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Novel Coronavirus and Orthopaedic Surgery
Early Experiences from Singapore
Zhen Chang Liang, MBBS, MRCS, DipSpMed, PhD, MBA, Wilson Wang, MBBS, FRCS, DPhil, Diarmuid Murphy, MBBS, FRCS*,
and James Hoi Po Hui, MBBS, MD, FRCS*
Investigation performed at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, National University of Singapore, National University Health System, Singapore

No sooner had the fireworks, celebrating the dawn of a new new purpose-built medical treatment and quarantine facilities at
decade, faded when health-care systems in China and, later, the National Centre for Infectious Diseases in Singapore. Impor-
globally were threatened by the emergence of the 2019 novel tantly, our lessons from SARS have also culminated in the devel-
coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic. Medical resources in China opment and adoption of a systematic outbreak response system,
and the rest of Asia have been stretched thin in an attempt to termed DORSCON (Disease Outbreak Response System Condi-
contain the spread of what is thought to be a particularly infec- tion)6. DORSCON is a color-coded framework (green, yellow,
tious zoonosis. This viral outbreak was first reported in late orange, and red) depicting various alert levels corresponding to
December 2019 as a cluster outbreak in Wuhan, China, and disease severity and spread (Fig. 1). This has served us well during
was linked to a seafood and wholesale wet market1. It has now the SARS and H1N1 influenza outbreaks and is currently used in
spread to involve countries across multiple continents, stretching managing the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.
as far as the United States2, Italy 3, and Australia4. The World Singapore detected the first confirmed case of COVID-19
Health Organization (WHO) has since declared this novel coro- infection in a tourist from Wuhan on January 23, 2020. With
navirus outbreak a global health emergency, calling for global an increase in the number of infections island-wide and con-
solidarity and a concerted international effort to stem this bur- firmation of early community spread (in patients with no link
geoning epidemic. As of March 13, 2020, this coronavirus has to previous cases or travel history to China), the Ministry of
infected 145,336 patients and claimed 5,416 lives5. These num- Health on February 7, 2020, raised the outbreak response to
bers are increasing on a daily basis as screening and diagnostic DORSCON Orange status7. In coordination with the senior
efforts are being stepped up with heightened vigilance. management of the various public hospitals, this triggered a
This COVID-19 epidemic is not the first infectious dis- series of outbreak control measures in an attempt to contain
ease outbreak to hit Singapore, nor will it be the last. In 2003, the disease spread. Contact tracing measures were ramped up;
our health-care system was abruptly stressed with the emer- close contacts of confirmed infections were placed on manda-
gence of the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) crisis, tory 14-day quarantines. Within the health-care setting, health-
with 238 infections (including health-care professionals) and care workers with pertinent travel histories to the People’s
33 deaths. Since then, Singapore has progressively strengthened Republic of China were placed on a 2-week mandatory leave
its ability and resilience in managing further infectious disease of absence and were only allowed to return to work if they
outbreaks. Among others, this has included the construction of remained afebrile and asymptomatic. All health-care staff were

*Diarmuid Murphy, MBBS, FRCS, and James Hoi Po Hui, MBBS, MD, FRCS, contributed equally to this work.

Disclosure: The authors indicated that no external funding was received for any aspect of this work. The Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest forms
are provided with the online version of the article (

J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2020;102:745-9 d

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Fig. 1
DORSCON Alert Levels as adopted in Singapore in response to disease outbreaks.

