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Field Study 1

Episode 1

The School as a Learning Environment

Name: Elmer P. Belarmino Year and Section: 3rd year / OLA19
Course: BSED - English
Professor: Mr. Michael Chan
School Observed: Quirino High School

I. My Map
A general observation of the campus and the classroom is an exciting way to start my

My mission is to do the following tasks:

1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning areas on the campus, then in the
2. Accomplish the checklist as you move around the school premises.
3. Based on your gathered data in the checklist, describe the school environment.
4. Make a reflection on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning.
5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:
a. Descriptive paragraph
b. Photo essay
c. Sketch or drawing
d. Poem, song, or a rap

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

School Map

Quirino High School

This map is dated
2006 – 2010

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

Name of the School Observed: Quirino High School

Address: Molave Street, Project 3, Quezon City

Facilities Available Unavailable Description

The faculty room

for teachers is a bit
Faculty room ✓ crowded and not

One of the places

that have an aircon,
Library ✓ but not a lot of
students is there.

They do have a
restroom for girls
and boys but not
Restroom ✓ enough compare to
the numbers of
students they have

It is a covered court
but then doesn’t
have utilities and
Gymnasium ✓ equipment for
other sports that
they teach.

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

This place is open
and has a shade
that came from the
trees. They also
Recreational area ✓ have benches along
the alley and a
fountain that gives
a relaxing ambiance
to the place.

They have two

canteens, that have
Canteen ✓ all sorts of food
that budget-

AVR is also acting

AVR ✓ as a Music Hall that
use for their choir.

Each year level has

Classrooms ✓ a specific building.

A well-ventilated
room, but it seems
that they don’t
Counseling office ✓ have a proper

It’s big and looks so

good, and it’s an
Principal’s office ✓ air-conditioned

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

Their clinic is on the
side of the stage
and it is small
Clinic ✓ compare to the
volume or

Very limited pc
Computer Lab ✓ units.

School Environment
Quirino is the school where I finish my high school. This place brings me nostalgia and
lots of fun memories. The school is built to produce a student that will soon be part of the
better community. I must say, they really make an effort to accommodate all of the needs of
their students. But then lack in some aspects.

First is the restroom, for almost 2,500 students, these utilities are one of the needs of these
children. For being incompetent in providing a better public restroom, students struggle for
these necessities.

Second is the faculty rooms. This room is a big essential for the teachers because this is
the backstage of all of their endeavors for their students. From making a lesson plan, checking
students' assignments and projects to computing grades, and being able to have a social life
outside the classroom. This is the place where they gather together, socialize with other
teachers, and also a place where they can eat and rest. It was sad to say that this school is not
able to provide a better room for these things. Some of the faculties have their own building,
but most of them are staying at the end of the hallway of the students' building. They just have
some tables and cabinets which is sad to see. They are compacted into this small space, don’t
have proper ventilation, and the noise coming from the classrooms makes them uneasy to rest.
These are the problems that I noticed while observing.

But then, having these types of problems, I can still see the best things about this
school. They provide a place where students can gather, rest, and socialize with each other.
They have big canteens that nourish all students, buildings that accommodate this volume of
children, and especially the teachers that deliver the best quality of education to these

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

students. They also have small buildings, like the music hall/AVR (Audio-Visual Room),
computer labs, and a library that gives an exciting look to this school. They are lucky to have
utilities like this that other schools might not have. Overall, this school is progressing and
meeting all the needs of the students. I am happy to see these efforts.

A Descriptive Paragraph

Good School Environment

This might be tough for me to analyze this. I don’t have enough experience in terms of
knowing what is the best state of the environment that a school must have to execute learning.
Others might say that learning must start with teachers because they are the foundation of the
school. Some might say, equipment like books and utilities like classrooms and offices because,
without it, it will be hard to teach and to deliver learning. But being an Educ student like me
who is preparing to be part of this argument. I will say, “both”. I do need both of these ideas to
ensure the best quality of learning that a student can have.

