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nov dee 202c

·•1'flU'l'H WILL PREVAIL."
VoL. 2. No. 6.) CITY Or' N AU\'00, ILLl�OIS, JAN. 1:;, 18-11. [Whole No. 18.

labor of love. We would, however,

make honorable mention of Governor
[oniGtSAL,l Cnrlin, Judge Young, Gcnernl Leech,
Judgo R..,lston, Rev. Mr. Young, Col.
TO THE SAl�TS SCATTERED Henrv, N. Bushnell. John Wood, I.

ABROAD· '.'l. �!orris, S. M. Bartlett, Samuel

G r.�:::rxo: Holmes, nnd J. T. Holmes, Esquires,
Bdored Brctl,ren:- wbo will long be remembered by a
The rclation �hip grote(ul community_ for their philan­
whirh we su•ta;n to the Chu rc h of J e• thro;,y �o a suff�rmg pco�le,. a_nd
su.:1 Christ of Lauer D.J \' �hints rcu- J wh�e kindness on that occ:isaon 1s JD•
ders it neccss:irv th,it uc should' m:ikc · dclibly cngrovcn on the tablet of our
known from time to time, the circum- hecrts, in i;oldco letters of love.
stances, situati_oo, nod p�o.,pects_ of the i ,Ye w?uld, likewise, �:ike mention of
church, nntl girn such rnstruc!1on., as the Le:;1�lature of 1h1.:1 State, who,
may be nece:ii.lTY for tho well \Jcin;;tirit/,0,,1 respect of parties. 1rithuut re­
of tho �aims. and fo� the �romotion '!fi'lucJ:mcc,frcdy, ·openly, boldly, and no­
thosa obJects, calculateJ to fur.her their hly, ban! come forth to our assistance
present nod el"Crlasting hnppine.�s. townd us ns citizens nnd friends, and
\Ve ha,·c to congratulntc the Saints took us by the hand, and extended to
on the progress of the grcnt work
�flI!\u.:1 ell !h_c blcs�ing:s of ci,·11, �litical,
the "Inst days; , for not only has II nod rchg1ous liberty, by �rantrng us,
spread throu:::h the l1mgth nnd brcridth uudcr date of Dec. IG, 1810, one of
of lhi:. Yast continent; hu'. on the conti- tho most liberal charters, with tha
nent o{ �� rope, a�d o� the Islands of most plenary powers, ever conferred
t?csea, 1t ts sprendmg _m n m::inncr co- by n legislative assembly on free citi­
ll_rc\y unpreccd..:ntcd 10 th:: nnnc.b of • ;:.)OS, for the "City of Nauvoo," the
lime. l ":'.'iaurno Lc�on'' and the "university
This �p(Y.lars thP. r.-�,�� pleasi�g when l of the City of Xau\·oo." The first of
we .:onsul�r. 1 _..t but a short tun_c h:is . th::sc charters, (that for the "Caty of
elapsed, s,;,ce ,1·c were unmerc1fully �nuYo.1,") secures to us in nil ti me to

driven from the S1a:e of .\Ji53ouri, af- I1 come, irrcl"ocnLlv, nil thosa rent hies -
)!:,. su�ering �rucltics and pe1secutions ,;:r.g-. of civil • ri,rnt
,. m their ,nnous, :ind horrid forms.- appcrt:iia to 11 of I\
Then our O\"cr:hrow. to m ·,ny, ,,.emi?.J �rc,,t c:vili1.etl
____ _
....._ _.

26 40
Unpacking the Proclamations:
4 Hebrew
Translations lo
Change Your
Scripture Study
Behind the Scenes of "Don't Miss This"
When two seminary teachers joined forces to commemorate a What They Are, Where They Came
pioneer sto1y, they had no idea that it would lead to one of the
most popular Come, Follow Me resources on YouTube and reach
From, and How They Have Evolved
With President Nelson's reading of the newest procla­ 53
Building the
thousands of people around the world. mation in the April 2020 general conference and the Nativity
BY DANIELLE CHRISTENSEN anniversa1y of several other prominent ones, here is
a look at past proclamations and how we can benefit
from thinking about them in a broader way.

On the cover: Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler of "Don't Miss This"


contents departments
I &columns !��-=··===

nov I dee 2020

Departments Columns
19 4 Hebrew Translations That Help 14 A Power Unleashed
Us See the Savior More Clearly In October of 2018, President Russell M. Nelson
The Sunday on Monday Study Group, a Bookshelf declared, . It is time for a home-centered Church,
PLUS+ original podcast presented by Deseret supported by what takes place inside our branch,
Book, is focused on finding hidden gospel ward, and stake buildings.· Little did any of us
treasures in Come, Follow Me. Each week, host know what was coming just a year and a half later
Tammy Uzelac Hall invites new and old friends to as our ability to meet with our congregations was
come and dive into the scriptures with her. This stripped away completely for a time.
year, Tammy shared four Hebrew definitions for BY ERIN HALLSTROM
words in the scriptures that may change how you
see them and how you see your relationship with 75 Close Quote: Anthony Sweat
the Savior. Anthony Sweat isn't just a BYU professor and an
BY EMILY ABEL, ADAPTED FROM THE SUNDAY ON author-he is also a talented artist . We recently
MONDAY STUDY GROUP sat down to ask him about his latest book, his
faith, his family, and his love of painting unique
53 Building the Nativity: A Christ- Church history events.
Centered Christmas Advent
As the holiday season approaches, Emily Belle
Freeman and David Butler bring new meaning
to the Nativity story with these seven Christ­
centered Christmas traditions-one for each day
of the week leading up to Christmas.

59 The "Crowning Jewel": Lesser­

Known Stories Behind the
Building of the Las Vegas Temple
For many, a Latter-day Saint temple might seem
out of place amidst the glamourous buildings
and flashy casinos that Las Vegas is recognized
for. But the Las Vegas temple has a rich history of
faith that attracts attention in its own quiet way.



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> .. /.
'·To /ii1c 1rit/, gratitude tt'ff I. ....
i11 our hums is to to11cl, litarrn."
-THO\IA\ S. MO'liSO'.'\

A Christmas Carol
Year figure skating
I t seems that not a Christmas season goes by without
a retelling of the beloved Charles Dickens sto1y
A Christmas Carol. This heartwarming tale of a bitter man's
debuted during the
London Olympic transformation into a gentle giver had an influence on the
Games development of Christmas traditions in the United States.
Here are a few fun facts surrounding the beloved tale
that you might not have known.
Revolutions per min­ Dickens visited Boston, Massachusetts, 20 years
ute a skater can reach after the story's publication in England in 1843
when executing a
spinning jump and delivered public readings of it.
Legend has it that a Boston businessman named
Mr. Fairbanks was so moved aher listening to
0.157 Dickens's 1867 Christmas Eve reading of the
book that he closed his factory on Christmas
inches Day and gave eve1y employee a turkey.
Width of the blade
December 25 wouldn't be declared a federal
on a contemporary
ice skate holiday until 1870, but scholars believe that
A Christmas Carol helped change public opin­
ion in New England about Christmas, re-framing
1879 it as a day of charitable giving instead of an excuse for drunken
Year the first artifi­ revehy, as it had been in colonial tin1es.
cially frozen rink in The term "Merry Christmas" became popular thanks to Dickens's mitings.
the United States
In 2013, the Tabernacle Choir, joined by John Rhys-Davies {known for his role as Gin1li in
was installed m
New York City the Lord of the Rings trilogy movies), retold Dickens's sto1y live at their annual Christmas
concert in the Conference Center. e

Fast Fact:
World record for most
continuous upright The Mirage hotel in Las Vegas has over 3,000 rooms and cost
spins on one foot while
wearing ice skates $630 million to construct. Its purpose was quite the opposite of the las Vegas temple,
dedicated nearby a month after the Mirage opened. Learn more about the miracles
and history of this temple by turning to page 59.

"It is a choice we make daily-to choose faith

over doubt." -BONNIE L. oscARsoN


L short f simple 1 .•• .. ...........

Where Were the Apostles Born?

1. Elder David A. Bednar

a. Oakland, California
b. Idaho Falls, Idaho
c. Little Rock, Arkansas

2. Elder Gerrit W. Gong

a. Vancouver. Canada
b. Redwood City, California
c. St. George, Utah

3. Elder Ulisses Soares

a. Belo Horizonte, Brazil
b. Sao Paulo, Brazil
c. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

4. Elder Gary E. Stevenson

a. Ogden, Utah
b. Pocatello, Idaho
c. Provo. Utah

5- Elder Dale G. Renlund

a. Stockholm. Sweden
b. Mesa. Arizona
c. Salt Lake City, Utah 0 (J ·e ·q ·q ·e SJaMSU\f)

► Fast Fact: Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler record

Come, Follow Me lessons from Freeman's basement in one take with no
editing. Check out page 26 to get a taste of why over 100,000 subscribers
follow their YouTube channel.

This 2019 1789 1832

Date in 'Y FamilySearch celebrates
its 125th anniversary
'Y The first untethered hot
air balloon ride takes place
'Y The first American
holiday 1s proclaimed
'Y Little Women author
Louisa May Alcott is

History in Paris by President George

Washington to be
Thanksgiving Day
born in Philadelphia,


short simple


5 million
Masks made and
donated by mem­
D ogs are well known for providing companionship
and physical or emotional services to humans, so
it is surprising that they start out their own lives
bers of the Church
so helplessly. Though it seems counterproduc­
tive to canine survival, some believe that being
born deaf and blind is an evolutiona1y trade-off.
Historically, canines survived by huntn i g, and

since being pregnant hinders a female dog's

ability to chase down prey, dogs evolved to have
a shorter gestation time, meaning puppies only

Countries where
spend about two months in the womb and are not
fully developed when they are born. So be patient with your new little
COVIO-19 relief friend as they slowly adjust to tl1e world around tliem. e
proJects were
approved by the First
Presidency in April

Global donation
amount from the
2019 1/LightTheWorld

Food donated to 200
food pantries in New
York in celebration of "For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better
the 200th anniversary
of the First V1s1on
than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child

T The first Spanish­

1901 1850 1833 1879
T Walt Disney 1s born 1n T Missionaries arnve for T Joseph Smith Sr. 1s set T Thomas Edison gives

speaking stake Chicago. Illinois the first time in Hawaii. apart as the first presiding his first public demon­
1s established in then known as the Church patriarch stration of the light bulb
Mexico City Sandwich Islands


�=-·--;· I __

A Power Unleashed
In October of 2018, President Russell M. Nelson declared, "It is time for a home-centered Church,
supported by what takes place inside our branch, ward, and stake buildings." What came next was
structural adjustments to our curriculum and a shortening of the hours we spent every Sunday in
formal worship with our neighbors. Little did any of us know what was coming just a year and a half
later as our ability to meet with our congregations was stripped away completely for a time.
When I was first sent home from work earlier this year because of the COVID-19
virus, I thought that we would surely be back at the office in a couple of weeks-one
month tops. But then one month turned into two, then three, and now seven months
later, our team is still working from home, talking to each other through video calls.
Having churches and temples closed for a time took a toll on many of us. But there
is something I couldn't help but appreciate in this ve1y unique time, and that is the
inspired council we received just two years ago. President Nelson said that a. home­
centered curriculum "has the potential to unleash the power of families, as each
family follows through conscientiously and carefully to transform their home into a.
sanctuaiy of faith:' That is a bold foretelling.
I don't know about you, but in my little world, I have seen families increasingly
studying the scriptures together. I have seen individuals digging into Come, Follow Me
and coming prepared for Sunday School discussions. Additionally, there are many
talented and gifted teachers who have provided additional learning to supplement
tJ,e curriculum we have been given. Two such powerful teachers are tJ1e delight-
ful duo you see on our cover ("Behind tJ,e Scenes of 'Don't Miss This':' p. 26). Emily
Belle Freeman and David ButJer are established gospel teachers whose desires to
build the kingdom and support the words of our prophet led tJ1em to start tJ1e "Don't
Miss This" YouTube channel, where tJ1ey teach, inspire, and help families and otJ,er
members of the Church learn a.bout the gospel in their homes.
Another resource is the Sunday on Monday Study Group, a Bookshelf PLUS+ origi­
nal podcast brought to you by LDS Living and hosted by Tammy Uzelac Ha.II. This is
a weekly podcast where Tammy invites two friends to discuss the scriptures together
witJ1 her. Tanm1y is a gifted teacher who has extensively studied ancient scripture and
Hebrew. In this issue, we compiled some powerful insights that have come from the
discussions in the study group ("4 Hebrew Translations That Help Us See the Savior
More Clearly," p. 19).
What a gift to have so many opportunities for increased study of tJ1e scriptures
outside of our "usual" Church meetings-especially in this year of upheaval and
uncertainty. The words of President Nelson echo loudly in my heart as I tJiink about
how we have been prepared for this time. It is such a blessing to be guided by a
prophet in tJ1ese latter days.