issued thermometers for compulsory, twice-daily temperature patient care and containing the COVID-19 spread. Day surgical
screening. Inter-hospital cross-deployments ceased with im- cases (requiring £23 hours of hospital stay) have also been al-
mediate effect8. These measures had served Singapore well in lowed to continue. This largely includes arthroscopies (shoulders,
disease containment during the previous SARS epidemic in knees, and ankles) and simple day procedures (e.g., soft-tissue
2003 and have earned early praise from eminent infectious surgical procedures and implant removals). These patients with
diseases experts9. day cases can be discharged expediently (thus reducing their
At first glance, this COVID-19 epidemic and the field of risk for nosocomial COVID-19 infections). Given their rela-
orthopaedic surgery appear completely disparate. Compared with tively short hospital stays, these patients do not pose a major
our counterparts in the fields of infectious diseases, emergency, drain on health-care resources. Hospital beds can still be freed
and family medicine, orthopaedic surgeons are not usually con- up quickly, if required, for emergency admissions.
sidered front-line staff in the fight against a viral pandemic. More Elective, non-urgent procedures requiring >23 hours of
adept at fixing fractures and replacing joints, the role of the hospitalization have accordingly been postponed or cancelled.
orthopaedic surgeon in the control of this outbreak may, on This has predominantly affected knee and hip arthroplasty,
the surface, appear to be limited at best. However, as part of spinal deformity corrections, and pediatric elective surgical
the larger health-care ecosystem, orthopaedic surgeons also have procedures. Patients undergoing these procedures generally
a crucial role to play in reining in this pandemic. require longer hospital stays (3 to 5 days in the local context),
which increases their risk of nosocomial infections. As these
How the Practice of Orthopaedic Surgery in Singapore cases may be more complex, they may contribute an additional
Has Been Affected by This Crisis burden to limited health-care resources, which are already
Locally, orthopaedic practice has been markedly affected by the being stretched thin in dealing with the ongoing epidemic
emergence of the COVID-19 outbreak. Changes to clinical practice outbreak. For these reasons, non-urgent elective procedures
have been largely guided by 3 main, overarching principles: (1) necessitating a stay of >23 hours have been postponed with
clinical urgency, (2) patient and health-care worker protection, immediate effect. We recognize that this may have unin-
and (3) conservation of health-care resources. Based on these tended adverse consequences on patient care, particularly
principles, changes to surgical and outpatient care have been in patients with debilitating pain from degenerative joint
accordingly tailored, as will be described later. or spine conditions. Attending physicians have been advised
Patients requiring urgent or early orthopaedic care will still to see these patients early in their outpatient clinics and,
be attended to at the earliest possible setting, no different from where possible, to consider temporizing pain-alleviating mea-
routine workflows. This largely pertains to patients with muscu- sures in their care. This includes intra-articular corticosteroid
loskeletal trauma and tumors. The musculoskeletal trauma and injections in patients with osteoarthritis or even nerve root
tumor teams have been allowed to continue operating their sur- blocks (which can be done as a day case) in patients with radic-
gical lists as scheduled. Other elective surgical cases have been ular back pain.
postponed to allow hospitals to free up beds for treatment of Although compliance is expected, these guidelines are not
patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. However, there set in stone. In extenuating circumstances, written approval for
has to be some balance struck between providing continuity of surgical listing can be sought from the Department Chair,
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Operating Theatre Committee, and lastly, the Chairman of the surgical gowns, and gloves) safely. Strict compliance with hand
Medical Board, with each case being evaluated on its own merits hygiene has been enforced. Patients suspected of or diagnosed
and on a case-by-case basis. with COVID-19 infections requiring orthopaedic care have
Clinical work has also been scaled down to ensure that been housed in negative-pressure isolation units and will be
services can run without putting our personnel and patients at co-managed together with help from our infectious disease
risk. In the outpatient setting, we have encouraged home deliv- colleagues.
ery of refill prescriptions. Clinicians have also been advised to Dedicated orthopaedic contamination teams compris-
prolong the duration between non-urgent follow-ups to avoid ing attending physicians and residents have been established.
patient overcrowding in hospitals. These teams are responsible for reviewing and operating on
The orthopaedic patient demographic group is very suspected or confirmed cases and can be swiftly activated
varied, with surgeons treating patients at the extremes of in the case of emergencies. When a subspecialist review is
