
approach to testing the ecological theories implicit indirect environmental predictors yielded negligi-
in many of the current predictive modelling ble results (Fig. 4). Inclusion of curvilinear func-
approaches is needed. tions made little difference. A series of strategies
were then introduced into the regression-building
process based on ecological ideas. The data were
4. Role of descriptive analytical ecology stratified into different plant communities based
on a numerical classification of the 261 sites using
Since a comprehensive theory of vegetation will 352 species. E. rossii occurred in only four of the
not result from correlative studies of vegetation/ eight communities recognised. Limits were set on
environment relationships alone, what role is there the data to exclude those sites clearly beyond the
for such descriptive studies? Any mechanistic realised niche of the species (mean annual rain-
process model of ecosystem dynamics should be fall /810 mm and altitude above 1100 m). More
consistent with a static, quantitative and rigorous proximal and direct variables were estimated from
description of the same ecosystem. Statistical the available environmental variables. A solar
habitat models offer a means of achieving that radiation index was calculated from slope, aspect
description. Discrepancies between process model and latitude, termed a derived variable in Fig. 4.
and statistical model will demonstrate our lack of Moisture stress indices were estimated from these
knowledge and may also indicate the way forward. derived variables using a water balance model. The
Before progress can be made we must recognise most abundant eucalypt species in each commu-
current limitations. nity were then added to the regression models as
There are too few studies to evaluate how best potential competition variables. Finally, as the
to measure either the vegetation or the environ- variance was found to be increasing with the mean,
mental determinants of vegetation (Guisan, 2002; a weighted regression procedure was introduced.
Guisan and Harrell, 2000; Guisan and Zimmer- The increase in ecological realism increased the
mann, 2000; Franklin et al., 2000). We know little predictive success of the models, at least in terms
about the relative importance of different environ- of the adjusted r2 (Fig. 4, Austin, 1979). The
mental and biotic variables in different biomes importance of different steps varied with the
(Meentemeyer et al., 2001). Austin and Smith community. An ecological interpretation was also
(1989) summarised the incompleteness of many possible for the models obtained for the individual
conceptual frameworks for plant community ecol- communities. The model for the western dry
ogy. There has been little progress in theoretical sclerophyll forest dominated by E. rossii , con-
plant community ecology since, which is relevant tained curvilinear terms for various components of
to predicting the realised niche of a species (Austin the water balance (Austin, 1971). These included
and Gaywood, 1994; Austin, 1999a,b; Guisan and moisture stress for the main drought period,
Zimmermann, 2000). available soil moisture and mean annual rainfall.
A regression study (Austin, 1971) provided No competition terms were significant. The model
some insight into the relationships between distal for the eastern dry sclerophyll forest where E.
and proximal variables, indirect and direct gradi- rossii was a subordinate species, contained com-
ents and plant competition when re-examined petition terms for two eucalypt species. Other
(Austin, 1979). Distal variables were shown to be terms were moisture stress index plus simple linear
important near the limits of a species distribution terms for rainfall, pH and solar radiation index.
M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118 113

Fig. 4. Relative success of exploratory regression analysis predicting E. rossii stem density in dry sclerophyll forest in south-eastern
Australia. Success as measured by r2 increases after stratification and with increasingly relevant ecological and statistical models.
(Redrawn from Austin, 1979, with permission of International Co-operative Publishing company.)

Distal variables such as rainfall are likely to be the 5. Conclusion

limiting factor in any water balance model when a
species is at the limits of its distribution. It is under There is an intimate relationship between theory
these same conditions that competition from other and method. In plant community ecology that
species is most likely to have an influence. The relationship is often neglected, as it is in other
models are consistent with ecological expectations branches of ecology (Austin, 1999a,b; Scott et al.,
(Austin, 1971). The importance of distal and 2002). When vegetation studies are interfaced with
proximal variables varies with the ecological con- statistics, the problems of the relationship of
text. Where gradients are steep and environments theory and methodology in two distinct disciplines
are extreme, simple distal variables will be as have to be integrated.
The studies reviewed here reveal two areas
successful in modelling as environmental process
where ecological theory is inadequate and methods
based models such as moisture stress. Where
suspect. These are patterns of species composition
environment is changing slowly and a species is
and estimation of environmental predictors.
occupying its optimal realised niche, then proximal
variables will be more successful predictors. The
5.1. Patterns of vegetation composition
success of different habitat modelling strategies
will be context-sensitive. A similar exercise on the There is no synthesis of theories regarding the
same data set with a different species, E. manni- expected pattern of vegetation composition in
fera , but using GLM, gave similar results (Austin relation to environment (Gauch and Whittaker,
and Cunningham, 1981). A similar modelling 1972; Grime, 1979; Austin and Smith, 1989;
strategy needs to be tested on data sets from Keddy, 1989; Huston, 1994). The collective prop-
different biomes. erty, species richness is accorded great importance
114 M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118