All my best,

Erin Hallstrom
Associate Publisher



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in your words

From the September/October 2020 issue:

"Embracing the Man Behind the Mask" Complemenung your tifestyle • NOVEWBER/OECEMBER 2020
Volume 19 Issue ;10


snuoa 1:01Toa Jannalee Sandau
ASSOCIATE: EDITOI Danielle Christensen


David Butler
Emily Belle Freeman
Brandon Metcalf

·-- •
Fred E. Woods


Hales Creative
Kelly Nield
Kelly Nield


Laci Gibbs


Colleen DeRose
What an inspiring story! ...Charlie has absolutely covta PHOTO Jed Wells

captured the essence of our purpose. It is not to determine

if our actions are feminine or masculine and in line with LOS Living magazine is an independent work and is not an offi,
publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
our gender. It is whether or not our actions and behavior The views expressed herein are the responsibility of the variou
authors and do not necessarily represent the position of the

[are] pleasing to Christ. That battle is one that ought to be Church. Contributors include Church members and members,
other faiths. Copyright ©2020 LOS Living, a division of Deseret

waged in the hearts of every aspiring Christian, including Book. All rights reserved.

Contacting LOS Living magazine

as we consider how we are treating our brothers and Mailing address: LOS Living magazine, P.O. Box 30178,

sisters in the LGBTQ community and any other group Salt Lake City, UT 84130 USA.

that looks or feels different than us. God bless you, Charlie!
For subscriptions: visit or call 1-800-453-4532. Fo
editorial comments or queries: email For
advertising: email or call 801·517·317
-Michael Davis For customer service: email or
call 1-800-453.4532.

For Deseret Book Platinum customer service: email

Want more from LOS Living? Sign up for our free email newsletter at or call 1·800·453-4532.

Did you know we regularly ask questions on the LDS Living social media "'
accounts? Here are a few of our favorite responses to one we asked
recently, "If you could give a sacrament meeting talk on any topic, what
would you choose?"

"How [shame] keeps us from a loving "Service. I love to serve. This has kept me on-tOooilComf-'1 1§5W31X>Nl:XD.SallateCfy.UT.M101

relationship with the Savior and Father busy the last six months." '';:"::::7..:='......-- °"""'"'-'"":.'::..."'"···....
and how to build resilience to defeat -Denise Bybee Jeknavorian ,1
a-�c,.,.,,.,_u_,,._.., __ ,_.,___ _
shame!" -Melanie Malmstrom Merkley
"Finding the hand and love of God

"Right now, the organization of the everywhere, even when things look bad."

Church by Christ Himself and the resto­ -Star Bricker •;.... a =-��S..:--!::;:.7.::;:1!:;.=,-_ �

·:=: -� :�::-=-==�-= : :-...,

::Z a ::,.'=='.=,::.,."-:.,-::J.=:::C:�'-'
ration of His church and the fulness of
the gospel to the earth!' -Wendell Stafford Note: Responses ' been edited for clarity

"The characteristics of Christ!' Find more responses and questions 13,=�-----...

-Da.111011 Keele on LOS Living·s Facebook page.


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As a lifelong student
of Hebrew, Tammy
Uzelac Hall can
elaborate on familiar
scriptural words in a way
that opens up hidden
levels of meaning.

4 Hebrew Translations
That Help Us See the Savior More Clearly
The Sunday on Monday Study Group, a Bookshelf PLUS+ original podcast presented by Deseret Book, is focused on finding the hidden
gospel treasures in Come, Follow Me. Each week, host Tammy Uzelac Hall invites new and old friends to come and dive into the
scriptures with her. This year, Tammy shared five Hebrew definitions for words in the scriptures that may change how you see them
and how you see your relationship with the Savior. BY EMILY ABEL, ADAPTED FROM THE SUNDAY ON MONDAY STUDY GROUP

S he is known as Sister Uzelac Hall to the

classes of seminary students she sub­
stitutes for. But when she is not teaching
meaning. While Tammy shares a definition
of a Hebrew word in nearly eve1y episode,
we've selected four of our favorites-each
and Carol McCulloch. They read Alma 31:5,
which in part says, ''Alma thought it was
expedient that they should tty the virtue
seminary, she is your friend Tammy, the with special ties to the Savior, Jesus Christ. of the word of God!' Tammy energetically
host of the S1111day on Monday Study Group Read the translations below to help you invites listeners to mark the word "virtue"
who loves to discuss stories and insights better see the Savior in the scriptures. in their scriptures, explaining that "it
from Co111.e, Follow Me with anyone wanting changed everything for me when I found
to join the conversation. Virtue out what it means."
AB a lifelong student of Hebrew, Tammy Let's start with the word that sparked Tammy points out that we sometimes
can elaborate on familiar scriptural words Tammy's study of ancient languages: virtue. instinctively associate virtue with chastity
in a way that opens up hidden levels of In episode 27, Tammy is joined by Robin or women. But that doesn't make much


sense in Alma 31:5-try the "chastity" of The Hebrew word for I love this idea of "infinite" because
the word of God? Misunderstandings "atonement" is kaphar, faith . .. [can be] a small seed, and it
about the meaning of virtue may come
from teachings surrounding Proverbs
wh.1c h means "to cover." doesn't require perfect knowledge.
This infinite Atonement covers all­
31:10, which says, "Who can find a virtuous it fills in where we are missing. I
woman? for her price is far above rubies." tabernacle to first confess their sin and then think it goes along with the idea of
However, Tammy teaches that in not only to offer a trespass offering (Leviticus 5:6). Christ as the Author and Finisher of
Hebrew but also in La.tin and Greek, vir­ Tammy explains that the word "guilt" could our faith. He starts it and gives us a
tue means "strength" or "power." With that be substituted for "trespass;• making this a reason to plant the seed, but then He
definition, the proverb becomes about the guilt offering. After the people confessed, finishes it. He fills it up where we
value of a woman with power-a woman they symbolically gave their guilt to the lacking or where we are missing.
with strength. Alma 31:5 also becomes Lord through an animal sacrifice. As that
clearer: Alma is suggesting to his fellow animal was ta.ken a.way by the priests, so Tammy goes on to elaborate on what it
missionaries that they tiy the power of the could their guilt over their sin be ta.ken a.way. means for the Atonement of Jesus Christ
word of God to help them in their efforts. Tammy and her guests for the episode, to be not only infinite but eternal:
Connecting virtue with power as we Alia.h Hall-Eggington and Fiona Givens,
read the scriptures can help us better discuss how that ancient ritual could be It's eternal because there's no
understand the Atonement of Jesus Christ. applied to our own lives today-some­ beginning or end.But the key to
For example, Doctrine and Covenants 38:4 times we don't fully give up our guilt to the [this word's] definition is from the
says, "I am Christ, and in mine own name, Lord even after we've repented. Instead, Webster's 1828 dictionary, which
by the virtue of the blood which I have we cany a.round unnecessary feelings of I love using.The wo�d "eternal"
spilt, have I pleaded before the Father for shame.But it doesn't have to be this way. means "ceaseless and unchange­
them!' With the Hebrew clarification in True repentance is not always easy, but it able;' like, it's been the same-the
mind, we learn that the blood the Savior can fill us with joy as we feel the pull to Atonement will always do what it
spilt provides Him with power in His role return home and choose to leave our guilt says it's going to do.
as our Advocate. in the Savior's hands.
Repentance Atonement What does it mean to have faith in God?
In episode 20, we learn from Tammy that The translation for the word "atone- Tammy, Laurel, and Jem1y tackle that
the Hebrew word for repentance is teslnwa. ment" comes up several tin1es in Tammy's important question in episode 28.They
To help convey the significance of that discussions. The Hebrew word for "atone­ turn to the Hebrew word for "faith" and
word, Tammy explains that in Hebrew, ment" is kapha.i; which means "to cover!' its implications in a sto1y from the Old letter has a meaning. For example, in In episode 28, Tammy discusses with Testament to find an answer.
Hebrew, the letter "alpha" means the head Laurel Christensen Day and Jenny Reeder The Hebrew word for faith is emuna/1. It
or beginning.Dissecting piece of the how Alma 34:10 teaches that the Savior's means "firm," "steadfast;' or "supportive"
word tesluwa provides a powerful insight Atonement is infinite and eternal. To help and implies action. Tammy explains that
on the doctrine of repentance. The three further explain how the covering provided one of the first places emu11ah is used is
Hebrew letters used in this word are tav, by the Atonement is infinite, Tammy reads in Exodus 17:10-12. In this chapter, the
shin, and vaw. Tav represents a covenant, a quote from Elder Bruce R. McConkie: people of Israel are under attack and need
shin represents jagged teeth or devouring, God's help. Moses tells Joshua to lead the
and vaw represents a home. Tammy points When the prophets speak of an infi­ fight while Moses goes to the top of a hill
out that when combined, those letters nite Atonement, they mean just that. and raises his staff.The battle goes on, and
express the idea that to repent is to make Its effects cover all men, the earth as Moses raises his hands, the Israelites
a covenant that will devour your sins and itself and all forms of life thereon, prevail, but if he lowers his hands, their
bring you home. and reach out into the endless enemies take the lead. As Moses grows
Later in the episode, Tammy offers expanses of eternity. tired, two men, Aaron and Hur, come and
insight on another key aspect of repentance­ lift up Moses's hands, enabling them to
one that is necessary to regain a sense of In the episode, reading that quote sparks a stay "steady until the going down of the
peace after transgression. Tammy explains powerful insight for Jenny a.bout how the sun" (Exodus 1TI2).Emunah is translated as
that in Old Testament times, when some­ Savior's Atonement covers weaknesses in "steady" in this verse, but it can also mean
one committed a sin, they would go to the our faith: "faithful;' changing this line to read, "His



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complete confidence
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hands were faithful until the going down 93 million children in Sub-Saharan Africa are out of
of the sun;' Tanuny points out that it was school, many for lack of a classroom. Millions more are
Aaron and Hur's decision to take action
that made it possible for Moses's hands to
learning in dilapidated, dangerous conditions.
stay lifted and save the people. Likewise,
our own faith will require action in order
for it to grow and be effective. Tanm1y says,
"For me, [faith in God] means I will do what
I can to support God. It requires action on
my part in order to have complete confi­
dence and trust in Him!'
Like Aaron and Hur, we can search for
ways to lih our faith. We can lih up the
scriptures, we can try and lift up those
around us, and we can lih up our hearts
to God at all times. Each act of faith will
increase our love for and trust in the
Savior. e

·--- Have these definitions helped you

understand the Savior better? You
can go back and listen to full epi­
sodes on your favorite chapters from
the Book of Mormon on the Sunday
on /'1onday Study Group on Deseret

Bookshelf PLUS+, or find full tran­
scripts and reference notes for every
episode at
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But in the beginning, "Don't Miss This" happened quite

by accident.At the time, a handful of people had been asking
Freeman and Butler what their plans were for Come, Follow Me,
since n·eeman and Butler teach seminary and institute. After some
discussion, the two decided to record a lesson and uploaded it on
YouTube just a couple of days before ilie start of 2019.
That was all it took. Two weeks later, "Don't Miss This" had
avid Butler and Emily Belle Freeman had the same grown into a community, and over the monilis iliat followed, iliat
crazy idea-they just didn't know it. community grew around the world. From single adults and empty
It was 2010, and Butler had been teaching his nesters to soldiers in Afghanistan and Sunday School classes in
seminary class about the pioneer John Moyle, a prison, iliousands of Latter-day Saints have been checking in wiili
stonemason recognized for carving "Holiness to the Lord, House "Don't Miss This" to learn about the gospel.
of the Lord" on the exterior of the Salt Lake Temple. Moyle worked The ability to teach viewers worldwide is one of the things
on the temple for 20 years, walking to the site on foot even after Freeman and Butler love most about "Don't Miss This." But wiili
one of his legs had to be amputated due to an accident. their busy schedules as teachers, neitl1er of tl1em has much time
One night in her home, Freeman had been studying the same to devote to creating a detailed plan for each video. Instead, most
sto1y and thought there would be no better way to honor Moyle of the production happens on ilie fly, with barely enough time
than to walk to tl1e temple herself. Little did she know, her son's for a weekly phone call on Mondays where Freeman and Butler
seminary teacher had the exact same iliought, which her son talk about ilieir favorite parts of Come, Follow Me before filming for
revealed to her after she started trying to put her plan into action. ilie week.
It wasn't long before Freeman and Butler persuaded about 85 "I think tl1e biggest obstacle is finding a time where boili of
people to participate in a temple walk from the Draper Utah us can be in the same place at the same time:' says Freeman. "And
Temple to ilie Salt Lake Temple. usually ... there is only one block of time and it just miraculously
It was because of iliis trip that the two teachers discovered works for botl1 of us. It's not tl1e same
some ve1y important things. eve1y week!'
"We both found out tl1at we love the Lord, we love the
scriptures, we love teaching them, and we love bringing other
people along," Butler says.

