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0 having you all and In order to show my

gratitude, I am here to deliver a short
HOST 1 (JOAN): A pleasant afternoon
knowledge about overcoming the fear of public
HOST 2 (ELLA): Yes partner! Good day You know some people have a fear of public
everyone. You know, we’re so grateful that we speaking and have a hard time getting their
have gathered here for a beneficial seminar message across in a presentation. Even I,
especially for our audience. shared the same experiences before. Actually,
having the confidence, strength, and the
HOST 1 (JOAN): That’s right, amid all the capability of talking in front of a huge crowd is
uncertainties on our everyday lives, here we not something that you can gain overnight. Just
are. And so, to start our program, let we like in any sports, it requires training and an
embrace and feel the presence of our Lord to extensive knowledge. You have to build the
begin with a Prayer. muscles and the skills in a long period of time
in order to be in an actual competition.
KOBE: Let’s vow our head and feel the
presence of the Lord. In the name of the In public speaking, you have to start from the
Father, the Son, and the Holy spirit, amen. bottom in order to have the confidence and
knowledge to speak in front of the people. I say
Holy might one,
it to you, that whatever you will feel when you
We thank you for the blessings that you have
are about to speak in front of people is valid. All
given us,
people experience that. Not only the first timers
We thank you, for you have gathered all of us
but the amateur like me as well.
here in an important event,
Please guide and help us to remain in path that Truthfully saying, I still get my legs jiggly
we are about to cross, whenever I have to deliver a seminar or a
Lead our Host, speakers and audience to stay speech, but what encourages me is the
in focus all throughout the event, thinking of making people learn from every
Let your love flow out of us, words that I will say. Actually, you are all my
Open up your mercy so that we may grow in inspiration as I get to share my knowledge with
learning, you. I don’t see fear that I’ve felt before in a
negative way, I see it as a stepping stone from
To serve our fellow men and to remain grateful
what I am now. If I wouldn't be able to
to you,
overcome that situation, I will not be here in
Amen. front of you all. So today, I will help you
overcome the fear of public speaking and
*PLAYS LUPANG HINIRANG* deliver amazing presentations together with the
HOST 2: And yes, we won’t make this any other great speakers.
longer. With the theme “Let thy speech be
better: Overcoming the fear of public
speaking”, Starting with our first speaker, she is HOST 1 (JOAN): Thank you Ms. Clarito for
an entrepreneur, an educator and has been that wonderful overview of the talk. So, moving
invited into several public speaking talks. Ms. forward, here is Ms. Jona Madria, A member of
Camille Clarito. the speech association of the National
University And Ms. Ella Marie Lopez and Ms.
CAMILLE: Hi good afternoon everyone. How Joan Lady Collado from the Philippine
are you all doing? Well, I hope everything’s fine psychological associations for Fear of Public
on your side amidst all the circumstances that speaking
are happening now. I am greatly thankful for
Glossophobia? It appears when you are
performing or expecting to perform an oral
JONA: What is public speaking?
presentation or a speech in front of other
According to John Dolman, in his “Handbook of people. Here are many factors why people
Public Speaking” public speaking is become afraid when having to speak in public:
significantly different from a theatrical
1. Physiology - When you are in fear before
performance in that is “not a conventionalized
speaking, the response comes from your
imitation of life, but life itself. A natural function
sympathetic nervous system. The response
of life, a real human being in
results in increased heart rate and sweating. At
real communication with his fellows; and it is
this time in front of an audience, feel rush of
best when it is most real."
blood towards the head, ear, and face. It turns
Unlike before, public speaking requires an you red and makes the words fluttered.
interplay not just of a body language and
When we think about any negative
recitation, but also a conversation, delivery and
consequences, the hypothalamus, one part of
feedback. Public speaking today is more about
our brain get activated and triggers the pituitary
the response and engagement of the crowd
gland to secrete a type of hormone, ACTH.
than the technical accuracy of the sentences.
This hormone activates the other (Adrenal)
From business executives to politicians, many
glands, which upsets our normal body balance
practitioners in modern times use public
and results into fear.
speaking to educate, inspire, or convince
audiences, even as in the last few decades the 2. Thoughts - (I am not good at speaking in
practice of public speaking has evolved beyond front of crowds, I am not a good public
the formal orations of the old to a more casual speaker, I am boring, etc.) Have you ever
conversation that the audiences prefer. experience saying this things to yourself?)
