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7th Grade Computer Applications

Mr. Jones

Class Overview: The class is set up for a full semester of computer class. We will be working
with Microsoft Office products, Google Suite products, and other online programs that will teach
students tools that they can use in their other classes. We will be doing a variety of projects in
class to help ensure student understanding of these tools. Computer Class is a class many
students look forward to taking, as it is very project-based. Students have the ability to add their
own creativity to make each project interesting to them.

Semester projects:
 Microsoft Word formatting –Microsoft Excel – Graphing and Self-Learning tool (basics
of Excel/Sheets and formulas)
 Microsoft Publisher – Signs, Newsletter
 Microsoft PowerPoint – Presentation
 Prezi and PowToons - Presentation
 Google Drive
o Docs - Mad-lips style booklet
o Sheets – Graphing and Self-Learning tool (basics of Sheets and formulas)
o Maps
o Forms
 – Website students will use to practice keyboarding skills.
 Computer Coding
 Weebly – Digital Portfolios
 Xello – Online Career Planning website

Classroom Expectations:
 All students will be in their seats when the bell rings.

 All students will follow directions, the first time, given to them.

 All students will put forth their best effort on everyday projects and assignments.

 All students will add creativity towards their projects.

 All students will use the technology in the room with proper care.

 All students will not have a personal electronic device (cell phone, mp3, headphones) on
them at any time during class.

 All students will follow the school’s computer A.U.P (Acceptable Use Policy). Those
abusing the policy will be given a referral and will lose school computer privileges for at
least 1 week (for all classes).

 10% - Keyboarding: Increase in WPM and participation
 10% - Vocabulary: Correctly identifying computer and technology terms.
 25% - Assessments: Showing understanding with classroom content.
 50% - Projects: Showing knowledge and correct use of computer applications through
classroom projects
 5% - Classroom Participation: Joining classroom discussion and participating in
classroom exercises.
Network Privileges: Following school policy, please understand that breaking the rules
may result in network/computer privileges being revoked – for all classes - for a period of
time and/or device being confiscated. Upon identification of inappropriate use, the school
will decide an appropriate response. Repeated offenses will be considered a major school

Attendance Policy:

 All students absent from class will need to make up their assignments, even if
they are considered excused by the school.
 If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to find out what assignments,
projects, or assessments need to be completed.
 Students can ALWAYS log into Google Classroom at home or in another class
for lessons, instructions, and working on assignments.

Tardy Policy:

 Students who receive their forth tardy during the marking period are given a lunch
detention by the school for each additional tardy.
o Students will be considered Tardy if:
 They are late to class.
 They are not at their computer desk when the bell rings.
 A student returns to their locker due to forgetting materials needed
in class.
Remote Learning – Closure of School

In the event that school is closed due to COVID-19 or Weather-related event, school will
continue…at home!

Daily Schedule:
Morning Teacher Office Hours 8am-10am
Class 1: 10am-10:45am
Class 2: 10:55am-11:35am
Lunch on your own: 11:40am-12:10am
Class 3: 12:15pm-1:00pm
Class 4: 1:15pm-2:00pm
Afternoon Teacher Office Hour 2pm-3pm.

Class Schedule:

Week 1: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday--> 1st hour, 2nd hour, 3rd hour, CET
Tuesday and Thursday --> 4th hour, 5th hour, 6th hour, and 7th hour

Week 2: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday --> 4th hour, 5th hour, 6th hour, 7th hour
Tuesday and Thursday --> 1st hour, 2nd hour, 3rd hour, CET

Following Weeks – Repeat Class Schedule

Remote Learning Student Expectations:

 Students must login and join each class Google Hangout on time. If a student does not
have Internet, they can call in to the Hangout on their phone and participate in the class.
o Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class.
o Students on a computer must have their video on for the class duration.
 For a student without Internet at home, students can work on the assignments that were
synced on their device the last day they were at school.
 Students will receive letter grades this year – even if remote learning.
 Student assignments, projects, and quizzes will be graded – and due dates are enforced.
 Students must have 2-way communication with teachers at least twice a week. Joining a
Google Hangout and participating counts as communication! (I give 5 points per day for
o The school will contact students/parents who have not been communicate back to
teachers after two weeks.
 If a student has a doctor’s appointment or is too sick to join the virtual class, a parent
must call the office to report the absence – just like on a typical school day.
Teacher Office Hours:
 As listed above, teachers have 2 hours of Morning Office hours and 1 hour of Afternoon
Office hours. This time for band is used for:
o Students to reach out to me for help on assignments or ask questions.
o Me to contact students to meet the required 2-way communication – or to help
give short lessons to students who need additional help.

 Communication will be very important this year! Parents and students need to
check the following everyday – and respond back as needed!
o Remind Texts (sign up information on page 2!)
o School Email
o Class Google Hangouts (students need to join every day!)
Student Signature Page

Each class creates a ‘handbook’ to give students and parents an overview of the class. I
have read and understand the Mesick Consolidated School’s Acceptable Use Policy and
agree to the Classroom Computer Policy. I understand that this class with teach me
educational technology tools that I can use in my other classes this year and in the future.

Please sign below and return to Mr. Jones by Friday, September 11 for an easy 10
point grade.

Parents: Our class uses Google Classroom, and online platform that houses all of our
classroom projects – so you can see what assignments students have worked on or are
missing. If you have Internet capabilities at home, students are able to complete their
projects and missing work from home. Grades are also posted weekly on your child’s
PowerSchool account – I recommend you check their grades often to make sure they are
keeping up with their classes at school. If you have any questions throughout the school
year, you may contact me at school by e-mail at

Student Name:_____________________ Student Signature:____________________

Parent Signature:__________________

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