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Jimin was standing unsteady right in front of the wooden desk, palms

anxiously sweating as he felt a sudden wave of heat approaching him - he

was about to scolded by his boss for the second time within the span of
two weeks.

"Mr. Park, as I said earlier, your engagement in our company has decreased
exceedingly. You don't approach that many clients or should I say no
clients whatsoever. Tell me, why is that?" the elderly woman finally
looked up from the stack of papers to see his sorrowful face for the first
time, since the meeting had begun.

After hastily taking a few deep breaths he responded, "I'm so sorry for
disappointing you Mrs. Jones and the Avon company in general. I really do
not want to make excuses for the results of my work, however people in the
area that I'm operating on don't want to buy our products. They either
tell me that, they're busy or that they don't have money. It's a lost

"Have you been to all of their houses? It's a huge neighborhood after all.
Lots and lots of suburban mothers. I don't see any problem." the lady
took a quick sip of the dark coffee, almost as dark as her soul. Jimin was
like a deer caught in a headlights, his position in the company was
already lost, he did not have any clue what to do or say to maintain it.

"Aha! Wait Mr. Park, I have an idea." the high-pitched voice resonaded
thorught the whole office. "Do you recognize that weirdly looking
humnogous mansion on the Westborn street, nobody from our department
seemed to arrive there yet. It looks very eqnesive, maybe this could be
your big break and potentially even bigger financial success for Avon."

"Westborn street? I think it's about a fifteen-minut ride form where I

live. Of course I will that take opportunity Mrs. Jones. I won't
disappoint you. I promise." he boweed as low as he could as he exited the

Right behind the door was Namjoon, or to be more precise Namjoon's ear.
The two men were the only male workers in the south district of Avon -
fresh out of the graduation gowns with a degree in business both Jimin and
Namjoon did not know what to do next, hence they started working as
salesman merchandising overpriced makeup and skincare to the middle-aged
housewives. It somehow connected with business practice, they thought, and
treated the first job as something temporary, but a couple of months
rapidly evolved into four years.

"And? How did it go?" the taller man waited for the detailed report of the
conversation that took place just seconds ago.
"Joon, how do you think it went? Do I look satisfied to you? Does this
face scream that I just got a promotion or something?" Jimin
sarcastically remarked as he was pointing at his annoyed facial

"I don't know? To be honest, you are scaring me, right now." Namjoon
furrowed his eyebrows, "So no promotion?" he shrugged his shoulders as the
shorter one elbowed his stomach lightly. “Argh!"

"No, the exact opposite of that dummy. This is my last chance to impress
Mr. Jones or I'm definitely out. You know that I cannot lose this job."
Jimin's tone of the voice was completely serious with a little bit of

"The Dungeon" was a small inside joke between all the Avon workers because
nobody wanted to visit that place. There were a lot of myths and legends
connected with who was living in the gothic mansion starting from a
threethousand-year-old vampire and ending at an eccentric serial killer.
None of these options were exactly optimistic so the rusty castle was a
dead end for a lot of the consultants - until it was Jimin's turn.

Honestly, Jimin was not the type of person who would believe in different
kinds of ghost stories or monsters living in the dark. However, the whole
process of visiting an unknown area on top of the gloomy hill wasn't
really his ideal way of spending the early morning, but after all, it was
his last chance of impressing his boss, whether he liked it or not, he
would be to first to actually visit the infamous castle.

"Hello. You are listening to Radio 505. Today's date is November 12th,
1990, hope you all have a day! We are starting with the top hit. Jerry hit
it off with Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice - here we go." the loud voice of
the radio presenter spread out through Jimin's whole car.

"God, I hate that song." the man shook his head as he tried to adjust the
mirror at the top. Taking one good look at his face he was ready to head
out, the purple suit was uncomfortably moving throughout the slippery
leather seat. The one thing that Jimin was so grateful about in his job
was the uniform - the women wore simple purple attire consisting of a
skirt and a jacket, but men, on the other hand, were all dazzled up, the
material of the suits felt expensive and Jimin was constantly forgetting
that he was working as a simple salesman. The company was treating him
very well and because of that it would heartbreaking to lose the position.

Leaving the crowdy parking lot, Jimin was focused on his task. There was
no way in hell that he would flee from that place without selling at least
two brushes and a foundation, literally every dollar counted as that said
dollar could save his job. The ride itself was the radio playing all the
new hits and the sun slowly setting up gave off such a soothing yet
energizing vibe. Nevertheless, the positive energy filling up the salesman
drastically switched when to road started narrowing and the only thing
seen at the horizon was foggy mess blurring everything within the length
of couple meteres. The man had to be extremely careful as he was almost at
the top of the hill - the huge fortification was peaking though the have
clouds. The man had to be extremely careful as he was almost at the top of
the hill - the huge fortification was peaking though the have clouds, by
walking out of the car he took a closer look of the surroundings. Ten
skinny, square towers surround the castle in almost a perfect circle
around this incredible castle and are connected by lower, wide walls made
of white marble.Crude windows are scattered thinly around the walls in
fairly symmetrical patterns, along with small holes for archers and
artillery.A regular gate with giant wooden doors, a draw bridge and large
crenelations gives a safe place to rest in this forest stronghold, but
it's not the only way in, but it'll be your best shot if you wish to
conquer this castle.Fields of nothingness stretch out outside the castle,
allowing to see people coming far before they pose a threat. This castle
has stood the test of time and despite knowing some very rough times, the
castle still stands and it looks like it will do so for many years to
come.What was the most suprisngfor Jimin was the fact that the garden
outside appear to befreshly groomed.

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