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NWSec-Assignment1-umer mushtaq-53c



Steps that my browser goes through when I hit the


1-After I hit the URL, the browser cache is checked. As browser

maintains its DNS records for some amount of time for the
websites you have visited earlier. Therefore, firstly, DNS query
ran here to find the IP address associated with the domain name.
2- The second place where DNS query ran is OS cache followed
by router cache.
3-Then this query went to the resolver server. Resolver server is
nothing but your ISP (Internet service provider). The query is sent
to ISP where DNS query runs in ISP cache.
4- ISP’S DNS server initiate a DNS query to find the IP address
of the server that hosts from isp my
query went to the root server .root server tells the resolver server
to top level domain server.  resolver asks TLD server to give IP
address of our domain name. TLD stores address information of
domain name. It tells the resolver to ask it to Authoritative Name
5- Once the browser receives the correct IP address it will build a
connection with the server that matches IP address to transfer
information. Browser used TCP internet protocols to build such
connection. This connection is established using a process called
the  TCP/IP three way handshake.
6- After establishing TCP connection, the browser sent HTTP
GET request to the web server asking for
web page.
7-The server handles the request and send back HTTP response.

Protocols used are TCP and HTTP.

Source Port is 50192 and Destination Port is 80.
DNS server and Default Gateway Address is

I cleared my arp table using following command in command

Netsh interface ip delete arpcache

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