Power Building - Terry Hollands PDF

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Terry Hollands

The information in this book is intended to be used as an informational guide on
methods of training to augment a sound exercise pro- gram. The information in this
book is not meant to replace the advice of a medical professional. As with all exercise
programs it is advised that you seek the advice of a medical professional before
beginning any exercise program. The writer and publishers recommend that the
reader take full responsibility to ensure that they are cleared by a medical professional
before beginning any part of this training pro- gram. Any mention of specifc
companies, products, organizations or other authors does not imply that they endorse
or approve of the methods outlined in this book, nor does it imply that the authors
approve of them or their methods.
The programme

So this is not a new concept but something that I have found has been benefcial to me
staying relatively competitive in strongman and changing my physique quite

As obvious as it sounds its basically a programme thats trying to cover all bases,
granted you may not get maximum strength or look like a bodybuilder but you will get
pretty close to both.

The workouts will always be based around what I consider to be crucial movements for
getting strong these are:-

• Deadlift
• Squat
• Military Press
• Bench Press
• Pendlay Rows
• Pull ups

In my opinion these are crucial to getting strong but also are great ways of burning
calories too if you're looking to drop some fat. All those exercises should be included in
a training cycle that has any emphasis on strength. Although this plan is to try get
people in shape were also still working to try and get stronger.

To really get the most from this programme you will need to know your maxes for:-

• Deadlift
• Squat
• Military Press
• Bench Press

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The programme basically works in three four week blocks:-

Hypertrophy and Conditioning

The frst 4 weeks will tax conditioning and aim to build some muscle, many people
think low reps high weight is the way to build muscle but often still going as heavy as
possible but working in a higher rep range can help promote muscle growth better.

Strength and Conditioning

This phase will put the pressure on your strength levels, getting stronger is also about
training your central nervous system to handle bigger weights, this is what that phase
will do

Explosive Power

The icing on the cake, once you have improved your conditioning, added some muscle
and gained some strength in the frst two phases the third phase will tax you in a
different way really trying to increase your power.

More Information about Powerbuilding

During each phase we will do HIIT workouts after each training session, I will list
examples at the end of the programme, You need to listen to your body when selecting
which to do, ie if your legs are really sore avoid ones that will hammer your legs etc.

I guess some people may look at this programme and what it stands for and say “jack of
all trades, master of none” I prefer to look at it from a point of view that most people do
want to look good, be functional, ft, healthy, strong and generally feel good within
themselves rather than just having a couple of those things.

This will be based on 4 sessions a week and will give you options depending on what
equipment you have available. The sessions will have a focus on an area of the body
but not isolate an area completely

Session 1 Lower body, Session 2 Pushing, Session 3 Pulling, Session 4 Posterior chain

All sessions should start with Agile 8 mobility drills, if you have a tight area of the body
spend extra time working on that. I also recommend doing this even on non training
days, it will take 10-20 mins of your day up but can be crucial for making improvements
in your lifting. Details of Agile 8 at the end of the eBook

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Week 1

Session 1

Box Squats, set box so you hit parallel when touch the box, light touch and stay tight.
120 second rest
3 sets of 12 at 63%

Triple grip deadlifts, Snatch Grip, Medium Grip (slightly wider than your usual grip)
and clean grip, 120 second rest
3 sets of 6 snatch, 5 medium and 3 clean grip so 14 reps per set at 63%

Box step ups, set box so leg is at 90 degree when foot is on box. 90 seconds rest
3 sets of 15 each leg

reverse lunges, nice and controlled TAKE YOUR TIME!! 90 seconds rest
3 sets 15 each leg

Leg extensions, try squeeze at the top for a count of 2

3 sets of 15


Session 2

Military Press, full range on every rep, 120 second rest

4 sets of 15 with 63%

Incline Dumbbell Press about 45 degree, 120 second rest

3 sets of 12

Flat Bench 2 second eccentric on every rep, 90 seconds rest

3 sets 12 with 63%

Z press with KBS or DBS, do these alternate arms

3 sets , 1 set 6, 1 set 9 and 1 set of 12 on each arm. Dont go too crazy with the weight it
gets hard quickly