Aside from ilie weekly phone call, the rest of the magic hap­
pens spur-of-the-moment. While walking down ilie stairs to
That was 10 years ago.Since then, Freeman and Butler have n·eeman's basement where they film, Freeman and Butler divvy
collaborated on a number of projects, from Tl1e Peter Potential to out who will take what portion of each lesson. They also don't do
"walking firesides" and anything in between tl1at brings people extra takes or edit the clips, recording two lessons at a time and
togeilier to talk about ilie gospel. changing outfits between sessions to make the videos stand apart
from each other.
A WORLDWIDE COMMUNITY There are moments when the scale of their project can be
One of Freeman and Butler's most well-know projects is "Don't intimidating, especially when Freeman or Butler have vacations
Miss This," a weekly video YouTube series where they share tl1eir or other commitments that mean they need to film far in advance.
insights from Come, Follow Me. With over 145,000 subscribers, ilie They attribute what iliey've been able to accomplish with "Don't
videos have taken off since the channel was launched just in time Miss This" to tl1e faith of those who look forward to their videos
for the Church's study of ilie New Testament in 2019. The pair also each week.
has over 92,000 Instagram followers and has written study guides "Eve1y time I meet someone, they tell me, 'I pray for you. And
to help Latter-day Saints dive in and truly learn from the scriptures. I pray for David. Please don't stop doing this,"' says Freeman.
Now, as Freeman and Butler wrap up tl1eir in-depili study of ''And I honestly attribute what we are able to do just to the prayers
the Book of Mormon, they're already busy preparing for next of people who are grateful and participating and part of tl1is
year's Co111e, Follow Me, which will focus on the Doctrine and community!'


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FROM suu


l\t first, teaching on film versus teaching in a classroom was an "Don't Miss This" has also been a valuable resource during the pan­
adjustment for both Butler and Freeman. demic, particularly for those who may be tl1e only Church member
"Teaching is living. It happens by being tl1e moment. It's in their family or who may hve alone, says Freeman. Some followers
fluid. And on camera, you don't have iliat as much," Butler says. have commented that turning on ilie weekly Come, Follow Me-based
You kind of .. . bare your soul to a screen and have no response video is like having friends over to study with them in their home.
back at all!' For iliem, "Don't Miss This" has become tl1eir faiili community.
But now, Freeman and Butler say that it's easy to tlunk of the ''A faitl, community does not have to be within the walls of a
stories of the people in tl1e "Don't Miss This" community while church [building]. That's what we learned-that tlus movement,
they teach-wheilier it be a group of women at a rest home who that tl1e discussion about Jesus and spiritual progression still
gather to study their lessons each week, missionaries who watch continued, and people were still able to learn from each other and
their videos on Face book, or people who stop them at the groce1y strengthen each oilier and uplift each other;' says Butler, adding
store to let tl1em know how much tl1eir insights mean to iliem. iliat he and Freeman are also constantly learning from ilieir view­
"It's just so neat now to really picture faces of people, and these ers. "That's sometl1ing tl,at's so ilirilling about 'Don't Miss Tl1is, '
are people that we've laughed wiili-this sounds cheesy-but really is we feel like we're connected and are learning from the people.
have cried togetl1er with in random places, and we know a lot of They reach out, we reach out back.It's just a really neat synergy
their stories now, and it really does bring a lot of life to it:' says tl1at happens. I feel like we're studying it together."
Butler. YouTube videos aren't the only way Freeman and Butler have
"Don't Miss This" has also changed ilieir personal study, says been encouraging learning and having conversations about Come,
Freeman, because both she and Butler are always keeping ilieir Follow Me. As a part of their YouTube series, Butler also draws free
viewers in mind and what tl1ey would like to share with them. study sheets by hand to accompany ilie week's lesson.Inspired
"You start reading the scriptures wiili different eyes because by a pastor who provided a study sheet to his congregation, Butler
eve1y time you're reading, you're looking for 'How would I teach takes about 45 minutes each week to sketch important "Don't Miss
this to someone? How would I explain iliis to someone? How This" concepts to go along witl1 his and Freeman's insights and
would iliis make a difference in someone's life?"' Freeman says. ilien makes them available to viewers.
Teaching and learning happens on ilie set for the two educators.
Since ve1y little is planned out ahead of time, Freeman and Butler
learn from each other by tlunking on tl1e spot and sharing new
insights, just like a teacher would in the classroom. And they aren't
the only teachers when it comes to ilie Come, Follow Me curriculum­
they've seen the correlation of how Latter-day Saints eve1ywhere
have been called as teachers in their homes.
"The beauty of [having different eyes] is tl1at now we've all
been called to be teachers in our homes and maybe each of us are
looking at the scriptures wiili those different eyes now," Freeman
Butler adds, "People are becomjng more confident in scripture
and they are seeing more relevance in scripture, like how it can
be a daily strength for them and an answer and a connection to
heaven. That's what's so cool about it!'


Freeman and Butler also have a Don't Miss This podcast so that
those who want to study the gospel between doing laundry; going
on a run, or driving in the car can have the opportunity to do so.
No matter how people choose to participate in Come, Follow Me
or "Don't Miss This;' or for those who might get ove1whelmed with
gospel study, Freeman says it's important to focus on just getting
the most out of it-regardless of how great or small that study time
actually is.
"It's not quantity, it's [the] quality of the time that you put in, so
just open up your scriptures .. .even if it is a few minutes every day,
because those few minutes are going to add up and they're going to
make a difference in your life;' she says.
Looking at gospel study as a positive thing rather than an obli­
gation also makes a difference, Butler adds.
"You'll always benefit from what you are doing and you aren't
being punished for what you aren't doing," he says. "So, whatever it
is that you are actually doing is going to be a benefit and a blessing
to you. This is not an all-or-nothing, so whatever you need in that
season and whatever you're getting, the scriptures are supposed to
be a strength to you, not a responsibility. They're a compensatory
blessing for our time period;'

sort of iliought, 'No matter what I've done, what's in front of me, or
LOOKING TO CHRIST what my current situation looks like, I can expect a hero to come
When they began "Don't Miss This" with a study of the New into my story. I can expect to find Jesus and His guidance and
Testament in 2019, Freeman and Butler had one goal in mind-to strength in my story also."
seek Christ in every story. They approached their Come, Follow Me AI; readers look for Christ in the Book of Mormon, Butler
study of the Book of Mormon tl1e same way-looking for Christ. continues, they will be better able to recognize His hand in ilieir
"So often when we read the Book of Mormon, we feel like it is own life.
a story about Nephi or Alma or Captain Moroni or the stripling "He is there on page 1 and page 531 and all the way tluough;'
warriors, or their mothers, and what if it's a story about Jesus?" Butler says. "One of the things we want to do is watch for how He's
Freeman asks. "What if we are looking for Jesus throughout a God of tender mercies and the great things that He's doing for
tl1e Book of Mormon and we're watching those people teach us not only tl10se that we read about in scripture but also ... in our
about their encounters with Christ? What would we learn? This is own story. ... AB you watch for it in tl1e scriptures, you start being
anotl1er testament of Jesus Christ, so we want to see Jesus Christ in able to see it a little more clearly in your own life.And as you then
every story;' watch for it and record it in your own life, it just becomes more and
This year, Freeman and Butler celebrated "a summer of heroes" more apparent how tender and how merciful and how great God
as part of ilieir study of the book of Alma in their "Don't Miss This" actually is for me."
series.In the last lesson, Freeman says, it was evident who all iliose
heroes pointed back to-the Savior. This important fact gives oth­ BRINGING HISTORY TO LIFE
ers the confidence that Christ is in their own story today. Next year, Come, Follow Me will focus on the Doctrine and Covenants.
Butler explains, "Their backgrounds were different, tl1eir cir­ AB Church members commence their study of that book, Freeman
cumstances were different, what they faced was different, but what and Butler say it's important to note its introduction, which states,
was constant in all of their stories was Jesus. And that's what I think "These sacred revelations were received in answer to prayer, in times
made it so neat. When you were done with the book of Alma, you of need, and came out of real-life situations involving real people."


"We are all real people. And we all have pressing needs. And As a new feature to their videos next year, Freeman and Butler
so to go into it with that in mind and then start reading to learn will be in an on-site location tl1at corresponds with Come, Follow
makes it so much more personal than somebody else's stmy Me once a month. Freeman and Butler visited a number of sites for
that happened so many years ago, because it becomes our story:• filming earlier this year, includ­
Freeman says. ing the Sacred Grove, the Smith
Freeman notes that the revelations received in the Doctrine farm, the Susquehanna River,
and Covenants can be a guide as Latter-day Saints seek for revela­ the Kirtland Temple, Martin's
tion in their �W11 li.ves. Cove, and locations in Missouri
"One thing we want to focus on as we go through this year is and Nauvoo. They hope tl1ese
what is your pressing need, what is it that you're praying for every videos will be a testimony
day, and how do we learn to watch how those people received builder for viewers.
answers in a way that will help us know how to prepare and receive "There are so many people
our 0W11 answers? We want that to be a really personal journey for who will never be able to walk
people as we go through," she says. the streets of Kirtland or hear the crunch of leaves under
Just as we can find Christ in the New Testament and the Book their feet in the Sacred Grove. We went to a lot of these places
of Mon11on, He is ever-present in the Doctrine and Covenants as so that we can bring people along with us next year:' says Butler.
well, Butler adds. "There's just something about seeing the front door of the house of
"This book-the Doctrine and Covenants-maybe more tl1an Lucy Mack Smith tl,at makes you realize, like, 'Wait, she walked in
any other book, you actually hear the voice of Jesus Christ. You and out of this door for several years. Here's her backyard orchard
can flip to almost any section and it's in first person. You actually where she pled with the Lord. Here's where Joseph sought inspira­
are hearing His voice and listening to His counsel and listening tion.' ... And knowing those things and picturing tl10se people and
to Him instruct and mold and g11ide tl1e people of the in the places helps [it to] come alive!'
same way that He does today. I mean, it really is a book where
you will hear the voice of Jesus Christ and become familiar with
His voice."


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When they were visiting the Hill Cumorah for one of their videos,
Freeman says she realized just how seamlessly connected the Book
of Mormon is to the Doctrine and Covenants.
"l just [stood] on that hill and [to] think that it was the ending
[of] so much that we learned from the Book of Mormon, and
also the beg:i.Jming of everything we learn in the Doctrine and
Covenants-it's just such a connecting place," Emily says. "How
neat it will be next year to lead from that book of record that was
buried into that hill and begin by that record coming out of that
hill to see what God had in mind. It is miraculous."
Butler adds tl1at part of what is miraculous about the scriptures
is that the miracles evident in them still continue today.
"It's exciting to think that the story of miracles and the sto1y
of God has not ended. It just keeps going. It really was super cool
to stand on tl1at hill and tl1:i.J1k that, like, 'Man, here's the end of
one story, but it's the beginn:i.J1g of another one-and really, it's
the same st01y," he says.
As they've delved into the scriptures and been joined by the
'Don't Miss This" community, Freeman and Butler have felt their
own testimonies grow stronger.
"I have really felt my capacity :i.J1crease the more I spend
:i.J1 the scriptures, which just is such a great blessing to realize tl1at
as we embrace what the Lord has to offer for us that it can increase
our capacity and help us to be able to do all of tl1e th:i.J1gs that are
laid out before us," says Freeman.
Butler notes that they botl1 feel incredibly lucky to have tl1is
opportunity to spend so much time i11 the scriptures and to learn
from each other and tl,e "Don't Miss This" community.
"My love for Goel has really groW11 ... .I love tl1e sc1iptures,
but I really, really love tl1e Lord.And I feel so connected to Hirn
through spending so much in tl1e scriptures, and tl1at's
been such a gift for me:• he says. "We feel a lot like tl,at little boy
who handed the Savior his five loaves of bread and two fish, and
said, 'Look, this is all we have. ' And He really has taken it and He's As the Savior reaches out to tl1e one, He will always lift them to
made it more. It's His work and it's His word, and the feel:i.J1g tl1at a better place, Freeman says. "Jesus will meet you where you are, a.s
people are having with it is His Spirit ... we really feel like that is you are-but He doesn't intend to leave you there:' O
If there's one thing both Freeman and Butler have taken away To study along with Freeman and Butler this next year, lake a look at
from their experience of doing "Don't Miss This:• it's that everyone their study guide, Don ·1 Miss This in the Doctrine and Covenants:
Exploring One Verse from Each Section. You can also follow them at
is deserving of the Savior's love. their website,

"Sometimes people tl1ink, 'Oh no, I'm not cleserviI1g of His

help and His grnce and His love,"' says Butler. "By definition, you
never earn grace and love. [Christ] comes to you because of who
you are, not what you've clone."


