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Saint Francis

Blake Over
Table of Contents

 Philosophy of Classroom Management

 Behavioral Expectations

 9th Grade Check off

 Classroom Motto

 Classroom Arrangement

 Classroom Rules

 Hierarchy of Consequences

 Motivational Strategies

 Management Procedures and Routines

 Instructional Planning
Philosophy of Classroom Management

I believe that students can not control how they learn best. Some students learn by
doing, some by seeing, and some by reading. For this reason, I think that it is
necessary to differentiate instruction. By differentiating instruction, a teacher can
hit every students’ best way to learn, ensuring that the student is learning to their
fullest potential. Along with allowing students to participate in activities that they
learn best while doing, differentiating instruction also will also help to keep
students focused in class. With increase in focus, there should be less confusion
and more engagement, which will result in less classroom disruption and

Differentiating instruction can have an impact on classroom behavior, but there are
so many more ways to even further control classroom behavior. I feel as
classroom should be taught early and often. This means that I feel it is important
to teach the students the rules and what is expected of them on the first day and
then remind them often throughout the year. When coming up with the classroom
rules, I believe it is important to allow the students to have a voice and a choice. I
want the students to help come up with the rules by voting and suggesting in a
group discussion. I think that the teacher should have the ultimate say, but I feel
like giving the students a voice will also help the relationship between student in

The relationship between student and teacher may be the most important concept
in the classroom. A teacher should be respected by the students, but that respect
needs to be earned. A teacher must also be trusted by the student, but that also
must be earned. I positive relationship will allow students to feel more relaxed and
less nervous, more willing to learn and less difficult. This will allow for more
learning and less wasted class time. Even simple gestures like simply greeting
your students and asking them how they are doing will go a long way into building
these relationships.
Behavioral Expectations

Poor behavior is something that simply will not be tolerated in my classroom. This
statement may come off as harsh, but constant classroom interruptions will hinder
the learning experience for every single student in the classroom. All students will
be held accountable for their actions. That being said, I expect students to
responsibly own up to their poor behavior in instances that it occurs. Students are
expected to be on their best behavior to ensure a great learning environment.

Good behavior includes being prepared, being organized, being good listeners,
being quiet when someone is talking, participating in discussion when it is taking
place, and following the classroom rules. A lot is expected out of my students, but
I fully believe that everyone can get behind my classroom rules. I also understand
that mistakes occur, and I will not use harsh punishments, but instead will use a
hierarchy of consequences so that the appropriate punishments are received.

Students are also expected to treat everyone in the classroom kindly. Bullying will
not be tolerated. I understand that students have so many different interests and
personalities, so I will do my best to ensure that each one feels safe and confident
in the classroom. Therefore, I expect everyone else to do the same. Students are
expected to respect me just as I expect myself to respect them. If each student can
treat everyone with respect, in my classroom, there should not be many problems
in the classroom.
Pre-School Check off
___1. Introduction to faculty and staff

___2. Familiarize myself with the building.

___3. Familiarize myself with the building procedures.

___ Fire drills

___ Assemblies

___ School online strategies (email, canvas, blackboard, etc)

___ Technology Policies

___ Active shooter drills

___ Inclement weather drills

___4. Review the curriculum

___5. Review class schedules

___6. Review IEPs

___7. Review available data on students

___8. Determine the classroom rules and procedures (rough / allow students to


___9. Determine grading procedures

___10. Create unit plans

___11. Create lesson plans

___12. Prepare and organize classroom

___13. Create an introduction letter and send it out (attached)

Dear Parents and Guardians,

My name is Blake Over, and I will be student teaching with Mr. Tinker for
the first couple months of the school year. I will be doing so until early
December. Over the next 12 weeks I will be gaining responsibilities until I
am basically functioning as the lead teacher. I am really looking forward to
this great opportunity to pursue my future career and help your child learn
more about the wonderful and interesting world of biology. I hope to
develop positive relationships with all of my students and ensure that they
feel safe, comfortable, and happy in the classroom.

Allow me to further introduce myself. I grew up in Roaring Spring, PA, and I

went to Northern Bedford High School before continuing my education at
Saint Francis, where I will eventually have a degree in biology with a focus
in secondary education. At Saint Francis I was part of the track and field
team. I am very involved in the community and have experience coaching
football for children from 2nd grade to 6th grade. I am excited to see how
that will transition into teaching 9th graders!

I am excited to be part of your child's educational development and

experience. My goal is to put my best effort into making sure that your
child can succeed and learn to their highest potential. I am very grateful for
this opportunity and it will not be wasted. If you have any questions email
me at


Blake Over
Classroom Motto
This motto is all about overcoming adversity. Basically, you can have everything
going against you, but if you put your head down and push through it, you’ll not
only get through it, but instead conquer it.