ages. Arthroplasty surgeons see an older patient demo- required (e.g., spine), relevant subspecialist attending physi-
graphic group (often with multiple comorbidities), whereas cians will be mobilized into and remain part of these con-
sports surgeons frequently see younger, more active, and tamination teams until they are cleared to return to normal
healthier patients. This is of relevance given the still rela- clinical work. Importantly, these teams are kept segregated
tively indeterminate pathophysiology of COVID-19 infec- from the rest of the department to minimize the risk of cross-
tion. Recent studies have alluded that older patients with medical contamination. We have also segregated into an inpatient
comorbidities are more adversely affected by COVID-19 in- team that attends to patients on wards, operates, and pro-
fections owing to their diminished functional reserves and vides on-call service, and an outpatient team that runs our
weakened immune systems10-12. In a Lancet publication by specialized orthopaedic outpatient service. These teams do
Chen et al.10, half of patients infected by COVID-19 admitted not come into contact with each other and alternate on a
to the Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital had chronic comorbidities weekly basis.
(e.g., diabetes and cardiovascular disease). Patients with severe
symptoms necessitating intensive care treatment were also found How We Can Rally Together as Individuals and as a
to be older with more underlying comorbidities13. Conflicting Community
reports have also emerged that attribute the severity of symptoms The orthopaedic community has banded with their medical
to cytokine storms in immunocompetent individuals. Patients and surgical colleagues in the battle against COVID-19. As
with severe symptoms admitted to the intensive care unit were individuals, we also need to take personal responsibility for
found to have significantly elevated plasma cytokine levels (e.g., our own individual health for the benefit of the community.
interleukin [IL]-1, IL-10, and tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF- We should be role models for good hand hygiene and enforce
a]) compared with patients with milder symptoms14. In light of strict compliance to minimize disease spread and not add to the
this, it is thus imperative for us to be cautious and have a high general hysteria that has accompanied this outbreak.
index of suspicion even when seeing younger and healthier As surgeons, utmost care must be given to patients in the
patients in the outpatient setting and to not be lulled into com- preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative settings to
placency and a false sense of security. All patients attending minimize the risks of nosocomial spread. This means sched-
outpatient clinics are screened for risk factors and have their uling patients for same-day admissions (on the day of the
temperature checked with a thermal scanner. Febrile patients with surgical procedure) as much as possible, compared with pre-
respiratory tract symptoms, especially those with a positive travel admissions (1 or 2 days earlier) for elective cases. The risks
or contact history, will be referred to the emergency department and benefits of surgical management should be rationalized
for further evaluation to minimize disease spread. All visitors for each patient. All patients are contacted the day before the
must register via a visitor management system that limits the surgical procedure and are checked for any respiratory symp-
number of visitors for each patient at any particular time but toms and any risk factors or recent travel history (within 14
can also be used for contact tracing if required. The orthopaedic days) that might put them at risk for COVID-19. On arrival
teams have been advised to wear surgical masks for all patient to the day surgical unit, patients’ temperatures and risk fac-
encounters and to follow strict hand hygiene practices. tors are again checked. Non-urgent surgical procedures for
Interdepartmental referrals are an inevitability in our line elderly, immunocompromised patients should be deferred
of work. We often receive referrals for inpatients who require until an opportune time. Intraoperatively, full PPE including
orthopaedic consultations and, in turn, refer our own patients surgical shields and goggles should be donned. Surgical times
for whom non-orthopaedic consults are required. Herein lies should be kept short, and operative personnel should be
the risk of potential disease transmission and spread. In Singa- minimized as much as possible. This means keeping surgical
pore, when reviewing patients suspected of or diagnosed with teams to minimum numbers.
COVID-19, whether in the emergency department, the clinic, In the event of further escalation of the alert status
or the isolation wards, all staff have been instructed that they (e.g., DORSCON Red), the orthopaedic department would
must wear full personal protective equipment (PPE) and have further segregate into self-reliant cells to manage outpatient
been taught how to don and remove PPE (surgical caps, gog- clinics, wards, and operating theaters on a rotating basis.
gles, N95 masks, powered air purifying respirators [PAPRs], Hospitals would be in lockdown with no visitors allowed.
