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Case Studies in Construction Materials 7 (2017) 110–127

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Case study

Torsional behavior of reinforced concrete T-beams strengthened

with CFRP strips
Rafid Saeed Atea
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Najaf Technical Institute, Iraq


Keywords: Torsion is resisted well by locked system of reinforcement, due to the blood nature of the torsion
Composite construction induced-shear flow stresses in a beam. Therefore, it will be more effective to have strengthening
Reinforced concrete beam schemes, which are wrapped in closed form around the cross section. But strengthening with U
T-beam section wrap (three sides) or strengthening in the web and flange unconnectedly is more useful because
Carbon fiber Reinforced polymer
of the unreachability of the entire cross section due to addition of flange in uniform beam – slab
Mid-span deflection
construction (T section of interior beam).
This work aims at studying the strengthening of T beams in torsion by using carbon fiber
reinforced polymer (CFRP). The CFRP laminates will be used for strengthening previous to
loading. The experimental work includes investigation of twelve reinforced concrete T beams
tested under pure torsion. The first beam was the reference beam, without CFRP. The second
beam was a simple concrete beam. The remaining ten beams. Variables considered in the test
program include; effect of flange strengthening, effect of fiber orientation (90° or 45° CFRP strips
with respect to the longitudinal axis), effect of using additional longitudinal CFRP strips with
transverse CFRP strips, effect of bolt anchoring CFRP strips in the web and flange and effect of
continuous CFRP strips between web and flange (isolated T section). Test results were discussed
based on torque – twist behavior, beam elongations, CFRP strain, concrete strain and influence of
CFRP on cracking torque, ultimate torque and failure modes.

1. Introduction

Externally bonded, FRP sheets are currently being studied and applied around the world for the overhaul and establishment of
structural concrete members Meier [1] because of their superior properties such as high stiffness and strength as well as ease of
installation when compared to other overhaul materials. Research connected to the firming of torsional members with FRP com-
posites is very incomplete, data or design guidelines are available in the literature only Salom et al. [2] and Hii and Al-Mahaidi [3]
The absence of experimental studies along with the increasing attention in the use of FRP materials in the strengthening and re-
habilitation of concrete structures that failed in torsion directed to this study on torsional behavior of reinforced concrete beams
strengthened and repaired with CFRP laminates.

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Received 29 January 2017; Received in revised form 9 March 2017; Accepted 17 March 2017
Available online 27 April 2017
2214-5095/ © 2017 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
R.S. Atea Case Studies in Construction Materials 7 (2017) 110–127

Fig. 1. Details of Beam Reinforcement.

2. Experimental program and tests set-up

2.1. Specimen’s reinforcement

All beams were reinforced as shown in Fig. 1. The specimens were reinforced with (4 φ 12 mm) and (2φ 6 mm) longitudinal bars
located around the perimeter of the beam. In order to force failure in the mid zone of the tested beam, end zones of (0.4 m) long on
each end of the beam were reinforced with (φ 6 mm) stirrups spaced at (60 mm) on center. The test region of (1 m) was selected in
such a manner that at least two complete spiral cracks would form along the length of the tested region, so it was reinforced with (φ
6 mm) stirrups spaced at (90 mm) on center. Additional (φ 6 mm) hooks were placed in the beam flange representing the negative
reinforcement from the connecting slab.

2.2. Specimen details

Five medium scale concrete T beams, 1600 mm long were constructed for this study as shown in Fig. 2. In order to apply the
torque at the ends of the beam, the cross section of the ends was rectangular (230 mm) deep and (350 mm) wide. The idea of this
loading arrangement was mentioned by Zararis and Penelis [4]. The rigid connection of test T beams with the stiff massive blocks at
their ends corresponds to the actual condition of the connection of a T beam with the columns and transverse beam at its ends, as
usually occurs in a frame building. This boundary condition did not affect the strength of the beam, as the test beam supports insured
that the beam rotated freely, without frictional resistance to the applied torque.

2.3. Mold

The dimensions of the concrete specimens used in this work, flange (350 mm × 50 mm × 1100 mm), web
(100 mm × 180 mm × 1100 mm) and end blocks (350 mm × 230 mm × 150 mm). One plywood mold was used to cast all tested beams
which includes base and movable sides, with thickness of plywood (18 mm). The sides were fixed by screws and then fixed to the base by
screws to form T shape with rectangular blocks at ends. The assemblage is shown in Fig. 3. Before casting, the mold was oiled and the
reinforcement mesh was placed in its location, then the mold was placed on a table vibrator.

