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The Story of England

WebQuest Description: In this WebQuest you will learn about the history of England, in particular, about the first people living there,
the impact that the Roman rule had on the life, literacy and economy of the people, about Boudica and some other great English
kings and finally how England we know today came to be...
Grade Level: 6-8
Curriculum: Foreign Language
Keywords: Celts, Romans, Boudicca, Anglo.Saxons, Vikings, Normans
Published On:
Last Modified: 2019-10-05 14:42:07
WebQuest URL:

Welcome to the WebQuest about the history of England, the history full of mysterious places and rituals, brave men and women
fighting for freedom and independence, violent and glorious battles, interesting myths and legends...On your journey through the
WebQuest you'll have to complete a series od tasks.You'll work with a group of friends. Before you start, delegate the team members
for a particular area of the assignments. One should be in charge of selecting relevant information, another one should choose the
best methods and means of presentation. You should also have somebody to check your text for grammar and spelling errors and
your team's spokesperson(s) who will deliver your presentation in class.Your presentation is due by the end of October.Learn stuff
and have fun!

This  WebQuest will help you find out about the fascinating history of England, its invaders, and conquerors and famous battles.
After completing the webquest you will have a better understanding of how different tribes and nations that invaded the British Isles
centuries ago have influenced its language, culture, architecture, and people's everyday lives. By the end of the WebQuest you will
find the necessary information to do the following:1.  make a concept map about the Celts2.  write a description of a day
in the life of a Roman legionnaire3.  write an imaginary battle speech for Boudica4. make a What if the Romans never
invaded Britain presentation5. write a kenning about the Anglo-Saxons or the Vikings6. make a pop-up map of the Battle of
Hastings labeling the armies, the course of the Battle and the outcome.You will include all of these tasks in your presentation. You
can choose from a vast range of available digital tools, dramatization, drawings, models, posters... it's up to your team's
creativity.Good luck!

You will follow these tasks and find the necessary information to make your presentation on the history of England. Task
1  The Celts1. Please go to this website and find out about the life of the Celts, the first people living in the British Isles. Click on
more links on the left, find the information and make a concept map about the Celts in Britain, and paste it to your presentation.Task 2
Brittania1. Click on this link to find out about the Roman invasion of the British Isles.2. Watch this video and compare the
Roman and the Celt warriors, their uniforms, equipment, and manner of fighting. Then go to this site and find out more about
the Roman legionaries. Draw a Roman soldier and write about a typical day in his life.3. Watch this video and find out more about
how the Romans changed the way of life in the British Isles. Write or draw at least five answers to What if the Romans never invaded
Britain in your presentation.Task 3 Boudica1. Go to this website and watch these: video 1, video 2 and video 3 about Queen
Boudica's rebellion against the Romans. Once you learn about the reasons behind her decision to fight against the Romans and the
fact that she, as a woman, managed to lead a huge army in those days, imagine what she would have said to her troops minutes
away from the biggest fight in their lives. Write her battle speech!Task 4 The Anglo-Saxons and the VikingsAfter the Germanic tribes
of Angles, Saxons and Jutes successfully invaded and settled in England, the Vikings started to attack and raid them. Read more
about that here. Also, the information on this website might help you write kennings,  two-word phrases characteristic of
Anglo-Saxon and Viking poetry. To learn more about kennings and how to write them, see the attached file, download and read it.
Remember, your task is to write  kennings about the Anglo-Saxons or VikingsTask 5 The Battle of Hastings1. Read this
presentation to find out about the most famous battle in England's history. The Battle was depicted in the famous Bayeaux
Tapestry. Your task is to make a pop-up map of the battle and label all the main characters and events. In the attachments, you will
also find instructions on how to make a Norman helmet or a Norman ship out of paper. You can do this for fun!
Category and Score 5 4 3 2 Score
Tasks All tasks were At least one of the tasks At least two of the tasks The tasks are
addressed completed was not addressed. The were not addressed. incomplete and/or it is
with a high degree of plan followed by the The plan followed by the apparent that little effort
sophistication. The plan team demonstrated a team demonstrated a went into the completion
followed by the team great deal of thought. moderate level of of the tasks.
demonstrated a great thought.
deal of thought.
Teamwork It is evident that a The team worked well The team had problems The final product is not
mutual effort and together, but could have working together. Little the result of a
cohesive unit created utilized each other's collaboration occurred. collaborative effort. The
the final product. skills to a better degree group showed no
evidence of
Originality The ideas expressed in The ideas are mostly The ideas expressed There were no original
the students’ work original. The group may demonstrate a low ideas expressed in this
demonstrate a high have improved upon a degree of originality. project.
degree of originality previous idea.
Grammar and Spelling The final students’ The final students’ The final students’ The final students’
presentation was free of presentation had 1 error presentation had 3-5 presentation had major
grammar and spelling, related to either grammar and spelling, grammar and spelling
errors. grammar and spelling, errors. errors.

