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Dayal 1

Rhea Dayal


Career Life Connections 12

24 November 2020


According to Wapnick, I am a multipotentialite. This makes a lot of sense to me because

I am interested in a variety of topics. I read books from many different genres and often find

myself researching heavily about a single topic before deciding I want to learn more about a

completely different topic. For example, I spent a lot of time learning how to code in C#, but am

now interested in many other topics that are completely different. I took this into consideration

when deciding what career I’d be interested in. I decided I want to study engineering and

eventually work at a consulting firm. My thought is that at a consulting firm I’ll be less likely to

get bored as I’ll be working on many different projects. Another idea that I have is to become a

teacher if I get bored of working at a consulting firm. By working as an instructor during the

summer I learned that teaching often brings unique challenges and problems to deal with. I very

rarely felt bored and enjoyed my job thoroughly because of it. Considering this, I find it to be no

surprise that I am a multipotentialite according to Wapnick.

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