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How is qua lity controlled?

SCAE has a large number of AST s throughout the world and it is essential that it keeps control of
the standards of training delivered by all. Poor training or unprofessional practices demonstrated by
a minority of AST s may discredit the great work done by the majority and so must be identified and
dealt with quickly.
Initial standards are confirmed by:
• AST s passing the Professional Level of the module they want to teach in.
• Attending the AST Trainers Course.
• Being approved by the SCAE education team.
SCAE reserves the right to attend any courses that AST s run with the purpose of confirming
Once the AST is running course(s) then the quality of these courses is monitored by the students themselves:
• Every student that attends a course, whether they pass or fail, is sent an online feedback form
direct from SCAE, not via the AST . This way they can give an honest assessment of the course
they attended. They are encouraged to return this form before certificates are released, to make
sure that feedback is received.
• The results from the feedback will lead to the following:
HH GREEN LIGHT – the AST is doing a good job.
HH YELLO W LIGHT – there are some concerns that SCAE has to discuss with the AST . The AST
can still continue to run courses while these concerns are being addressed.
HH RED LIGHT – there are serious concerns that SCAE need to deal with and an AST will be suspended
from training and using the AST Logo for a period of time agreed by the Education team.
Monitoring continues through a process of sampling:
HH A random sample of completed exam papers is undertaken by SCAE staff to check for
accuracy and validity. Feedback is given to the AST as appropriate;
HH From 2015, an observation process will be in place in which a sample of AST s across all
modules, levels and countries will be observed delivering a SCAE course. The procedure and
.guidelines for this process will be made available to AST s once it is in place

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