Stephen Lucas says in "Public Speaking" that Another factor involves people’s beliefs about
languages have become "more colloquial" and public speaking and about themselves as
speech delivery "more conversational" as speakers. The fear often arises when people
"more and more citizens of ordinary means overestimate the stakes of communicating their
took to the rostrum, audiences no longer ideas in front of others, viewing the speaking
regarded the orator as a larger-than-life figure event as a potential threat to their credibility,
to be regarded with awe and deference. image, and chance to reach an audience.
Negative views of oneself as a speaker can
As a result, most audiences prefer consistency
also raise anxiety and augment the fear of
and sincerity, credibility over the oratory tricks
speaking in public.
of the old. Public speakers must also attempt to
communicate their objective explicitly to the 3. Skills - Finally, another factor that
group they will be speaking in front of, contributes to the fear of public speaking is
gathering facts, visual aids and notes that will how skilled you are in this area. While many
better serve the authenticity and dignity of the people consider themselves naturally good
speakers. Thank you! speakers, there is always room for growth.
There are many different approaches to
ELLA: yes, I believe that you are clouded with
enhancing this skill set and increasing
so many questions. Why are we scared of
competence in public speaking. Increased
public speaking? Most of us are dealing with
competence leads to increased confidence,
common fear, and understanding the roots of
which is an effective antidote to fear.
this can help us conquer it faster. Here's a fact,
Nevertheless, confidence alone does not
did you know that this cool and geeky name for
translate into effective public speaking.
the fear of public speaking is called
Thank you, and for further informations here is doesn’t have to keep them from achieving their
my co-member, Ms. Joan? goals, as we have seen. Different people find
different ways to deal with it, but everyone had
JOAN COLLADO: Thank you Ms. Lopez. The
to start at the same point, instead of avoiding it,
glossophobia or fear of public speaking in the
they had to deal with their fears.
perspective of famous people such as actors,
politicians, etc. is very common to us, it is what HOST 2 (ELLA) : Thank you Ms. Collado and
we called stage fright. We might have seen Ms. Lopez, moving on to the next speakers,
them on television, hear their voice on radio or let’s welcome our well-known educators and
witnessed their speech by being an audience. resource speakers Mr. Kobe Forcadas and Mr.
Carl Angelo Tan.
Some notable examples of famous people who
have fear of public speaking are Rowan CARL: According to Gary Genard, a
Atkinson, Adele, and Mahatma Gandhi. Rowan professional and advocate seeking to eliminate
Atkinson best known as Mr Bean gets easily each person's stage fright, our phobia of public
spotted in getting very nervous and uneasy speaking comes from a variety of factors. From
when he has to speak in public. He comes up the ten factors he mentioned, we have only
with the ways of keeping himself, like most chosen seven factors which we think are more
others. We have seen that many of his prevalent.
characters have speech issues. However, the
First on the list, past failure or the fear of public
actor stepped forward when he felt he ought to
speaking that is influenced by a negative public
justify what he believes is right. He even made
speaking performance that had happened
a heartfelt statement about freedom of speech
before. Same is actually true in some other
despite the evident discomfort.
things that we are afraid to do again because
Adele is a singer and one of the performers of the negative memories associated with it
that has severe physical symptoms before that even haunt us each time. However, this
stepping on the stage. She is extremely can be solved by conditioning your mind that
nervous about being in front of a crowd. Her you have come prepared this time around.
fear is so serious that she vomits before the
Second, self-consciousness in front of large
concerts frequently.
groups or the excessive uneasiness being felt
Lastly, Mahatma Gandhi who is one of the whenever the volume of people listening to you
most adored leaders in the modern world gets increases. This is nothing but usual to
terrified of public speaking. He had frequent everyone to feel more anxious in speaking to a
panic attacks during his university years before larger group. However, the anxiety can be
he completed law school. He was experiencing lessened by concentrating on just talking to
symptoms like blurred vision and trembling, them and not presenting yourself.
and the intensity of the symptoms did not even
Third, insufficient preparation or lacking
make him to do the speech. However, because
confidence because you have not done
of seeking a cause that inflamed a passion
everything you can to deliver a good speech.
which was greater than any fear, Gandhi was
This is solely dependent on the speaker. Of
able to overcome his difficulties.
course, it is a choice to either come prepared
The main factor why many people, including or unprepared. Nothing is to be blamed but the
those famous people have had fear of public speaker himself.
speaking is might be that they feel judged.