2.4. Mix design

Several trial mixes were made according to the recommendations of the ACI 211.1-97 [5]. Reference concrete mixture was
designed to achieve cylinder strength of (32 MPa) at (28) days (normal strength concrete). The mixture was (1 cement: 1.5 sand: 3
gravel, by weight), and the slump was approximately (100 mm). Mixture details are given in Tables 1 and 2 showing the Properties of
Concrete Mix (Tables 3 and 4). It was found that the used mixture produces good workability and uniform mixing of concrete without
segregation (Figs. 4–8).

2.5. Anchoring of CFRP

To avoid (or delay) bond failure and given the limited anchoring length available, the CFRP is preferably wrapped or anchored.
Especially, for T shaped sections, this aspect is of importance in the locations shown in Fig. 9. Strengthened beams (R4 and R5) were
selected to illustrate the contribution of anchoring the CFRP to the ultimate torque. They were drilled to make a hole of diameter
(8 mm) (bolt diameter) in the web and flange at spacing (150 mm) on center.Square plates of (50 mm) width and a thickness of
(2 mm) were drilled with a hole of (8 mm) diameter (bolt diameter) in the center of each plate. They were fixed on the CFRP in the
locations shown in Fig. 9, the bolts of diameter (8 mm) were used to anchor the plates on the CFRP. M 8 × 1.25 mm was chosen to be

R.S. Atea Case Studies in Construction Materials 7 (2017) 110–127

Fig. 2. Beam Specimen with Dimensions.

Fig. 3. Plywood Mold.

R.S. Atea Case Studies in Construction Materials 7 (2017) 110–127

Table 1
Properties of Concrete Mix.

Parameter Normal strength concrete

Water/cement ratio 0.4

Water (kg/m3) 174.5
Cement (kg/m3) 436.4
Fine aggregate (kg/m3) 654.5
Coarse aggregate (kg/m3) 1309.1
Superplasticizer (L/m3) 2.2a

0.5 L/100 kg cement.

Table 2
Casting Samples of Concrete Properties.

Concrete properties Sample No. of samples Results (MPa)

Compressive strength (fc') ASTM C39-01 [6] Cylinder 150 mm diameter × 300 mm height 3 32.2
Modulus of rupture (fr) ASTM C78-02 [7] Prism (100 × 100 × 500 mm) 3 3.65
Modulus of elasticity (ft) ASTM C496-96 [8] Cylinder 150 mm diameter × 300 mm height 3 3.2
Splitting tensile strength (Ec) ASTM C469-02 [9] Cylinder 150 mm diameter × 300 mm height 3 27586

Table 3
Control Beam.

Beam No. Details of strengthening Anchoring of CFRP

R1 Reference beam (control beam) without strengthening –

Table 4
Strengthened Beams.

Beam No. Details of strengthening Anchoring of CFRP

R2 strengthened with 90° CFRP strips in the web and flange –

R3 strengthened with 45° CFRP strips in the web and flange –
R4 strengthened with 45° CFRP strips in the web and flange With anchoring in the web and flange
R5 strengthened with 45° CFRP strips in the web and flange and longitudinal CFRP in the web and flange With anchoring in the web and flange

Fig. 4. Reference Beam (R1).

Fig. 5. Beam (R2).

R.S. Atea Case Studies in Construction Materials 7 (2017) 110–127

Fig. 6. Beam (R3).

Fig. 7. Beam (R4).

Fig. 8. Beam (R5).

Fig. 9. CFRP Anchoring.

Table 5
Properties of Bolt.

Bolt diametera (mm) Modulus of elasticity (GPa) Yield stress (MPa) Strain at yield stress (microstrain) Ultimate stress (MPa)

8 200 623 3117 761

(8 mm) is the outer diameter, and the applied shear is on the net area with diameter equal to (6.375 mm).

R.S. Atea Case Studies in Construction Materials 7 (2017) 110–127

Table 6
Percentage of Increase in Cracking Torque.

Beam No. Strengthening scheme Anchoring Cracking torque Angle of twist Percent of increase
(kN m) (degree/m) (%)

R1 Reference beam unstrengthened beam – 2.2 0.089 –

R2 90° CFRP strips in the web and flange – 2.2 0.139 0
R3 45° CFRP strips in the web and flange – 2.8 0.36 27.2
R4 45° CFRP strips in the web and flange In the web and 5.4 0.329 145.4
R5 45° CFRP strips in the web and flange with longitudinal In the web and 6.4 0.247 190
CFRP strips in the web and flange flange

used to anchor the steel plate and CFRP on concrete specimens. Direct shear test and tensile strength test were carried out to find the
mechanical properties of the bolts as described below.

