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ISSN 10757007, Studies on Russian Economic Development, 2015, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 403–412. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

, 2015.
Original Russian Text © S.V. Podkoval’nikov, V.A. Savel’ev, L.Yu. Chudinova, 2015.


Prospects of ElectricEnergy Cooperation

Between Russia and Northeast Asian Countries
S. V. Podkoval’nikov, V. A. Savel’ev, and L. Yu. Chudinova
Melentiev Energy Systems Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Lermontovskaya ul., 130, Irkutsk, 664033 Russia
Received April 17, 2014; in final form November 28, 2014

Abstract—The article shows trends in the development of interstate electrical connections and interconnec
tions around the world and potential energyeconomic effects of their creation. The current situation and
problems of the functioning of the electricpower industry in northeast Asian countries, including eastern
regions of Russia, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mongolia, and the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea, and their potential role in formation of interstate power interconnection in the region has been ana
lyzed. The potential directions and projects of transboundary power transmission between national and local
electric energy systems of these countries have been shown. The role of renewable power sources (water, wind,
and solar energy) in the development of interstate electrical connections and interconnections, including the
Asian Super Grid interconnection, is analyzed.
DOI: 10.1134/S1075700715040085

Purposes of integration and trends in the global tional electric energy markets; i.e., the development of
power industry. The uptodate development of the their institutional framework and regulatory base leads to
power industry is marked by the incessant growth of the creation of common electric energy space of appro
energy consumption in developed and, especially, priate regions.
developing countries and regions. The satisfaction of
growing need for fuel and electric energy is causing The largest global IEEI are Eastern and Western Grid
increasing difficulties. This is related to the depletion in the United States, ENTSOE (European network of
of domestic stocks of organic fuel and water power in transmission system operators for electricity) in
developed countries due to their heavy use, the growing Europe, IPS/UPS of CIS and Baltic countries, the
differentiation of countries by natural energy resource interconnection of MERCOSUR countries in South
endowment, and environmental problems. The situation America and SAARC countries in Central Asia, etc.
is accentuated by nuclear energy development morato [1]. As a model of common electric energy area can
rium in certain countries. As consequence, the trade of serve the electrical energy complex of the European
international energy resources (crude oil, natural and liq Union. The functions of its legislative and coordinat
uefied gas, coal, nuclear fuel, and electric energy) is ing body are fulfilled by European Energy Commis
expanding, and pipe, rail, and maritime transport sys sion, and development management and functioning
tems are developing. are coordinated by ENTSOE.
The development of interstate electrical connec
tions and the extension of the electric energy trade are The formation of IEEI as unified technical systems
carried out by constructing transboundary power and the creation of common electric energy space
transmission lines (TPTLs). The purposes of these enables one to obtain a wide range of integrated (syn
TPTLs can be differentiated for border trade, export ergistic) effects, ranging from energyeconomic to
ing electric energy from specially constructed plants, political characteristics[1, 2]. In general, these include
and connecting national or local electric energy sys mutually advantageous electric energy trade, the
tems (EESs) of neighboring countries for networking enhancement of reliability and continuity of the power
(or parallel operation). As a rule, they include overhead supply, improved use of power plants of various types at
and cable DC transmissions or AC power transmission the interconnection of EESs with different structures
lines with DC converting stations (links). In the process of generating capacities, the utilization of the cheapest
of connecting EESs for networking interstate electric conventional and renewable energy resources, the use
energy interconnections (IEEIs) are formed. Nowadays, of the most effective equipment and clean technolo
there are no regions in the world where these IEEIs do gies, the possibility of joint power construction, and
not exist or their creation is not planned [1]. IEEI is the the approval of generation and development in various
technical and technological infrastructure of interna countries with regard to environmental problems.


Sea of Okhotsk

Irkutsk Sapporo
520 km Vladivostok Japan
Sea of Japan
Ulaanbaatar 430 km Tokyo
Shenyang North Korea
Mongolia 1130 km 215 km Republic 880 km
Dandong of Korea
745 km Osaka
Pyongyang Seoul
225 km
Beijing 550 km
Gobi Desert 610 km 215 km Fukuoka
1065 km Qingdao Pusan
China East China Sea

Fig. 1. Panoramic sketch of the Asian Super Grid interconnection.