Let’s start with “What should I have to be a great teacher?”

Being a teacher not an easy thing to do, cliché as it is, but it's true. To be a teacher, you
need to be great in all terms, this might be, academically, emotionally, physically and the list
goes on. You need to provide learning to the students that have been taught to you first. You
need to learn to teach then teach what you’ve learned. A teacher must be prepared for all of
the student's questions. An eager learner is always assumed that a teacher will answer all of
his/her queries.

That’s it? Is that enough?

I will say that this doesn’t end here. A know-it-all teacher is not enough. This is not the usual
suspect for the downfall of learning but this is a big deal to talk about.

An environment consists of interactions. Let’s looked at the bees and flowers. The bees
will not able to get the nectar that they need if they are too far from the flower. Same for the
teachers, they will not able to see the improvement or what’s bothering the student if they
don’t interact with them. James Comer an American politician said that "No significant
learning occurs without a significant relationship." The value of human connection is important
to build a great learning environment. As a teacher, we are not paid to just teach, but also to

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

make an impact on the lives of our students. We are known to be their second parents, might
as well act as a caring parent to them. We need to establish a firm relationship with them by
having compassion and a belief that they can excel in things they are interested in. You need to
have a warm heart for all of your students. Rita Pierson, a known Educator, said that “Students
don’t learn from people they don’t like”. This is true, you need to be accepted by your students
as their loving teacher for them to have the motivation to put some effort into studying. A
learning environment should feel safe, and comfortable for students. They must trust their
teachers that all the things a teacher said are all for their betterment. Always be their ladder, a
step for improvement, not a wall that blocks their dreams.

Second question, “what should I need to promote a learning environment?”

Teachers should be equipped enough before entering a classroom and start teaching.
We all know that teachers need to be academically prepared. But for me as a future educator, I
see teaching like an act of catching a fish. You always need to put a lure on the hook so fishes
are attracted to it. In our daily lives, I can say that we are living in a world that is expanding and
keeps progressing in terms of technology. Children who are born in this era will grow up using
this kind of stuff like, cellphones, laptops, cameras, etc.

We need to accept the fact that these kinds of children will not able to focus during the
discussion if they are still looking at, the same old stuff that their parents see like, manila paper,
colored cartolina, the back of a used calendar as a presenter of your lesson. Like what John
Dewey idea in teaching,

“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.”

Some might say that it is not the materials, it is the user of the materials is important. Yes, I
agree, that materials will stay materials if the teacher is not good enough to use it. But the
world is providing us a better way and an easier way to present learning to the student. Things
like projectors, computers are very essential these days and are much more entertaining to use
as a teacher. It gives the ability to show pictures and videos that can help students to learn your
lesson. Training and seminars for using this technology as a technique in teaching should be
grabbed by people who want to teach 21st-century students. A learning environment demands
to use all the sources that it can have to deliver a great quality of education.

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

II. My Tools
As you move around the campus, activity forms are provided for you to document your
observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the
school site. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the
activity sheets will yield better learning results.

III. Observation guide for the classroom visit

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided

1. Describe the community or neighborhood where the school is found.

Quirino High School is located in Molave Street, Project 3 Quezon City. The school is in
between normal houses, so some of the noise disturbances is coming from the neighboring
house near the school. The community in this place is more like in the middle class. Some of the
houses preserve the looks of classic houses before, with wooden walls and windows. The most
common business here is printing shops. Some are on a normal scale, but others have big
machines that can print millions of millions of copies of books, newspapers, and magazines.
This place is also famous for producing big sizes of tarpaulins. This might be not an unusual
scene, but lots of computer shop for gaming is also evident in this place. This affects the school
because some of the students are tempted to cut classes just to play computer games. Over all
the community that they have is at peace. Quirino is also in the same vicinity of other schools
like Project 3 Elementary school, St. Joseph Chatolic School, Quirino Elementary School Etc.

2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see? What is the condition
of the buildings?