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"The Atlas", explains Dr. Chapman, D.C., "is the
onal Chiropractic Physician with an innovative
gateway to the nervous system because it is What Does a Gentle "TAP" Have to
Transdermal Atlas Positioning (TAP) treatment.
where the lower brainstem first enters the spinal Do with Back Pain, Sleep Breathing
The doctor suspected due to McMahon's many
column." "When this misalignment occurs," he Pro_blems, Facial Pain, Anxiety, Mi­
impact injuries, that his brainstem was being
continues, "the blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow graines and more ...?
compressed by the first vertebra in his neck
' may become disturbed, adversely affecting this
called the Atlas. "The Atlas is the gateway to the brain stem and
important region. The nerves that control every
organ and part of the body can become compro­ nervous system," explains Dr. Chapman, DC.
The doctor took digital X-rays and 3D images "The brainstem governs and balances all of our
mised - and an entire range of bodily functions
of McMahon's neck and found the Atlas was body's organs and systems. In addition, the atlas,
may be affected resulting in pain, illness and a
indeed misaligned and likely disrupting cerebro­ because of its location makes up part of the up­
wide variety of health conditions.
spinal fluid flow near the brainstem. per airway region. When the Atlas is misaligned it
Gentle Computer Assisted Relief may disrupt blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow--it
The doctor put the digital images through a spe­ also can affect the status of the upper airway and
The doctors at Atlas Epigenetics use the same ad­
cialized computer program where ii determined cause wake or sleep airway problems. Simply by
vanced procedures (3D Cone Beam CT, advanced
the exact degree of misalignment. bringing the Atlas back into alignment many of
digital imaging, computer analysis of the image
and computer guided percussion instrument) that the symptoms can go away. Sometimes we find it
Gentle TAP-like "Puff of Air" Gives necessary to design a special intraoral appliance
McMahon's chiropractic physician used to diag­
Almost Instant Relief. These coordi­ nose, treat, and relieve McMahon's pain. to stabilize the atlas and develop more functional
nates were then put into a futuristic looking airway space. It's that simple. Many patients who
computer-guided instrument that, as McMahon have undergone our treatment are no longer de­
If this misalignment is identified and corrected
explained, directed what felt like a gentle puff pendent on their C-PAP machines. For patients
by a highly trained chiropractic physician with a
of air to the exact spot on the neck where the who decide to start treatment, a series of short
discipline in this Atlas technology, the "neurologi­
misalignment occured - successfully positioning follow up visits may be prescribed to help the
cal deficit is allowed to heal itself, and may provide
the atlas vertebra to its ideal position. body continue on its path to healing."
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Chapman, D.C.
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With President Nelson's reading of the newest proclamation in the April 2020 general
conference and the anniversary of several other prominent ones, here is a Look at
past proclamations and how we can benefit from thinking of them in a broader way.



��Ml�( �(GINNING,
leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter­
direction regarding mission expenditures. Some have been can­
onized as scripture while otl1ers have been superseded several
times by new instruction.
day Saints have remained in frequent contact [n recent years, documents bearing the title of "proclama­
with Church members through various forms of tion" have received lots of attention and visibility. Since 1980,
communication. When the Church was formally three proclamations have been introduced at general confer­
organized in April 1830, there were already small ence. The prominence of these documents sometimes promotes
groups of believers in other parts of New York, an oversin1plilied grouping of proclamations valued above other
including Fayette, Manchester, and Colesville. Business and communications. While it is tempting to retroactively link past
instruction occurred in conferences and small gatherings. As and recent proclamations, modern observers should be careful
the number of congregations grew, numerous documents were not to inflate the importance of titles or marginalize other key
disserrtinated to distant Saints in the form of letters, revelations, communications from Church leaders.
statements, announcements, epistles, manifestos, memorials, A brief study of the circumstances and context surrounding
pronouncements, and proclamations. Much of this instruction early proclamations illustrates differences in purpose and how
was pubushed and relayed through Church newspapers and they relate to other messages not designated as proclamations.
periodicals. A close look at the recent proclamations reveals a much different
In the early 1830s, more than 800 miles separated the two purpose than those from the 19tl1 century.
centers of gathering designated by the Lord-Kirtland, Ohio,
and Jackson County, Missouri. This physical distance required
steady correspondence ben-veen leaders in Ohio and Missouri.
Even after the Saints moved west to settle in the Rockies, letters
and Church-published newspapers and periodicals remained
the p1imary mode of communication with the worldwide GREW. NUMEROUS DOCUMENTS WERE
membership of the Church until the advent of electronic com­ DISSEMINATED TD DISTANT SAINTS IN
munications in the late 20th century.
As colonization in the west extended and branches of the
Church were established across the globe, the need for com­ STATEMENTS. ANNOUNCEMENTS.
munications ben-veen headquarters and outlying branches EPISTLES. MANIFESTOS. MEMORIALS.
increased. Mission presidents and others relied on circulars, PRONOUNCEMENTS. AND PROCLAMATIONS.
personal correspondence, and periodicals to remain current on
new announcements, directives, and revelations. While some of
these communications were intended for ecclesiastical leaders,
others kept the general membership informed and built a con­
nection between headquarters and the rank and file. NINHHNTH-C[NTURY PROClAMATIONS
Messages from tl1e First Presidency have been published 1n January 1841, the First Presidency-Joseph Smith, Sidney
in books and issues of Church magazines. Additionally, some Rigdon, and Hyrum Smith-wrote what appears to be the first
messages have been reflected in general handbooks over the document identified as a proclamation, from Nauvoo, Illinois.
years and, more recently, posted to the Church's website or sent It was published in the Church's newspaper, the Times and
by email.• These communications and messages vary in their Seasons, and addressed to "the Saints scattered abroad" in Europe
degree of importance, ranging from major policy adjustments to to provide a progress report on conditions in Nauvoo and


PUBLISHED THEIR IB'fl PROCLAMATION. VoL. 2. .Xo. G.] CIT\" or :S,\U\'00. lLLlXOIS, Hi'/. J:i, Ja�t. [Who!� No
MEMBERS OF THE TWELVE WERE 1'1bor of lo\·c. \\"e would, how£
NEARING THE COMPLETION OF THEIR make honorable mention of Gove
fORIGISAL-1 Cnrlin, Judge Young, General Le
IJud;;e Rnlston, Rev. Mr. Young.
TO THE SAINTS SCATTERED l!cnry, X. B ,ushn cll, John WO()(
l °"· :11oms, S. �1. JJartlett, Sn,
liccc:-i:-;6: Holme.•, nnd J. T. Holmes, Esqu
Bcloced Brclhrtn:- who will long be remembered I
The rclation�hip I grateful community_ for tl:cir pb
which WC su•l'1in to the Church of Je- thrOjl)" to n suff�rmg rcoele,.
sw Christ of Lauer Da ,. ::hint• rcn- whose kindness on Ihat occ.1s100 1
ders it oecCSS.'.lry th�! \\C should' m:tk" ' dP.libly �ngra,·cn on the tablet of
urge converts to emigrate to their new city on the banks of the known from time to time, the circum-1l h,:orts, m i;olden letters of love.
Mississippi. After reporting that the Illinois state legislature had stances, situ'1tioo, nnd pro;pects of the 1 \T<J y;ould likewise make mcnti,
church, and gh-c such instruction, as·· the Legi�l:lt�re of ;his State,
recently passed a charter creating the city of Nauvoo, the First may be ncce:i.iary for the well bcin;!: :rill.out rc:pecl of parties. 1rilhou1
Presidency called upon "all who can assist in establishing this or the �aims. '1nd for tl1c promotion of, /ucl.n;cc,J,· •tly, opcnly, boldly, anc

I.hose objects, c'11cufa�e:l to fur,her their · My, hn\"L' come forth to our assi�to
place, make every preparation to come on without delay" to present noJ crnr!astmg h:ip�ine,5: l�owncJ us ns citizens nod friend.,
We ha,e to congratulate thc S:1101sr: .
"strengthen our hands, and assist in promoting the happiness of took us by the hand, nod e:itend
on the progress of the grent work uf u� c.11 the b!c�sin"s of cinl poli1
the •·Inst dnys;'' for not only has it: nnd religious libc�l\', bv i:r.:.nlin
the Saints:'
It also discussed the urgency to complete the Nauvoo spr�d throu�h _the length nnd brc�dth uudcr d·,ic of Dec.· rn, 1810, on
of Lh1s vast contment; bu� on the comi-11 thl\ most libernl charters, witl,
Temple through the "great exertions" of the Saints. Those will­
ing to sacrifice their homes and gather to Nauvoo were promised
oent of ?�rop,>, a�d o!1 lho lsl:mds of most p!rnary powers. cH:r confe
t�e sea, it •• sprcadmg _m n m:inncr en•. bra lcgislntive assembly on free
t1_rcly unprecedented m lh.: annals of ;:ens, for the "City of Nam·oo,'
to be welcomed as friends and be blessed for uniting with their time. 1
. . ' .. �;ournn Lc:ron" nod the 11 {jairn
fellow Saints in tl1e Lord's work.2 This nppror;; the r:--•�� plcnsm;:: when of the C:it\" of ;\aU\"OO," The fir
This proclamation was issued during a momentous chapter we consid�r, tl;.,.t but n short limo ltns ! th<?sc chartcr3, (tb:it for the .. C,t
el� scd s�,ce we were un_merciiull �nurn,1,") ECCllrCS to us in nil tin
� r 1
in the early history of tl1e Church. Tuo members of the Twelve dmen •��111 tho S!ntc of M1S30ur1,_ _ af. come, irrcr�nbly, '111 those !sl'Cal
had first preached the gospel in the British Isles in 1837. Joseph t�;�uffenoi cruclucs nod persl?CulJons si:w, of civil Ebert\· which of .
,,, !" their ,nrious, :iml horrid forms.- ap�rtni:i to all 11:e r:ee c:ti:reo;,
Smith sent the Quorum of the Tuelve Apostles to the British _rhea our ornr.brow. to m1ny, •-em('d ; ci\·ili1.eJ rc•,ublic-'tisoll
I we
Isles from 1839 to 1841 in answer to a revelation from the Lord in �,·itnblc, v.·hilc the cncr:,;,._, of trut� ch:mcc. \\'hat a conlrn,t does
triumphed o,·er u•, nad by !heir crudl proceeding, of the lcgi.:"a:uro of
(only nine of the Tuelve answered the call). When the First reproachC>J_ •·n<lo:irnr�-J to ai:-;rnra:c �late pr<.:.,"Dl, . when compare:i
our suffcrmw. Dul •·1h:1 Lml r,f 1hooe c,i :llissouri. who,c i,;go:n.-,