KOBE: In line with that, the Fourth one is the
They fear that they will be embarrassed in front
dissatisfaction of your abilities, this type is
of the audience and make a nuisance of
dominant among people who have self-doubts.
themselves. It can happen in all places, and it
We all know that people with low self-esteem
think that they are no better as compared to be aware of breathing in and out.
anyone. But this can be easily remedied by Learning to relax takes time but it will really
attending a speech training that will help boost help, especially if you do this exercise
one's level of confidence in speaking. regularly. After a while, you'll be able to recall
the feelings of relaxation, anywhere.
Next is Fear of Going Blank - There is one fear
around public speaking that worries people
The other step is the power of practice,
more than all others: going blank on stage.
the more you practice, the more comfortable
Standing in front of an audience with no
you’ll be in front of crowds. You might find it
memory of what you're supposed to say is
beneficial to take a public speaking class or
anxiety inducing for even seasoned.
workshop. Practice ways to calm and relax
Lastly, the Physical Reaction - Is your biggest your mind and body, such as deep breathing,
problem the physical responses you have relaxation exercises, yoga, and meditation.
when you speak in front of others?
The bottom line is that if something scares you,
Fear of public speaking can manifest itself in you will avoid it, and if you avoid it, you will not
many ways but a reliable symptom of stage get enough practice, and when you don’t get
fright is the physical response the speaker enough practice, you will not get better at it,
experiences. and if you are not getting better at it, you will
Your body's reaction to any fearful situation continue to be afraid of it. This cycle of fear can
can be powerful. It's one reason speech go on and on. But it doesn’t have to. With the
anxiety is such an uncomfortable and number of options available, it is up to you to
seemingly intractable problem. decide when and how to break this cycle of
fear of public speaking. Thank you
NIKO: Thank you, Mr. Tan and Mr. Forcadas.
Let me introduce myself, I am Niko Martinez, I TRISHA: Thank you Mr Martinez. Hi everyone,
am a Physiological doctor that will talk about I am Trisha Peligro. I am also a member of
the PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS. Philippine Psychological association and I will
So there are Taking Steps to Overcome Your talk about the cognitive aspect.
Fear, first is to Relax and second is The Power In terms of Cognitive Aspect, Fear of Public
of Practice. Ok first, Learning to relax Speaking is a common form of anxiety. It can
range from slight nervousness to paralyzing
Relaxation and breathing techniques are useful fear and panic. But with preparation and
when trying to calm your nerves before persistence, you can overcome your fear.
speaking in public. When we are nervous, we These steps may help you to overcome your
tend to talk quickly and only take short, shallow fear:
breaths, causing our lungs to only partially fill.
This reduces our vocal range and makes us * Know your topic. The better you understand
sound nervous. Therefore slowing down our what you're talking about, the more you care
breathing and learning to relax are very about the topic — the less likely you'll make a
important. mistake or get off track.
* Be Organized. Carefully plan out the
Find a comfortable place and lie on the floor. information you want to present, including any
Close your eyes and concentrate on relaxing props, audio or visual aids. The more
every part of your body, starting with your feet organized you are, the less nervous you'll be.
and legs and working upwards to your
shoulders, neck and head. Now bring your * Visualize your success. Imagine that your
attention to your breathing. To begin with, just presentation will go well. Positive thoughts can
help decrease some of your negativity about to understanding your context is to develop a
your social performance and relieve some habit of situational awareness. In this way,
anxiety. you’re always thinking just one step ahead in
any given situation or environment, and can be
* Focus on your material, not on your
able to adapt accordingly.
audience. People mainly pay attention to new
information — not how it's presented so that Look for situations when you are publicly
they may not notice your nervousness. speaking that “trigger you.” In other words, look
for those situations where you get more
* Don't fear a moment of silence. If you lose
focused on what the audience is doing than on
track of what you're saying or start to feel
delivering your message. Arrange opportunities
nervous and your mind goes blank, it may
to practice talking in front to determine how
seem like you've been silent for an eternity. In
environment influences speech production and
reality, it's probably only a few seconds. Even if
it's longer, it's likely your audience won't mind a
pause to consider what you've been saying. Once again, we have to boost our confidence
Just take a few slow, deep breaths. to influence other people. It’s a pleasure to
discuss to you the ways on how to conquer
JANELLE: Thank you Ms Peligro. Good Day public speaking in terms of behavioural aspect.
Everyone! I’m Janelle M. Evalaroza. Today, Thank you!
