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Kantian Approach

An example of the deontological moral theory is the Kantian approach. Kantian approach is all

about fulfilling your duty, integrity and rationality towards others without depending on the

consequences to just determine whether our act is right or wrong. Referring to the “Introduction

of Artificial Intelligence in the Egyptian Economy” case, the Artificial Intelligence should be

introduced in the Egyptian Economy. Firstly, from the perspective of Kantianism, the idea of

introducing the Artificial Intelligence will not harm the Egyptian economy, taking into

consideration that the idea behind the Kantian approach is taking actions which are morally

fulfilling your duties towards others without thinking about the consequences. Moreover,

introducing the Artificial Intelligence will help the economy to grow much more better,

especially that Egypt is already considered as a growing economy. It’s a moral obligation for the

government to take the right actions, but there are consequences when thinking about the

integration of the AI. From a Kantian perspective, the Artificial Intelligence should be integrated

without thinking about whether it’s going to increase the unemployment rate or not, but we only

should focus on whether it is fulfilling our duties with being rational towards others or not. The

government’s duties should be centered about enhancing the living standards of the individuals

residing in Egypt, ensuring that the Educational system is functioning properly, the healthcare

sector is provided with enough resources or not and also to ensure that everyone is treated

equally. All these kinds of acts should be done to fulfill the government’s moral duties towards

the individuals from the Kantianism approach.

Zone of Sustainable Activity

The zone of sustainable activity takes into consideration three pillars which are economic, legal

and moral. social and environmental. Focusing on the economic pillar, the introduction of the

Artificial intelligence is way much more better than not introducing in the Egyptian economy.

Economically, the AI would help in generating more profits and a huge increase in the growth

rate of the economy. According to statistics, AI would help in nearly doubling the GDP of the

country. For this chart, these are countries which their GDP is expected to be doubled by

focusing more on the AI.

Moreover, AI would help in the growth of several industries like Information and

Communication, Agriculture, Fishing, Arts and Entertainment and many other fields appearing

in the following chart.

Taking into consideration the legal pillar of the zone of sustainable activity, by raising the

question of “Is it legal to introduce AI”. Introducing AI will not affect the legal pillar and is not

going to be illegal to be introduced. In fact, it is legal to introduce anything which is going to

enhance the living standards, the way we think and work and the way we manage to use our

resources for the long term. AI is not going to increase the unemployment rate for just an illegal
purpose, but it is going to enhance the system to increase the rate of the offered jobs in many

other different sectors which is going to be better for the long term.

Moving on to the last pillar of the zone of sustainable activity which is the moral pillar. It is very

controversial and there are many different points of views regarding the introduction of AI, but

in reality, a moral decision is the decision made to do the right thing without being affected by

the cost of the action. For this scenario, the cost is going to be the employees who are going to

face unemployment, but on the contrary, this is going to be just temporary for the development

of the country and for the jobs offered. From a moral perspective, AI is going to affect the

employees in a good way after repositioning the existing jobs to be rearranged in order to be

more efficient, developmental and easier. It is a moral obligation for the government to enhance

the working system and environment for the employees in the public and private sectors and to

ensure fairness within all the corporates and to reduce the corruption, so no actions will be

considered immoral just because of the cost, instead, the decisions are going to be considered

immoral if they do not fulfil the desire of doing the right thing.
Further Defense:

In addition, socially, the introduction of the AI is going to create new jobs and the fact that the

AI lacks creativity and this is one of its cons, then the it will not affect the employment rate in

this sector which is highly depending on the creativity of the human being and also AI is going to

save time for people to invest it in other sectors like Education. AI is going to displace many jobs

existing, but on the other hand it will increase the jobs offered. According to PWC, between

2017 and 2037, the number of jobs lost would be 7 million and the number of new jobs

generated because of AI would be 7.2 million, so there is a total of 200 thousand newly created

jobs because of the introduction of AI. From the environmental point of view, the AI is going to

increase the improvements of the road safety, reduction in the level of the pollution and traffic

congestion. Linking all of these aspects to the utilitarian theory, which is providing the greatest

number of people with the greatest good and preventing the greatest amount of suffering, this

would help in the reduction in the amount of suffering people would face from pollution and

traffic congestion and the safety of the road.

Moreover, there are other benefits that are going to appear due to the introduction of the

Artificial intelligence which are: the increase in efficiency, the reduction in the human risks,

aiding in the decision-making process based on collective data from statistics and the increase in

availability. In addition, AI would complete dangerous tasks that require risking the safety of the

human beings. The Artificial Intelligence has appeared to be much needed especially during the

COVID’19 pandemic and this appeared in the lack in the healthcare sector. Artificial Intelligence

is not going to risk all the jobs existing to replaced or removed. For the educational sector, it

needs high human engagement. For Arts, Entertainment and Sports, these sectors are depending

highly on creativity and human intelligence. Tourism and arts are considered labor intensive
fields in which artificial intelligence would help, but would not risk these jobs to facing

unemployment. Businesses would benefit from the introduction of AI in many things like

enhancing the features of the products, making better decisions, optimizing the internal business

operations and indeed creating new products which are better in terms of performance like what

is appearing in the following chart.


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