Lab bench / desk



Teachers Desk
Classroom Rules

1. Be prepared to class.

2. Be on time for class.

3. Do not talk while others are talking.

3. Raise your hand before answer a question.

4. Stay at your desks and do not mingle at other desks (social distancing)

5. No cell phones

6. Do not get on laptops unless instructed

7. Laptops are to be used for note taking and assignments only.

8. Do not pack up when the minute bell rings, wait to be dismissed

Hierarchy of Consequences

Tier 1 – Mild Consequence:

 Used daily to make sure that students are behaving appropriately.
Standing behind a student, calling on students, using stern body
language, making eye contact with students, and acknowledging
someone who is behaving properly are forms of mild consequences.
Whole class reminders may also be used.
Tier 2 – Moderate Consequence
 Used when behaviors continue occurring despite receiving mild
consequences multiple times. Moderate consequences include
redirecting students, rearranging seating chart, loss of reward. These
consequences will enforce expected behavior
Tier 3 – Moderate/Severe Consequences
 Used when behaviors continue happening despite receiving mild and
moderate consequences. Moderate/Severe consequences consist of
one on one meetings between student and teacher where a behavior
contract will be constructed as well as the contacting of a parent.
Tier 4 – Severe Consequences
 Used when nothing else seems to work and all other modes of
consequence has been exhausted. Severe consequences consist of
sending student to the office, a meeting that will involve the principle,
student, parents, and teacher. A behavior plan will also be
Motivational Strategies

1.) Praise: Do not let a student’s hard work go unnoticed. Let a student know
when they are doing a good job. If students hear praise they are more likely
to repeat that behavior that got noticed. Other students may also hear the
praise and follow the praised student in hop of also being praised.

2.) Goal Setting: If students set goals at the beginning of the year they will
work hard to reach them. A student without goals is a student who is not
motivated. Therefore, goal setting is a critical motivational strategy. At the
beginning of the year have students write down 3 goals that they have for the
class. This way they will have something to shoot for and work hard for.

3.) Rewards: If students do what they are supposed to and act how they are
expected, do not be afraid to give reward. Example of rewards include 5
minutes of free time at the end of class, no homework for the night, etc. If
students are rewarded for good work, then students will be more likely to
complete good work.

4.) Excitement: A little bit of excitement can go a long way in the classroom.
Being excited about what you are instructing can help students also be
excited. If they see that you are excited, they will be more likely to be
intrigued by the topic as well.
Management Procedures and Routines

Room Use Procedures

The teacher’s desk and teacher’s storage areas are off limits and should not be touched.
Nothing should be taken from these locations unless the student first asks or is asked by the
teacher. Student desks are to be kept tidy. The only books on the desk should be whatever the
class is working on that day. All other books should be placed under the desk. The bookshelves
used by all students should also be left alone unless asked to get something. Backpacks and
sports bags can be placed on top of the storage shelves upon arriving to class if students with to
put them there. Students do not have to ask to sharpen their pencil or throw something away. If
a student wishes to do either thing, then he or she must do so quietly and respectfully though.
The computer is off limits unless it is being used for school work. In order to use it, a student
must get the teacher’s permission.

Transition in and out of the Classroom

Students reporting for homeroom will be able to converse and move around the room as
they please in the morning until the bell rings. Once the bell rings, however they should report to
their assigned seats for roll call. When leaving the room students should wait to pack up all
material until the bell rings. Once the bell rings, the students may leave. Students arriving in the
room for the next class should find their seats right away and begin working on the bellringer.
Each class will start with a bellringer, so students will have something to do right away and will
not be permitted to stand in talk. At the end of the day, students who left their sports bags on the
shelves can come in and grab their bags before leaving for home or practice. All other students
are permitted to leave as soon as the bell rings. No running is allowed. This is monitored all
day, but specifically at the end of the day because kids are excited to get home.

Procedures for Whole Class Activities and Instruction and Seatwork

Students will be required to participate. A student can participate by raising his or her
hand and asking a question, answering a question, or volunteering to read or perform another
task. Students are not permitted to talk unless they raise their hands. If a student is talking, no
one else is permitted to talk and should be respectful of their peers. Talking is encouraged
during lecture, but only during designated times. For example, a lot of think, pair, shares will be
completed. During these times student discussion is very encouraged. Students should not talk,
however, when the teacher is talking. Assignments will be given just about every single day.
Usually students will have time to get them done in class, but whatever is still not finished is
usually assigned as homework. All work is collected and checked before the next day. This way
the students have quick feedback while the material is still fresh. In order to turn in an
assignment, a student will have to place the worksheet, paper, etc into their designed bin on the
shelf. The assignments will be passed back the next day and will be gone over together as a
class. If a student is not understanding something and wants further help, the student is
encouraged to ask questions. If the material is still not understood the student is encouraged to
ask the teacher when a good time would be to meet and then meet with the teacher during that

Instructional Planning

1. Templates will be used in order to complete unit plans and lesson plans.
These plans will be used to plan instruction.

2. Include carious types of lessons. Ensure that all learning types are being hit
by varying reading, modeling, and experimental lessons. Each student
learns differently, so by executing different types of lessons, there will be
more opportunities for each student to learn in their desired way.

3. Group work is usually important, but with social distancing working in

groups will be harder. Therefore, group discussions will be implemented
into google classroom in order to ensure communication between students.

4. Technology and resources will be implemented into lesson plans.

Technology is very important right now since students are going back and
forth between home and school during the hybrid schedule. Therefore
google classroom will be used heavily.

5. Student diversity is the last thing to think about when planning instruction.
It is important to think about students’ interests and needs to ensure proper

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