3 sets of 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side, If you cant manage 30 seconds 3 sets of
max time


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Session 3

Pendlay Rows, make sure they're honest reps, dont cheat too much
3 sets of 12 as heavy as possible 120 seconds rest

See Saw rows, nice and controlled, dont rush the sets
3 sets of 15 each arm 90 seconds rest

Ring Pull ups If you dont have rings use a normal pull up bar but rings are preferable
3 sets of max reps, push to failure each set 90 seconds rest

Active Hangs. Hang from rings or bar with full stretch then lift from your upper back
keeping arms straight.
3 sets of max time


Session 4

Single leg RDL. Use KB or DB in each hand.

1 set of 6, 1 set of 9 and 1 set of 12. 120 seconds rest

Single Leg Glute Bridge. Squeeze Glute at the top for a count of 2
3 sets of 15 each leg. 120 second rest

Hyper extension
3 sets of 30 second hold at the top then 20 reps 90 second rest

Sumo Deadlift. Preferably with KBS but if not barbell is fne, get core tight at the bottom
and lock you back straight. Sink hips nice and low keeping knees out
3 sets of 12. 90 second rest

3 sets of max reps 90 seconds between sets


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Week 2

Session 1

Box Squats, set box so you hit parallel when touch the box, light touch and stay tight.
120 second rest
3 sets of 12 at 65%

Triple grip deadlifts, Snatch Grip, Medium Grip (slightly wider than your usual grip)
and clean grip, 120 second rest
3 sets of 6 snatch, 5 medium and 3 clean grip so 14 reps per set at 65%

Box step ups, set box so leg is at 90 degree when foot is on box. 90 seconds rest
3 sets of 15 each leg

reverse lunges, nice and controlled TAKE YOUR TIME!! 90 seconds rest
3 sets 15 each leg

Leg extensions, try squeeze at the top for a count of 2

3 sets of 15


Session 2

Military Press, full range on every rep, 120 second rest

4 sets of 15 with 65%

Incline Dumbbell Press about 45 degree, 120 second rest

3 sets of 12

Flat Bench 2 second eccentric on every rep, 90 seconds rest

3 sets 12 with 65%

Z press with KBS or DBS, do these alternate arms

3 sets , 1 set 6, 1 set 9 and 1 set of 12 on each arm. Dont go too crazy with the weight it
gets hard quickly

3 sets of 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side, If you cant manage 30 seconds 3 sets of
max time


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Session 3

Pendlay Rows, make sure they're honest reps, dont cheat too much
3 sets of 10 as heavy as possible 120 seconds rest

See Saw rows, nice and controlled, dont rush the sets
3 sets of 15 each arm 90 seconds rest

Ring Pull ups If you dont have rings use a normal pull up bar but rings are preferable
3 sets of max reps, push to failure each set 90 seconds rest

Active Hangs. Hang from rings or bar with full stretch then lift from your upper back
keeping arms straight.
3 sets of max time


Session 4

Single leg RDL. Use KB or DB in each hand.

1 set of 6, 1 set of 9 and 1 set of 12. 120 seconds rest

Single Leg Glute Bridge. Squeeze Glute at the top for a count of 2
3 sets of 15 each leg. 120 second rest

Hyper extension
3 sets of 30 second hold at the top then 20 reps 90 second rest

Sumo Deadlift. Preferably with KBS but if not barbell is fne, get core tight at the bottom
and lock you back straight. Sink hips nice and low keeping knees out
3 sets of 12. 90 second rest

3 sets of max reps 90 seconds between sets


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Week 3

Session 1

Box Squats, set box so you hit parallel when touch the box, light touch and stay tight.
120 second rest
3 sets of 10 at 70%

Triple grip deadlifts, Snatch Grip, Medium Grip (slightly wider than your usual grip)
and clean grip, 120 second rest
3 sets of 5 snatch, 3 medium and 2 clean grip so 10 reps per set at 70%