2.6. Tensile strength test

Three specimens of the bolts were tested according to ASTM C370-05a [10], the results are listed in Table 5.

3. Results and discussions

Five-T beams were tested under pure torsion, to study the influence of different variables that were considered. One of the beams
was a normal concrete beam; the other beams were reinforced concrete beams of the same length and cross sectional area and
reinforced identically. Test results are discussed in this chapter based on torque − twist behavior, beam elongation, influence of
CFRP on cracking and ultimate torque and failure modes, CFRP strain and concrete strain are also reported.

3.1. Strengthening specimens

Five- T beams were tested to investigate the parameters that potentially influence the behavior of reinforced concrete T beams
strengthened with CFRP strips subjected to pure torsion. all test beams were strengthened with CFRP as strips of 50 mm width each
150 mm c/c.

3.2. Comparison of percentage increase in cracking torque

Table 7 provides a summary of cracking strength of test beams strengthened with CFRP along with their relative increase in
cracking strength with respect to the reference beam. Test beam (R5) exhibited a in cracking torque among all the test beams as
shown in Table 6.

3.3. Comparison of percentage increase in ultimate torque

Table 7 provides a summary of ultimate torsional strength (the ultimate is the reading when the load drops) of test beams
strengthened with CFRP along with their relative increase in ultimate torsional strength with respect to the reference beam.

3.4. Effect of fiber orientation

Figs. 10 and 11 shows the influence of fiber orientation on the torsional behavior of the reinforced concrete T beams strengthened
with CFRP strips. This beams was used to illustrate this effect, the effects shown in figures below.

Table 7
Percentage of Increase in Ultimate Torque.

Beam No. Strengthening scheme Anchoring Ultimate torque Angle of twist Percent of increase
(kN m) (degree/m) %

R1 Reference beam unstrengthened beam – 4.19 2.39 0

R2 90° CFRP strips in the web and flange – 5.37 1.69 28.16
R3 45° CFRP strips in the web and flange – 4.73 2.08 12.88
R4 45° CFRP strips in the web and flange In the web and 9.78 3.48 133.41
R5 45° CFRP strips in the web and flange with longitudinal In the web and 10.91 4.47 160.38
CFRP strips in the web and flange flange

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Fig. 10. Torque - Twist Behavior: Effect of Fiber Orientation.

Fig. 11. Beam Longitudinal Elongation Behavior: Effect of Fiber Orientation.

Table 8
Experimental CFRP Strain Gauge Readings for Beams at Concrete Failure.

Beam No. Strain in right face Strain in left face

Edge strip Middle strip Edge strip Middle strip

R1 – – – –
R2 0.0032 0.00053 0.00084 0.00055
R3 0.0087 0.00039 0.00028 0.00018
R4 0.00038 0.00036 0.00046 0.00057
R5 0.0088 0.00067 0.00081 0.0088

3.5. Strain results

3.5.1. CFRP strain results Experimental CFRP strain results. As mentioned the strain gauges were placed in the middle of CFRP strips on two faces of the
beam only (left face and right face) because of the difficulty of measuring the strain in the top and bottom face of the beam; they were
placed in the direction of the fibers orientation. The strain was measured in two strips for each face; the first strip was near the edge of
the T section and the second strip was in the middle zone of the T section. The range of tensile strain in the CFRP was recorded. It is
clear that the large values of strain means that very high localized stresses in the strips occur where the cracks pass through, while
much lower values will be recorded away from the cracks. Table 8 includes the experimental CFRP gauge strain readings for all beams
at concrete failure.

4. Conclusions

The variables investigated in the test program. Based on the results obtained from the experimental work, the following con-
clusions are presented.

(1) Fiber orientation on reinforced concrete T beams strengthened with discontinuous form of CFRP in the web and flange without