in experimental plant community ecology (Naeem mann, 2000; Iverson and Pasad, 1998; Franklin et
et al., 1996; Tilman et al., 1996; Austin, 1999b). al., 2002; Cawsey et al., 2002), and to use either
Yet its impact on vegetation analysis methods such presence /absence data or cover/abundance values.
as CCA remains to be examined. Clear patterns of Guisan and Harrell (2000) indicate that better
response to environmental gradients at a regional statistical models (ordinal regression) are required
scale have been demonstrated (Margules et al., for use with cover/abundance data. Preferred
1987; Minchin, 1989; Pausas, 1994; Austin et al., statistical models at present are GAM (Yee and
1996; Leathwick et al., 1998). These patterns do Mitchell, 1991; Leathwick, 1995), or CART
not relate in any simple fashion to individual (Franklin, 1998). Use of these methods to define
species responses, though patterns of richness do the functions to be incorporated into a parametric
depend on growth form types (Minchin, 1989). GLM needs to be considered. GAM may produce
a complex function where an equivalent para-
5.2. Estimation of environmental predictors metric function may capture most of the same
variation and have a more reasonable ecological
The second area is in the development of explanation. CART by its nature must produce
measures for environmental predictors and the discontinuities when a continuous function may be
extent to which knowledge of environmental more realistic. Best practice may be to analyse data
process models should be incorporated (Austin, with both GAM and CART using the results to
1979; Guisan and Zimmermann, 2000; Franklin et construct as far as possible a GLM with ecologi-
al., 2000). The studies of Austin (1971, 1979), cally rational functions. It is clear, however, that
Austin and Cunningham (1981), Leathwick (1995, best practice will need to incorporate spatial
1998), Leathwick et al. (1996, 1998), Leathwick autocorrelation (Leathwick, 1998 for example)
and Austin (2001) suggest that process models and probably by means of an autologistic approach
even variables for competition from other species (Augustin et al., 1996). Closer collaboration with
have a role to play in static statistical models. The statisticians is likely to see many new methods
circumstances when they should be used and the being examined (T. Hastie pers. com.). There are
strategy for introducing such variables into the further complications from an ecological theory
modelling procedure remain uncertain. Statistical viewpoint that need to be examined in future. The
theory and methods for spatial autocorrelation role of ecotypic variation within a species influen-
and regression smoothing will have a big impact in cing species response curves remains to be exam-
how we address the ecological issues. The relative ined. The modelling of species reproductive
neglect of interaction terms in recent vegetation potential in response to environment is in its
modelling is a current limitation to progressing infancy (Heegaard, 2001). The inconsistency be-
beyond a one-dimensional theory of vegetation tween the realised niche and source-sink concepts
composition. The apparent power of CART of species distributions (Pulliam, 1988; Heegaard,
techniques (Austin et al., 1995; O’Connor et al., 2001) has to be resolved for plants. The upper and
1996; Iverson and Pasad, 1998; Franklin, 1998) to lower limits in relation to temperature will not be
detect interactions is only one example of the need determined by the same proximal variables so
for new strategies for predictive habitat modelling species statistical response models are unlikely to
if they are to address ecological theory as well as have simple unimodal functions. The estimation of
predicting species distributions for immediate spatial autocorrelation effects may help in detect-
practical conservation purposes. ing this phenomenon and other biotic processes
influencing distributions. It remains to be seen to
5.3. Data model and statistical methods what extent vegetation is in equilibrium with
environment and the implications of this for static
Current practice with respect to the data model analysis. Analytical description of species distribu-
is to emphasise the use of stratified sampling tions and the collective properties of vegetation
(Austin and Heyligers, 1989; Guisan and Zimmer- can address these issues. Ultimately, theory, phy-
M.P. Austin / Ecological Modelling 157 (2002) 101 /118 115

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