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We thank the Lord for OHFI’s 29 years of service


SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST It is with joy that we welcome Deirdre O’Sullivan to be the Executive Director of OHFI.
Deirdre brings with her considerable voluntary agency leadership experience.
Deirdre’s proven leadership commitment and experience will be a blessing to OHFI
• New Executive Director
as we seek to strengthen our New Zealand base. This in turn will mean we can em-
• Community transmission
power many more impoverished and vulnerable children and families.
• Easing restrictions
Please often uphold Deirdre in your prayers.
Thank you and God bless you, Ewen



Prayer points
C urrently about 3000 people per day
are found to be infected with covid-19
in our state. It is incredibly stressful when
Bible verse
going out.
Contact details We have begun visiting children since
the lockdown lifted. Our government has
imposed lockdowns to prevent commu-
nity transmission or to at least try and
control the speed of the spread of the
virus – by a complete lockdown for a
further two days every week.
The infection rate is still running at
about 1000 people in every ten thou-
Lockdown lifted: Visiting the children has
sand. We are trusting God to get through begun again.
this and very much appreciate your
prayers for our every decision.
Much love, Lun


P astor John William sent

the following news:
Yes, the Lord’s grace
The boda boda motorcy-
cles have also been given
even conducted a wedding
during June.
We also blessed new-
is sufficient, and we are permission to operate. born children during the
managing well. Transport around the bor- month of July.
The situation here in der districts continues to And we have a wedding
Uganda has begun nor- be restricted. scheduled for August.
malising with some of the The curfew has been Catherine, my wife, and
local restrictions having changed from between a other family members
been lifted. 7:00 pm start and 6:00 am are all fine except for my
Public transport has end, to between 9:00 pm mother who is ill and has
been allowed. Taxis can and ending at 5:00 am. been admitted to a clinic
now carry up to nine pas- Church assemblies are in Mbale.
sengers, buses can carry still restricted. However, She is responding well to
a maximum of 35 pas- we have gained permis- the treatment and I know
sengers and private cars sion to continue with will soon be discharged.
are allowed to carry four restricted numbers and From John Fleck
We thank the Lord for OHFI’s 29 years of service


• Kolkata: Father we bring Sabina, one of our staff in Sapui Para, before You –
please comfort her in this time after she had a stillborn baby.
• Father we also ask for Your blessing on our building plans and sewing project
– please grant us wisdom and guide us as we must make pandemic related
• Manipur: Father we bring Walpabung Community School and the villagers there
before You. During this pandemic time the situation in the village has been hard.
There is no employment as most are daily wages earners. It is also the rainy Manipur: River-crossing with
season so vehicles cannot move and there are no bridges, so villagers have to essential commodities by
carry their daily needs across the river. School has also been suspended. Father villagers.
we also pray for the children and the teaching staff at PMA Junior college who
are not being paid – be with them, protect them and provide for them.
• Uganda: Father we pray for Pastor John William’s mother. Please grant she responds to the treatment and
be discharged. We also pray for the country of Uganda. We thank You that the curfew has been shortened
and that some meetings have been able to take place. Please protect the people there against this virus.
• Romania (HANNAH): Father we bring the twelve children and four families HANNAH is currently working
with before You. Please keep the children safe. Please grant that the parents will begin to believe in them-
selves and their hearts soften towards their children. We ask You that good housing options and shelter
can be found where needed. Father please grant that Rupi’s brother and sister-in-law – who have taken
over his care since his mother died in March – will develop an appropriate relationship of trust so that we
can support them in his care.
• Father we pray that Deirdre be deeply fulfilled in her role of Executive Director. May she delight in Your
anointing on her as she gets to know and understand OHFI and with Your
wisdom and provision leads the organisation to provide quality and empower-
ing services to an ever growing number of impoverished children, families and
• Father the countries where OHFI works are still severely impacted by the lock-
downs. Please grant that the spread of this virus will end so that government
restrictions may be lifted as this will allow people the freedom to work and earn
a daily income.
• Father we pray for the safety and wellbeing of OHFI’s partners and the children Romania: Living in a rented
veranda. Liveable in summer
and families they serve. but not when winter arrives.
• We ask this in Jesus’s Name.

D o not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

Open Home Foundation

International Open Home Foundation
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