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Rosiellie G.

BSEd- Filipino
Assessment 2: Rubrics

1. What are the characteristics of a good rubrics?

In order to effectively evaluate students’ performances, teachers must formulate a
rubric that is contributory in the success of assessment. The creation of good rubric also
contributes in the efficient clarification of quality work that support the learning of the
students. Since rubrics contain information that is relevant in the progress of the student
achievement, teachers must practice to make a good rubric. One of the characteristics that
must be considered in making a good rubric are attainable, measurable, and achievable.
Because of the fact that the performance of the learners brings a huge impact in their
learning accomplishments, educators must ensure that criteria, tasks, and level
descriptions must achieve together with the educational goals and objectives. The concise
and clear descriptions in each criterion are also an essential aspect in creating a good
rubric. Always remember that one of the main purposes of scoring rubrics is to be a guide
about the standards and expectations of teachers regarding the performance. Therefore, a
non-organize rubric will become a hindrance to have unsuccessful performance
assessment and evaluation. Rubrics give structure to observations so its failure is also a
failure of teachers ‘observation.

2. What are the Steps in creating a rubric?

Rubrics are considered a blueprint observation of the teacher. Because of this, it
supports and assist student learning and progress. Just like in planning lesson plans, there
are also a proper steps or guidelines in designing our rubrics. The steps that I will share is
one of the possible and effective steps in formulating a good rubric in order to assess the
students, the fist important step that must not be missed is the identify and assigning the
give educational objectives. The tasks and descriptions written in a certain rubric must be
align on the given and assigned learning objective that should students will attain.
Second, break down learning objectives into skills or actions suited in the performance
we assigned. We can adapt variety ready-made rubrics but we must include the credits
and source so that we can avoid plagiarisms. Third, make criteria and outcome tasks that
you want to grade. Do not forget to double check the rubric for validity and verification
of its effectiveness and alignment. The created rubrics must be imparted and shared to the
students in order to have a clear vision in the teachers’ expected outcome. Since it was
mentioned that there is no such thing as perfect rubrics, we need to revise it in order to
have an improve versions that will be more effective in giving scores and evaluations.
3. How can u make rubrics relevant and useful to your students?
There are plenty of ways on how to make rubrics relevant and useful to our
students. Aside from the fact that this is considered as the guidelines regarding with the
expected outcomes that must be achieved by the students, we can make rubrics and
relevant to our learners by explaining the descriptions and information in the mentioned
tasks. Explaining them about this will provide them a clear statement about the tasks. We
must also explain the essence of that particular piece of paper in order for them to
consider the outcomes written on it. We can also encourage our students to think about
their own thinking and possibly about their own criteria for what is good. Furthermore,
by providing our students with expectations for assignments, plus giving concrete details
about how to obtain a particular score, will also make our rubric relevant to our students.

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