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Statement of the Problem

Philippines experiences more rain during from the month of June to the month
of November. In this season floods are more likely to occur in major cities and in rural
areas such as the province of Nueva Vizcaya. Nueva Vizcaya is also a victim of flood
despite of it as rural area. Nueva Vizcaya State University in Bayombong Campus is the
target site of the researchers. Inside the campus of NVSU specifically in the College of
Engineering, there is an area where does experiences flood. One of the causes of this
event is the lack or the poor drainage system. As rain starts to pour, rain water from
adjacent buildings are starting to accumulate in the area. Bad landscape of the area
also contributes to the flooding. The soil in the area is mostly composed of rocks and
non-cohesive soil. The area also has minimal living vegetation. Students and faculties
who passes through the area know this problem and it causes more problems. One of
it is the mosquitoes, the stagnant water is a good place for mosquitoes to lay it’s eggs
and thus this resulted the increase of number of mosquitoes in the area.

Rain water garden are shallow, constructed depressions that are planted with
deep-rooted native plants and grasses. These are strategically located in areas that are
prone to flooding and to areas who has impervious surfaces to capture surface run-

Rain water garden are an inexpensive, simple to construct, and environmentally

sound solution to residential and urban run-off. They can also conserve water and
reduce the need of irrigation. It filters the water and recharge the groundwater.


This research project aims the following:

 To promote eco-friendly approach in addressing drainage problems

 To reduce potential flooding in public areas
 To provide valuable habitat for birds, butterflies and different insects
 To provide an alternative solution in filtering pollutant from surface run-
off which are low-tech, inexpensive, sustainable and aesthetically
 To use locally available materials as ingredient to soil mixture or mulch
Significance of the Study

This study proposes an eco-friendly solution in addressing drainage problems.

It lessen excessive loads of surface run-off in drainage system that causes flooding in
rural and urban areas. Excessive flooding are reduce by slowing down surface run-off.
Rainwater garden helps in protecting the stability of soil from soil erosion. Thus
protects properties from damaging foundation.

By positioning a rain garden, at least 10 feet from structures and directing rain
water runoff into the rain garden, it is possible to reduce the amount of rain that flows
into the foundation of buildings. Allowing surface runoff to soak into the ground, a
rain garden can reduce soil erosion, replenish the local groundwater and improve
water quality.

Rain water gardens filter out sediment and other pollutants (like animal waste,
brake dust, oils and automative chemicals) by capturing the first flush of rain (or first
inch or so of rainwater runoff) which tends to contain the highest concentration of
pollutants. It also removes standing water in the area thus reduces mosquito breeding.

Plants planted in rain water garden attract and provide shelter and food for
wildlife and support pollinators. These native plants support a variety of birds,
butterflies, beneficial insects and other wildlife by providing diverse habitats and food

Scope, Delimitations, and Limitations

The general intent of this study is to design a rain water garden at an area that
accumulates surface runoff located in the department of College of Engineering of
Nueva Vizcaya State University in Bayombong Campus. This research project focuses
on the effectiveness of rain water garden in reducing excessive surface run-off.

Locally available plants such as ferns and perennial flowers are used in rain
water garden which can found in nearby places.

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