The school is known for it’s color, Maroon. This color represents the school in any event
outside the school. But inside the campus, a lot of buildings will welcome you. Each building is
given to each year level they have, from 1st year to 4th year. At the entrance, two structured
buildings are located, the buildings for 1st year and 4th year. These are the only buildings that
have 4 floors in it. The 1st year building is a brand new and established by the past mayor of
Quezon City. A lot of building in here is old especially the buildings located at the end part of
the school. This is the building for 3rd-year students. But the best thing about this place is the
trees. The school is preserving a lot of trees that give the green color look of this place.

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

3. What impression do you have of these offices?

All of the offices are located in one building. The principal office is the most glamorous
of them all, it has a big door that emphasizes the owner of the room. All of the offices are
airconditioned and well spacious for its usage. The counseling room or the guidance room is the
room that has all of the achievement trophies, plaques, and medals that the school won in
different events. Overall, the offices are the backbone of the school, from financial
management, employee management and important meeting are held to these rooms. I’m glad
that they have a great room for offices but sad to say that, the rooms for teachers or the faculty
rooms are being left out and show low interest and care to the teachers that giving all their
efforts to the students in this tiny and not proper ventilated rooms.

4. School halls, library, cafeteria, and other facilities that the school has.

The school hall is one of the busiest and noises places that I know in this school. This is
where the students gather to socialize, run and play, and just spend their time if it’s break time
or they don’t have teachers. But the good thing in this school is that cleanliness is one of the
best policies they have. Each building for each year level is monitored by their headteacher.
He/she lists the hallways that have disobeyed and didn’t clean their hallway and they announce
the dirtiest hallway during the flag ceremony. This makes the students do better in cleaning
their places in order not to be humiliated in front of the whole school.

The library is the quietest place here in Quirino. Quiet I mean the most unvisited place
by the students. This might be a problem that needs to address and fix it right away. Maybe
because of their strict rules that need to follow before entering the room is the reason why the
students are not checking the library. During my stay in this school as a student. I often see the
library is the place where all smart students go. I mean, you need to be smart before entering
this room. This might not be true, but the lack of advertising of this facility as a student place is
a problem.

The canteens in this school are big enough to accommodate the needs of the students in
terms of filling their stomach with food. They have different kinds of foods here that are
budget-friendly. From drinks, Fries, Burgers, to budget meals like Tapsilog and Porridge(Lugaw)
you named it. They also have stores for school supplies that helpful for the students, because
they don’t need to go outside just to buy papers or ballpens. The amazing thing that this school
has is the garden that has a working fountain in it. Here you can rest, play, and gather with
friends to socialize. This gives the students a place where they can sit or rest if they are stressed
out of studying.

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

IV. Observation guide for the classroom visit
Be guided by these tasks as you do observation. Then accomplish the matrix to record your

1. Look at the walls of the classroom what are posted on the walls? What heroes, religious
figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located? How
are the tables and chairs/ desks arranged?
3. What learning materials/ equipment are present?
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
5. Is the room, well- lighted and well ventilated?

Description ( arrangement,
Classroom Facilities
conditioned, numbers and locations)

This school doesn’t have a poster of any

heroes, religious figures, but they have house
rules posters at the back of the room near the
door. They have a large board that was full of
Wall designs ( Poster of heroes, religious the student names for classes in that room.
figures, rule chart, etc.) Usually, two sections can get the same room
with different subjects. This is normally
happening in 2nd year and 3rd year because
they are the only one who has a rotating
schedule for their rooms.

The bulletin board is present is any student

building, this is composed of names of the
teacher and headteacher in that year level, a
Bulletin boards list of names of the SG, or student
government. They also have an
announcement and list of the cleanest room
on that building and so on.

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

Each room has its own cabinet that’s covered
with colorful curtains. This is the storage for
cleaning materials like brooms, dustpan,
coconut husk(Bunot), and floor wax.
Furniture (Cabinets and Tables) The teacher’s table is normally located at the
front left or right side of the room where’s the
door is nearer, but some teachers put their
table at the back of the room and just walk
around during discussion.