Total Score -----/ 20

Thank you for completing this webquest. I hope you enjoyed exploring and working together. One final thing... Please click on this link
and answer one last question about the whole experience.

This webquest isÂ

Ishodi prema Kurikulu za nastavni predmet Engleski jezik u 7. razredu osnovne Å¡kole:OÅ (1) EJ A.7.1. Razumije jednostavan tekst
srednje dužine i poznate tematike pri slušanju i ĕitanju. OŠ(1) EJ A.7.3. Govori kratak tekst koristeći se jednostavnim jeziĕnim
strukturama niže razine složenosti. OŠ(1) EJ A.7.6. Piše kratak strukturiran tekst poznate tematike koristeći se jednostavnim jeziĕnim
strukturama niže razine složenosti i primjenjujući pravopisna pravila. OŠ(1) EJ B.7.1. Uspoređuje sliĕnosti i razlike među vlastitom
kulturom, kulturama zemalja ciljnoga jezika i drugim kulturama. OÅ (1) EJ B.7.5. Opisuje pojedine Ä•imbenike koji pridonose
(ne)razumijevanju među kulturama. OŠ(1) EJ C.7.1. Izabire i primjenjuje osnovne kognitivne strategije uĕenja jezika primjerene
razliĕitim zadatcima.OŠ(1) EJ C.7.3. Izabire i primjenjuje osnovne društveno-afektivne strategije uĕenja jezika primjerene razliĕitim
zadatcima.OŠ(1) EJ C.7.4. Prilagođava i koristi se osnovnim tehnikama kreativnoga izražavanja u stvaranju razliĕitih vrsta kratkih
tekstova poznatih sadržaja. OŠ(1) EJ C.7.5. Povezuje osnovne vještine kritiĕkoga mišljenja i koristi se njima: objašnjava informacije,
tumaĕi i procjenjuje svoja i tuđa mišljenja, stavove i vrijednosti i rješava problemske situacije. OŠ(1) EJ C.7.6. Izabire i tumaĕi
informacije iz razliĕitih izvora te izvodi kratke prezentacije srednje složenih sadržaja. Međupredmetne teme:osr A.3.1. Razvija sliku o
sebi.osr A.3.3. Razvija osobne potencijale.osr B.3.2. Razvija komunikacijske kompetencije i uvažavajuće odnose s drugimaosr B.3.4.
Suradniĕki uĕi i radi u timu.uku A.3.1. Uĕenik samostalno traži nove informacije iz razliĕitih izvora, transformira ih u novo znanje i
uspješno primjenjuje pri rješavanju problema.uku A.3.3. Uĕenik samostalno oblikuje svoje ideje i kreativno pristupa rješavanju
problemauku B.3.3. Uĕenik regulira svoje uĕenje mijenjanjem plana ili pristupa uĕenju, samostalno ili uz poticaj uĕitelja.uku
B.3.4.Uĕenik samovrednuje proces uĕenja i svoje rezultate, procjenjuje ostvareni napredak te na temelju toga planira buduće uĕenje.ikt
A.3.2. Uĕenik se samostalno koristi raznim uređajima i programima.ikt B.3.3. Uĕenik poštuje međukulturne razliĕitosti.ikt C.3.2. Uĕenik
samostalno i djelotvorno provodi jednostavno pretraživanje, a uz uĕiteljevu pomoć složeno pretraživanje informacija u digitalnome
okružju.ikt C.3.4. Uĕenik uz uĕiteljevu pomoć ili samostalno odgovorno upravlja prikupljenim A.3.1. Promišlja o
razvoju ljudskih prava.
PixabayBBC KidsAnswer GardenYoutubePrimary Homewrok helpReading Museum, UK

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