In addition, the formation of interstate intercon tor that promotes the creation of IEEIs and their
nections may strengthen integrated effects becoming development in recent times, inter alia for the purpose
apparent with increasing sizes of energy systems and of overcoming of conventional energy resources deficit
their interconnections, i.e. so called economies of and solution of environmental problems. As is known,
scale are observed [1–3]. This effect, along with wind energy is actively developing in northern Europe
decreasing demand for installed capacities, is related [5], mainly with seabased wind power plants. The
to the possibility to concentrate electric energy pro creation of solar complexes in order to export electric
duction due to the construction of power plants with energy to ENTSOE is planned at the territory of
larger installed capacity, with larger units, as well as Middle East and North Africa (DESERTEC project)
electric power supply centralization by means of cre [5]. Wind and solarpower complexes (parks and
ation of power transmission lines of higher voltage farms) are actively being constructed in China [6].
with big transmission capacity and length of electric There are proposals for constructing these complexes
energy transportation. in the Gobi desert in Mongolia (Gobitec) with a focus
Implementation of these effects requires the cre on electric energy export to other countries of north
ation of unified strategic and operational authorities east Asia and the formation of Asian Super Grid inter
united by national and local EES of cooperating coun connection on this basis (Fig. 1) [4].
tries, as well as harmonization of laws and regulations The role of IEEIs as a factor in the extension of the
of this management. Conditions for this depend on use of renewable energy sources (RES) lies in the cre
technical possibilities and energyeconomic feasibility ation of conditions for overcoming the nonuniformity
of construction of certain transboundary power trans of the energy generation of wind and solar power
mission lines, as well as on the economic and energy plants in highenergy interconnections and for growth
cooperation of the appropriate countries and political in the scale of developing conventional environmen
environment in the region. tally friendly renewable energy.
Initially, interstate electric energy interconnections In addition to the creation of interstate electrical
developed mainly on the limited territory of a couple connections and interconnections and electric energy
or a few countries. Over the course of time, they have trade, another important direction in the cooperation
swept the regions. Nowadays, there is a tendency to in the world electricpower industry under the influ
form interregional, continental, and intercontinental ence of economic globalization is energy and electrical
IEEIs. These interconnections are also projected equipment, as well as the trade of electricenergy
across the Eurasian continent. There are proposals for assets. Furthermore, scientific and technical links are
creation of Eurasian, South Asian, and other inter developing in this field.
connections [1–2; 4]. Cooperation in the field of electricpower industry
The extensive use of renewable energy resources, provides the “growth of activity, predictability, and sta
i.e, wind, solar, and water, becomes an important fac bility of world power markets, the improvement of



Table 1. General characteristics of the electricpower industry in regions of Russia and countries of northeast Asia

People’s Russia
South Korea Japan MPR North Korea
Index Republic Siberia* Far East* (2013) (2012) (2012) (2012)
of China (2013) (2013) (2013)
Territory, mln sq. km 9598 5115 6169 99 373 1565 121
Population, mln ppl. 1357.4 19.3 6.3 50.0 127.6 2.8 24.8
Electric power consumption, TWh 5322.3 205.3 31.61 474.9 991.6 5.2 1.2
Ditto per capita, kWh/pers. 3921 10637 5017 9498 7771 1857 734
Electric energy production, TWh 5347.4 197.4 35.2 517.1 1094.0 5.2 21.5
Installed capacity of power plants, GW 1247.4 49.3 9.1 91.0 287.3 1.02 7.22
incl. TPP: 796.4 25.0 5.7 56.3 188.9 0.97 2.96
coal TPP 758.1 24.2 5.2 24.5 50.9 0.88 2.76
gas and fuel oil TPP 38.3 0.8 0.5 31.8 138.0 0.09 0.2
HPP 280.0 24.3 3.3 6.5 48.9 0.03 4.26
NPP 14.6 – – 20.7 46.1 – –
RES 86.8 – – 3.5 3.4 0.01 –
* Production and consumption of electric energy and installed capacity are given for Interconnected Energy Systems of Siberia and the
Far East, correspondingly.