Box step ups, set box so leg is at 90 degree when foot is on box. 90 seconds rest
3 sets of 15 each leg

reverse lunges, nice and controlled TAKE YOUR TIME!! 90 seconds rest
3 sets 15 each leg

Leg extensions, try squeeze at the top for a count of 2

3 sets of 15


Session 2

Military Press, full range on every rep, 120 second rest

4 sets of 10 with 70%

Incline Dumbbell Press about 45 degree, 120 second rest

3 sets of 12

Flat Bench 2 second eccentric on every rep, 90 seconds rest

3 sets 8 with 70%

Z press with KBS or DBS, do these alternate arms

3 sets , 1 set 6, 1 set 9 and 1 set of 12 on each arm. Dont go too crazy with the weight it
gets hard quickly

3 sets of 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side, If you cant manage 30 seconds 3 sets of
max time


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Session 3

Pendlay Rows, make sure they're honest reps, dont cheat too much
3 sets of 8 as heavy as possible 120 seconds rest

See Saw rows, nice and controlled, dont rush the sets
3 sets of 15 each arm 90 seconds rest

Ring Pull ups If you dont have rings use a normal pull up bar but rings are preferable
3 sets of max reps, push to failure each set 90 seconds rest

Active Hangs. Hang from rings or bar with full stretch then lift from your upper back
keeping arms straight.
3 sets of max time


Session 4

Single leg RDL. Use KB or DB in each hand.

1 set of 6, 1 set of 9 and 1 set of 12. 120 seconds rest

Single Leg Glute Bridge. Squeeze Glute at the top for a count of 2
3 sets of 15 each leg. 120 second rest

Hyper extension Use 10kg plate held on chest

3 sets of 30 second hold at the top then 20 reps 90 second rest

Sumo Deadlift. Preferably with KBS but if not barbell is fne, get core tight at the bottom
and lock you back straight. Sink hips nice and low keeping knees out
3 sets of 12. 90 second rest

3 sets of max reps 90 seconds between sets


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Week 4

Session 1

Box Squats, set box so you hit parallel when touch the box, light touch and stay tight.
120 second rest
3 sets of 10 at 72%

Triple grip deadlifts, Snatch Grip, Medium Grip (slightly wider than your usual grip)
and clean grip, 120 second rest
3 sets of 5 snatch, 3 medium and 2 clean grip so 10 reps per set at 72%

Box step ups, set box so leg is at 90 degree when foot is on box. 90 seconds rest
3 sets of 15 each leg

reverse lunges, nice and controlled TAKE YOUR TIME!! 90 seconds rest
3 sets 15 each leg

Leg extensions, try squeeze at the top for a count of 2

3 sets of 15


Session 2

Military Press, full range on every rep, 120 second rest

4 sets of 10 with 72%

Incline Dumbbell Press about 45 degree, 120 second rest

3 sets of 12

Flat Bench 2 second eccentric on every rep, 90 seconds rest

3 sets 8 with 72%

Z press with KBS or DBS, do these alternate arms

3 sets , 1 set 6, 1 set 9 and 1 set of 12 on each arm. Dont go too crazy with the weight it
gets hard quickly

3 sets of 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side, If you cant manage 30 seconds 3 sets of
max time


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Session 3

Pendlay Rows, make sure they're honest reps, dont cheat too much
3 sets of 6 as heavy as possible 120 seconds rest

See Saw rows, nice and controlled, dont rush the sets
3 sets of 15 each arm 90 seconds rest

Ring Pull ups If you dont have rings use a normal pull up bar but rings are preferable
3 sets of max reps, push to failure each set 90 seconds rest

Active Hangs. Hang from rings or bar with full stretch then lift from your upper back
keeping arms straight.
3 sets of max time


Session 4

Single leg RDL. Use KB or DB in each hand.

