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Expression Meaning

As time goes by As the time passes

Ahead of time In advance, before the set time
Behind the times Be old-fashioned; have ideas that are out of date
By the time Before reaching the time when something
happens (with no specific time mentioned).
By this time Similar to 'before now'.
At some time before the present moment (a
specific time).
By that time Similar to 'before then'.
Before a specific time in the past or the future.
Do/serve time Spend time in prison
For the time being For the moment; temporarily
Have the time of Enjoy yourself very much
your life
High time Past the appropriate time
In the nick of time/ At the last minute, before it's too late
Just in time
Make time Find the time to do something
Matter of time Not long before something happens
Pass the time Occupy yourself while waiting
Pressed for time Need to hurry
Race against time Have to work quickly to get something done
before a set time
Run out of time Have no time left
Save time Do something the quickest way
Short of time Not have much time
Spend time Pass time doing something
Stand the test of Something still found valuable and useful after
time many years
Time after time Do something again and again; repeatedly
Time flies Time goes by or passes very quickly.
Time is money Time should not be wasted because you could be
using it to earn money.
Time is ripe A suitable time to do something
Time will tell Only in the future will the result be known
Waste time Spend too much time on something

1. A stitch in time (saves nine): A proverb meaning make a little effort to fix something small before it gets larger and more of
a problem.
Example: You should fix the leak now before it causes more damage. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine.
2. Against the clock: When you are rushing to get something completed in a small amount of time.
Example: She was working against the clock to get her report done by the end of the day.
3. At a set time: Doing something at a specific time that has been agreed upon.
Example: They agreed to meet at a set time so that there was no confusion.
4. Beat the clock: Do something before the time is up.
Example: He just beat the clock and got the article to print before six o'clock.
5. Better late than never: It is better to do something late than not do it at all.
Example: Sorry I missed dinner but I got here in time for dessert, better late than never.
6. Crack of dawn: Very early in the morning.
Example: She gets up at the crack of dawn every day to take the dog for a walk.
7. Eleventh hour: Having something happen at the very last minute.
Example: He had to cancel his trip at the eleventh hour, but still got a refund.
8. In the blink of an eye: When something seems to happen very quickly.
Example: In the blink of an eye, he was off to college. Where had my baby gone!
9. In the nick of time: To do something with no time to spare.
Example: We got to the movie theater in the nick of time and didn't miss the beginning.
10. Kill time: Do something to pass the time.
Example: We had to kill time by singing silly songs until all the party guests arrived.
11. Like clockwork: Something that happens regularly.
Example: The mailman is like clockwork and gets to our house at noon every day.
12. On the dot: Something happening at an exact time.
Example: I noticed that he arrived to the interview on the dot.
13. Once in a blue moon: Something that happens very rarely.
Example: I will go to the club once in a blue moon to make my friends happy.
14. Save time: To do something quickly.
Example: To save time, we took the toll road to the conference.
15. Time after time: When you do something repeatedly.
Example: I have told him time after time to clean his room!
16. Time flies: When time passes by quickly.
Example: The kids were sad the party was over, but time flies when you are having fun.
17. To do time: To be in prison.
Example: He had to do time after his fifth speeding ticket.
18. Turn back time: To go back to the past to reminiscence about something.
Example: I wish I could turn back time and redo my senior year of high school.
19. Wasting time: When you do something with no purpose.
Example: You are just wasting time with this rambling excuse.
20. Whale of a time: To have a great time or to do something that is really fun.
Example: We had a whale of a time on our trip to Disney World.

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