';p·-1I . '
Presidency published their 1841 proclamation, members of
Uo3� wns with us, the Uo,J of hco!, ousy ni:d s:mer�litior> premilcdio
wns our ro,u;;,:. . .
the Tuelve were nearing the completion of their mission that , , . nod wn ,,.,re d , nu u:.tcnl, asI to-:!,oy 'us our l iuerly
brought over 6,000 converts into the Church. Many of these er� from thu h�ncls of LJo,,,!y an•I de- our s1crc d;·,J11s-Hlinois hos set a
cc11fol men; nod in 1hi.: S,ntc ofl!!:,,ni� !r: Jus ,...nmp!c. . to tho w)lo!e t;1

converts heeded the call to gather to Nauvoo, helped build the we found nn a.syl,un, and 1>crc kin,lh· s,�te, oml ,., 11:e world nl Jar,�,
welcome:! 1,y per$ons w,,nl,y :he chit(. jl,as nobly �nrricJ out 1hc principl i
temple, and followed the Tuelve west to settle Utah.3
actc�s of rm:;::a:•;. !t nou!J b., !.er ccnF.llulion, anJ tbe constitutic
Another proclan1ation was published in April 1845, nine poc:.,�lc lo enc,,.crntc all tho..., wl.o in l1i1es<: United �!ates, and whilo ah,
montl1s follm,ving the murders of Joseph and Hyrum Smith our 11me of d�cp �i.,;tr�s, nob; y carr.c quires of us imp:icit obcdi:.ncc u
�orll'n':1 to ou� rchc_f. �nd like t:10 .!01Kl ll!lws, (which we hopi ever to set

�nmarit�1� p.,ure,( oJ m:o our \1·0,mils, f»('ncd)sh� nlf.,rds us 1ho protectio
in Carthage. Autliored by the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
.._ n_d � 1 r,bu1� hbcralk _to our necr<,- hw-:l;r. security cf life, liberty,
(who served as the presiding body of the Church following
:,,ue�, ,is the c111zcns of Quincy rn, ·a• ,e 11:e p,:ic-,·r:l:!e pursuit ofhnppines,;.
Joseph's death until December 1847), it was issued in partial and th_e peop!c of J:lino:e, '!.:,11,:-r;il . , T!.e uarr.c ,;four cilv (:'.\nuvoo,)
t<..,mcc lo cmu!ate each o'hcr in t!i: ·1�brc·,1 or= : :1 , or.J s\;uif:cs a
ful fillment of a January 1841 revelation directing Joseph Smith
• :; be
to "make a solemn proclamation of my gospel" to "all the nations
of the eartl111 (D&C 124:2-3). Published as a 16-page pamphlet,
the docun1ent boldly declared to "all the Kings of the World,
to the President of the United States of America ... and to the
Rulers and Peoples of all Nations" that God's kingdom had been Five months later, Brigham Young and a committee of
restored to the earth by "authority from on high:' It called upon Nauvoo citizens, including several members of the Twelve,
all to repent, embrace the restored gospel, and prepare for the published a proclamation directed to Levi Williams and otl1ers
Second Coming. Governmental leaders were encouraged to guilty of "burning the houses and property" of the Saints in
devote all available resources to building the Kingdom of God. Hancock County, Illinois. By the fall of 1845, persecution i.11
The Twelve closed the proclamation with brief testimonies of and around Nauvoo intensified as enemies resorted to arson
numerous gospel principles.4 and mob violence to remove the Saints from the region. Jn the
in 1857 as the U.S. Army approached Utah to squash a perceived
Additional proclamations were published by Church lead­

ers as they traveled abroad on assignments. For example, while
overseeing mfasionary activity in the Pacific, Elder Parley P.
Pratt sent proclamations to those on the coasts and islands of
the Pacific Ocean as well as citizens of Latin American nations. 6
And the mob P,:)lty, of whom he is the suppos­ These became important missionary tracts as more than 100
ed leader, who pave been nnd nre l!till engng- elders were called to take the gospel to the four comers of the
1 ed in burning the housel! and property of tlio
earth-including Austraua and Hawaii-at the 1852 general
peaceable citize11111>f Hancock county: conference.
We the undersigned, a committe of the cili­
zent of the ci1y of Nauvoo, have selected a com­
mittee of five, viz: Peter Hllwe, Andrew II.
Perkin,, Erastus H. Derby, Datid D. Yearsley,
and Solomr.n Hnocock, who will be the bear­ INTERESTINGLY. WILLIAM CLAYTON
ers of this, to confer with you, and inform you REFERRED TD THIS PRDCLAMATIDN
that it is our intention to leave Nauvoo and the
country next spring; provided, thnt youtselns AS A LETTER. SUGGESTING THAT THE
alld all others will cease all hostile oper1uions9 CATEGORIES DF CDMMUNICATIDNS DURING
.ao as to giye us "the short but necessary time
for our journey; and we w:int you to return an THIS TIME WERE INTERCHANGEABLE.
an&wer i11 writing, by our said committee,
whether you will ce:ise your destructive opera­
tion,, and ,·entlous law suits, "-nd give us the
•pportunity of c:irrying out our designs peacea. An 1865 proclamation was the first endorsed by both the
bly. First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and it
BRIGHAM: YOUNG., is the noticeable outlier when compared to other proclama­
- JOH� E. PAGE;' tions. Its purpose was twofold: (1) to recall copies of Lucy Mack
Smith's history previously published by Elder Orson Pratt, and
ORSON SPENCER, (2) to publ.icly rebuke Elder Pratt for his objectionable teachings
SAMUEL BENT, and speculation related to the nature of God. The proclamation
AMASA LYMAN', appeared in the Church's major publications-the Descret News
WILLARD RICHARDS, and the Millc1111ial Stai: Pratt's theories were published "to the
CHARLES C. RICH,..--­ world as facts, and as doctrines" without the authorization of
ISAAC .MORLEY. the First Presidency and Twelve. The core message in the proc­
JOHN TAYLOR. ;­ lan1ation's reprimand of Elder Pratt was that "no member of the
-Y�1lt"30 Sert, 16, 1645. �-- _,. ... , _ /" Church has the right to publish any doctrines, as the doctrines
of the Church" for "there is but one man upon the earth, at one
time, who holds the keys to receive commandments and revela­
tions for the Church."7
proclamation, Church leaders promised to leave the region Subsequent censures of Church leaders were not
"next spring" if their attackers would "cease all hostile opera­ announced by proclamations. Discussions with individuals
tions" to provide them the "necessary time [to prepare] for our more often occurred in private meetings and resulted in the
journey."5 Continued harassment accelerated their departure issuing of public apologies by individuals. For example, two
with the first companies leaving Nauvoo in February 1846. years after the Elder Pratt episode, Elder Amasa M. Lyman of
Interestingly, William Clayton referred to thjs proclamation as a the Twelve published an apology to Latter-day Saints for his
letter, suggesting that the categories of communications during false teachings relating to the Atonement of Jesus Christ.8 More
this time were interchangeable. recently, in 1991 the late emeritus general authority Elder Paul H.
Brigham Young issued several proclamations in his capacity Dunn wrote a letter to Church members that was printed in the
as governor of Utah Territory in the 1850s. The most well-known Church News seeking forgiveness for embellishing stories in his
of these was a proclamation declaring martial law in the territory public talks and writings.9


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HC[Nl PROClAMATIONS, 1980-2020 the Restoration, the First Vision, restoration of the priesthood,
The use of the tem1 "proclamation" was revived by Church and organization of the Church.10
leaders in 1980 to commemorate 150 years since the formal orga­ However, the April 1980 general conference was unlike
nization of the Church on April 6, 1830. Anniversary messages any other. To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the
had been prepared by previous First Presidencies in 1930 and organization of the Church, conference sessions originated
again in 1947 to mark the Church's centennial and the arrival from two locations-Temple Square and Fayette, New York.
of the first pioneer companies in Utah. The content of the 1930 Broadcasting live in locations some 2,000 miles apart posed
message was similar to the 1980 and 2020 proclamations, with logistical and technological challenges. In anticipation of the
the First Presidency focusing their message on events preceding milestone, the Church constructed two buildings at the Peter


Whjtmer farm in Fayette: a log cabin representing the Whjtmer Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson observed, "Little did we realize then
home where the organizational meeting took place on April 6, how very desperately we would need these basic declarations in
1830, and a meetinghouse with a visitors' center. today's world as tl1e criteria by whjch we could judge each new
Plans were made to dedicate the structures and present a wind of worldly dogma:' She added that "the proclamation on
proclamation at general conference. Following the Saturday the family has become our benchmark for judging the philoso­
morning session of conference, President Spencer W. Kimball phies of tl1e world.""'
and Sister Camilla KimbaJJ, along with Elder Gordon B. Following its release, framed presentation copies of tl1e
Hinckley and Sister Marjorie Pay Hinckley, boarded a plane proclamation on the family soon adorned the waJJs of many
and flew to New York. The Sunday morrung session of confer­ Latter-day Saint homes and meetinghouses. Trus visible
ence began in the Tabernacle and then switched to the Wrutmer reminder cemented the term "proclamation" in Latter-day
cabin, where President Kimball spoke briefly before inviting Saint vernacular. But doctrinal statements made by the First
Elder Hinckley to read a proclamation to commemorate the Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles already had
organization of the Church on that precise day 150 years earlier." precedent. Previous doctrinal statements released by Church
leaders include the Articles of Faitl1, as well as a detailed expla­
nation of the Godhead published by the First Presidency and
the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1916 to clarify the roles
and titles of the Father and tl1e Son.15
THE USE OF THE TERM ..PROCLAMATION'" The year 2020 has been a memorable one as the Church
WAS REVIVED BY CHURCH LEADERS IN celebrates tl,e 200th anniversary of the appearance of God
1980 TD COMMEMORATE ISO YEARS SINCE the Father and His Son Jesus Christ to Joseph Smith in what is
THE FORMAL ORGANIZATION OF THE known as the First Vision. Similar to tl1e 1980 proclamation, a
bicentenrual proclamation was presented to the Church during
CHURCH ON APRIL 6, 1830. the Sunday morrung session of the April 2020 general confer­
ence by President Russell M. Nelson.'6
Thjs time, instead of broadcasting live from a rustoric site
during general conference, President Nelson was prerecorded
The proclamation was prepared by the First Presidency and reading tlie proclamation in ilie Sacred Grove. This segment was
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and became the first of its kind played during ms conference address and powerfully connected
to be presented in a general conference. It affirmed that "The viewers to sacred space as they watched President Nelson near
Church of}esus Christ of Latter-day Saints is in fact a restoration ilie place where the First Vision occurred.
of the Church established by the Son of God:' bui lt upon a foun­
dation of prophets and apostles with Jesus Christ as the cmef DON'T JUOC( A OOCUM[NT SOlHY ON ITS Till(
cornerstone. It further declared the truthfulness of tl1e Book of Aside from previously discussed examples of messages similar
Mormon, restored doctrines, and temple ordinances.12 to proclan1ations, tl1ere are several other documents with tl,e
ln the 1990s, Church leaders again felt inspired to create a characteristics of past proclamations. A pair of messages to the
proclamation, this time regarding the family and jts central role in world were shared in the first half of tl1e 20tl1 century. At the
God's plan. Elder Dallin H. Oaks recaJJed that "subjects were iden­ dawn of tl1e new century, President Lorenzo Snow delivered
tified and discussed by members of the Quorum of the Twelve a "Greeting to the World:• reflecting on tlie accomplishments
Apostles for nearly a year." Direction was prayerfully considered of the past century and expecting "grand events to occur in the
"on what we should say and how we shou Id say it." A committee twentietl1 century:• as it would be "the grandest of aJ1 tl1e ages of
composed of iliree members of the Twelve-Elders James E. Faust, tin1e:"7 ln 1935, the First Presidency released a "testin10ny to tlie
Neal A. Maxwell, and Russell M. Nelson-was appointed to draft world" at what was referred to as the close of a century of "God's
the text, which was eventuaJJy presented to the First Presidency true church:' They emphasized two great truths iliat must be
for their revisions. It was approved shortly before President accepted by aJ1 mankind-the Atonement of Jesus Christ and ilie
Howard W. Hunter died, but as the newly set apart prophet, restoration of the holy priesthood and the gospel.18
President Hinckley decided not to share it with the Church at Few, if any, co1ru1rn1ucations from Church leaders have had
the April 1995 general conference. Instead, he presented "The more impact than tv,o declarations (not proclamations) now
Faniily: A Proclamation to the World" six montl1s later during included in ilie Doctrine and Covenants. Official Declaration 1
hjs address at the general Relief Soc.iety session of conference.'1 is a marufesto received by revelation to President Wilford
Church members at the time were not surprised by the Woodruff in 1890 that led to tl1e end of tl1e Church's practice of
teachings presented in the proclamation. Years later, however, plurn] marriage. A second declaration is a 1978 revelation given


