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HISTORY OF CNC paper tapes through a series of punched holes.

groundbreaking, this method was fragile and still
At the core, a machine tool is one where the machine required an operator. In 1805, Joseph Marie Jacquard
guides the toolpath — as opposed to it being guided by adopted this concept but strengthened and simplified it
direct, freehand human guidance, such as with hand by tying punched sturdier cards in sequence, thereby
tools and pretty much every tool until machine tooling automating the process. These punched cards are
was invented. widely regarded as foundational for what was to
Numerical control (NC) means using programmable become modern computing, and signaled the end of the
logic (data in the form of letters, numbers, symbols, cottage industry in weaving.
words, or a combination) to automate control of Interestingly, the Jacquard loom was met with
machining tools. Before its advent, machining tools resistance by the silk weavers of the time, who feared
were invariably controlled by human operators. this automation would rob them of their jobs and
Computer numerical control (CNC) then is when livelihood. They repeatedly burned the looms that were
precisely coded instructions are sent to a put into production; however, their resistance proved
microprocessor in the control system of a machining futile as the industry recognized the advantages of the
tool, enabling an enhanced level of precision and loom. By 1812, in France, there were 11,000 Jacquard
consistency. When people today talk about CNC, they looms in use.
almost always mean a milling machine connected to a Punched cards developed throughout the second half of
computer. Technically, it can be used to describe any the 1800s and found many uses, from telegraphy to
machine controlled by a computer. self-playing pianos. While the early cards determined
Predecessor Mechanisms mechanical control, American inventor Herman
Hollerith pioneered an electromechanical punched card
A number of inventions were essential to laying the tabulator, changing the game. His system was patented
foundation for the development of CNC machines. We in 1889, while he was working for the United States
look at four essentials here: early machine tools, Census Bureau.
punched cards, servomechanisms, and the
Automatically Programmed Tool (APT) programming In 1896, he founded the Tabulating Machine Company,
language. which was consolidated with four other companies to
form IBM in 1924. In the latter half of the 20th century,
Early Machine Tools punched cards were first used for data input and
storage in computers and numerically controlled
First, a shout out to what is widely considered the first
machines. The original format featured five rows of
machine tool: In 1775, John Wilkinson’s boring machine
holes, while subsequent versions had six, seven, eight or
was the solution to accurately boring cylinders for
more rows.
steam engines. James Watt is credited with creating
the steam engine that powered the Second Industrial Servomechanisms
Revolution in England, but he was having issues
obtaining consistent precision in his steam engine A servomechanism is an automatic device that uses
cylinders — until Wilkinson crafted his engine cylinder error-sensing feedback to correct the performance of a
boring machine, based on the design of his original machine or mechanism. In some cases, the servo allows
cannon-boring machine. control of large amounts of power by a device with
much lower power. A servomechanism is comprised of
Punched Cards a device being controlled, another device that gives
commands, an error detector, an error-signal
In 1725, French textile worker Basile Bouchon invented
amplifier, and a device to correct the errors (the
a way to control looms by using data encoded on
servomotor). Servos are typically used to control
variables like position and speed and are most the military as well as a natural progression of the
commonly electrical, pneumatic, or hydraulic. punch card system.