All classroom has its own blackboards that

place in a wall in front. Whiteboard is only
Blackboards / Whiteboards
available inside the science lab and computer

Visual aids are made of manila paper or

cartolina, and some of the teachers are using
flip charts. The Science lab, they have a
Teaching materials ( Books, modules, visual cabinet full of laboratory equipment such as,
aids, etc.) Bunsen burner, microscopes, calorimeters,
reagent bottles, and beakers that are fragile
and expensive so these cabinets have a sliding
glass door in it.

Students of this school came from a different

place so it is a diverse base on, religion,
manners, attitude, and so on. Students often
form a group that usually share their interest.
Students Each year level has 18 to 21 sections and each
section compose of 50 to 60 students. This is a
challenge to the teacher on how to assess and
manage such a large volume and diverse

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

They have a music hall that also an AVR(Audio-
Visual-Room) that use for presenting history
movies and other educational videos.
Computer labs are also available, but because
of the lack of computer units, not all students
get in touch with this equipments. Science
laboratory and T.L.E(Technology and
Other learning facilities Livelihood Education) facilities are also
present. They have room for Carpentry,
Electrical, Wielding, Cosmetics, Sewing, and
Culinary programs that complete with
equipment. Quirino also has a covered court
that uses for MAPEH(Music, Arts, Physical
Education, and Health) classes. But don’t have
enough equipment for all of these subjects.

Some structures like the building of the 1st

year level, do have a set of nice ceiling fans
because the building is brand new. But the
building for 2nd year and 3rd students is old and
the wiring for this building must be faulty due
to lack of renovations. So some power outlets
don’t work so they lay a long extension cord to
Light and ventilation
borrow electricity to the room that has a
working power outlet. In terms of lighting. The
classroom is designed to have a large place for
windows. This must help to get some air
outside, and also to use the sun as a light
source for the room. Lights are only switched
on if it’s raining, because of the dim came
from the bad weather.

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

V. My Reflections / Insights

1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact on the
learning of the students going to school? What are your conclusions?

I can say that learning is obtainable everywhere. But learning is much more possible if it
set in a proper ground like classrooms. Some debate may arise, what about online class? Was
online class is much better than the traditional going to school way of learning? Well, let’s
separate the two ideas and make an effort to see the benefits of both programs. I know that
these two design is working on the same page and it is to apply learning to the learners. A
classroom may be a benefit in terms of learning but also by building a personal relationship in
terms of encouragement to socialize with others. But online class is used as a practical way to
learn base on the situation may have. Just as if a pandemic emerges like what we have now.
The online class really stands out to be a medium to bring learning to students right now.
Seeing these two programs work side by side. Is a relief for the teacher because you can still
teach no matter what. Learning will not stop and it will never be if we continue to improve the
techniques, ways, and quality of learning.

2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent


Observing what an environment should have for learning is also related to child and
adolescent development. The environment for learning should always align with the child's
needs to have a cohesive program for quality learning. Every child is different and has a proper
set of ways to learn while growing up. The demand for a 6-year-old is different from the needs
of a 12-year-old child. The classroom environment should always assess the development of the
child to supply the proper ideas and materials to teach them. To give an example. Kindergarten
students are designed to play. So their classroom environment should have, playgrounds, a set
of toys, and a vivid colorful schemed design around it. Because that’s what a child at that age
demands. On the other hand, imagine that a kindergarten student is in the classroom
environment of a teenage student. Types of equipment and materials will be a lot different,
particularly the equipment inside a science lab like, beakers, and test tube which is very fragile
to handle by a kid who always wants to throw stuff. I perceive learning is like an RPG(Role
Playing Game). You need to level up first, to have the things that you need for your journey.