C7 Find out how -
---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ -----------


IN 1935. THE FIRST PRESIDENC Y 1. See ror example James R. Clark, ed., Messages af the First Presidency
of the Church of Jesus Chnst of Latter-day Samts. 1833-1964, 6 vols. (Salt
RELEASED A ••TESTIMONY TD THE WORLD •• Lake City: Bookcraft, 1965-19751: Reid L. Neilson and Nathan N. Waite,
eds., Settling the Valley, Pracl0tming the Gospel: The General Epistles of the
THAT EMPHASIZED TWO GREAT TRUTHS Mormon First Presidency (New York: Oxford University Press, 20171: monthly
THAT MUST BE ACCEPTED BY ALL messages by members or the First Presidency were published in the
Ensign and other Church magazines until April 2018.
MANKIND-THE ATONEMENT DF JESUS 2. -A Proclamation to the Saints Scattered Abroad," Times and Seasons 2,
no. 6 (January 15, 1841], 273-277: this soon reached the British Saints being
CHRIST AND THE RESTORATION DF THE published in the Millennial Star 1, no. 11 (March 1841]. 269-274.
HOLY PRIESTHOOD AND THE GOSPEL. 3- See James B. Allen, Ronald K. Esplin, and David J. Whittaker, Men With
a Mission: The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the British Isles. 1837-1841
(Salt Lake City: Deseret Book. 19921.
4- Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter­
day Saints (New York City: Pratt and Brannan, 18451.
5- Proclamation ta Col Levi Williams. and the mob party. of whom he is the sup­
to President Spencer W. Kimball that extended the priesthood posed leader, Nauvoo, September 16, 1845, Church History Library.
to all worthy males regardless of race. This opened doors for the 6. Parley P. Pratt. Proclamation! To the People of the Coasts and Islands, of the
gospel to extend its reach to all nations, kindreds, tongues, and Pacific; of Every Nation, Kindred and Tongue by on Apostle of Jesus Christ
(Sydney: C.W. Wandell, 1851]: Parley P. Pratt, Proclamacion! Extraordinaria,
people. para las Americanos Espanoles, or Proclamation Extraardmary! Ta the
In January 2000, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Spanish Americans (San Francisco: Monson, Haswell, 1852].
'Iwelve published "The Living Cluist: The Testimony of the 7- -Hearken, 0 Ye Latter-day Saints. and All Ye Inhabitants or the Earth
Who Wish to be Saints, to Whom This Writing Shall Come.- Deseret News
Apostles" to commemorate the birth of the Savior Jesus Christ. (August 23. 1865), 372-373: also published in the Millennial Star 27, no. 42
While not called a proclamation, it closely resembles the proc­ (October 21, 1865], 657-663. Aside from Orson Pratt, Daniel H. Wells.
lamation on the family in both appearance and purpose, and second counselor in the First Presidency. was the only member of the
First Presidency or Quorum of the Twelve Apostles not listed as a signer
framed copies of "The Living Christ" also decorate many Latter­
or the proclamat10n. Wells was in England at the time presiding over the
day Saint homes. At the time "The Living Christ" was issued, European Mission.
Elder Russell M. Nelson explained that it was a pronouncement 8. Amasa Lyman, -To the Latter-day Saints throughout all the World.- Deseret
issued by the Apostles that year in an effort "to leave something News (January 30, 1867]. 4-
9- Paul H. Dunn, -An open letter to the members or the Church.- Church
that would get into the hearts of people and endure, even beyond News (October 26, 1991], 5-
the life of those testifiers!' 19 10. -A Message.- Improvement Era (May 1930], 453-458.
Over the years, the meaning and purpose of proclamations 11. Dell Van Orden, -Fayette links past, present of Church,- Church News
(Apnl 12, 19801, 5-6: Sheri L. Dew, Go Forward wilh Faith: The Biography al
has evolved. For Latter-day Saints today, they represent authori­
Gordan B. Hinckley (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 19961. 367-370.
tative declarations by the First Presidency and Quorum of the 12. -Proclamation: From the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve
'Iwelve to recognize significant anniversaries or declare doctrine. Apostles of The Church of Jesus Chnst or Latter-day Saints, April 6, 1980.­
But the true importance of recent proclamations lies not in the Conference Report (April 1980]. 75-77: also published in the Ensign (May
19801, 52-53-
term "proclamation" but in the shared authorship and unanim­ 13. Gordon B. Hinckley, -stand Strong against the Wiles of the World.- Ensign
ity of all 15 prophets, seers, and revelators.2° (November 1995], 101; -The Family: A Proclamation to the World.- Ensign
It is important to keep in mmd that hundreds if not (November 1995), 102: Dallin H. Oaks, -The Plan and the Proclamation, -
Ensign (November 20171, 30: Sheri L_ Dew, Insights from a Prophets Life:
thousands of communications have played important roles in Russell M. Nelson (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 20191, 208-210.
forming a connection to Church leaders, maintaining admin­ □
14. Bonnie L. Oscarson, - efenders or the Family Proclamation.- Ensign (May
istrative uniformity, and God's will to Saints both 2015], 14-15.
15. Joseph Smith, -church History,- Times and Seasons 3. no. 9 (March 1, 1842),
near and tar. There will likely be additional proclamations in
709-710: First Presidency and the Council or the Twelve Apostles, -The
the future as determined by the First Presidency and Quorum Father and the Son: A Doctrinal Exposition by the First Presidency and the
of the Twelve Apostles. Each should be viewed within their Twelve.- June 30, 1916, as published in the Improvement Era (August 1916].
proper context and appreciated as a complementary addition 934-942.
16. Russell M. Nelson, -Hear Him,- Ensign (May 20201, 91-92.
to the cornucopia of messages intended to edify tl1e Saints and 17. Lorenzo Snow, -Greeting to the World.- address delivered at the Centennial
confirm the ongoing Restoration and revelatory nature of the Services. January 1, 1901, Church History Library.
Lord's Church. O 18. -A Testimony to the World,- Improvement Era 38. no. 4 (April 19351. 194-195-
19. Sarah Jane Weaver, -An enduring testament or the living Christ.- Church
News (April 15, 20001. 11.
Brandon J. Metcalf ,s an archivist with the Church History Department of The Church 2D. See Dale G. Renlund and Ruth Lybbert Renlund, The Melchizedek
of Jesus Chnst of Latter-day Saints. Priesthood: Understanding the Doctrine. Living the Principles (Salt Lake City:
Deseret Book, 2018), 37-39-



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Maybe we can create
sacred spaces and holy
places as we celebrate
a Christ-centered
Christmas this year.

Building the Nativity:

A Christ-Centered Christmas Advent
As the holiday season approaches, Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler bring new meaning to the Nativity story with these
seven Christ-centered Christmas traditions-one for each day of the week leading up to Christmas. ADAPTED FROM LDS LIVING'S

E mily Belle Freeman: Many years

ago, when my daughter Megan was
between 3 and 4 years old, we were driv­
of ways that we could [learn more about
Jesus] in our home. And I went home, I
pulled out a nativity scene, and I set out
Day 1: Empty Stable
DB: When [Ma1y] was maybe nine
months pregnant, they made the trek into
ing together in the car. There was a break the stable and I thought, "This is where it Bethlehem to find that eve1ybody else
between Christmas carols, and in the has to start, is with the story!' from the line of David was also there, so
break, Megan said to me something I will David Butler: So for the seven days the city was packed full of people. There
never forget. She said, "Mom, I believe leading up to Christmas, we are studying was a lot of busy-ness, there were a lot of
in Santa Claus and you believe in Jesus each member of the Nativity, we're learn­ crowds, and no inn had room for Ma1y and
Christ !' And then the song started and ing about their sto1y, and we're giving a Joseph, which means no place had room
immediately what I thought to myself is, small invitation and tradition with each of for Jesus.
"I have failed as a mother. I have ruined them. EBF: Maybe we can look at that night,
Christmas." ... And so I started thinking that first Christmas night when Joseph and



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Mary went away to a tiny stable-a holy
place, a sacred place where they could get
away from everything....Maybe we can
make room for Jesus Christ in our celebra­
tions this year. Maybe we can create sacred
spaces and holy places as we celebrate a
Christ-centered Christmas this year.

Invitation and Tradition Idea:

The invitation and tradition for day
number one is to display an empty
stable. And every time you pass by it,
maybe you can think, "What can I do
this week or what can I do today to make
more room for Jesus in my Christmas Mary reminds us that we need to find a moment to
ponder the events of that sacred night in Bethlehem.
Day 2: Joseph
DB: [Personally,] as a husband and a father Tradition Idea: we celebrate the miracle of Christ's birth
who has taken a very pregnant wife to the Put a jingle bell in your pocket or on and the gift heaven gave.So the invitation
hospital before several times, I can relate your wTist to remind yourself to look for for Macy is to find some place and some
to [Joseph's] feeling of anxiety, especially people who need a little bit of kindness. time to ponder the miracle of Jesus's birtl1.
on that first baby. And then to fi11d out that
there was no room, and then to be taken Day 3: Mary Tradition Idea:
to a stable or to a cave for [Mary] to deliver EBF: Have you ever wondered what it was Decorate heart-shaped sugar cookies
this child that was not only their first child that Mary might have pondered? I think and talk about Ma1y's heart, or gather
but also the Son of God, and what it must to myself that surely she did what all new a box of things that might have helped
have been like for them to get that stable motl1ers do ... and just pulls that baby up Mary remember iliat holy night.Just
ready. into her and looks at every single thing take tiJ11e to calm everything that's going
EBF: I love the stories that I have about tl1e miracle of a brand new baby. on around you and remember tl1e night
collected from secret acts of Christmas DB: Could Ma1y ever have imagined of Christ's birtl1.
kindness that my kids and our family have what her life would be filled with being
participated in throughout the years.And the motlier and disciple of the Son of Day 4: Angels
every tiJne I think about those stories, it God? And years later, after all of these EBF: I just love the thought of voices
just reminds me of Joseph and [what] we things had happened, do you think she I know well telling each other of the
could have done [to share his burden]. looked back on that night in tl1e stable and Savior's birth. And as I think about that, I
remembered some of those things that she think, "Isn't that what happens when we
Invitation: pondered? sing those songs before institute or when
EBF: Joseph represents the desires of our EBF: We love thinking of what Maiy we sing those songs before sacrament
hearts.He reminds us of the secret acts of might have pondered on that night, that meeting? Or even if you go caroling from
Christmas kindness given with sacrifice still and sacred moment when she just house to house as neighbors, that we are
and love to the broken, the weary, the lost, sat and tl1ought about the miracle of that just telling each other what we know and
and the lonely. birth. I think it is so important for each what we believe and what we love about
DB: So the invitation for Joseph is of us to remember to do that in our 0W11 the birth of Jesus Christ."
exactly what you hoped it would be.To lives-to take a moment and just ponder
perform a secret act of kindness.It can on the night of Jesus's birth. Invitation:
be anything ...whatever it is, we hope DB: The angel embodies the heart that
that you will look for tl1ose people who Invitation: runneth over with good tidings of great joy
are in need of a secret act of kindness and DB: Mary reminds us that we need to find in tllis season.The angels are a reminder
perform it. a moment to ponder the events of that of anticipation of good things to come
sacred night in Bethlehem. As we do this, and it should fill our heai·ts with warmth


