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Q1 Ans) MacDonald’s is a fast food chain and company which was founded in America.
This company was founded in the year 1940 its first restaurant was in San Bernardino a city
in the American state of California. Today McDonald’s is present in 120 plus countries and
the fact is they are doing well in all the countries. It comes in the list of most valuable
companies in the world as it is the world’s largest restaurant chain by revenue, it is present in
37,885 location worldwide and serves 69 million people daily all over the world. There main
product range is burgers and fries but the also serve chicken, soft drinks, milkshake, salads,
coffee, wraps and desserts. When McDonald’s started giving franchises it was the turning
point for them the they grew up stronger and spread over all the countries and becomes the
second largest employer of the world.
The first fact that substantiate the brand’s presence around the world is McDonald’s is the
world largest fast food chain to being the world largest fast food chain you need to work out
from your home country it is next to impossible to be the worlds largest fast food chain and
working only in the home country, MacDonald’s have 37,885 restaurants in more than 100
cities and it is there in every continent where human races lives permanently.
The second fact the substantiate the brand presence is it is the second largest employer in the
world it has 1.7 million employees in the year 2018 which is only behind Walmart’s 2.3
million employees. McDonalds employee more than 5000 people in India and have more that
170 outlets in India, it has outlets in every major city in India like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata,
Chennai etc. MacDonald’s employees more than 31,000 employees in the US where it was
born it is said in the facts that a MacDonald’s restaurant is never more than 115 miles away
from any corner of America.
The third fact is America is not the biggest market for MacDonald’s where it was born its
biggest market is Europe where it is present in all the countries. McDonald's is an American
picture; in any case the U.S. is not its most imperative market. That affirmation tumbles to
Europe, which gives McDonald's its most noteworthy bit of pay, at 40 percent of 2014 game
plans. The U.S. given 32 percent of rigid game plans. European game plans are enduring
moreover, in any case. Same-store deals declined 0.6 percent a year earlier, hurt by lower pay
from Germany and Russia, as appeared by the affiliation's yearly report. To restore deals in
Europe, McDonald's invigorated the total of its bistro interior parts in the district,
comparatively as a bigger part of outside customer going up against outsides. It is like way
included new menu things and new McCafe outlets.
These facts show the presence of MacDonald’s in various country as well as it also shows
that MacDonald’s not only present in these many countries, but they are also successful there.
Q2 Ans) As we know that MacDonald’s is one of the biggest countries in world and
successful in every country where they had spread their legs. They are in every continent of
this world except Antarctica as human rase does not exist there. There are many MNC who
work in more than one country, but they don’t get success in all the countries for example
you can say Chevrolet a car manufacturer in doing well in the United States but it has left the
India market in the year 2018 because of facing continuous losses this losses are due to
companies continuous decrease in sale, It faces continuous decrease in sale due to not
understanding the preference of the Indian buyer and how to market their product according
to the Indian preference. So it shows that if a company want’s to work in different country
they have to understand the preference of the people of the country which means the taste of
the people, budget of the people and there culture. MacDonald’s is a restaurant chain and
food preference is the most diverse thing in the world every country have its own taste and
have different taste preference and country like India which is so diverse that the taste
preference varies from state to state. Every country also have their financial background like
Luxembourg have the highest per capita income and India being a developing economy and
also suffering from poverty had low per capita income so the companies working in different
localities of the world have to look upon the financial status of the targeted people who they
want to serve in a particular country. The companies also have to study the culture of the
people who lives in that country like McDonalds had understand in India despite few India
states like West Bengal, Kerala, Assam have made it legal to consume beef though
MacDonald’s doesn’t introduced there beef burgers in those states to respect the Hindu belief.
There is another example oh Hindustan Unilever which had put Hindustan before the original
company name to give respect the Indian people and create value of there value of there
products in the mind of Indians. Sensitivity to culture is crucial to success in international
markets and by adopting this MacDonald’s also achieved great hights, these sensitivities of
culture that MacDonald’s adopted in different continent are explained below.

India(Asia)- India is the second largest population in the world with more than a billion
people and it also has the highest vegetarian population in the world and most of the people
who are non-vegetarian they prefer chicken and fish very less population who are non-
vegetarian in India consume beef and pork as beef is also banned in the major parts of India
and consuming it is a punishable offence. Due to such a large population of vegetarians first
time MacDonald’s introduced vegetarian products. India has an unfathomably monstrous
customer base and McDonald's better than average its menu to consider neighborhood
individuals' propensities and tendencies. Cheeseburger is displaced with chicken. The
Maharaja Mac is the local kind of the standard Big Mac. To consider vegetarian customers,
McDonald's in India offers Masala Grilled Veggie Burger, McAllo Tikki and McVeggie. In
2013, the association opened its first veggie dear bistro to consider the close to vegetarian
clients. One of McDonald's India's features is the McCurry Pan, a warmed menu thing with
curried vegetables.