investment climate in energy industry, effective energy Science and Technology, and Russian holding compa
use and energy conservation, diversification energy nies (Evrosibenergo, InterRAO EES, and RusHydro).
sources structure, the decrease of impact of electric The prospects of development of international
power industry on climate, and guaranteeing sustain cooperation and integration in the electricpower
able social development” [4]. industry in northeast Asia are conditioned by the dif
Conditions of cooperation between countries of ferences in endowment of the countries with domestic
Northeast Asia in the field of the electricpower indus natural energy resources and in the level of their use,
try. The development of interstate cooperation in elec different demand for these resources and final energy
tricpower industry is still in the initial stage. carriers, as well as acuteness of environmental prob
lems in individual countries of the region.
Nowadays, in this area, there are separate trans
boundary power transmission lines with a predomi The general characteristics of electricpower
nant voltage of 110–220 kV and with transmission industry in the eastern regions of Russia and countries
capacity of 100–150 MW for border electricenergy in northeast Asia in 2012–2013 are shown in Table 1.
trade. These TPTLs exist between Russia and Mongo Table 2 shows conventional endowment of these
lia, Russia and China, and China and North Korea [1, countries with natural energy resources. As for fossil
2]. In 2011, the export TPTL Amurskaya substation fuel, presented data are related to the proven recover
(Russia)–Heihe substation (People’s Republic of able stocks [13–16, etc.].
China) with a voltage of 500 kV and a transmission As seen from these tables, the leading role in the
capacity of 750 MW with a DC link was built. electricpower industry in northeast Asia belongs to
At the same time, since the early 1990s, there have the People’s Republic of China. With regard to the con
been studies of the efficiency and prospects of TPTL sumption growth rates of electrical energy and the
construction, and electrical connections between certain degree of development of this sector, China greatly
countries and the formation of regional IEEI in north exceeds many countries and, in electric energy pro
east Asia [1, 3, 7–12]. Research institutes of Russia, duction, it has been a world leader since 2011.
including Melentiev Energy Systems Institute, the Sibe The People’s Republic of China has considerable
rian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, stocks of natural energy resources, including coal,
Republic of Korea, the People’s Republic of China, water, oil, and gas. However, coal (87.4% of total
Japan, Mongolia, and other countries, as well as Asia potential) prevails in the structure of these stocks. The
Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) in Tokyo share of hydropower is 9.5%, while that of oil is 2.8%.
(Japan) participate in these studies, which are financed There are large stocks of offshore gas, but they are not
by state budgets of the Russian Federation and Republic currently used because they are inaccessible. Wind and
of Korea, as well as the World Bank, Skolkovo Institute of solar energy have the greatest potential.



Table 2. Endowment of regions of Russia and countries of northeast Asian with energy resources
People’s Russia
Index Republic ROK Japan MPR
of China Siberia* Far East*

Stocks of coal, billion tons 114.5 153.8 20.2 0.126 0.350 21.5
Stocks of conventional oil, billion tons 2.5 3.5 1.0 – 0.006 0.206
Stocks of conventional gas, trillion cubic meters 3.1 6.1 3.0 0.007 0.040 N/A
Technical potential of water energy resources, billion kWh 2474 757 684 26 136 9
Technical potential of wind energy, GW 2750 900 1200 60 1500 1100
Technical potential of solar energy, GW 2200 1100 1400 N/A 150 1500
* Within the boundaries of a Federal District.