overflowing. So the invitation for the angel Day 7: Baby Jesus
is to fill your heart and home with the EBF: There are a lot of traditions we've
carols. talked about, but we just need to make
sure that we don't miss the baby. That
Tradition Idea: is how Christmas began. It began with
Either go caroling with your family or God's greatest gift that came to the world
turn on Christmas carols in your house wrapped up in swaddling clothes. And
and just enjoy all of that beautiful music. the question is, at this special time of year,
But whatever you do, make yourself what will you do because of that great gift?
some hot cocoa to go along with it!
Day 5: Shepherds DB: This is the invitation for day number
DB: [It is believed that] the shepherd seven, and it is to give the gift of your heart
fields right outside of Bethlehem are to Hin1. Especially after you've realized
where they raised lambs for sacrifice in the
[Christmas] began that He gave the gift of His heart to us.
temple, which is so symbolic because Jesus with God's greatest
is the Lamb of God and was born to be
sacrificed. And something that shepherds
gift that came to the Tradition Idea:
Get a card for every member of your
would normally do, is they would take the world wrapped up in family and write down a gift to give to
lambs-remember that were first born and swaddling clothes. Jesus Christ this year. Each year you can
male and had no blemish- review and ponder the gifts from the
EBF: And they would check them. past and choose a new one.
They would check over all of them. And Day 6: Wise Men The Christ child reminds us to
when a lamb was born that looked like EBF: There are so many lessons we love offer a gift to the Lord this Christmas
that- about the wise men. One is that they were season, a gift based on the true "work
DB: Right, they would wrap them up privileged to search out and seek for the of Clu·istmas," one that will allow us to
in swaddling clothes and they would lay Savior. But the second lesson is one that focus on Christ all year long. We love
it on the manger floor. So when the angels we don't talk about veiy often, and it is my the idea of the "work of Christmas"
come and give [the shepherds] that sign to favorite one. After they had that encounter found in a poem by Howard Thurman­
look for Jesus, they knew that they were with Jesus Christ, they were led to journey that Christmas actually began when the
looking for the Lamb of God. They knew another way [home]. It changed what they shepherds went home, when the star
what it meant. were doing in their life-that encounter was gone, and when the angels went
with Christ made that big of a difference in back up into the heavens. That's when
Invitation: their lives. the work of Christmas begins, and it's
EBF: The shepherds symbolize a testin1ony going to go forward throughout this
within, an inner conviction that we have Invitation: whole year.
come to know Christ. The shepherds are a DB: The wise men exemplify the journey
reminder for us to come closer to the Lord, each of us take as we seek Jesus. They DB: This is such a beautiful time of year to
now and with haste, and then to share our remind us that as we draw closer to Him, remember how good God has been to us
testin1ony with others. The invitation then we will be led to continue our journey a and to just try in some small way to return
for the shepherds is, of course, to share different way. So, this is the invitation from our love to Him because of how much He's
your testimony of Jesus. the wise men, and it is simply to journey shown toward us. We just want to wish you
closer to Christ. a merry, merry Christmas and hope that
Tradition Idea: the Spirit of Christ fills your home and
Get a candle and give one to eve1y per­ Tradition Idea: heart throughout the rest of the year. O
son in your fan1ily. The person who Keep a reminder of the wise men's three
starts gets to light their candle, and then gifts in your house and then think about Want to do more with this Christmas
you just light the candle of every person what you learn from the wise men and advent? Watch the video series at
/ or read
around the room and share one small how that might affect your journey as about it in A Christ-Centered
Christmas. You can also find the
thing you love about Jesus. you move forward this year. brand-new companion nativity scene
pictured in this article exclusively at
Deseret Book.


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"Never has there been
so beautiful a day in Las
Vegas as we dedicate
the House of the Lord,
the crowning jewel
overlooking the city."

The ((Crowning Jewel":

Lesser-Known Stories Behind the
Building of the Las Vegas Temple
For many, a Latter-day Saint temple might seem out of place amidst the glamourous buildings and flashy casinos that Las Vegas
is recognized for. But the Las Vegas temple has a rich history of faith that attracts a quiet kind of attention. BY FREDE. WOODS

P resident Gordon B. Hinckley was once

asked by the local Southern Nevada
press why Las Vegas was selected as a place
Presidency, announced in the semiannual
general conference that a temple would be
erected in Las Vegas. It would become the
When the announcement came out,
what I remember was a great deal
of support from all the other faiths.
for a temple. His response was, "I don't 43rd operating temple of the Church. For And I believe that the building of a
know of any place in all the world that Robin Dixon, a Latter-day Saint native of temple in Las Vegas, to members of
needs one more. I don't know of a place in Las Vegas, the announcement was "thrill­ other faiths, ... was a bookmark that
the world where you see more clearly the ing." And for Tom Thomas, son of famed this is a good place, this is a commu­
contrast between evil and good, than you Las Vegas banker E. Pany Thomas, it was nity, there are families that are here,
do in this city. This place needs a temple." an am1ouncement that brought the com­ and now T he Church of Jesus Christ
On April 7, 1984, President Hinckley, munity together: of Latter-day Saints is going to build
then the second counselor in the First a temple here.


Progress and Sacrifice
In his dedicato1y prayer, President
Hinckley said, "We thank thee for the faith
and skills of all who have contributed to
make it possible." One of those key players
with conviction as well as skills and gifts
was the temple architect, George G.Tate.
Tate had been spiritually prepared for this
sacred work as a Church member in his
youth, though he did not fully recognize it
until decades later.Tate wrote,

When I received my patriarchal

blessing at age 16 ... mention was [Keith] and I ... took all of our savings and
made several times of my future donated it toward the temple fund....It
involvement in temples and temple was a sacrifice because we were a young
building....None of this sank in family, ...but we felt like it was the right
ve1y deeply until age 52, [when] I sat thing to do:'
in my living room watching general Ed Smith, then a bishop seeking
conference on television. temple funds from members of his ward,
Tate heard the announcement by President
Hinckley of a temple to be constructed in
Las Vegas. Remembering the promise in
There was a family in our ward ...
and I went to their house to ask
his patriarchal blessing, he soon wrote a them for $1000 ....He said, "You
letter to his area representative requesting sit right here, and my wife and I will
that his firm be considered for the job. go and discuss it in our bedroom:• Regional Representative Elder James K .
Ultimately, Tate's firm was chosen, and And he came back and he said, "We Seastrand recalls, "This assembly set a
despite sometimes intense opposition decided that we will give you the new experience for the Church in temple
from community members and occasional $1000." ... It was hardly anybody groundbreaking-a small gathering with
difficulty getting clearances, work on the [who] didn't give it and most of its proceedings videotaped; a large indoor
temple soon began in full swing. [those who donated] were not active assembly with the video tape shown as
in the Church....They responded part of the program. The assembly pro­
in just amazing ways. gram was a beautiful experience."
One of those key After the temple was completed, an
players with conviction In fact, Mahlon Edwards recalls that the open house was held.A temple open
fundraising was so prolifically beyond house can have a tremendous impact on
as well as skills and what was expected or needed that President a community and on individuals.Such
gifts was the temple Hinckley had to tell the stake presidents in was the case with Mrs.Loran Amadore,
architect, George G. the Vegas region, "Brethren, you've got to
stop raising money!'
who lived near the Las Vegas site and had
apprehensions about the proposed edifice.
Tate. That is, until she went through a Latter­
Groundbreaking and Open House day Saint temple in Texas just two months
But construction and architectural On November 30, 1985, the groundbreak­ prior to the decision of whether or not the
firms weren't the onJy ones contributing ing ceremony was held, with President Las Vegas temple could be built at the base
to the temple building.At the time of the Hinckley (the first counselor in the First of Sunrise Mountain.In an article she sent
temple's announcement, former North Las Presidency at the time) dedicating the land to the Las Vegas S1111, published under the
Vegas mayor and current member of the in a small assembly before addressing a heading "Big asset;' Amadore praised the
Church Shari Buck recollects that though gathering of 8,000 to 9,000 members and Texas temple she had visited as one of the
she was a young mother with two children, friends of other faiths at a nearby conven­ most beautiful buildings and grounds she
and pregnant with her third, "My husband tion center. had ever seen.


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NOUNCl!MENT: April 7, 1984 GROUNDBREAKING: Nonmber 30, 1985

A Light for the Future

Buck points out that one of the strengtl,s
of Las Vegas is that it is an international city
which hosts over 40 million visitors annu­
alJy. Many of the Latter-day Saint visitors,
DEDICATION: December 16, 17, 18, 1919
Buck says, "will come and do sessions at
the temple, and that's exciting, too, to meet
and share testimony with people from alJ
over the world that happen to come into
Las Vegas for a conference or for a visit .. .
so, that strengthens us as members. "
Visits to view the exterior of this beau­
tiful, inspiring temple have also attracted
others who are not Church members.
For example, local member Ashley Halls
recounts that while serving at the front
desk of the temple, "I've had people
come in that front door of the temple­
Five years later, the Saints of Las Vegas nonmembers who would say, 'Why does
"I saw the Lord in the
hosted an open house of their own. Bishop this temple shine? I mean, I live down
Smith recalls, "The members came out in eyes and the faces of the hill a little way, and I find myself on
droves and the nonmembers came out in the hosts." my back patio and I look up at this glow
droves, and it was a wonderful open house!' around the temple. It [doesn't have]
·when the touring days concluded, lights on it. It does at n.ight, but not in
Robert (Hal) Parker, chairman of the tem­ temple was announced and it was right the daytime,' and so we would have those
ple open house committee, wrote a letter about the same time they announced conversati.ons."
to each of his committee members letting that Mirage hotel ... and the difference Bulloch adds, "I think t11at t11ere's a
them know that the Temple Department between the Mirage, ... and our temple, security about having a temple here in
had informed him, "This is the smooth­ there was such a different feel there. And Las Vegas to even people who aren't mem­
est open house we have ever seen." Parker when the temple was done just felt bers of t11e Church.... Having a temple
further noted that many of the visitors had like it was the right thing, that finalJy our here locally has been a wonderful thing
said, "It is not just the beauty of the temple pioneer heritage had this edifice that in that it feels like it brings peace to our
that we adrnired but it was the beauty of would represent realJy what Las Vegas was community!'
the people who were working there, so started to be: a family community!' Dixon concludes, "[When] I work
happy and delightful." One guest who was The dedication on December 16, there as a temple worker, it's just manna
not a Latter-day Saint stated, "I saw the 1989, was a very special and sacred day. to my soul. It feeds my spirit. It just fills
Lord in the eyes and the faces of the hosts!' President Ezra Taft Benson presided over me with love and gratitude that we have a
the cornerstone ceremony and there temple in this valley." O
Dedication expressed hi.s love to about 10,000 Church
Less than a month before the temple dedi­ members. President Hinckley told the Find sources for tl1e information in this a11icle
cation, Steve Wynn's luxurious Mirage assembled Saints, "Never has there been and related additional stories at
hotel was completed and opened its doors. so beautiful a day in Las Vegas as we dedi­ lasvegastemple.
The Mirage could then boast of being the cate the House of the Lord, the crowning
largest hotel in the world, with over 3,000 jewel overlooking the city." He also stated, Fred E. Woods is a pro­
rooms, erupting volcanoes, and an exotic "I don't know of more faithful Latter-day fessor at Brigham
Young University and
getaway aura, but the total expense of this Saints than in this temple distlict.... I currently holds a BYU
professorship of Moral
resort, combined with hotel and casino, believe the Lord has accepted your sac­ Education. This short
article is a segment of
came at an exorbitant cost of $630 million. rifice. I want to make you a promise that a forthcoming book
Cristi Bulloch, who was part of a you wilJ never miss that which you have and companion docu­
mentary film both
subcomm.ittee involved with the temple's contributed; the windows of heaven will titled Bright Lights in the Desert: The Latter-day Saints of
Los Vegas.
open house, notes, "I remember when the be opened:'


I am a last-minute shopper. I can't help 2019 Holiday Debt Stats
it-no matter how much I plan, it never translates

to finishing my holiday shopping early. That being

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Over the years, I've realized that, if I don't set aside
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for staying on budget during the holidays: holiday debt

Sharon Cook, GMO 1. Create a budget

Mountain America Know how much you can actually afford to spend
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this holiday season without falling into a debt spiral.
Take a look at how much money you have after you holiday debt
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entertainment and other holiday fun? If you choose to use a credit card, be sure
to have a payoff plan in place so you're not stuck paying interest all year.
Increase in
2. Make a list holiday debt
Once you know how much you have, decide who you'd like to buy gifts for. Next over 2018
to each name, write a rough estimate of how much you'd like to spend, making
sure everything adds up to less than your total budget.
3. Shop ahead of time-and watch for sales
Start brainstorming gift ideas and look around to find the best price for what who used
you want to buy. Compare prices and don't forget to figure in shipping costs. credit cards
4. Take advantage of your credit cards
As you shop around, consider using credit cards-you could earn a significant Source:
amount of points toward cash back or rewards. Figure out which one of your
credit cards would earn you the most points and designate that one as your
holiday shopping card. Keep in mind that responsible credit rules still apply
during the holiday season, so don't overspend, and pay off your balance as soon Sharon Cook is a wife, a mother and the
as possible. Chief Marketing Officer/SVP of Mountain
America Credit Union, where she oversees the
5. Track your spending marketing, PR, social and web departments.
She has dedicated her life to helping people
However you choose to spend this holiday season, keep careful track of how make smart decisions-whether financial,
much you spend, where you spend, and who you're spending on. professional or personal. "It's why I love all of
my roles," says Sharon. Reach her at scook@
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If you find budgeting for holiday shopping too stressful, take some of the work 1-800-748-4302 and a Mountain America
out of it by automating transfers to a savings account. Look at how much you representative will assist you.
spent this year, divide it by 12, and set up a direct deposit from your paycheck
or checking account into a savings account each month. By this time next year,
you'll have the money put aside and ready to spend.
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JOY A Peek Inside ...

