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Can you be like an eagle?

tekst en zetting:

° #8
Thomas Pedroli (*1957)

7 œ™ œJ 48
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#8 Ó
1. Can you be like an ea - gle; fly - ing in the sky, the
7 8
¢ 4
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° #8 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙
1. Can you be like an ea - gle; fly -ing in the sky,

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#8 ™
sky? We will fly in the sky!

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the sky? We will fly in the sky!

2. Are you silent like a salmon; swimming in the sea, the sea?
     We will swim in the sea!
3. Can you be like a firefly; lighting in the night, the night?
     We will light in the night!
4. Are you brave like a bison; walking on the earth, the earth?
     We will walk on the earth!

De melodie is oorspronkelijk van een Indianenlied.

gedownload van, het verzamelde liedrepertoire van vrijescholen in Nederland

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