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All elective surgical procedures would be cancelled com- crisis, orthopaedic residents, together with their counterparts
pletely, with only trauma and tumor cases (in the orthopae- from various other specialties, have been rostered for shifts in
dic context) allowed to proceed. Further measures such as the emergency department to assist with the screening of sus-
social distancing at work (between coworkers) and at home pected cases. In addition to helping alleviate the manpower
(between cohabiting health-care workers) may also need to crunch in the emergency department, this has provided an
be implemented. opportunity for residents to band, as well as bond, together as
Although non-urgent clinics and surgical procedures have a medical community regardless of specialty, to combat this
been postponed until the situation improves, we must ensure raging viral epidemic. Important lessons in courage, empathy,
that we maintain the quality of care given to our patients. The and teamwork, qualities that are not easily taught through
emergence of such a crisis provides a timely opportunity for textbooks or even residency rotations, have been learned.
us to reflect and evaluate the use of novel technologies in the Furthermore, this crisis has provided precious lessons for
workplace. This includes the adoption of telemedicine and residents in systems-based practice, organization, and leader-
telerehabilitation initiatives, allowing patients to be reviewed ship. They have learned the importance of rational manage-
in the comfort of their own homes. Technologies such as ment of limited resources, to be versatile, and to be able to
wearable sensors15,16 and videoconferencing17 tools can be adapt to an ever-changing, fluid situation. It has also pro-
adopted to monitor patient outcomes remotely (e.g., knee vided an opportunity for residents to revisit their general
range of motion after knee arthroplasty), without subjecting medical skills (which can sometimes be lost after years of
patients to cumbersome hospital visits. In addition to ease of highly specialized orthopaedic training). These are impor-
monitoring, technology-assisted rehabilitation (e.g., online tant skill sets for our orthopaedic residents, the health-care
educational platforms or game-based therapy) has also been leaders of tomorrow.
demonstrated to result in significantly improved patient sat- In addition, although clinical work has been curtailed,
isfaction, pain, and outcome scores18-20 compared with con- research continues. Each institution, following Singapore Min-
ventional therapy. istry of Health guidelines, has instituted workflows for clinical
Technology should also be leveraged for our training research involving patients that allow research work to con-
needs. With the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, all inter-hospital tinue and, at the same time, ensure the safety of participants
residency rotations and in-person combined teaching pro- and study investigators.
grams have been suspended with immediate effect. With elec- The role of orthopaedic surgeons in mitigating this
tive surgical procedures cancelled as well, this has ensuing COVID-19 crisis is certainly not a muted one. We must
repercussions on orthopaedic training and residents’ surgical rally as a community and play our part in overcoming this
case logs. Suspending training indefinitely has far-reaching pandemic. Stay vigilant even when reviewing low-risk elec-
implications and is not sustainable. We have had to think cre- tive patients, be champions of good hygiene practices, and
atively and seek new solutions to maintain quality training, be open-minded in the adoption of novel workplace tech-
even in these trying times. Teaching programs for residency nologies. We can do more than fix fractures. We can fix
training can be brought online to various e-learning21 and vid- lives. n
eoconferencing22 platforms. In place of conventional meetings,
both faculty and residents can remotely log on to scheduled
teaching sessions online using their laptops or handheld devices.
This negates the need for in-person contact and minimizes the
Zhen Chang Liang, MBBS, MRCS, DipSpMed, PhD, MBA1
disruption to teaching schedules and has already commenced at Wilson Wang, MBBS, FRCS, DPhil

the National University of Singapore and other institutions of Diarmuid Murphy, MBBS, FRCS

higher learning. For procedural specialties such as orthopaedics, James Hoi Po Hui, MBBS, MD, FRCS1
the viewing of instructional videos or online webinars can be
structured into training programs. This can be followed by Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, National University of Singapore,
faculty-led online discussions to further consolidate resident National University Health System, Singapore
learning. In addition to domain-specific knowledge and skills,
Email address for Z.C. Liang:
non-cognitive attributes such as teamwork, empathy, courage,
and compassion are important qualities that can be demon- ORCID iD for Z. Chang Liang: 0000-0001-7046-8918
strated by every attending physician and can be inculcated in ORCID iD for W. Wang: 0000-0003-3803-9392
every orthopaedic surgeon in training. During this COVID-19 ORCID iD for D. Murphy: 0000-0002-6898-9324

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