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

3. How does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?

The classroom environment is the place where students can feel safe and secure, and
able to act and performed by on what he/she knows. An environment that encouraging them to
express themselves is the place where all eager learners want. This is lined up to the idea of
facilitating learning. Facilitating learning is a system that a teacher is acting as a supporter
rather than an authority inside the classroom. Allowing the students to take part and lead a
path in a way they shape their learning capability is the goal of a teacher who acts as a
facilitator. The role of the classroom environment for learning makes a big part of it. An
environment designed to allow all students to partake and solve problems by themselves is a
must, to execute this kind of learning system. For example is a place where they can group up
and observed like, a garden or an open area inside the school for biology class. Materials that
they will fill up using their own conclusion to solve the problem that you gave to them.
Classroom environment and facilitating learning need to agree to give a chance to the student
to apply all the learning and experiences they have inside the school.

VI. My Reflections / Insights

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why or
why not?

Quirino High School is my alma matter, sure I would like to teach there someday. One of
my classmates before in 4th year is already teaching in this school. It also a way of giving back to
the school, that nurtured you to be a person who I am right now. This school is one of the lucky
school to have all the equipment that a school environment should have, especially now that I
know a lot of changes happens, and I assumed that a lot of improvement also is been done to
this school. But during my path in pursuing teaching, I realize what my goal in studying this
education is not just to teach. I am in pursuit to be knowledgeable about the functions of a
teacher in the school and for improving the curriculum system that our country has. My goal is
to teach, teachers and to conduct research in improving the curriculum that we have today. To
design a system that very effective for teaching and also for learning. A win-win scenario for the
teachers and the students.

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

First, let’s define the meaning of conducive. Cambridge Dictionary defines this as
“Providing the right conditions for something good to happen or exist” So a conducive campus
must always assure the needs of the students, things that will help the students to understand
and formulate their own idea on things that they learned. A campus that conducive to learning
must prioritize the idea of letting the students learn what they need to learn, rather than telling
them what they need to learn. Students should feel safe and aware that they belong to a group
of people they can trust. Campuses that seek conducive learning is the campus that gives and
supports the students to be an independent learner. From this era, this school should already
adopted a new way of teaching using the advancement of technology. Because in this program,
a student will easily attract and able to comply with solving problems if you use the materials
that they usually use. For example, is asking them to use their cellphone cameras to capture an
image that will represent what is a noun is and show it in front of the class. Conducive to
learning is pushing the teachers to side and be a facilitator of the class and putting the students
at the front and collaborating to better understand their lessons.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

A conducive classroom must have a dedicated teacher that will provide all the needs of
the student to help them understand and able to learn by themselves. In this, the teacher must
know to let go of the steering wheel of the classroom and pass it to the students. The teacher
should be their biggest supporter to obtain the learning inside the classroom. Conducting
activity that promotes coordination with each other is also a factor to have a conducive
classroom. Social skills need to improve for the students to have unity and less compitetions
and rivalry against each other. Dr. Jason Conway a speaker from TED Talks establishes the idea
for a classroom environment, “It's not about YOU, It's about THEM” is a great example of being
a teacher that promotes conducive learning. This classroom must be an advocate of creativity.
The students also feel that they belong and know that they need others to attain a better way
of learning.

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

I must strive to be a better teacher. I must believe in my students and need to cope with
the idea that the school grounds are built to help the students to be better people of the
community. I need to be more creative and diligent in making a curriculum that will boost the
student's capability to learn. I do need also to be part of their lives and support them to be
successful individuals.

5. Additional learning and insights.

I learned that teaching is like farming. You just there to give the needs of the plant for
them to grow. You need to block all the things that can harm the plant. You don’t always need
to be there but from time to time you need to check the plant if it's still growing. And at the
time that plant grows healthy you know that you need to transfer them to another and bigger
pot, for them to grow more. Teachers are the foundation of the school, but more likely the
foundation of a better community.

“We are Educators, we are born to make a difference” (Rita Pierson).

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

VII. My Reflections / Insights

My Personal Illustration of an Effective School Environment.

FS 1 The School as a Learning Environment

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