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Nama : Maria Melania Usboko

NIM : 1904020146

Dosen PA : Ir. Ernantje Hendrik,

What does agricultural communicatiaon Mean in the 21st century?

We're going to talk about today and its impact on agriculture when we take to the question today
about what does a communication mean in the 21st century and everyone understands where their
food comes from comes from and I think that's that's good for society is good for you know public
health is good for stewardship to the environment and it's just good for I'm looking for that big that
all all folks understand where their food comes from I think we need to 21st century a
Communications tool box right now we've got all kinds of schools that are exciting and new and
unique Sofas in my age bracket participant in this panel and that is the the Youth and Young People
one of our greatest asset I think going forward in this tool box is the Young Voices store understand I
just like the way that we need to bring in the millennial and I would love to have had one of you all
down here on the panel so I think I'll stop there and your turn as I looked at the topic today
communicating agriculture in the 21st century I thought week we can probably even get close to an
answer until we recognize do things and that is seismic ship that has occurred in in communication
according to talk about I can't tell you the impact of the internet in agriculture I still believe
agriculture the hole in communicating self struggling with how to use which teams probably
nonsensical to use today and then with that cultural ship or looking at Food system in agriculture in
particular and they're asking questions that have never been asked before and they're asking what I
would call through the lens of morality and ethics and the reason I say that is because more and
more companies are starting to distinguish themselves based on those grounds that they are more
ethical or more moral than the next this has led to a lot of confusion really when you take a look at
how agriculture has responded really been feel equipped still prepared for such a thing so much so
that even talk about agriculture agriculture was any problem whereas today when you go to many
University campuses or to discussions about agriculture it is presented as a problem as quite possibly
the culprit for social Hill and so that desire to communicate through morality.

I've been faced with some very contentious communication opportunities and enjoyed every minute
of it so is an Aggie I encourage all of you to be engaged and Association of State Department of
Agriculture and I'm honored and pleased to represent the commissioner secretaries and directors of
all 50 states and for territory than I am and also a director who is here somewhere is our current vice
president of the board and he is a sexual leader and it's just a pleasure working with him so the way I
look question that we have today famous Kevin Murphy I own a company called suits and
communicate and the idea came to me after spending 14 years in the publishing business where we
had really sexy titles like pork and Drovers and dairy herd and Swine practitioner in products like that
and then I start an agriculture differently than ever hat and that need is is just continuing to rise and
that's what I look forward to getting into today Mercy Hospital hi Marcy Postman presidents of
Charleston Norway Communications and strategic consulting firm based in Hartland Wisconsin in
Austin Texas that we work with a number of clients in the food system in agriculture and plants on
the farm and so I have the livestock and cropping background but we help our clients to really
connect those dots throughout the food my background is Nebraska about the little bit of playing in
my voice but I grew up in Virginia Virginia Tech Colorado State and University of Nebraska wild me
the opportunity as a professor in animal genetics I working with the cattle industry was in
Providence RI in a startup company government Administration with us Department of Agriculture
and before coming back to the current role I was in The Animal Health sector working on the
development of a new part of Pfizer Animal Health okay and you met my kids so now I'll Ford that
they had died so we have no newspaper we have no radio we really didn't have any communication
with the outside world on DJ's snow melting foggy day I'm standing on a Knoll above the house and
our neighbor Carmen salmonson across the valley 1945

produsers and Farmers communicate and we just really feel like it's important to not try to stick to
your knitting and your business at hand get involved in the local community a part of a
communication within that Community it doesn't mean that you have to get on TV or you have to
get involved in a National Organization rare on stage

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