The first electric servomechanism was created in “Numerical control marked the beginning of the second
England by H. Calendar in 1896. By 1940, MIT had industrial revolution and the advent of an age in which
created a dedicated Servomechanisms Laboratory, the control of machines and industrial processes would
which grew out of the Department of Electrical pass from imprecise draft to exact science.” — The
Engineering’s increased attention to the subject. In CNC Society of Manufacturing Engineers
machining, servos are essential to attaining the required
tolerances of the automated machining process. American inventor John T. Parsons (1913–2007) is
widely considered the father of numerical control,
The word servomotor is credited to J.M. Farcot’s 1868 which he conceived of and implemented with the help
usage of “le servomoteur” (slave motor) to describe of aircraft engineer Frank L. Stulen. The son of a
hydraulic and steam engines for use in ship steering. Michigan manufacturer, Parsons began working in his
Nikola Tesla used an electric servomechanism to steer father’s factory as an assembler at the age of 14. Later,
his models ships remotely; he was granted a patent for he owned and operated a number of manufacturing
his system in 1898, seen here. plants under the family business, Parsons
Manufacturing Co.
Automatically Programmed Tool (APT)
Parsons holds the first NC patent and was inducted in
Born out of the MIT Servomechanisms Lab in 1956, as a the National Inventors Hall of Fame for his
brainchild of the Computer Applications Group, groundbreaking work in numerical control. In total,
Automatically Programmed Tool (APT) is an easy-to- Parsons holds 15 patents, with another 35 granted to
use, high-level programming language intended his business. The Society of Manufacturing Engineers
specifically to generate instructions for numerically interviewed Parsons in 2001 to get the story from his
controlled machine tools. The original version perspective. This engaging read is available in an online
preceded FORTRAN, but later versions were rewritten archive.
Early NC Timeline
APT was the language created to work with MIT’s first
NC machine, one of the first in the world. It went on to 1942: John T. Parsons is subcontracted by Sikorsky
become the standard for programming computer- Aircraft to build helicopter rotor blades.
controlled machine tools and was used widely through
the 1970s. Development of APT was sponsored by the 1944: Caused by a design flaw in the spar, one of the
first 18 blades they made fails, killing the pilot. Parsons
Air Force, and it was eventually added to the public
domain. has the idea to stamp the rotor blades out of metal to
make them stronger and eliminate the glue and screw
The head of the Computer Applications Group, Douglas fastening.
T. Ross, is known as the father of APT. He also later
1946: Creating a manufacturing tool to produce the
coined the term “computer-aided design” (CAD).
blades precisely was going to be complicated, so
The Birth of Numerical Control Parsons hires aircraft engineer Frank Stulen and puts
together an engineering team with three others. Stulen
Before the advent of computer-numerically controlled has the idea to employ IBM punch cards to determine
machines, first came the development of numerical the stress levels on the blades, and they rent seven IBM
control and the first NC machine tools. And while there machines for the project.
are some discrepancies in different accounts of the
historical details, the first NC machine tools were both a 1949: The U.S. Air Force needs help with ultra-precise
response to specific manufacturing challenges faced by wing construction. Parsons pitches his numerically
controlled machine and is awarded a $200,000 contract painstaking manual process. The turning point in the
to make it a reality. evolution to CNC is when the cards were replaced with
computer control, which maps directly to the
1949: Parsons and Stulen had been working with Snyder development of computers, as well as computer-aided
Machine & Tool Corp. on the machine and realized they design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)
need servomotors for their machine to work precisely. programs. Machining became one of the first
Parsons subcontracts the servos for the “Card-a-matic applications of computing.
Milling Machines” to the MIT Servomechanisms
Laboratory. Although Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine,
developed in the mid-1800s, is credited as being the
1951: The Air Force NC machine deal is now awarded to first computer in the modern sense, Massachusetts
MIT. There are varying accounts of what happened that Institute of Technology’s (MIT) real-time computer
led to Parsons getting cut out of the deal: MIT underbid Whirlwind I (also born out of the Servomechanisms Lab)
Parsons and Parsons ran out of money are two accounts was one of the first to calculate in parallel and use a
(see below). magnetic core memory (pictured below). The team was
1952 (May): Parsons files a patent for “Motor able to use the machine to code computer-controlled
Controlled Apparatus for Positioning Machine Tool.” production of punched tape. The original Whirlwind
He’s granted the patent in 1958. used about 5,000 vacuum tubes and weighed roughly
20,000 lbs.
1952 (August): In response, MIT files patent for
“Numerical Control Servo-System.” Timeline of the Evolution from NC to CNC