The prevalence of coal in the structure of conven require the People’s Republic of China’s significantly
tional natural energy resources has determined pre strengthen the national electric network to extra and
dominantly coal orientation of the fuel and energy bal ultrahigh voltages of 500 and 1000 kV (AC) and of
ance of China. Nowadays, the share of coal in total ±400, ±600, and ±800 kV (DC). The development of
energy consumption is about 60%; it plays a vital role electrical connections of national energy network of
in electric energy production. In 2010, the total capac China with inter connections of the eastern regions of
ity of coal thermal power plants reached 70% of the Russia and other countries may play a certain role in
total installed capacity in the country (Table 1). The the solution of these problems.
share of hydroelectric power plants was 21.8%, while Thus, the extension of electrical connections with
the share of nuclear power plants was only 1.1%. At the the countries of northeast Asia, especially with Russia,
same time, coal thermal power plants (TPP) provided should be considered a key direction in the develop
80% of total electric energy production in the country, ment of China’s electric energy industry. At the same
while and HPP provided 14%. The coal orientation of time, China’s shortterm energy policy will have a
Chinese energy industry will inevitably remain in the direct impact on the conditions and possibilities of the
foreseeable future [17, 18]. formation of interstate electric power interconnection
A serious consequence of this situation is cata of countries of northeast Asian.
strophic environmental pollution with coal combus
tion byproducts, which is aggravated by road transport The Russian Federation also shows high interest in
emissions in cities and towns. That is why the topical developing interstate electrical connections with
current problem for the People’s Republic of China is countries of northeast Asia. Moreover, the export of
the full reduction of CO2 emission and contaminants electric energy from eastern regions to neighboring
countries is often considered a factor that stimulates
of the atmosphere and bodies of water. In order to solve the acceleration of the development of natural
this problem, China is planning to extend TPP construc resources on undeveloped territories, the strengthen
tion with aggregates with extra and ultra supercritical ing and extension of the power base, and the economic
steam parameters and to develop nuclear and renewable development of these regions in general [3].
energy (water, wind, and solar) [6]. By 2023, the share of
NPPs is expected to increase to 16.4% in the structure of The export potential of Siberia and the Russian Far
the generating capacities of the People’s Republic of East is determined by heavy stocks of conventional
China; and RES and HPP share, up to 44% [4]. Further energy sources, including coal, water energy, and nat
more, it is planned to commission the main generating ural gas (Table 2). These reserves not only guarantee
capacities in highpower (dozens of GW) coal, wind, and the increased demands for fuel and electric energy, but
solar energy complexes on the territory of northern, north also sell fuel and electric energy to other countries, in
eastern, and northwestern China. particular to East Asia. In turn, these countries express
It causes two interrelated problems. The first prob interest in developing electrical connections with the
lem is necessity to transport capacities of these com IPS of Siberia and IPS of the East, as well as the
plexes to the areas (eastern, central, and southern receipt of the generation of ecologically clean electric
China) that have significant and increasing demand energy by HPP and, in prospect, by Tugurskaya tidal
for electric energy, but poor energy resources. The sec power plant [3].
ond problem is to provide the effective use of stochas As mentioned above, electric energy is supplied
tically nonuniform energy generation of wind and from Russia to northeastern provinces of People’s
solar power plants. In order to solve these problems, Republic of China and to Mongolia, but on a relatively
these complexes should be connected to electric small scale. In 2012 they amounted to 2.63 billion
energy systems with the appropriate capacity. This will kWh; and in 2013, 3.5 billion kWh.