I’m here to discuss about some ways on how to
conquer public speaking in terms of Theresa: Good afternoon I am Ma. Theresa B.
behavioural aspect. Limpangog and for this day I will discuss to you
about what is public speaking and what are the
As we all know, environment affects speaking ways to overcome it.
and listening performance. These influences
are used to assess how environments affect Theresa: Public speaking is one of the greatest
speakers and listeners. You may need to work fear of many students, this is because of low
harder to build individual connections with your self-esteem and lack of support, however, this
audience members, because public speaking is kind of fear can be address and overcome by
not an easy for us. Sometimes, we are nervous many different ways.
and lack of confidence in terms of public Fear of saying your point in front of many
communication. We always say that we can’t people is not an easy task to do so and its’
even if we have not tried, but we have to face either you can clearly say your words or never
our fear. In simplest way, it is much better to at all, but the most important question is how
start in a small audience like socializing with will you handle your fear to be able to speak
your families and friends. It is the best way to without any hesitation? For me as a college
communicate, improve confidence and to have student, that fear I have when I as in high
a positive mind-set that we can adapt and keep school is literally gone now and I suggest 3
influencing to inspire other people in our ways I’ve done in overcoming the fear of public
environment. Always consider your audience speaking, the first one is to have confidence,
when crafting your speech, you’ll also want to second is by believing yourself that you can do
consider the context in which your speech will it, and lastly making sure that before you speak
be given like environmental context. Whether you already planned the words well enough to
you’re in a classroom presenting the findings encourage people about your point.
from a lab report or in a stadium that seats
thousands, environmental context can And here is Ian Costuna who will give more
influence both your message and delivery. It ways to solve the fear of public speaking.
can affect the degree to which the audience Ian: Good day to everyone I am Ian Costuna
feels they can connect with you. The key then, today, as what Theresa said there many ways
to overcome the fear of public speaking so now At the end of the day, it is still us. As what they
I will discuss more tips about it. have said, one must organize, practice and
continue to immerse with such situation so we
So this are the following tips that we should can further step out of the way, which then, will
done on how to manage our fear in public make the best out of us.
speaking: first we should get organized on all
of our thoughts and materials that we are going CAMILLE: You see, if you would be able to
through because it can helps us all to become think through of all the tips and steps, we
more relaxed and calm. Through this also we shared with you, it is easy. Aside from
can have a clear, organized thoughts that can overcoming the fear of public speaking, might
gently reduce our speaking anxiety and have a as well conquer it. Practice more, invest your
focus on the thing that we had that can give us time familiarizing your piece and composing
a great speech in the end. yourself, then we can do better. We learn from
our experiences, if we happen to have an
Ian Costuna: Next of the solutions that we may average presentation, we can do better next
do to reduce our fear on public speaking is we time until we became the best, right? So,
should practice and prepare our speech people who has a fear of public speaking can
extensively. Practicing and preparing is just a easily deliver their message across in a
common on all preparations on before we get presentation. Thank you.
into out speech. Writing some key points, but
now reading it from the script on word to word. HOST 2 (ELLA): Thank you Mr Camille and Mr
And just be prepared on some possible Torres. Now, we are opening our platform for
questions that will be thrown at your speech. question. Are there any questions?
Ian Costuna: The other one of the possible
solutions on how we can manage and THERESA: Hi? I’m Stephanie Mondragon. My
overcome our fears in public speaking is we question is for Camille Clarito, how if I get
should try to challenge specific worries. When mental blocked upon having my presentation?
we are afraid of something, we may How can I deal with it?
overestimate the likelihood of the bad things CAMILLE: Well, mental block commonly
that may happen. To reduce these possible happens because you sometimes forgot what
negative thoughts that we are worrying we you will going to say and to prevent that, you
should do and try to list of those specific things need to be organize. Just like what have been
that we worries about when we are already said earlier, you should prepare for the
delivering or speaking to our speech and we materials ahead of time, you may work for
should identify some probable and alternative some outline that can help you to structure
outcomes and any objective evidence that what you will say.
supports our worries in the speech that we are
going to do. THERESA: Thank you Ms. Clarito

HAROLD: Yes, thank you speakers, you have HOST 2 (ELLA): Any other questions? I guess
given a lot of informations about public there’s none. So let’s more o to the last part of
speaking and with that, I will just bring the the program, the awarding of tokens such as
perspective into a holistic view. You know, the certificate of appreciation.
public speaking has been a widely concerned
situation especially now that we are in the ***INDIVIDUALLY SAY THE NAME WRITTEN
modern day. With all the fears, causes and the ON THE POWERPOINT***
likes, we just need to overcome and create a HOST 1 (JOAN): That was really a great and
way to which we can bridge ourselves into that informative discussion, right partner?
HOST 2 (ELLA): Yes partner, have you
learned a lot dear audience? I hope so, thank
you everyone, until next event.

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