1952: MIT demonstrates their 7-track punch tape Mid-1950s: G-code, the most widely used NC
system (with article by William Pease in Scientific programming language is born out of the MIT
American), which is complex and expensive (250 Servomechanisms Lab. G-code is used to tell
vacuum tubes, 175 relays, in 5 refrigerator-sized computerized machine tools how to make something.
cabinets). Instructions are sent to the a machine controller, which
then tell the motors how fast to move and what path to
MIT’s original 1952 numerically controlled mill was a follow.
retrofitted 3-axis Cincinnati Milling Machine Company
Hydro-Tel. 1956: The Air Force proposes creation of a general
programming language for numerical control. A new
1955: Concord Controls (formed by members of the MIT research division, led by Doug Ross and named the
original MIT team) creates the Numericord, which Computer Applications Group, begins work on the
replaces the punch tape on the MIT NC machine with a proposal, developing what would become known as the
magnetic tape reader that GE is working on. programming language Automatically Programmed Tool
1958: Parsons receives US Patent 2,820,187 and sells an
exclusive license to Bendix. IBM, Fujitsu, and GE all take 1957: The Aircraft Industries Association and a division
sub-licenses after having already started development of the Air Force collaborate with MIT to standardize the
of their own machines. work with APT and create the first official CNC machine.
Created before graphical interfaces and FORTRAN were
1958: MIT publishes report on the economics of NC,
invented, APT used text alone to convey geometry and
concluding that the current incarnation doesn’t really
toolpaths to a numerically controlled (NC) machine.
save time, but instead shifts labor from factory floor to
(Later versions were written in FORTRAN, and APT was
those creating the punch tapes.
eventually released in the public domain. Check out
Up until the 1950s, numerically controlled machines ran AptStepMaker for a modern rendition.)
on data from punched cards largely made using a
1957: While working at General Electric, American 1963: Ivan Sutherland, a PhD candidate at MIT, submits
computer scientist Patrick J. Hanratty develops and his thesis titled “Sketchpad: A Man-Machine Graphical
releases an early commercial numerical control Communication System,” describing the first graphical
programming language named Pronto, laying the user interface, which ran on MIT Lincoln Labs’ TX-2
foundation for future CAD programs and earning him computer (a transistorized version of Whirlwind), one of
the informal title “Father of CAD/CAM.” the world’s biggest and most powerful machines at the
time, with 306 kilobytes of core memory.
“On March 11, 1958, a new era in manufacturing
production was born. For the first time in the history of CNC Machines Gain Traction and Popularity
manufacturing, a number of large production machines,
During the mid-60s, the advent of affordable
electronically controlled, were functioning
simultaneously as an integrated production line. minicomputers was a game changer to the industry.
These powerful machines took up much less space than
Virtually unattended, these machines were drilling,
boring, milling, and passing unrelated parts from the room-sized mainframes used to date, thanks to the
new transistor and core memory technologies.
machine to machine.”

1959: The MIT team holds a press conference to Minicomputers, also known at the time as midrange
computers, naturally also came with a more affordable
showcase their new CNC machine development.
Famously, a CNC-milled aluminum ashtray is handed price tag, freeing them up from the previous confines of
a corporation or the military and putting the potential
out as part of the press kit.
of precision and reliable repeatability in the hands of
1959: The Air Force signs a one-year contract with MIT’s smaller companies and businesses.
Electronic Systems Laboratory for development of the
“Computer-Aided Design Project.” The resulting system, In contrast, microcomputers were 8-bit single-user,
simple machines that run simple operating systems like
Automated Engineering Design (AED), was released to
the public domain in 1965. MS-DOS, while superminis were 16-bit or 32-bit.
Pioneering companies include DEC, Data General, and
1959: General Motors (GM) starts work on what would Hewlett-Packard (HP) (who now refers to its former
become known as Design Augmented by Computer minicomputers, like the HP3000, as “servers”).
(DAC-1), one of the earliest graphical CAD systems. In
the second year, they brought in IBM as a collaborator. The Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-8 on
display at the National Museum of American History,
Drawings could be scanned into the system, which
digitized them, and modifications could be made. one of the early minicomputers that was often
dedicated to running one mill. [Image Source]
Additional software could then convert the lines into a
3D shape and output into APT for sending to milling During the early 1970s, slow economic growth and
machines. DAC-1 was released to production in 1963 rising employment costs made CNC machining seem like
and publicly unveiled in 1964. a great, cost-effective solution, and demand for lower-
cost NC system machines increased. While U.S.
1962: The first commercial graphical CAD system,
Electronic Drafting Machine (EDM), developed at U.S. researchers were focused on software and high-end
industries like aerospace, Germany (joined by Japan in
defense contractor Itek, becomes available. Purchased
by mainframe and supercomputer firm Control Data the 80s) surpassed the U.S. in machine sales by focusing
on the low-cost markets. There were, however, an array
Corporation, it was renamed Digigraphics. It was initially
used by the likes of Lockheed Corporation to build of American CAD firms and vendors at this point,
including UGS Corp., Computervision, Applicon, and
production parts for the C-5 Galaxy military transport
aircraft, demonstrating the first example of an end-to- IBM.
end CAD/CNC production system. In the 1980s, as the cost of microprocessor-based
hardware dropped and local area network (LAN, a
computer network that interconnects to others) setting the stage for computer-aided design (CAD) and
systems emerged, so did the cost and accessibility of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM).
CNC machines. By the second half of the 80s,
The legendary 1984 Apple Macintosh.
minicomputers and large computer terminals were
replaced by networked workstations, file servers, and The Development of CAD and CAM Programs
personal computers (PCs), untethering CNC machines
from the universities and companies that traditionally The intermediaries between the computer and the CNC
housed them (since they were the only ones who could machine are two essential programs: CAD and CAM.
afford the expensive computers that accompanied Before we delve into a brief history of the two, here’s
them). an overview.