Nevertheless, the further development of interstate 2012, all nuclear power plants have been shut down.
electrical connections between Russia and countries The termination of this part of electricenergy pro
of northeast Asian is restricted by internal and external duction had to be compensated for by an additional
reasons. load of all thermal power plants in the country and sig
First, construction of electric power facilities and nificant growth of gas and oil import. As a conse
especially the creation of HPPs in eastern areas of quence, the electric energy costs increased drastically.
Russia are being carried out in remote and undevel Hence, in the country, a conflict developed between
oped territories with severe climates. It requires the the population, which strongly opposes NPP opera
creation of transport, power, and social infrastructure; tion because of real social and environmental threats,
along with the cost of construction works, this signifi and manufacturing enterprises, for which electric
cantly increases project expenditures. As a result, elec energy costs have a significant impact on the compe
tric energy export from Russian HPP is often non tiveness of their production in global markets.
competitive. Usually, it is only effective in the case of Despite the population’s protests, Japanese spe
the sale of electric energy overstock from functioning cialists have justified the need for persisting function
power plants that do not require investments for ing of nuclear power plants with a total capacity of
capacity developments. Thus, in the presence of inter about 30 GW [17], with higher requirements to equip
state electrical connections, it would be possible to sell ment reliability and reducing the risk of nuclear radia
surplus electric energy from the newly commissioned tion. Due to the lack (for technical and economic rea
Boguchanskaya HPP. sons) of possibilities for wide development of renew
Second, the creation of this infrastructure and the able energy in shortterm, the country will also have to
development of natural resources in these regions develop thermal electricpower industry keeping
requires government support. So far, funds allocated organic fuel export. Under these conditions, it could
for these purposes have not been sufficient even to be possible to significantly improve environmental sit
implement small projects. Furthermore, exportori uation with the development of interstate electrical
ented coal, gas, and oil projects are implemented in connections with neighboring countries and with
the first place. import of ecologically clean electric energy from Rus
sia and China. Various projects of transboundary
Third, integrated effects in the case of the intercon power transmission between Japan and these countries
nection of EES of Russia and other countries of north are offered [4, 7–12], a comparison of which requires
east Asian for networking significantly increase the additional studies.
efficiency of transboundary power transmission lines
creation. The greatest effect can be achieved by means The Republic of Korea (ROK), where electric
of decreased the demand for generating capacities due energy production per capita is higher than in other
to variations in seasonality and time of the annual peak countries of northeast Asian, has a very high level of
load in eastern areas of Russia and in territories with electricpower industry development. The structure of
hot climates (South Korea, Japan, and a considerable generating capacities in ROK (Table 1) is analogous to
part of China) [1, 3]. Japan. Besides, it has the same problems with energy
The consequences of the accident in Fukushima1 resources endowment, as island Japan.
NPP in Japan in March 2011 might have a serious The Republic of Korea shows interest in develop
impact on the development of interstate electric con ing electrical connections with Russia at the state level
nections in northeast Asia [4]. Until 2010, with regard [7]. Furthermore, as studies by the Melentiev Energy
to the level of electricpower industry development, Systems Institute Siberian Branch of the Russian
this country ranked second in the region after China Academy of Sciences and KERI have shown, the
(Table 1). At the same time, it came out on top in interconnection of East’s IPS and ROK’s EES is tech
northeast Asia by nuclear energy development. NPP nically feasible and very effective, especially for the
provided nearly one third of country’s electric energy Korean part. However, the unstable political situation
production, but 60% of its production fell on oil, gas on Korean Peninsula is a serious obstacle for it. The
and coalbased power plants. This is why there is great above is also true of transboundary power transmis
demand for coal imports from Russia and Australia, as sions with Northeast China.
well as liquid gas and oil, predominantly from the The role of Mongolia in the development of the
Middle East and South America. As a result, the coun interstate electrical connections in northeast Asia,
try’s electricpower industry faced two problems, i.e. despite the relatively weak development of its electric
dependence on imported energy resources and the power industry (Table 1), is significant. Works in with
negative environmental effects of the thermal electric Russia in the field of electric power supply have been
power. In order to mitigate these problems, the exten in progress for a long time. The Gusinoozerskaya
sion of construction of NPP and power plants based TPP–Darhan–Ulaanbaatar line is functioning. Now
on renewable energy resources were planned. adays, MPR is actively developing its electric connec
This accident has fundamentally changed the situ tions with China. Through its territory could go a tran
ation in the Japanese electricpower industry. Since sit power transmission line between Russia and Peo



Table 3. Potential interstate electrical connections between northeast Asia counties

Transmis Estimated
Direction of interstate Energy transmis
Length, km Voltage, kV sion capacity, cost, billion
electrical connections sion, TWh per year
Bratsk–Ulaanbaatar–Beijing 2250 ±600 5–6 18 1.8
Bureiskaya HPP–Harbin 700 ±400 1.0 3 2.2
Project of largescale electric energy 3400* ±600 10* 60* 18*
Erkovetskaya TPP–Shenyang 1300 ±600 3.6 20 8.8
DC system Ust’–Ilimsk–Khabarovsk 5000 ±750 10.0 40 16.5
Russia–Korean Peninsula
Vladivostok–Chongjin 370 ±500 0.5 3 0.13
Vladivostok–Pyongyang–Seoul 1150 ±500 4.0 7 4.8
SouthYakutian HPP–Shenyang–Seoul 2400 ±750 5.0 20 10.5
Sakhalin–Hokkaido–Honshu 1850/1400** ±600 4/3 24 9.6
Sakhalin–Hokkaido 500/50** ±500/±400 4.0 24 6.7
Asian Super Grid
Gobitec–Mongolia, Russia, China, 7300 ±800 100* 200* 56.7*
Korea, Japan
* General figures of the project.
** Numerator shows the total length, denominator shows the length of the underwater cable.

