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Grade & Section:________________________________
I. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer on each test item. Write the correct answer beside the test item.
Strictly- NO ERASURES. (20pts)

1. Which of the following is a complete working computer? It also includes not only the computer, but also
any software and peripheral devices.
a. Mouse b. Software c. Hardware d. Computer
2. Which of the following was used by Babylonians in the early 500 A.D. ?
a. Calculator b. Abacus c. Mark I d. Mouse
3. Who is the father of the theoretical computer science?
a. Alan Turing b. Charles Babbage c. Jacques de Vaucanson
d. Steven Job
4. What is the name of the first computer game?
a. Spacewar b. Super Mario c. Counter Strike d. PacMan
5. This is used for pointing and clicking items on the computer screen.
a. Monitor b. Mouse c. Keyboard d. CPU
6. It is the part of the computer that is often called the “chassis”. This is where the important components of
the computer can be found.
a. System unit b. Monitor c. RAM d. Keyboard
7. Who invented the First fully automated and programmable Loom?
a. Charles Babbage b. Jacquard Loom c. Alan Turing d. Jacques de
8. It is the part of the computer that displays text and graphical information.
a. Mouse b. Monitor c. Keyboard d. Modem
9. It connects the computer that connects the computer to the internet.
a. Monitor b. Mouse c. Modem d. CPU
10. It was the first commercially made computer.
a. Abacus b. UNIVAC c. Mark I d. All of the
11. It is an element of a computer system that can be physically touched and can be seen.
a. Software b. Hardware c. Peopleware d. Computer
12. It is connected to the computer to play sounds.
a. Monitor b. Webcam c. Speaker d. Printer
13. Used to capture picture/video while using the computer.
a. Webcam b. Monitor c. Printer d. Speaker
14. Which of the following is the element of a computer system that is either built in from the time of
purchasing the computer or needs to be installed.
a. Software b. Monitor c. Hardware d. Peopleware
15. It is the “brain” or “heart” of the computer.
a. Motherboard b. CPU c. Monitor d. Printer
16. He was best remembered is the “Digesting Duck”, which had over 400 parts.
a. Charles Babbage b. Jacques de Vaucanson c. Alan Turing d. Jacquard Loom
17. It is used in typing texts in the computer.
a. Keyboard b. Mouse c. Monitor d. Speaker
18. Which of the following transfers computer data into paper?
a. Speaker b. Printer c. Mouse d. CPU
19. It is the main circuit board of the computer system.
a. Monitor b. Motherboard c. Keyboard d. Modem
20. This is the kind of software that is needs to be installed on the computers.
a. Application softwares b. System Softwares c. Software d. Hardware

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