1 set of 6, 1 set of 9 and 1 set of 12. 120 seconds rest

Single Leg Glute Bridge. Squeeze Glute at the top for a count of 2
3 sets of 15 each leg. 120 second rest

Hyper extension Use 10kg plate held on chest

3 sets of 30 second hold at the top then 20 reps 90 second rest

Sumo Deadlift. Preferably with KBS but if not barbell is fne, get core tight at the bottom
and lock you back straight. Sink hips nice and low keeping knees out
3 sets of 12. 90 second rest

3 sets of max reps 90 seconds between sets


You're at the end of the frst phase, your body should now be ready to start pushing the
weights up a bit and you should be conditioned to get through your workouts no

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Week 5

Session 1

Box Squats, set box so you hit parallel when touch the box, light touch and stay tight.
180 second rest
3 sets of 8 at 75%

15” deadlifts. 180 second rest

3 sets of 8 reps per set at 75%

Leg Press
3 sets of 5 HEAVY 120 second rest

Goblet reverse lunges, DB or KB

3 sets 8 each leg

Leg extensions, try squeeze at the top for a count of 2

3 sets of 8


Session 2

Military Press, full range on every rep, 180 second rest

4 sets of 8 with 75%

Incline Dumbbell Press about 45 degree, 180 second rest

3 sets of 8

Flat Bench 2 second eccentric on every rep, 90 seconds rest

3 sets 6 with 75%

Z press with KBS or DBS, both arms together

3 sets of 6 reps 120 second rest

3 sets of 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side, If you cant manage 30 seconds 3 sets of
max time


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Session 3

Pendlay Rows, start to load weight from frst 4 weeks (dont need to be super strict)
3 sets of 5 as heavy as possible 180 seconds rest

See Saw rows, nice and controlled, dont rush the sets
3 sets of 8 each arm 90 seconds rest

Ring Pull ups If you dont have rings use a normal pull up bar but rings are preferable
3 sets of max reps, push to failure each set 90 seconds rest

Active Hangs. Hang from rings or bar with full stretch then lift from your upper back
keeping arms straight.
3 sets of max time


Session 4

Barbell RDL.
3 sets of 8 180 seconds rest

Weighted Glute Bridge. Squeeze Glute at the top for a count of 2

3 sets of 8 180 second rest

Hyper extension Use as much weight as possible

3 sets of 20 reps 90 second rest

Sumo Deadlift. Preferably with KBS but if not barbell is fne, get core tight at the bottom
and lock you back straight. Sink hips nice and low keeping knees out
3 sets of 8. 120 second rest

3 sets of max reps 90 seconds between sets


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Week 6

Session 1

Box Squats, set box so you hit parallel when touch the box, light touch and stay tight.
180 second rest
3 sets of 8 at 77%

15” deadlifts. 180 second rest

3 sets of 8 reps per set at 75%

Leg Press
3 sets of 5 HEAVY 120 second rest

Goblet reverse lunges, DB or KB

3 sets 8 each leg

Leg extensions, try squeeze at the top for a count of 2

3 sets of 8


Session 2

Military Press, full range on every rep, 180 second rest

4 sets of 8 with 77%

Incline Dumbbell Press about 45 degree, 180 second rest

3 sets of 8

Flat Bench 2 second eccentric on every rep, 90 seconds rest

3 sets 6 with 77%

Z press with KBS or DBS, both arms together

3 sets of 6 reps 120 second rest

3 sets of 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side, If you cant manage 30 seconds 3 sets of
max time


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Session 3

Pendlay Rows, start to load weight from frst 4 weeks (dont need to be super strict)
3 sets of 5 as heavy as possible 180 seconds rest

See Saw rows, nice and controlled, dont rush the sets
3 sets of 8 each arm 90 seconds rest

Ring Pull ups If you dont have rings use a normal pull up bar but rings are preferable
3 sets of max reps, push to failure each set 90 seconds rest

Active Hangs. Hang from rings or bar with full stretch then lift from your upper back
keeping arms straight.
3 sets of max time


Session 4

Barbell RDL.
3 sets of 8 180 seconds rest

Weighted Glute Bridge. Squeeze Glute at the top for a count of 2

3 sets of 8 180 second rest

Hyper extension Use as much weight as possible

3 sets of 20 reps 90 second rest

Sumo Deadlift. Preferably with KBS but if not barbell is fne, get core tight at the bottom
and lock you back straight. Sink hips nice and low keeping knees out
3 sets of 8. 120 second rest

