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Is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs

the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive or coherent

Types of Leadership
≈ Autocratic:
This is a dictatorial type of leadership where a single person makes the entire decisions. Expectations are
always clear. This sort of leadership is the type that causes the most discontent in any establishment. It is
rarely used but it can be be used for the completion of routine or unskilled tasks.

 Whatever needs doings and everything about how and when are the entire responsibilities of the
 Permits quick decisions when time is of the essence.
 This approach isn't a creative one. Doing what you are told regardless of what you are told.
Obedience is mandatory and so it is a strict form of control.
 You should use this autocratic form of leadership when a group or member has no knowledge of the
practice or the procedure.
 This sort of leadership usually works when there is hardly any need for input or when Input would
hardly affect the decision or the outcome.

≈ Democratic Leadership:
This is also known as a purely human relations approach. Because it’s soft and undemanding, this style
doesn’t challenge an individual to grow in stature in a job. The basic assumption of democratic leadership is
that the social nature and relationships of workers are the most important factors to be considered. The
democratic style assumes that if subordinates are happy, they’ll also be efficient and productive. In other
words, if you give the workers all they want, they’ll give you all you want.

≈ Laissez-Faire:
o ‘Let it be’ – the leadership responsibilities
are shared by all
o Can be very useful in businesses
where creative ideas are important
o Can be highly motivational,
as people have control over their working life
o Can make coordination and decision making
time-consuming and lacking in overall direction
o Relies on good team work
o Relies on good interpersonal relations

≈ Transformational Leadership :
Transformational leadership is about implementing new ideas; these individuals continually change
themselves; they stay flexible and adaptable; and continually improve those around them. Transformational
leaders has been written about for thousands of years--being both praised (Christ and Buddha) and cursed
(Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan).

The primary focus of this leadership style is to make change happen in:

 Our Self,
 Others,
 Groups, and
 Organizations

Transformational Leadership Characteristics

According to Bass, these individuals possess:

Charisma. This is one of those leadership qualities that is hard to define; like beauty, you know it
when you experience it. I remember a quote, about a charismatic individual by the name of Oliver
North. One of his men once said about him, "I would follow him to hell since he is the only man I
know who could get me back."

Charisma is a special leadership style commonly associated with transformational leadership. While
extremely powerful, it is extremely hard to teach.

Vision. This involves the creation of a compelling picture of the future, a desired future state that
people identify with. By creating this vision, the leader provides a means for people to develop
commitment, a common goal around around which to rally, and a way for people to feel successful. 

Visionary Leadership, The leadership style focuses on how the leader defines the future for followers and
moves them toward it.

Four Core Strengths

To become a great transformational leader, one must build on Four Core Strengths. These are:

Self-Mastery. Often the greatest barrier to success in not others, not the environment, it is ourself.

The Transformational Mind-set. Action is supported by a set of beliefs or one has mindless impulses.

Influence. Mangers rely on authority, leaders rely on influence. Enough said.

Skills Development. Few know how to build a skill, so they waste countless hours in futile effort. One
cannot build a skill by reading about it.

Characteristics That Make People Leaders

Honesty - Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your actions. Deceptive behavior will not inspire
trust in your followers.

Competent - Do not make decisions based on childlike emotional desires or feelings. Your actions should be
based on reason and moral principles.

Forward-looking - Set goals and have visions of the future. The vision must be owned throughout the group
or organization. Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it. They habitually pick priorities
stemming from their basic values.

Inspiring - Display confidence in all that you do. By showing endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual
stamina, you will inspire your people to reach for new heights. Take charge when necessary.

Intelligent - Read, study, and seek challenging assignments. They are continually learning. Constantly
educated by their experiences. Develop new skills, new interest.

Fair-minded - Show fair treatment to all people. Prejudice is the enemy of justice. Display empathy by
being sensitive to the feelings, values, interests, and well being of others. They believe in other people.
Create climate for growth and opportunity. Open their communication, simple, direct and non-manipulative.
Service Centered - See life as a mission not as a career. Have a sense of responsibility, of service, of

Courageous - Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable
obstacles. Display a confident calmness when under stress. See life as an adventure (see old faces freshly, old
scenes as if for the first time)

Straightforward - Use sound judgment to make a good decision at the right time.

Imaginative - Make timely and appropriate changes in thinking, plans and methods. Show creativity by
thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problem.

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