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Good morning and Greetings to all of us!__

The Honorable Mr. Dr. Chairil Faif Pasani, M. Si as Dean of the Teaching and Education

The Honorable Mr. Abdul Salam M, M.Pd as the Coordinator of the Physics Education Study
Program of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat University,

The honourable ,All Lecturers of the Physics Education Study Program, Teaching and Education
Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin._

The Honourable, the speakers:

1. Dr. Ninis Hadi Haryanti, M. Si as the Head of the Physics Society of Indonesia, South
Kalimantan branch_

2. Dr. H. ZulkarNaen, M. Si as Deputy Dean I FKIP Mulawarman University_

3. Dr. H. Amiruddin Hatibe, M. Si as an expert in Physics Education at Tadulako University_

4. Drs. Zainuddin, M. Pd as the Secretary of the Mathematics and Science Education


The Honourable, Chairman of the Physics Education Student Association for the period 2019-
2020(tu tausan en naintin-tu tausan en twenti) and his staff.And we love all the happy

let’s say thanks to our god Allah SWT, because His grace, we can gather in this zoom
room in a healthy condition_.

So that today, Saturday, October 31, 2020 we can gather together to participate in the
National Seminar on Physics Education 2020 in the context of MOTOGPE 2020 (Moment Of
General Physics Education 2020) with the theme "Strengthening Education Based on Local
Wisdom in Developing Creativity and Competitiveness In The Era of Society 5.0” ._

may peace be upon our prophet, Muhammad SAW, because it was his blessing that
brought us from the era of ignorance to an era that was bright and full of knowledge._
ladies and gentlemen, as well as all happy invited guests, we would like to welcome you
to the the National Seminar on Physics Education 2020 which is part of a series of moment of
general physics education activities in 2020 organized by the Physical Education Student
Association, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University ._

The implementation of the National Seminar on Physics Education 2020 will not be held
without the support of various parties, for that we would like to thank the sponsors who have
supported this activity, including :_

-abba chocolate
-exspost Clothing
-Dr. Ballence
-Operation Ganesha
-Coca Cola
-pinesia work
-RRI Pro_(khusus b.indo)

As for the schedule of our events today, :

. The first is opening
The second is reading the holy Quran
The Third Sing the song Indonesia Raya
The Fourth is greetings
The Fifth is Take photo
The sixth is Prayer
:The seventh is explanation from the speaker.
The eigth is Discussion
The last is closing_

All right, to shorten the time, let's just enter the first event, which is the opening, to open
our program today, let's read Basmalah together._(khusus b.indo)

The second program was the reading the holy Quran, to Abdul Rahman, Time is yours._
Thanks to abdul rahman was reciter the holy quran_
Then the third event is Listening Indonesia Raya song_
The fourth program is Greetings

- The first speech will be delivered by the Chief Executive of MOTOGPE 2020, to Amirul Aziz
Anshari Muda, Time is yours._

Thanks to Amirul Aziz Anshari Muda as the the Chief Executive of MOTOGPE2020_

- The second speech will be delivered by the Coordinator of the Physics Education Study
Program, to Mr. Abdul Salam M, M. Pd, Time is yours._

Thanks to Mr. Abdul Salam M, M. Pd as the Coordinator of the Physics Education Study

- The third speech will be delivered by the Dean of FKIP ULM, to Dr. Chairil Faif pasani, M. Si
Time is yours._

Thanks to Mr. Dr. Chairil Faif pasani, M. Si as the Dean of Faculty Of Teacher training
and education ,Lambung Mangkurat Univesity,_

The fifth program is take photo togethe will bie guided by publication dan decoration division_

The Sixth Program is prayer to abdul rahman time is yours_

Thanks to Abdul rahman for reading the prayer_

the main agenda which we are waiting for, explanation from the speaker, which will beguided by
our Moderator Mrs. Dr. Eko Susilowati, M. Si., To our moderators time is yours._

Thanks to Mrs. Dr. Eko Susilowati, M. Si as the moderator in this program_

The last event is the CLOSING_

Well, to close the event today, let us say Hamdalah_, I am Muhammad Choirul Hadi
Santoso and Erlina as MC and representing the entire committee to thank the participants
who have attended today and apologize if there are shortcomings during the event, finally
said.(khusus b.indo)

Wabilahitaufiqwalhidayah, wassalamu'alaikumwr.wb._

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