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Do you know that just like the stars and moon gives us light in the dark sky, we have

such lights
under the sky

Do you mean the street lights

No I mean natural light.

Natural light. That sounds interesting/ fascinating. Let me think..

Do u mean the animals which gives us light like fire fly

Yes and not only the Firefly there are other animals too that generate its own light.

Beneath the ocean, it is so dark as the sunlight can just reach a certain level.

Then if it's so dark. It might be so Scary. And the animals gets so lost as they not able to see

So there are certain aquatic animal and plants that generate its own light on the dark ocean floor.

Down there you will feel that u are floating in the sky full of stars! There are tiny creatures and
plants glowing all around you.

Amazing. Own light! Who are those tiny creatures? But how do they glow?

And why they glow? Do they grow all the time? I am Keen to know.

Animals such as Firefly squid, plankton, angler fish and plant such as Firefly mushroom.

What are these animals I have heard their name for the first time?

Let me introduce you to the light makers.

Plankton are tiny little creatures which glow to scare away animals that might Eat them. They have a
chemical in them that helps them to glow.

When they sense movement in the water, the planktons let out their bright sparks as. Warning.
Sometimes waves and boat traffic also trigger the light.

Fire fly squid looks like octopus they swims and spins around. They have eight legs like octopus.
Their body is covered with neon blue lights.

Firefly squid has special organs called photophores that produce it's light.
Thousands of these light producing photophores on the squid's body flash to attract Food or confuse

Angler fish has sharp teeth. They had a lure which glow green.

The lure of the angler fish get their light from The glowing bacteria that live inside them.

And I know what are mushrooms but then Firefly mushroom?

Firefly mushrooms are the algae that glows in dark.

They uses light emitting compounds found in other glowing animals and plants to attract insects.

The bugs then help spread their spores to sheltered places in the forest which helps the mushroom
species survive.

When a plant or animal makes light, that is called bioluminescence.

The stars under the sea continue to shine Deep into the night and when you go deep deep in the
ocean you will feel you are floating in the space full of stars.

Wow it sounds so beautiful. I was not aware about this part of the nature which God has created.

Next time I will go diving down the sea to explore the light of water and see the unseen beauty of

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