ple’s Republic of China. In the case of the creation of the fact that some projects are only related to trans
the Asian Super Grid, this country can play a defining boundary power transmissions and other include
role in the formation of an IEEI of northeast Asian export power plants construction.
countries [4]. Let us turn our attention to certain projects. First of
A potential energy market for Russia and other all, let us consider interstate electric connections
countries of the region is North Korea, which always between Russia and China.
incurs a deficit of fuel and electric energy. However, so The project of Bratsk–Beijing transboundary
far, the interrelations in the field of electric power have power transmission is focused on solving two tasks,
been restricted for political and financial reasons. i.e., organizing the export of surplus power of func
Possible directions of interstate electrical connec tioning and new power plants in IPS of Siberia and its
tions in the Northeast Asia. In the course of studies of interconnection with EES of North China with imple
integration prospects in electricpower industry of menting integrated effects. The main project consists
northeast Asian countries a number of projects of of decreasing the commission of new generating
development of interstate electrical connections and capacities in both EESs due to the variations in the
formation of a regional interstate electric power inter seasonality of annual peak load in a given EES.
connection are under consideration [1–4, 7–12]. According to the studies, the capacity effects
These projects are distinct in purposes of cooperation amounted to 9–11 GW, and investment savings upon
(border trade, export of electric energy, and intercon implementing the interconnection project were esti
nection of national and local EES), electric energy mated at 6–7 billion USD [1].
sources on sending end, directions, and technical per Projects of TPTL Erkovetskaya TPP–Shenyang,
formance of power transmission lines between cooper Bureiskaya HPP–Harbin, and South Yakutian HPP–
ating countries. Shenyang are exports, and they suppose the construc
Table 3 and Figs. 1–2 [3, 9] give a general idea of tion of exportoriented thermal power plants at the
the main projects of interstate electrical connections edges of surface coal mines and HPPs, including the
in northeast Asia. SouthYakutian hydropower complex [3].
The data shown in Table 3 for the cost of certain The project of largescale electricenergy exports
projects are preliminary. As a rule, they were obtained from Russia to China belongs to the largest export
at the preproject stage and at various times. Signifi thermalpower projects [3]. According to the agree
cant differences in these figures can be explained by ment of 2005 between RAO UES of Russia and the






Irkutsk UlanUde Sakhalin



Mongolia Vladivostok

North Korea
Beijing Tokyo
China Republic
of Korea Japan

Fig. 2. Possible directions of transboundary power transmission lines in northeast Asia.

State Grid Corporation of People’s Republic of netimptonskaya HPP in South Yakutian hydropower
China, it was supposed to construct in Transbaikalia complex (Table 4) in the IPS of the East.
and Amur oblast, several coal thermalpower plants Among exportoriented projects, there is construc
with a total capacity of 10–11 GW, and the appropri tion of the Tugurskaya tidal power plant [3]. In partic
ate AC/DC power transmission lines at the territories ular, it is a base of the DC system Ust’Ilimskaya
of Russia and People’s Republic of China (Table 3) HPP–Khabarovsk project [3]. This project suggests
with final export volumes up to 60 billionkWh of elec that the abruptly variable energy generation of this
tric energy. The first stage of the project is mostly fin tidal plant is flattened by the capacities of relatively
ished; currently, this enables IPS of the East to sell up cheap additional aggregates of functioning Bratskaya,
to 3.5 billion kWh electric energy per year to the south Ust’Ilimskaya, Zeiskaya, Bureiskaya, and the future
east provinces of China. However, the implementation Mokskaya and SredneUchurskaya HPP. This will
of subsequent stages has been ceased due to costs. As for enable one to concentrate over 70 TWh of ecologically
the actions stipulated by this project, it now remains possi clean electric energy to provide Siberian and Far
ble to complete construction of the Erkovetskaya TPP in Eastern consumers and to export it to any East Asian
Amur oblast with a capacity of 3000 MW with transport of country.
20 billion kWh electric power to Shenyang by DC power
transmission line with voltage of ±600 kV by 2025. The conducted studies have shown that connection
of the IPS of the East with the energy system of the
As an alternative to thermal power projects of inter Republic of Korea, i.e., Vladivostok–Pyongyang–Seoul
state electrical connections between Russia and coun TPTL, is most effective. Compared with other projects of
tries of northeast Asian, projects somehow related to interstate electrical connections in northeast Asia
the use of new, functioning Siberian and FarEastern (Table 3), this project is the most developed. The Melen
hydro power plants are considered [1, 3]. tiev Energy Systems Institute Siberian Branch of the Rus
Currently, as a rule, Russia sells electric energy of sian Academy of Sciences and KERI studies [1, 8–9] jus
Bureiskaya HPP from IPS of the East to the People’s tified not only the feasibility and efficiency, but also the
Republic of China. A number of projects of electric technical capabilities of creating this connection. The eco
energy transfer from IPS of Siberia to China are nomic effect of the project will reach 14 billion USD in
largely oriented at utilizing excessive seasonal produc investments and nearly 2 billion USD in annual
tion by HPPs of the Angara–Yenisei cascade (Table 3). expenditures. Furthermore, the yearly economic ben
New HPPs, the construction of which can be related efit for Russia can reach 450 million USD [10].
to the creation of interstate electrical connections with High efficiency of this project at the maneuver
EESs of East Asian countries, include Mokskaya HPP mode of transboundary power transmission can be
with its counterregulator and Ivanovskaya HPP in IPS explained by sufficient possible saving of generating
of Siberia, as well as Kankunskaya and Nizh capacities (8 GW) due to the variation in seasonality of