3 sets of max reps 90 seconds between sets


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Week 7

Session 1

Box Squats, set box so you hit parallel when touch the box, light touch and stay tight.
180 second rest
3 sets of 6 at 81%

15” deadlifts. 180 second rest

3 sets of 6 reps per set at 81%

Leg Press
3 sets of 5 HEAVY 120 second rest

Goblet reverse lunges, DB or KB

3 sets 8 each leg

Leg extensions, try squeeze at the top for a count of 2

3 sets of 8


Session 2

Military Press, full range on every rep, 180 second rest

4 sets of 6 with 81%

Incline Dumbbell Press about 45 degree, 180 second rest

3 sets of 6

Flat Bench 2 second eccentric on every rep, 90 seconds rest

3 sets 4 with 81%

Z press with KBS or DBS, both arms together

3 sets of 5 reps 120 second rest

3 sets of 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side, If you cant manage 30 seconds 3 sets of
max time


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Session 3

Pendlay Rows, start to load weight from frst 4 weeks (dont need to be super strict)
3 sets of 4 as heavy as possible 180 seconds rest

See Saw rows, nice and controlled, dont rush the sets
3 sets of 6 each arm 90 seconds rest

Ring Pull ups If you dont have rings use a normal pull up bar but rings are preferable
3 sets of max reps, push to failure each set 90 seconds rest

Active Hangs. Hang from rings or bar with full stretch then lift from your upper back
keeping arms straight.
3 sets of max time


Session 4

Barbell RDL.
3 sets of 6 180 seconds rest

Weighted Glute Bridge. Squeeze Glute at the top for a count of 2

3 sets of 6 180 second rest

Hyper extension Use as much weight as possible

3 sets of 15 reps 90 second rest

Sumo Deadlift. Preferably with KBS but if not barbell is fne, get core tight at the bottom
and lock you back straight. Sink hips nice and low keeping knees out
3 sets of 6. 120 second rest

3 sets of max reps 90 seconds between sets


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Week 8

Session 1

Box Squats, set box so you hit parallel when touch the box, light touch and stay tight.
180 second rest
3 sets of 5 at 85%

15” deadlifts. 180 second rest

3 sets of 5 reps per set at 85%

Leg Press
3 sets of 5 HEAVY 120 second rest

Goblet reverse lunges, DB or KB

3 sets 5 each leg

Leg extensions, try squeeze at the top for a count of 2

3 sets of 8


Session 2

Military Press, full range on every rep, 180 second rest

4 sets of 5 with 85%

Incline Dumbbell Press about 45 degree, 180 second rest

3 sets of 5

Flat Bench 2 second eccentric on every rep, 90 seconds rest

3 sets 3 with 85%

Z press with KBS or DBS, both arms together

3 sets of 5 reps 120 second rest

3 sets of 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side, If you cant manage 30 seconds 3 sets of
max time


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Session 3

Pendlay Rows, start to load weight from frst 4 weeks (dont need to be super strict)
3 sets of 3 as heavy as possible 180 seconds rest

See Saw rows, nice and controlled, dont rush the sets
3 sets of 5 each arm 90 seconds rest

Ring Pull ups If you dont have rings use a normal pull up bar but rings are preferable
3 sets of max reps, push to failure each set 90 seconds rest

Active Hangs. Hang from rings or bar with full stretch then lift from your upper back
keeping arms straight.
3 sets of max time


Session 4

Barbell RDL.
3 sets of 5 180 seconds rest

Weighted Glute Bridge. Squeeze Glute at the top for a count of 2

3 sets of 5 180 second rest

Hyper extension Use as much weight as possible

3 sets of 15 reps 90 second rest

Sumo Deadlift. Preferably with KBS but if not barbell is fne, get core tight at the bottom
and lock you back straight. Sink hips nice and low keeping knees out
3 sets of 5. 120 second rest

