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This article started talking about that the training professionals try to develop skills and give
knowledge two their trainee, but they ignore the personality development aspect. No one is
perfect in this world everyone has its strength and weaknesses so it talks about when a person
have difficulty or weakness in doing some work it is hard to define that it is skill issue or a
personality issue. If the trainer have to observe someone’s behaviour then they faeces
difficulty because it is hard to know that what they are looking knowledge, skills, personality,
attitude or motivation all these five things are very important for human development but the
trainer need to find out what are they really observing.
This article tried to differentiate personality and sill with a very good example which lets that
a former hockey player who is now a involved in business he likes to stay alone as he always
want to seat in a empty row in the class room and he does not smile and always say quite but
when he was asked to present in the class room he surprised all of them by interacting with
every one with a smile giving answers to the questions asked in a very energetic way. When
we was asked how he did it he answered he is motivated to achieve the result he wanted and
if he have to master the skill for that he would have mastered it as he as he was motivated by
a different personality trait.
This article ask a question that will the people change there personality to get a different
outcome further it says that if the person want a different outcome and want to change there
personality they will change it this is called self-management. Changing personality is a very
difficult process as a person personality is developed in very early stage of his life but it is not
impossible to make changes in the personality if takes lots of energy, regulate feeling and
expressions to fulfil the requirements of the job and keeping a side your natural approach.
The most important thing required to change the personality is they must be motivated to
change their personality and work towards it.
There is person who are fast learners and there is person who are slow learners, so the article
says that the person who personality type grabs the skills taught quickly. It also suggests the
designing and training program which promotes behaviour changes.

Personality is developed in a very early stage in a life of a human and everyone personality is
different from other and every personality is not suitable for every job. It is difficult to
change the personality of a person unless one himself do not want to change it. Today
companies focus more on skill development and knowledge and ignore the personality
development aspect ignoring the fact that even if the skills are developed and the work is not
suitable for a persons personality he would not be able to perform the task properly.
Skills gives you the technique to do the work but personality gives you motivation to do the
work but it does not mean that skill is not important if you have the personality to do the
work skill keeps the same value as personality combination of skill and personality can make
a person perfect in his work.
A person overcome personality preference when he sees new opportunities and his betterment
by changing his personality this opportunity could be any motivator like pay, interest,
comfort etc. e.g. If a person is working as a sales person and had developed his skills and
personality according to that but one day he got offer as a marketing professional with better
pay and less work duration by seeing this opportunity he got motivated and started
developing marketing skills which is required for the job.

ARTICLE NAME- What is personality and why does it matter (verywell)

This article talks about what is personality and why personality matters so much. It defines
personality as it came from the Latin word persona which referred to a theatrical mask worn
by performers to either project different roles or disguise their identities.
It give some theories and major perspective of personality which includes type theory which
says that there are limited and defined number of personality time and it varies from person to
person and a person can change its personality type if he is motivated. Trait theory, it has
defined personality as an internal characteristic and defines what a person actually is.
Behavioural theory it says that personality is developed by the environment in which the
individual stays. Humanist theory, it says that a personality is developed by an individual by
the experience in his life specially in the early stage of its life.
According to verywell personality development id much more that academic exercise as it
requires motivation. Personality research have given its part in sectors like business, health,
medicine, technology. It also says that personality can also change due to health and illness of
a person which is very unpredicted.
It explains that personality is not behaviour it can include more than one behaviour which can
be seen at different points in our life, personality can also impacts humans action to

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