Table 4. Export waterpower projects of Eastern Siberia and the Far East
Longterm annual aver Estimated
Location, Installed
Project title age electric energy pro cost, billion
(region, river) capacity, MW
duction, TWh USD
Mokskaya and Ivanovskaya Buryatia, Vitim river 1421 7.8 3.5
SouthYakutian hydropower Republic of Sakha, basin 9050 39.0 27
complex, totally of the Lena river
Kankunskaya Timpton River 1200 4.9
Nizhne Timptonskaya '' 930 3.8
Sredne Uchurskaya Uchur River 3330 15.0
Uchurskaya '' 360 2.2
Verkhnealdanskaya Aldan River 1000 4.5
Olekminskaya Olekma River 2000 7.6
NizhneOlekminskaya '' 230 1.0
Tugurskaya tidal Sea of Okhotsk 5120–6800 16.1–18.5 11–14

occurrence of annual peak load. An important role in HPP and Tugurskaya tidal plant to Japan (Fig. 2).
the implementation of this effect can play the func However, so far, these projects have been very expen
tioning Zeiskaya and Bureiskaya HPP in Amur energy sive because they are both long term and the under
system. However, the implementation of the project water cable covers a long distance.
and safe TPTL operation requires the solution of Now the initial project is revived, but with certain
political problems on Korean Peninsula and the cre changes [19]. It supposes the construction of export
ation of conditions for strong economic and technical oriented power plants in Sakhalin (at the first stage, two
partnership between Russia and the ROK. coal plants with a capacity of 1050–1200 MW near the
Nowadays, a topical problem is exporting electric settlement of Nikol’sk in Uglegorsk raion; at the second
energy from Russia to Japan. The idea of this project stage, a combined cycle plant with a capacity of 800 MW
of Sakhalin–Hokkaido–Honshu transboundary at the south of the island), AC power transmission line at
power transmission appeared as early as in the 1990s. the territory of Sakhalin, and DC power transmission
It was supposed to build exportoriented TPP (the first line through La Perouse Strait with a converting substa
stage consisted of Solntsevskaya coal plant with a tion in the northern part of energy system of Hokkaido
capacity of 4 GW and the second stage consisted of Island. This project is actively supported by the authori
Vakhrushevskaya combined cycle power plant) and the ties of neighboring regions of Russia and Japan.
Sakhalin–Sapporo–Tokyo DC power transmission
line with a voltage of ±400 kV with a length of 1600 km An alternative direction of electrical connections
with two underwater cable ducts through La Perouse between Russia and Japan is the construction of a
Strait with a length of 50 km and through Tsugaru TPTL through China and countries of Korean Penin
Strait with a length of 40 km [10]. sula. However, the implementation of this project is
hindered by the abovementioned problems in the
As an alternative to this project, the project of an Korean Peninsula.
energy bridge between Russia and Japan was proposed
[11]. It supposed the construction of a combined cycle Lately, among other possible areas of interstate
power plant on Sakhalin with a capacity of 4 GW, electrical connections in northeast Asia, the transpor
aerialcable DC power transmission line with a voltage tation of electric energy from the wind and solar energy
of ±600 kV with a length of 1800 km (1400 km of complex in the Gobi Desert is under consideration. This
underwater cable) from Sakhalin to Honshu, and con project includes the creation of Gobitec complex with a
verting substations in Sakhalin with a capacity of total capacity of 100 GW based on wind and solar power
4 GW, Hokkaido with a capacity of 1 GW, and Honshu plants (in equal proportion) and DC TPTL in order to
with a capacity of 3 GW. The extension of this TPTL transport their energy generation to China, the Republic
to Khabarovsk would enable to unite IPS of East and of Korea, Japan, and Russia. The creation of these lines
EES of Japan and obtain the effect of variations in will lead to the formation of interstate electric network
times of the annual peak load in these systems. Asian Super Grid (Table 3 and Fig. 1) [4]. It is clear that
According to the studies, it would cause a power effect this project can be implemented in the long term and
of 1.6 GW and investment savings of 1 billion USD with very high costs. Furthermore, the suggested prelim
[12]. A longerterm project is oriented toward export inary arrangement of this interconnection requires seri
ing the capacity and electric energy of SouthYakutian ous modification.