In 1989, the National Institute of Standards and CAD programs enable the digital creation, modification,
Technology, an agency of the US Government’s and sharing of a 2D or 3D object. CAM programs allow
Department of Commerce, created the Enhanced you to select tools, materials, and other variables for
Machine Controller project (EMC2, later renamed your cutting job. Even though you’ve done all your CAD
LinuxCNC), an open-source GNU/Linux software system work and know what you want your part to look like,
to control CNC machines using general purpose the milling machine doesn’t know the size or shape of
computers. LinuxCNC paved the way for a future of milling tool you want to use or the specifics of your
personal CNC machines, which continued to be a material size or type.
pioneer application for computing.
CAM programs use the model you created in CAD to
The trajectory of how institution-based, room-sized CNC calculate the movement of the tool through the
machines made the transition to desktop machines like material. These movement calculations, called
the Bantam Tools Desktop PCB Milling Machine is toolpaths, are automatically generated by the CAM
directly parallel to the development of personal program for maximum efficiency. Some modern CAM
computers, microcontrollers, and other electronic programs can also create on-screen simulations of how
components. Without these developments, the the machine will cut the material with the tool you’ve
powerful and compact CNC machines of today wouldn’t chosen. Running simulations instead of cutting a piece
have been possible. Below is a visual recap through over and over saves on tool wear, machining time, and
1980. material.

