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Part 1: Self-Assessment on Argumentative Essay Writing

Directions: Tick the column that best describes your skills in writing argumentative essay.
This assessment process will best benefit you if it is answered with complete honesty. Keep in
mind that there are no wrong answers. Work carefully and alone. Do not consult with your
peers. Usually, the first answer that comes to mind is your best answer.

On Writing Usually Sometimes Seldom

1. I consider my purpose before

writing an argumentative

2. I consider my reader before

and during writing.

3. I argue on topics that are

4. I use enough proof and
evidence about my
5. I use credible sources to
support my arguments.
6. I consider the opposition’s
arguments to further
strengthen my points.
7. I do not distort information
just to support my claims.
8. I use logical and emotional
appeals for my arguments.
9. I use no logical fallacies.

10. I evaluate the truthfulness of

all arguments presented.
11. I organize my essay using
logical format or
12. I use appropriate transitional
Scoring: Usually, 3 points; Sometimes, 2 points; Seldom, 1 point


31-36: You show very good skills in writing an argumentative essay.

25-30: You show good skills in writing an argumentative essay, but you still have to further improve on
some aspects.

24 & below: You need to improve on your skills in writing an argumentative essay for better
communication. *

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