Behold, the world is ripening in iniquity;
ond it must needs be thot the children of
men ore stirred up unto repentance, both
the Gentiles and also the house of Israel.
-Doctrine and Covenants 18:6

Sometimes we speak almost casually

about walking away from the world with
its contention, pervasive temptations.
and false philosophies. But truly doing
so requires you to examine your life
meticulously and regularly. As you do
so, the Holy Ghost will prompt you about
what is no longer needful, what is no
longer worthy of your time and-energy.
As you shift your focus away from
worldly distractions, some things that

A Season of Rejoicing
seem important to you now will recede
in priority. You will need to say no to
some things, even though they may
seem harmless. As you embark upon
and continue this lifelong process of
Deseret Book invites y_ou to Hark' this season with a variety of new products that consecrating your life to the Lord, the
changes in your perspective, feelings,
are sure to help you Be Not Troubled despite a challenging year. Spend time Finding and spiritual strength will amaze you!
Sabbath while you rejoice that the Savior was Born This Happy Morning and fill your
home with a heartwarming Christmas Noel. Here is a closer look at one of our From April 7. page 107

favorite new releases.

Daily Joy: A Devotional for Each Day of the Year Find these new releases at Deseret

T his dynamic collection of thoughts for each day of tl1e year from President Russell M.
Nelson is certain to motivate and inspire us in our pursuit of spiritual strength.
Containing 365 quotations and accompanying scriptures for daily reading, tl1is small,
Book stores or on
Hark! Holiday Favorites from Deseret Book ICDI
Be Not Troubled by Ronald A. Rasband
Finding Sabbath by Courtney Casper
carry-along-sized book will fit in a purse, briefcase, or backpack. It's also an excellent Born This Happy Morning by John Bytheway
resource for family home evenings, gospel lessons, talks, or personal study. Give the gift of Noel by Gerald Causse and Nicolas Giusti (CDI
Christmas Doy in the Morning from the
hope-or keep yours alive-with the words of our beloved prophet. e
Tabernacle Choir with Kelli o·Hara, available
as a CD. DVD. and book adaptation


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Behind the Scenes of

The Chosen
The Chosen is the first multi-series television show about the life of Jesus Christ
through the eyes of those who spent time with Him during their mortal lives.
Though the show's dialogue doesn't stick to scripture, the show's writer and director,
Dallas Jenkins, assures viewers that his main purpose is to encourage people of all
faiths to go back to the scriptures.

The following excerpt has been edited for clarity. have the scriptures come alive to you? And
what suggestions would you have for other

M organ Jones: Dallas, you are not a

member of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, ... [but] I have
people, as we're reading the scriptures, to
experience them in that way?
DJ: Yeal1. In the show and in my life
been told that you are a fierce defender of and in my wife's life, she and I both are just
the Latter-day Saint belief in Jesus Christ. obsessed with really trying to understand
...Why is it that? the humanity of the people around Jesus.
Dallas Jenkins: My wile and I are We find that when you do that, when you with Jesus.We try to, but we're obviously
obsessed with The Chosen being a vehicle can see Jesus through the eyes of those not going to be perfect this side of heaven,
for people to be introduced to the authen­ who actually met Him, you can be changed so we find ourselves striving so hard to be
tic Jesus.And my Latter-day Saint brothers and impacted in the same way that they perfect because He's the main character of
and sisters who disagree with me on were.I think that what the show is the story that we're reading or watching.
many things theologically, most of which­ by giving you backst01y and giving you his­ And it sometimes can result-not always,
almost all of which-took place after Jesus torical and cultural context of who these but it can result-in a feeling of just des­
was here, they have the same passion that I people were [is] ...if you can identify with peration, of like, "I can't do this." But when
do for this show.... the question that they [were] faced with you can identify with Simon Peter and go,
I don't mind being attacked myself, and in their life, then hopefully you can iden­ "Oh my goodness, that guy who's just as bad
I can get attacked every day for this show tify with the answer and the solution....I as I am, was saved and loved and cared for
for the fact that we don't always use scrip­ think that's that we don't often and poured into and shepherded by the
ture in the show or whatever, but I don't do when we're solely reading the scrip­ Savior of mankind.Wow, maybe I can be
like it when my friends get attacked.So tures.You should read the scriptures, 100 loved and poured into and shepherded by
that's why I tend to be pretty defensive of percent, no question about it.But when the Savior of mankind." That, I think, is a
my [Latter-day Saint] friends, even if [I'm] that's all you do, sometimes you can miss very powerful superpower to have in your
not always defensive of the theology on out on the perspective of the cultural and walk with Christ. o
which we sometimes disagree. hjstorical surroundings of who Jesus was
MJ: I love that so much.When I watch and what He was doing.And then you kind Learn more about Dallas Jenkins and The Chosen by
the show, Dallas, I'm just like, "How did he of miss out on the identification with those listening lo All In episode 90, available al /
You can also find the first season of The Chosen on DVD al
come up with this stuff?" So, for you, how who knew Hin1.You can't fully identify Deseret Book stores and on



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When you p11sl1 through all the worldly ideas morn or my dad. And so really, tl1at's what
about wills and rich uncles and millions of dollars, lasts.The things that we've inherited are
tl1e idea of an inheritance is as deeply ingraiued in things and items that we can put in a trunk.
the gospel of Jesus Christ as just about anytl1i11g. But tl1eir mannerisms or tl1eir characteris­
In tl1is excerpt, Luanne and her brothers and sis­ tics or the tl1ings they've given us live on in
ter are faced with the task of selling their fa.tlier's my siblings, and I get to see tl1at. Even with
house and distributing his belongings after he the emotions tl1at seemed to cause division
passed away, rn years after tl1eir mother's death. and frustration, we still needed each other
By the end of their weekend togethe1; Luan11e and and needed to be understood.And that's
her siblings came to reali-z;e wlwt tl1eir trne inheri­ a gift that my parents gave us.It's the gift
ta11ce was. of my brothers and my sister who feel tl1is
loss just as intensely as I do.And when

E ven with all of our planning and

processing, we still had emotions, we
still had feelings that caused some division
it's all said and done, it's not a possession,
it's not a thing, but it's the belonging and
the safety and security and the love tl1at I
between us, and we had to walk away.... have for my brotl1ers and for my sister that
I was worried how our relationship would lasts....
play out. If we had these emotions and You know, I was lucky I had a mom and
this discord now, would it seep into the dad who loved me. And I never questioned
future? When you experience loss, or hfe that. I always knew they loved me.And I tl1ey created and love and safety and secu­
transitions-this was both-oftentimes clunk because of that it made it easy for me rity.In fact, at the end of tl1e weekend, ...
you feel isolated, at least I felt isolated .... to believe that my Heavenly Parents loved [one] brotl1er just took a minute to t1y to
And sometimes when you're in transition me and that I have an eternal inheritance. I process what had happened.And he said,
or you have a loss, you just want people have a Father who offers me everything He "You know, we did a hard thing this week­
to understand-you're desperate to be has-not parts and pieces, not things. But end.We did lots of hard tl1ings!' And lie
understood-how this feels and how, you He offers me everything He has, and He's said, "We didn't do it perfectly. But we did
know, it's like standing in the ocean and given me gifts to navigate my life right now. it together." Which I thought was a great
wave after wave-you're trying to get your And when He offers everything He has, it's summaiy of what happened.And I think
footing and the next wave knocks you even to become like Him .... So tl1e inheri­ our parents would have been happy with
down.And I realized through this process tance from my Heavenly Parents is eternal that. e
that my parents have given me a gift that and infinite, and it sti.lJ helps me when I
outlasts them, and it's the gift of my sib­ see the things that I brought home from Listen to the rest of Luanne·s story and hear more stories
lings. I mean, there are times when I see my parents' house, [when I] see the tl1ings of inheritance and faith in This Is the Gospel episode 54.
"Inheritance," available at /
my brother smile or the way he walks, or tl1at I inherited from them ...that take me
my sister, how she's sitting at the piano back to memories of tl1em but also [take
and playing the keys, and it takes me to my me back to] the feeling of belonging tl1at


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G Many people know you homework and grades (not
first for your speaking or mine!), and develop your own
writing, but you also paint. relationship with Goel. I'll help,
What started your interest guide, encourage, and love
in art? you along tl1e way, but it's your
I loved drawing for as long way. (Sound like I've given
as I can remember. As a kid I that speech before?) Watching
honed my skills with countless your kids find their way and
Michael Jordan drawings and grow in capacity and experi­
portraits of random speakers ence is awesome. It may be
in sacrament meeti11gs. I got what brings tl1e greatest joy­
more serious in high school and sorrow-to our Heavenly
and took advanced classes, and Parents also. G)
then made it my college major.
Although God led me in a dif­ G The year 2020 marks
ferent direction to become a 200 years since the First
religion professor, my original Vision. What does the
career plans were to be a full­ Restoration mean to you?
time studio artist. G) God made clear two messages
in the First Vision: (1) The
G Where do you go to find nature of God and His plan
ideas for your writing and had become corrupted by
art? man-made doctrines (2) The
I look for gaps. Whether in or overlooked, yet have G What hobbies do you covenants and ordinances of
my writing or in my art, I ask sometl1ing important to say, have outside of writing and exaltation and the power to
myself what holes need to especially today. G) painting? perform them had become
be filled that I am passionate As a creative person, I love to lost. Those two central tl1emes
about and may have some­ G What is one thing you build and make things. I can't dominated the rest of Joseph's
thing useful to say about that wish people understood play any instruments, but I life, and they do mine also.
hasn't been said. That drives better about Church history? love music, and I sing along to The Restoration helps me
my creative expressions in Oh man, so much. But one songs like it's nobody's busi­ better comprehend God (and
word and in paint. G) point in particular is crucial: ness as I work or drive. And tl1erefore myself and His
Church histo1y need not be I really do like to bike, swim, children), gives deep meaning
G Do you have a favorite squeaky clean. If we don't run, hike, etc. It's good for my and understanding to life, and
piece of art from your acknowledge tl1e shadows, we mind and spirit. G) gives me power and purpose
newest book, Repicturing can't see the shape in three through covenants. It means
the Restoration? dimensions. If we don't look at G What is your favorite everytlling to me. G) e
That's like asking parents tl,e entire color wheel, tilings part of being a father?
about favorite children. But, are monochromatic and dull. Helping my kids grow i nto Read lhe full inter­
to avoid an altogether lame Church histmy in its reality is their own. My wife and I REPICTURIHG
Tt«affTOtU,tlOM view at /
anthonysweat or
and general answer, I am full and rich; and it's in seeing aren't raising kids, we're rais­ check out his newest
book of art and
proud of the "Relief Society alJ those elements tl1at we see ing adults. We're not rnising Church history,
Repicfuring the
Healing" image and also the God working witl1 everyday a family but future families. Restoration: New Art
"Ordination of Q. Walker Lewis:• people like you and me to Eternal ones at that. So, learn to Expand Our
Understanding, at
They both approach subjects create the divine masterpiece to make your own lunch Deseret Book stores
or on
that have been visually avoided painting of the Restoration. G) (you've got hands!), it's your



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Start each day with something inspiring from President Russell M. Nelson. This new quote book is filled with

counsel and wisdom for each day of the year. Give the gift of hope with the words of a beloved latter-day prophet. I IDJ Deseret Book I fl deseret ookshe f

Chapters in the
Book of Mormon

Mentions of Jesus
Christ [and His 100 dif­
ferent names) in the
Book of Mormon

Average number of
Book of Mormon
pages that were
each day

Languages the Book
of Mormon has
been translated

LOS Living [ISSN: 1540-9678] is published bi-monthly by LOS Living, Inc., 55 N 300 W, Ste 300, Salt Lake City, UT 84101, USA. Periodicals Postage Paid at Salt Lake City, UT. Subscription price is $18.00
for six issues. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to LOS Living, PO Box 30178, Salt Lake City, UT 84130, USA. "LOS Living" is a registered trademark of Oeseret Book. Volume 19 Issue 110.


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