The Dawn of Personal Computers The roots of modern CAD date back to 1957 and a
program named Pronto, made by computer scientist
In 1977, three “microcomputers” were simultaneously Patrick J. Hanratty, recognized as the father of
released — Apple II, PET 2001 and TRS-80 — and in CAD/CAM. In 1971, he also developed the widely
January of 1980, Byte magazine announced that “the adopted program ADAM, an interactive graphic design,
era of off-the-shelf personal computers has arrived.” drafting, and manufacturing system written in Fortran
Developments escalated quickly from there, with fierce and designed to be ubiquitous across machines. The
competition between frontrunner Apple and IBM. University of California Irvine, where he conducted
research at the time, states, “Industry analysts estimate
By 1984, Apple released the classic Macintosh, the first
mass-produced, mouse-driven personal computer with that 70 percent of all 3-D mechanical CAD/CAM systems
available today trace their roots back to Hanratty’s
a graphical user interface (GUI). The Macintosh came
equipped with MacPaint and MacWrite (which original code.”
popularized WYSIWYG — what you see is what you get Developed between Hanratty’s two programs, in 1960,
— applications). The next year, through a partnership was Ivan Sutherland’s groundbreaking program
with Adobe, new graphical programs were launched, Sketchpad, the first to ever use a total graphical user
interface (we elaborated further on Sketchpad in Part 2 “Affordable digital and robotic technologies for
of this series). production are making small- and medium-scale
manufacturing realistically competitive again. An
Notably, Autodesk’s AutoCAD, introduced in 1982, was enthusiastic case for a renewed manufacturing around
the first 2D CAD program to be made specifically for these technologies has been called the “new industrial
personal computers rather than mainframe computers. revolution” — by which small, digital-technology-based-
By 1994, AutoCAD R13 made the program compatible businesses are seen as a possible core for a new
with 3D designs. In 1995, SolidWorks was released, manufacturing economy.
developed with the express purpose of making CAD
design more accessible to a broader population, The visions for this renewed manufacturing economy
followed by Autodesk Inventor in 1999, which worked have been catalyzed by the technology of 3D printing.
to be even more intuitive. And, 3D printing is just one of several game-changing
“digital fabrication” technologies that include, along
In the mid 80s, a popular AutoCAD demo of scalable with the additive methodology of 3D-printing,
graphics showed our solar system in 1:1 scale in subtractive technologies such as CNC-machining and
kilometers. You could even zoom in on the moon and laser-cutting, and many variations of robotic-assembly.”
read a plaque on the Apollo Lunar Lander.
Hall is also co-creator of 100K Garages, a manufacturing
It’s impossible to talk about the evolution of CNC collective of personal digital fabrication workshops.
machines without giving a hat tip to the software
creators who are working to lower the barrier to digital In 2001, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
design entry and make it accessible to a wide range of (MIT) launched the new Center for Bits and Atoms, a
skill levels. At the current forefront is Autodesk Fusion sister lab to the MIT Media Lab, with visionary professor
360, “the first 3D CAD, CAM, and CAE tool of its kind Neil Gershenfeld at the helm. Gershenfeld is considered
that connects your entire product development process one of the founding fathers of the fab lab (fabrication
in a single cloud-based platform that works on PC, Mac, laboratory) concept. Funded by a $13.75 million
and mobile devices.” This incredibly powerful software Information Technology Research award from the
offering is free to students, educators, qualifying National Science Foundation, the Center for Bits and
startups, and hobbyist makers. Atoms (CBA) embarked on a quest to help create a
network of small-scale workshops offering personal
Early Compact CNC Machines digital fabrication tools to the masses.
One of the pioneers and originators of compact CNC Preceding, in 1998, Gershenfeld created a class at MIT
machines, Ted Hall, founder of ShopBot Tools, was a called “How to make (almost) anything,” with the intent
professor of neuroscience at Duke University, and in his to introduce tech students to expensive, industrial-size
spare time, he liked to build plywood boats. He sought a fabrication machines, but his class attracted students
tool to facilitate cutting the plywood, but even used from a wide variety of backgrounds, including art,
CNC mills at the time ran upwards of $50K. In 1994, he design, and architecture. This became the basis for a
showed a group of people the compact mill he had revolution in personal digital fabrication.
designed in his workshop, thus kickstarting the
company’s journey. One of the projects born out of CBA was Machines That
Make (MTM), focused on developing rapid-prototyping
Many years later, Hall would write a series of articles on machines that can be used in fab labs. And one of the
how digital fabrication and specifically desktop machines born out of this project was the MTM Snap
machines hold the potential to bring manufacturing desktop CNC milling machine by students Jonathan
back to American soil. Below is a short excerpt from one Ward, Nadya Peek, and David Mellis, created in 2011.
of his works (October 2016). Encased in heavy duty snap-fit HDPE plastic (cut out of
kitchen cutting boards on a large-format Shopbot CNC
mill), this 3-axis mill ran on a low-cost Arduino The desktop digital fabrication movement has escalated
microcontroller and was capable of precisely milling since those first machines went commercial in 2013.
everything from PCBs to foam and wood, all while fitting CNC mills are now joined by all types of computer
on a desktop and being portable and affordable. numerically controlled machines that have gone from
the factory to the desktop, everything from wire
At the time, while some CNC mill manufacturers like benders to knitting machines, vacuum formers, waterjet
ShopBot and Epilog were working to release smaller, cutters, laser cutter, and more.
cheaper desktop versions of their mills, they were still
fairly expensive. The variety of CNC machines that have moved from the
factory floor to the desktop is steadily growing.
In true fab lab spirit, the MTM Snap team even shared
their bill of materials so you could make your own. The original fab labs born out of MIT were developed
with the goal of democratizing access to powerful,
“A processing sketch communicates over USB to an albeit cost-prohibitive, digital fabrication machines,
Arduino. The Arduino then controls the three separate arming bright minds with the tools to bring their ideas
stepper driver boards that control the stepper motors into the physical world, tools that were only afforded to
for the x, y, and z axes.” seasoned professionals in the past. Now, the desktop
Shortly after the creation of the MTM Snap, team manufacturing revolution is taking that access one step
member Jonathan Ward teamed up with engineers further by drastically reducing cost while maintaining
Mike Estee and Forrest Green and material scientist professional precision, from the fab lab to the personal
Danielle Applestone to collaborate on a DARPA-funded workshop.
project called MENTOR (Manufacturing As the trajectory continues, there are exciting new
Experimentation and Outreach) to “reinvent shop class developments in incorporating artificial intelligence (AI)
for the 21st century.” into desktop manufacturing and digital design. How
The team, working out of Otherlab in San Francisco, these developments continue to affect manufacturing
regrouped and revisited the MTM Snap machine design, and innovation remains to be seen, but we’ve come a
with the goal of making an affordable, precise, easy-to- long way from the days of room-sized computers and
use desktop CNC mill that they named the Othermill, powerful manufacturing tools being exclusively
the predecessor to the Bantam Tools Desktop PCB tethered to large institutions and companies. The power
Milling Machine. is now in our hands.

The Other Machine Co. team launched a successful

crowdfunding campaign in May of 2013. A month later,
in June, ShopBot Tools launched a campaign (also
successful) for a portable CNC machine called the
HandiBot, which was meant to be taken directly to job
sites. With both machines, a main quality was the
accompanying software — Otherplan and FabMo,
respectively — intended to be intuitive and easy-to-use
WYSIWYG programs that make CNC machining
accessible to a wide audience. Clearly, as evidenced by
the support of both of these projects, the community
was ready for this type of innovation.

The Continuing Trend of Factory to Desktop

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