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Oh no, it‘s gone!

“Oh no, it’s gone!” I thought to myself, while rummaging through my backpack. I was already at the train
station and my train was arriving in a few minutes. The thing I was looking for was a CD I borrowed from
my friend. I was supposed to return it to her today, but seems like I won’t be able to. “What am I going
to do?” I thought. Of course, I could bring it to her tomorrow, but I’m not even sure if I left it home. I
could’ve lost it on my way to the train station. If I tried to look for it, it would take me ages. Who knows,
maybe someone has stolen it by now. That CD is actually pretty valuable, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if
someone got interested in it.

After some panicking I decided to go back and look for it. There was still hope that no one took it and
that I could still find it. While going back, I payed attention to every corner I passed, looking very
carefully. “There it is!” I mumbled to myself and excitedly ran to a CD I saw. Unfortunately, it wasn’t
what I was looking for. It was just some old CD casing. My hopes were beginning to disappear. I felt
anxiety that I won’t find it. My only hope was that I left the CD at home, although I clearly remembered
putting it in my backpack earlier that day. Still, I didn’t give up and continued searching for it on the way
back home.

I finally entered my house. “Why are you back so early? Weren’t you supposed to be on your way to
your friend’s house?” my dad asked. I ignored him and quickly ran to my room. I started rummaging
through my clothes, drawers, but I couldn’t see the CD anywhere. I sat down, thinking where could it
possibly be. After some time, my dad came in.

“What’s wrong? Why are you suddenly making a mess in your room?” he asked.

“I can’t find a CD I was supposed to bring to my friend today. I remember putting it in my backpack
earlier, but I looked through it and still couldn’t find it,” I said.

“Your backpack? Didn’t you leave it in the kitchen today?”

“Huh? Then whose backpack is this?” I asked, showing him the backpack I was carrying around today.

“That’s mine! I was actually looking for it!” he exclaimed. “You must’ve taken the wrong one while you
were on a hurry”.

I quickly ran to the kitchen and opened my backpack. Luckily, I found the CD. “I can’t believe something
like this happened” I sighed deeply. After some time, my friend called and asked me where I was.
“Something came up, so I missed my train. I’ll take the evening train and explain everything to you once
I get there” I said. When I finally got to my friend’s place, I told her what happened earlier that day. We
both shared a big laugh. I finally returned her the CD and went back home. This will surely be a day I’ll
never forget.

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