Germany & Switzerland (Europe)- Germany is one of the largest consumer of beer they
love to have beer with their food or while consuming there meal it’s the first time when
MacDonald’s introduced beer in there outlets for German people Since Germans love to eat
meat, its burgers join Nürnberger wieners with cheeseburger. Additionally, Germans love
their brew with food, so McDonald's outlets in Germany moreover serve blend. The
McRaclette is basically served in McDonald's outlets in Switzerland. It is a cheeseburger
sandwich with raclette cheddar, uncommon raclette sauce, onions and gherkin pickles.
Raclette is a semi-hard cheddar that is usually organized into a wheel of around 6 kg. The
Alpine cow like milk based dairy thing is most typically utilized for liquefying, anyway on
the other hand is eaten up as a cut. Raclette in addition is a Swiss dish, moreover incredibly
remarkable in Savoie, thinking about warming the cheddar and scratching off the dissolved

Australia- Burgers have been inside thing while at the same time being a Service Oriented
Business regard included relationship, for instance, Sales Support, Billing Services, Customer
Care, Pleasant Experience, Freshness of the food, Taste, Service Delivery Quality and
significantly more centers are in like manner thought of. As referenced before McDonald's
limit or get the Products to arrange the close by advance needs. In Australia, McDonald, uses
another cup size for drinks, a gigantic pack size for French Fries and has introduced splendid
family Combos as McBox (Dixon, Niven, Scully, and Wakefield, 2017). Additionally, the
burst is improved in food in Australia showed up contrastingly comparing to the US to
support the necessities of the market.

Q3 Ans) There are times when brands also faced protest in countries some to these brands are
as follows:
 Nestle maggi noodles- A dearest brand of second noodles that has been a staple in
India for over three decades is in a soup now. Following seven days of contention
over extraordinary lead and monosodium glutamate in bundles of Maggi "2-minute
noodles," the Delhi government on prohibited the brand for 15 days and asked the
Swiss producer Nestle to expel the thing from stores. Two or three other Indian states
moreover have sent Maggi tests for testing. Retailers took the noodles off their racks,
and the Indian prepared force referenced its cafeteria to quit serving Maggi. TV news
stations demonstrated pictures of adolescents flinging the noodles on the ground and
trampling them in fight. Delhi's thriving clergyman, Satyender Kumar Jain, said that
the administering body will record an argument against Nestle India, charging it hurt
neighborhood food laws. the relationship in the northern space of Uttar Pradesh asked
Nestle India to outline a social event of Maggi noodles after it found an enormous
measure of harming fixings in packs made in February 2014. Settle said on its Web
site page that it has tried models from in every practical sense 1,000 packs at its
appraisal arrange and that the results show that the lead levels were "inside the cutoff
places compelled by food rules.Such lurch over food things is uncommon in India,
where open requirements for certifiable sanitation rules are low. News about burden
and destruction achieved by food defilement from wedding having encounters and
school lunch programs is standard here. People detachedly flood roadside bistros
sorted out near waste dumps and serve food familiar with flies and cooked by men
who don't wear gloves. India doesn't have a strong buyer confirmation law and an
instrument for food audit.
 Zoom App- Zoom app is a very popular app used for video conferencing it is an
American company, but its servers are in China. Through this app many high-profile
meetings were conducted even Indian defence minister Rajnath Singh used this app
for a high-level conference but there were several cyber-attacks on this app, and it
was due to their servers in China. While Zoom has gotten an astonishing response
over the world amidst the lockdown when people are on a fundamental level ward
upon video calling relationship to interface with their loved ones, there encounters
been some trouble for the phase also. The relationship of India beginning late
referenced every tenant from the country to stop using the Zoom video gathering
stage as it breaks insurance. The Supreme Court has now "searched for response from
the Center on a business which has examined for a repudiation on the use of video
correspondences application Zoom for authentic additionally as valuable purposes
until fitting approving is set up.

 Snapchat- Snapchat is a social media app and a very popular app all over the world it
has more than 1 billion downloads and it also has a very big customer base in India
but three years back some thing happened and snapchat faces a big issue in India. This
issue arises when a snapchat former employee  Anthony Pompliano said in a
interview with a American news channel that snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel had said
that snapchat is only for the rich people and we don’t have any plan to invest more in
poor countries like Spain and India. As we all know that most of us love our country it
hurts when someone says you poor. The Indian citizen gets so offended by this they
started uninstalling the app and deleting their id’s they are also degrading snapchat
rating on the app store and google play store. There was a point of time when
snapchat rating dropped to 1 star which was more than 4 star before after seeing all
this snapchat came into action they told the Indian people that there CEO had never
said this and they also filed a lawsuit against there former employee Anthony
Pompliano for damaging snapchat reputation.

As pompliano was hired by Facebook and it’s the biggest rival of snapchat and also
copied there features like stories and filters it is said that this comment was done to
destroy the image of snapchat so that more people use Facebook and get use to there
same looking features like snapchat. Pompliano also made other allegations like
snapchat is not using the people’s data in right way and those data is not secure all
these things were also mentioned in the lawsuit.

Q4 Ans) To deal with the scenarios discussed in Q 3 the company should give their
attention to establish customer relationship by telling them there value and making
them feel special so that they would be loyal for the company and if they get some
new regarding the wrongs of the company them check it on their end. Snapchat had
also taken a good step by filing a lawsuit against the former employee for damaging
snapchat reputation due to this action people will think of doing such things. The best
way to gain the customer satisfaction on social site is social media marketing it will
also save the cost of the company and can also advertise a large population and it will
be easier for a company like snapchat to do social media marketing.

In the case of zoom app, the company should make their servers stronger and more
protected so that they can handle cyber-attacks and advertise the people about the
safety feature of zoom. In todays world people are very concern about the privacy and
it is the company’s duty that their data remain secure. Company can hire ethical
hackers who can tell about the security issues the app is facing by the help of which
the company can solve the problem.

In Maggi case there should be continuous testing of the product and the report should
be made public to gain trust of the customers. The company should launch health-
based products so that the consumer feel that the company is concern about there
health. They can promote the company concern to people health through green
marketing. By this tool the people can get convinced that the company cares about the
nature so it will parallelly improve our health.

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