As the efficiency studies of IEEI formation in However, in the near term, the IPS of Siberia and
northeast Asia first conducted by Melentiev Energy East with a glance to their geographic position are des
Systems Institute Siberian Branch of the Russian tined to play an important role in the formation and
Academy of Sciences have shown, system effects the development of the electric grid infrastructure of
obtained as a consequence of the creation of this inter IEEIs in northeast Asia.
connection amount to more than 24 billion USD per The extension of interstate electrical connections
year related to cost saving for IEEI functioning and has an effect on the development of energy systems of
development (taking into account expenditures for eastern regions of our country, primarily due to the
electric energy infrastructure), over 65 GW of installed creation of conditions for the more comprehensive
generating capacities saving, and nearly 80 billion utilization of power resources, the development of
USD of investment saving. The fuel effect of the inter installed capacities of certain power plants, and the
connection reaches 10 billion USD per year. Further use of higherpower, more ecologically and economi
more, the share of Russia in formation of these effects cally effective generating equipment produced in
is 30–40%. countries of northeast Asian.
Stages of the formation of interstate electric energy The extension of directions and the improvement
interconnections in Northeast Asia. The creation of of tools for cooperating in the electricpower industry
interstate electric energy interconnections begins with in Russia and countries of northeast Asian have
the construction of transboundary power transmission important general economic significance.
lines [1] providing the joint functioning of national or
local energy systems of two or more rarely three coun CONCLUSIONS
tries. Such power transmissions should function in
varying mode that enables to implement some of men The aforementioned means that the extension of
tioned in the beginning of this article synergistic interstate electrical connections between eastern areas
effects. As a comparison of expenditures for develop of Russia and countries of East Asia is one of the major
ment and operation of EES of neighboring countries problems of the prospective development of electric
in case of their interconnection and at their indepen power industry in our country. At the same time, a spe
dent functioning shows, these electric connections are cial role will be played by the use of renewable energy
especially effective. The examples are Bratsk–Ulaan resources, i.e., water, wind, and solar power. At the
baatar–Beijing and Vladivostok–Pyongyang–Seoul same time, the solution of this problem faces signifi
TPTLs, which connect energy systems with different cant difficulties.
seasons of the occurrence of the annual peak load. On one hand, there are favorable energyeconomic
However, at the first stage, the crucial role belongs, not premises in the development of interstate electrical
to economic factors, but rather to the political situa connections between certain countries and creation of
tion and the readiness of countries, EES of which are an interstate electric power interconnection in north
connected, to cooperation in the field of statutory reg east Asia. On the other hand, the possibilities of their
ulation in order to support their power security. formation in the short term are limited due to formi
dable political and economic obstacles, including the
The formation and development of a regional global economy stagnation.
interstate interconnection of northeast Asian coun Against this background, the task of energy policy
tries as a unified whole according to the described plan in the east of Russia is the promotion of energy coop
of NEAREST, Asian Super Grid, or any other plan eration with countries of northeast Asian. The projects
consist of several stages, the succession and duration of transboundary power transmission between IPS of
of which will depend on various conditions. At the Siberia and the East and power systems of the north
same time, as mentioned above, the efficiency and and northeast provinces of China, Japan, and the
technical capability of the formation of, e.g., NEAR Republic of Korea are the most elaborated and have
EST IEEI, is confirmed by Melentiev Energy Systems the most favorable conditions for their implementa
Institute and KERI studies [1, 7–8]. tion. Some of them will seemingly be implemented in
It should be mentioned that the efficiency of the the first place.
development of interstate electrical connections in
various countries depends significantly on the level of REFERENCES
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