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Why I love Seville

My favorite place in Spain is the María Luisa Park in Seville because there are paths,
labyrinths, ponds, fountains and abundant vegetation. Seville is a very busy, beautiful and
clean city. The official language is Spanish, which is great. I also like other parts of
Seville, for example Spain Square and the Fine Arts Museum. Summers are hot and it
rains often in winter. I must emphasize that I like Seville because it combines the
traditional and the modern and I love that since I can visit different places with my friends
such as boat rides and waffle stalls ideal for a sunny autumn day. Having a snow season
is a must rare phenomenon in the city. December is the rainiest month however it is my
favorite. My favorite moment of the day is when the first rays of the sun come out as it
highlights the beauty of Seville, the food is conditioned to the climate of the city but the
typical food is a rich “pescado frito” and “gazpacho”. There are many things to do such
as boating, strolling through the squares and riding a bike. Seville is a beautiful place.

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