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Arts and Crafts Club - Proposal

What I want to begin/contribute too:

This proposal outlines the importance of creating an arts and craft club that can be
implemented within the school. The arts and craft club is an opportunity for students to use free-
expression and build connections with one another in a safe and inclusive environment. The club
would take place once a week, where the students would create specific arts and craft activities.
The club is accessible because it can be adapted to different age groups with less intensive crafts
for primary students and more intensive crafts for junior and intermediate students. I believe that
this club can be a great opportunity for students to practice art skills and even create
collaborative pieces that can be displayed around the school.

Why is this important? What does this mean for the students?
This is important for a variety of reasons. Art is a way for students to express themselves
in a variety of different mediums. This is an opportunity for students to engage and collaborate
with art tasks and one another with a common interest. This is important because often, we can
forget how beneficial art can be for students to use as an outlet (positive or even negative). In
addition, this can include media arts and can incorporate creating online projects (if the resources

Learning Goals
1. A space for students to practice their art skills and free expression.
2. An opportunity for students to learn about art, the history, local artists and can also be an
opportunity to determine their interests.
3. An opportunity for students to meet other student artists and create meaningful
relationships with one another.
4. A space for students to collaborate with one another in creating pieces to beautify the
school and the community.
5. A safe space for students to create community in the school, and a space where they are
not judged.

Activities can range from individual crafts and small/large group projects that can be used to
beautify the school and community inside and outside.
Some examples of activities include:
 Painting murals in and around the school
 Line art self-portraits
 Create posters for fundraisers or to raise awareness about something!
 One-point perspective projects
 Bean art (making creations with different types of legumes

In addition, some weeks the students can be able to create their own adventures (within reason)
this can mean putting on specific materials to allow them to express how they want (modelling
clay, paint). This can also include activities that aren’t telling the students what to do, rather
letting them imagine and create what makes sense to them.
Age Groups
 The age group for this club can be flexible depending on the school and community. You
can also have different art clubs for different age groups if the interests allow. Such as a
primary group, junior group or intermediate group. This can be up to the discretion of the

Leadership Activities
 The arts and crafts club can be responsible for creating posters and awareness around the
school for a variety of things that include but are not limited to, fundraisers, spirit days,
anti-bullying awareness posters, black history month artifacts etc.
 This can be an opportunity for students to decorate the school inside and out – and can be
an opportunity for students to take initiative in ways they want to help (such as
sustainable schools)

Other Supplementary Material

This website has a multitude of free art worksheets that can be printed for students to complete
during this program.

This resource is highly recognized for art lessons available for all age groups from kindergarten
to grade eight. This can give the teacher or even students ideas about what they want the arts and
craft club to look like.

An additional resource for teachers:
The resource listed above is an opportunity for principals, art teachers and other teacher leaders
(art and craft leader) to build creative capacity schoolwide. It is an online community that hosts
professional development opportunities to share resources to transform a school.
As a member (it’s free!) you get access to free resources, webinars and other online forums to
collaborate with other members

Community Organizations/Guest Speakers

 Local artists – there may be a member in the community who does art for work/hobby,
they can come in and host a workshop
 Library resources – there may be library resources available for students to connect with

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