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Paso 1: Lea el artículo 20 Atracciones imprescindibles en Colombia (20 Must-Visit

Attractions in Colombia) y responda las preguntas. Debe compartir las respuestas,

redactadas en inglés, en el foro.
Entre los integrantes del grupo deben escoger, de forma democrática, un solo lugar sobre
el cual escribir y asignar una pregunta para que cada estudiante dé respuesta a una sola
pregunta, en caso que algún integrante del grupo no participe, se repartirán las preguntas
entre los que ingresaron al foro oportunamente:
• Which of the 20 attractions you must visit in Colombia (or anywhere else) is your
favorite? And because?
My favorite city of 20 attractions to visit in Colombia is Cali.
Because city is a very beautiful also is the salsa capital of the word, this the perfect
place for learn to dance salsa and everyone residents know dance to salsa. Another
reason for visit Cali is that it has many tourist sites.
Of Cali has left many important artist of the salsa.
 ¿Qué actividades puedes hacer allá?
The capital of Valle Del Cauca department is an amazing place for visit and take a
take vacations as for example:
The zoo Of Cali this is ideal for go to walk and take a good break also for see the
different animals.
The museum of Sugar cane is other place for we know the history and it
characterize la city in old times.
The Hill of Cristo Rey is one of the places you must visit. This is a monument to
patron of Cali.
For last the church La Ermita, this is an amazing monument architectural for visit.
 Haga una lista de diez (10) palabras para describir esa ciudad o

Paso 2: completa el cuadro.

Usando el siguiente cuadro como referencia, escriba una historia sobre una experiencia de
viaje que tuvo en ese lugar y describa el clima y la frecuencia de las actividades que realizó
(tiempo pasado) en esa ciudad o lugar. Complete el cuadro utilizando los E-books/Online
contents Módulos uno (1) al cinco (5) como referencia.

Debe completar el cuadro en el foro como grupo.

Name of city or place: Cali

Where is located? Location The city is located in the department of

Valle del Cauca. Geographically Cali is in the valley of the Cauca River,
the second most important in the country. At the height of Cali, this
valley is 35 km wide and the urban area is on the western side of the
river. The western part of the city is guarded by the famous Farallones
de Cali, which are part of the Western Cordillera of the Colombian
Andes. The municipality of Cali limits to the north with Yumbo and La
Cumbre, to the northeast with Palmira and to the east with Candelaria.
To the south is the municipality of Jamundí, the rural area of
Buenaventura to the southwest and Dagua to the northwest. The city is
flat with an average elevation of 1,000 meters above sea level. Cali is
also located in a neuralgic and strategic point: to the west
(approximately 100 km) it connects with the port of Buenaventura on
the Pacific coast, and to the northeast the industrial center of Yumbo
with which it forms the Metropolitan Area of Cali. The city is a step in
addition to the Pan-American Highway and therefore an obligatory step
from Colombia to Ecuador.

How is the weather like in that place? In Cali, summers are short, hot,
and muggy; Winters are short, comfortable, oppressive and wet and it
is cloudy throughout the year. During the course of the year, the
temperature generally ranges from 19° C to 29° C and rarely drops
below 18° C or rises above 32°C

What activities can you do there? The capital of Valle Del Cauca
department is an amazing place for visit and take a take vacations as
for example:

The zoo Of Cali this is ideal for go to walk and take a good break also
for see the different animals.

The museum of Sugar cane is other place for we know the history and
it characterize la city in old times.

The Hill of Cristo Rey is one of the places you must visit. This is a
monument to patron of Cali.

For last the church La Ermita, this is an amazing monument

architectural for visit.
List of ten (10) words to describe it.
The third largest
The zoo
La Ermita
. text the 150 words
Andrés I tell that were with my parents in Cali because was to visit my
aunts and know the city, traveled by the city with yours amazing tourist
For example visited the Zoo, there have many animals as tigers, a
great lion, a beautiful panther, zebras, big crocodiles, the grizzly bear
also many beautiful birds, fishes and until a butterfly farm.
The visit at the zoo was very amazing, a new experience y also I know
many animals that I did not know.
Other of the sites that we do visited was the church La Ermita, this is
very pretty and with an amazing architecture and after we was to eats
Cholado Valluno and I like it also we went to the Hill of “Las tres
cruces” and was very good because we walked while we enjoyed the
landscape, when we returned ate Pandebonos vallunos that were very

Paso 3: Ya que esta es una tarea colaborativa usted debe hacer

comentarios sobre los aportes de sus compañeros de grupo;
proponiendo ideas, párrafos y corrigiendo oraciones. Esos comentarios
uno para cada miembro del grupo) pueden referirse a gramática,
ortografía, orden de las palabras, coherencia y cohesión, conectores o

Paso 4: Consolide y diseñe una carta o postal.

• De acuerdo con el ejercicio de escritura anterior, cada estudiante

diseñará una CARTA con la misma información planteada en el
paso 3 donde recopilará la evidencia de la tarea en un escrito
coherente. Esa propuesta de carta la compartirá en el foro para
que entre los miembros del grupo se escoja el mejor diseño.

• Recuerde usar la herramienta Canva, o cualquier otra herramienta

que el estudiante considere apropiada. En caso de no utilizar la
herramienta anteriormente mencionada puede consignar la carta
en un documento en Word .do
• Dear mom
I like to tell about of my trip to Cali the last month.
This was a trip very exciting, the city is amazing, colorful also the weather was hot ideal for we go
of holidays.
When I was in the city, the first day we visited the hill of Cristo Redentor and since there I can see
beautiful landscape, it can see the majestic city after I went to have breakfast with a friend that I
met there, we ate Pandebono Valluno with a Champús valluno and this was very delicious, in the
night my friends and I were to dancing and drink beer.
The next day, in the morning we went to the Zoo De Cali, there we watched many animals as birds
of different colors, tigers, lions, monkeys and snakes. It was very exciting and interesting I like this
experience. In the afternoon we went to the La Ermita, this is very beautiful and with an amazing
architecture, after we went to the “Parque De Los Poetas”, it is small but this is nice.
Is the next morning we has return to my house, the ride is over.
Mom, I recommend you visit the city, I really liked going.
With love, your son.

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Paso 5: El producto final (CARTA o Postal) debe enviarla un solo

estudiante en el entorno de Evaluación en un archivo .pdf o .doc.

Importante! El recurso por donde se envía la carta se encuentra en el

Entorno Evaluación. Este recurso en particular, Turnitin, solo acepta
archivos con texto, por lo que se indica que el archivo debe ser texto y
no imagen insertada.

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