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Act 1 Scene 1
FW=first witch SW=second witch TW=Third witch
FW: When shall we three sisters meet again?
SW: When the sun is away and the battle is over
TW: That is when the sun is set
FW: Where will that be?
SW: Upon the wild
TW: We’ll be there to meet with the glorious Macbeth
FW: I’ll be present
SW: Paddock calls
TW: I’m coming too
ALL: Fair is foul, and foul is fair, hover through the fog and
filthy air.
Act 1 Scene 2
D= Duncan M= Malcolm C= Captain L= Lennox
R= Ross
D: What kind of bloody man is that?
M: This is the sergeant, he can tell you about everything you
want to know about the broil
C: The merciless rebel that has become Macdonald fought
against the brave Macbeth and lost the battle to a great
D: Oh what a worthy gentleman
C: The Norwegian king had prepared a fresh assault with
supplies to survey us.
D: Did our group leaders win over the assault?
C: Yes, like men of honour. I am telling only the truth. They
were like over charged cannons ready to double crack on the
assault. The only downsight after the fight iwas their reeking
D: Go get these honourable fighters surgeons. Who is there?
M: The worthy Thane of Ross
L: You look like you’re in a hurry…
R: God save the king
D: What is the reasoning of your visit dear Thane?
R: The Thane of Cawdor has protected our people with his
bravery and has won us the battle
D: Great news!
R: We now need ten thousand dollars for general use though
D: The Thane of Cawdor will deceive our interest. Go
announce his death and greet Macbeth to his new title.
R: I’ll do it right away
D: The loss of the Thane is the gain of Macbeth
Act 1 Scene 3
FW= First witch SW= Second witch
TW= Third Witch MC= Macbeth B= Banquo
R= Ross A= Angus
FW: Where were you sisters?
SW: Killing Swine
FW: A husband and his wife are relaxing on a boat
SW: I’ll make some wind
FW: A sweet one
TW: And I’ll make one too
FW: He won’t get lost but will be taken far by the wind. They
will get hard times.
SW: Show me, prove it
FW: Here’s a pilot’s thumb
TW: Macbeth has arrived
ALL WITCHES: The weird sisters hand in hand, Posters of the
sea and land, Thus do go, about, about, Thrice to thine, and
thrice to mine, And Thrice again, to make up nine. Peace, the
charm’s wound up.
MC: So foul and fair a day I have not seen
B: What are these unhuman creatures?
MC: What are you?
FW: Welcome Macbeth, Thane of Glamis
SW: Welcome Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor
TW: Welcome Macbeth, King hereafter
B: These creatures seem to be giving us predictions of your
FW: Hail
SW: Hail
TW: Hail
FW: You will be greater one day
SW: You will be happier one day
TW: You shall get kings but won’t be one yourself. So hail
Macbeth and Banquo
FW: Hail Banquo and Macbeth
M: I want to hear more, how are my predictions possible. The
Thane of Cawdor is a gentleman in whuch the king has much
[Witches vanish]
B: Where has these creatures of the earth vanished to?
MC: Into the unknown
B: They might be hiding the truth from us or are making fools
of us
MC: Your children will be kings
B: You will be the king
MC: And Thane of Cawdor…
B: Do you hear these voices? Who’s there?
R: The king has sent us to invite Macbeth as he is getting the
title of Thane of Cawdor is being judge under great bears
A: The king thanks you also thanks you
R: You will earn the greatest title of all dear Macbeth
B: Isn’t the devil meant to be a liar?
MC: These mysterious creatures were right, are we also to
expect your children as king oh Banquo? If I do get crowned,
why does the crown not be passed to my heritage then?
B: Might be your use of power that losses you the crown
MC: Please lead us to the king so we can meet him
gentlemen. We have to discuss
B: I agree
MC: Let’s go then
Act 1 Scene 4
D= Duncan M= Malcolm MC= Macbeth B= Banquo
D: Is the execution carried out or not? Did the ones in charge
of the execution come back yet?
M: My lord, they aren’t here yet but I have talked to a
witness of his tragic death. No one has benefitted from his
death as he had already thrown away all of his belongings,
even the trifle ones.
D: I can’t read in a man’s mind just by looking at his face but I
know he was a man of honour and I trusted him more than
anyone else. I wish he deserved less, so that my sin would be
in proportion. I have to say, more is due than all can pay.
MC: The service and the loyalty I owe you is its own reward.
D: Welcome dear Macbeth. Noble Banquo had no less
deserved as much. I have begun to plant you, and I will make
sure you grow to success.
B: If I grow there, the harvest is your property
D: Sons, Kinsmen, Thane and others whose place are most
closely related, know that Malcolm, our eldest, will now
be named Prince of Cumberland. Must make sign of
nobleness like stars shall shine.
MC: Everything is labour until it is done for you. I will be the
harbinger I hear my wife. I must leave now.
D: Go on, my worthy Cawdor
MC: Malcolm, Prince of Cumberland that is an amazing step.
Do not let fight see my awful desires, don’t look at what
my hand is doing. Let the eyes get scared when it’s
D: Worthy Banquo, you are so brave, who cares to have
Malcolm as the Prince of Cumberland. It is a peerless
Act 1 Scene 5
LM=Lady Macbeth A= Attendant MC=Macbeth
LM: [Reads] They met me during the day, I learned that they
had mortal knowledge. When I ask questions about it,
they ignore it and change subject. They all greet me with
the name of “Thane of Cawdor”. The murderers must
not be with ambition.
A: The king will come here tonight
LM: You’re mad. Macbeth has not yet informed us to do the
A: It’s true, our Thane is coming. One of my fellows travelled
faster than him and made me up his message.
LM: Give him attention, he brings great news. Come you
spirit, that tendon mortal thoughts, take away
everything that makes me a woman. Come tonight,
dense and dark, so that no one sees my knife going
through him. I can feel the future now.
MC: My love, Duncan will come tonight
LM: Your face, my Thane, is as a book where men may read
strange matters. Put on the appropriate appearance in
your eyes. Your hand and your tongue, look like an
innocent flower, but the serpent under it. He’s coming
must be prepared. It should be an absolute regal
MC: We will speak further-
LM: Only look up cheerfully. Fear always shows itself in a
change of facial expression. Leave all the rest to me.

Act 1 Scene 6
D= Duncan B= Banquo LM= Lady Macbeth
D: This castle is in a pleasant place. The air is fresh and sweet
and it appeals to my gentle senses.
B: This summer, the house martin proves how intuiting the
breezes are. There’s not a place in the castle walls
where these birds haven’t built a nest. I’ve noticed that
they always like to settle where the air is the nicest
D: Look, our honoured hostess, I still accept love even if it’s
sometimes difficult. I’m teaching you to thank me for
the trouble I’m causing you by leaving here.
LM: All of our services are nothing compared to all the hand
you have brought to our family. We welcome you as our
guests and we are thankful to all the honour you gave
D: Where’s the Thane of Cawdor? We chased him at the
heels to be responsible, but he drives well. We had to
help him. Fair and noble hostess. We are your guests
Act 1 Scene 7
MC= Macbeth LM= Lady Macbeth
MC: These men are murderers, letting them in was an
obligation but these men don’t know we’ve figured out
their real reason of visiting us.
LM: What’s new? He has almost finished the dinner. Why did
you leave the dinner room?
MC: Has he asked for me?
LM: You didn’t know he has?

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