3 sets of max reps 90 seconds between sets


After completing phase 2 you should have seen an increase in strength and your body
should be completely prepared to the put it all together where we increase explosive
power adding to your improvements you've made in other areas

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Week 9

Session 1

Box Squats, set box so you hit parallel when touch the box, light touch and stay tight.
180 second rest
3 sets of 4 at 92%

15” deadlifts. 180 second rest

3 sets of 4 reps per set at 92%

Speed Deadlifts
8 sets of 3 at 50% 60 seconds between sets

Leg Press. Slow and controlled on the way down, fast and explosive on way up
8 sets of 3, this should be approximately 50% of max, 60 second rest

Box jumps
5 sets of 3 onto as high box as possible


Session 2

Military Press, full range on every rep, 180 second rest

4 sets of 4 with 92%

Speed Military Press

8 sets of 3 with 50% 60 seconds rest

Flat Bench 2 second eccentric on every rep, 90 seconds rest

3 sets 4 with 92%

Speed bench
8 sets of 3 with 50%

3 sets of 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side, If you cant manage 30 seconds 3 sets of
max time


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Session 3

Pendlay Rows, start to load weight from frst 4 weeks (dont need to be super strict)
3 sets of 4 as heavy as possible 180 seconds rest

Seated rows,
3 sets of 8 90 seconds rest

Ring Pull ups If you dont have rings use a normal pull up bar but rings are preferable
3 sets of 5 add weight, 90 seconds rest

Active Hangs. Hang from rings or bar with full stretch then lift from your upper back
keeping arms straight.
3 sets of max time


Session 4

Barbell RDL.
3 sets of 5 180 seconds rest

KB swings
3 sets of 8. Focus on power coming from glutes so really squeeze them hard

Good mornings
8 sets of 3. This should be pretty light and be explosive. Important to keep core tight.
Add bands or chains if you have access to the

3 sets of max reps 90 seconds between sets


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Week 10

Session 1

Box Squats, set box so you hit parallel when touch the box, light touch and stay tight.
180 second rest
3 sets of 3 at 95%

15” deadlifts. 180 second rest

3 sets of 3 reps per set at 95%

Speed Deadlifts
8 sets of 3 at 52% 60 seconds between sets

Leg Press. Slow and controlled on the way down, fast and explosive on way up
8 sets of 3, this should be approximately 50% of max, 60 second rest

Box jumps
5 sets of 3 onto as high box as possible


Session 2

Military Press, full range on every rep, 180 second rest

4 sets of 3 with 95%

Speed Military Press

8 sets of 3 with 52% 60 seconds rest

Flat Bench 2 second eccentric on every rep, 90 seconds rest

3 sets 3 with 95%

Speed bench
8 sets of 3 with 52%

3 sets of 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side, If you cant manage 30 seconds 3 sets of
max time


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Session 3

Pendlay Rows, start to load weight from frst 4 weeks (dont need to be super strict)
3 sets of 3 as heavy as possible 180 seconds rest

Seated rows,
3 sets of 8 90 seconds rest

Ring Pull ups If you dont have rings use a normal pull up bar but rings are preferable
3 sets of 5. add weight, 90 seconds rest

Active Hangs. Hang from rings or bar with full stretch then lift from your upper back
keeping arms straight.
3 sets of max time


Session 4

Barbell RDL.
3 sets of 3 180 seconds rest

KB swings
3 sets of 8. Focus on power coming from glutes so really squeeze them hard

Good mornings
8 sets of 3. This should be pretty light and be explosive. Important to keep core tight.
Add bands or chains if you have access to the

3 sets of max reps 90 seconds between sets


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Week 11

Session 1

Box Squats, set box so you hit parallel when touch the box, light touch and stay tight.
180 second rest
3 sets of 1 at 97%

15” deadlifts. 180 second rest

3 sets of 1 reps per set at 97%

Speed Deadlifts
8 sets of 3 at 54% 60 seconds between sets

Leg Press. Slow and controlled on the way down, fast and explosive on way up
8 sets of 3, this should be approximately 50% of max, 60 second rest