R.S. Atea Case Studies in Construction Materials 7 (2017) 110–127

anchoring presented slight increases in ultimate strength up to (29%) for (90°) CFRP scheme with no increase in cracking torque.
While, the increase in ultimate strength for (45°) CFRP scheme was (12%) with an increase in cracking torque by (27%). For
effective strengthening, the (90°) or (45°) CFRP strips should be useful continuously in a spiral form all around the beam or
anchoring the CFRP in the web and flange. Fiber attached on the web and flange distinctly without continuity failed to offer
important torsional resistance.
(2) The addition of bolt anchors increased the composite contribution to the T beam torsional resistance for (45°) CFRP scheme
anchoring in the web and flange, the increase in ultimate strength for (45°) CFRP scheme was (133%) with an increase in cracking
torque by (145%) Since no failure was observed in the anchoring system, their true capacity cannot be determined.
(3) When combining CFRP strips in the longitudinal direction of the T beam in the web and flange followed by transverse (90°) CFRP
strips in the web and flange with anchoring, the results showed that there was an additional increase in ultimate strength
compared with the beam of (90°) CFRP strips in the web and flange without anchoring. While, the increase in ultimate strength
for (45°) CFRP scheme was (160%) with an increase in cracking torque by (190%).
(4) The establishment arrangement of (90°) CFRP strips in the web and flange with extra longitudinal CFRP strips in the web and
flange with or without anchoring is more effective in improvement the torsional resistance of reinforced concrete T beams than
(45°) CFRP scheme with or without anchoring.
(5) The discontinuous scheme of CFRP without anchoring for both (90°) and (45°) CFRP showed the least twist capacity as compared
with the reference beam (unstrengthened beam), due to peeling of CFRP strips along the sides or upper flange of the T beam.
However, anchoring the CFRP to concrete enhanced the twist capacity and failure was mainly due to crushing of concrete
between CFRP strips.
(6) Attendance of (90°) or (45°) CFRP in the web and flange without anchoring decreases the ductility and energy absorption capacity
of the T beam as compared with the reference beam.
(7) Longitudinal CFRP strips with (90°) or (45°) CFRP improved the twist capacity of the T beam and the failure was splitting of
concrete between web and flange.
(8) Ductility and energy absorption capacity of the T beam increase considerably when the T beam is strengthened with additional
longitudinal CFRP strips.


[1] U. Meier, Japan Concrete Institute Tokyo, Post–Strengthening by Continuous Fiber Sheets in Europe, of Third International Symposium, Non-metallic (FRP)
Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, vol. (1, 1997, pp. 41–56.
[2] P.R. Salom, J. Gergely, D.T. Young, Torsional strengthening of spandrel beams with composite laminates, J. Compos. Constr. 8 (2) (2004) 157–162.
[3] A.K.Y. Hii, R. Al-Mahaidi, An Experimental Investigation on Torsional Behavior of Solid and Box-Section RC Beams Strengthened with CFRP Using
Photogrammetry, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Victoria, Australia, 2005 Manuscript No. CC/2005/022635.
[4] P. Zararis, G. Penelis, Reinforced concrete T-beams in torsion and bending, ACI J. (1986) No. 83-17.
[5] ACI 211. 1-97, Standard practice for selecting proportions for normal, heavy weight and mass concrete, ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, American Concrete
Institute, Detroit, 1997 Re-approved 1997.
[6] ASTM Designation C39-01, Standard specification for testing method for compressive strength of cylindrical concrete specimens, 2001 Annual Book of ASTM
Standards vol. (4.02, American Society for Testing and Material, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2001, pp. 20–24 Section 4.
[7] ASTM Designation C78-02, Standard specification for testing method for flexural strength of concrete (using simple beam with third-point loading), 2002 Annual
Book of ASTM Standards vol. (4.02, American Society for Testing and Material, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2002, pp. 32–34 Section 4.
[8] ASTM Designation C496-96, Standard specification for splitting tensile strength of cylindrical concrete specimens, 1996 Annual Book of ASTM Standards vol.
(4.02, American Society for Testing and Material, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1996, pp. 1–4 Section 4.
[9] ASTM Designation C469-02, Standard specification for testing method for static modulus of elasticity and poison's ratio of concrete in compression, 2002 Annual
Book of ASTM Standards vol. (4.02, American Society for Testing and Material, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2002, pp. 236–239 Section 4.
[10] ASTM Designation C370-05a, Standard specification for testing method and definitions for mechanical testing of steel products, 2005 Annual Book of ASTM
Standards vol. (1.01, American Society for Testing and Material, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2005, pp. 248–287 Section 1.

Further reading
[11] A. Ghobarah, M.N. Ghorbel, S.E. Chidiac, Upgrading Torsional Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Fiber Reinforced Polymer, J. Compos. Constr. 6 (4)
(2002) 257–263.
[12] K.Y. Hii, R. Al-Mahaidi, Torsional Capacity of CFRP Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Beams, J. Compos. Constr. (2007) 71–80.
[13] K.Y. Hii, R. Al-Mahaidi, Torsional Capacity of CFRP Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Beams, J. Compos. Constr. (2007) 71–80.
[14] T.T.C. Hsu, Torsion of Structural Concrete Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Members, Torsion of Structural Concrete, ACI Special Publication SP-18,
1968, pp. 261–306.


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