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I. Put the verbs into Past Progressive or Simple Past

1. I wasn’t hungry last night. I didn’t eat (not eat) anything.

2. Were you watching (you/watch) television when I phoned (phone) you?
3. Jane was busy when I went to see her. She was working (work)
4. I got (get) up early this morning. I washed (wash), got (get) dressed, and
then I had (have) breakfast.
5. The mail came (come) while I was having (have) lunch.
6. We met (meet) Joan at the party, she wore (wear) a red dress.
7. The boys broke (break) a window when they were playing (play) baseball.
8. I was late, but my friends were waiting (wait) for me when I arrived (arrive)
9. I got (get) up at 7 o’clock. The sun was shining (shine), so I went (go) for a
10. He wasn’t driving (not drive) fast when the accident happened (happen)
11. Ann didn’t go (not go) to work yesterday. She was sick.
12. “What did you do (you / do) on Saturday evening?” “I went to the movies”.
13. “What were you doing (you / do) at 9:30 on Saturday night?”
“I was watching (watch) a movie on TV.”

II. Complete the conversation with the Simple Past or the Past Progressive form of
the verbs in parentheses.
Reporter: What was the cause of the accident, Officer?
Officer: Well, it looks like there were many causes. First of all, when the accident
occurred (occur), the driver was driving (drive) much too fast. The driver is a
suspect in a burglary, and she left (leave) town. While she was driving (drive) she
spoke (speak) to someone on her car phone. When she saw (see) the pedestrian,
she immediately stopped (stop) on the brakes, but it was too late. The victim
wasn’t paying attention, either. First of all, he didn’t wait for the traffic light to
change. He crossed (cross) against a red light when the car hit (hit) him. He didn’t
see (not see) the approaching car because he was talking (talk) to his friend. The
friend wasn’t paying attention, either. He was eating (eat) an ice cream cone while
he crossed (cross) the street. When he noticed (notice) the car he was trying (try)
to push his friend out of the way, but it was too late. Reporter: How is the victim
doing? Officer: Well, when the ambulance arrived(arrive) he was bleeding (bleed)
from a head wound, but the doctors stopped the bleeding and they think he’ll be
III. Write a short paragraph about what happened to you in any situation. Use Past
simple and Past progressive (5 lines minimum / 10 lines maximum)
One day I was meeting some friends to go for a walk, that day I woke up late, I had
many missed calls and messages in which they told me that they were coming to
my house to go out together. So I took a quick shower, I got dressed with the first
thing I found, I saw some fruits on the table and I filled them to my backpack, I
took some boxes of juices from the refrigerator and I also put them in. While I was
looking for my cell phone and my keys, my friends arrived.

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