Box jumps
5 sets of 3 onto as high box as possible


Session 2

Military Press, full range on every rep, 180 second rest

4 sets of 1 with 97%

Speed Military Press

8 sets of 3 with 54% 60 seconds rest

Flat Bench 2 second eccentric on every rep, 90 seconds rest

3 sets 1 with 97%

Speed bench
8 sets of 3 with 54%

3 sets of 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side, If you cant manage 30 seconds 3 sets of
max time


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Session 3

Pendlay Rows, start to load weight from frst 4 weeks (dont need to be super strict)
3 sets of 2 as heavy as possible 180 seconds rest

Seated rows,
3 sets of 8 90 seconds rest

Ring Pull ups If you dont have rings use a normal pull up bar but rings are preferable
3 sets of 5 add weight, 90 seconds rest

Active Hangs. Hang from rings or bar with full stretch then lift from your upper back
keeping arms straight.
3 sets of max time


Session 4

Barbell RDL.
3 sets of 3 180 seconds rest

KB swings
3 sets of 8. Focus on power coming from glutes so really squeeze them hard

Good mornings
8 sets of 3. This should be pretty light and be explosive. Important to keep core tight.
Add bands or chains if you have access to the

3 sets of max reps 90 seconds between sets


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Week 12

Session 1

Test max


Session 2

Military Press
Test max

Flat Bench
Test max


Session 3

Test max


Now you're at the end of the 12 week cycle you should have made some good solid
progressions. I recommend at this point you take a week of recovery after then you can
run the full training cycle again.


This is not something that should be taken lightly, I dont mean sit on your arse all day
every day for a week. You have to be active to get most from time off the weights. I
recommend 20 mins cardio per day and foam rolling from head to toe. If you have some
tightness in certain areas put in some extra time into those bits.

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Example HIIT workouts

Lower-Body Interval Workout

Complete the following circuit four times, resting 1 minute after the calf raises in
each round.
1. Sprint
Duration: 30 sec.
2. Squat Jumps
Duration: 45 sec.
3. Lunges
Reps: 20 each leg
4. Calf Raises
Reps: 50

Battle Ropes

1. Double Arm
Grabbing both ends of the rope (one with each hand), whip the rope up and
down continuously as fast as possible. Both arms will flex and extend at the
same time.

2. Alternating Arm
O Grab rope initially in the same manner as the double arm. The arms will now
p alternate The workout
n 60 seconds of work immediately followed by 60 seconds of complete rest. Do 1
s round of double arm, then 1 round of alternating arm
a repeat for 15 mins
e Rowing machine
W do 5 250m sprints on concept 2 Rower, rest for 1 minute between each interval
n Cross trainer
o 2 minutes at a moderate pace (nice and gentle) then 1 minute on high level and
w GO HARD. Repeat this for 15 mins

1 Minute of pushing, 1 minute of rest, repeat 15 mins

Obviously these are examples that can be played around with. There are plenty
of options you can do BUT just make sure you're working hard during the work
time, this should never be easy, every set should be maximum effort.

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Agile 8

• IT Band, Lie on your side on top of the foam roller, and slide up and down from
your knee to just above your hip.

• Piriformis, Sit on the foam roller, cross your leg onto the opposite knee, and lean
onto the side of your knee. Roll up and down across your glute.
• Adductor, With your belly to the ground, place the inside of your thigh on the foam
roller and roll around.

Then, move on to some dynamic drills:

• V-Sit Roll Over, Sit on the ground with your legs in front of you, then roll back until
your toes touch the ground behind your head. Roll forward and spread your legs
in a straddle.
• Hip Rotation, Place your palms and knees on the ground. Keep your torso as stable
as possible as you trace circles with one knee.
• Groiner, Sink into a deep lunge with your hands on the ground and place your
forward foot outside your hand. Jump in the air and switch legs.
• Frog Jump, Begin in a push up position, then jump both feet forward to land outside
your hands. Reverse the movement and repeat.
• First Baseman Stretch, Lunge and touch your knee to the ground. Raise the arm on
the same side as your grounded knee and lean forward to stretch your hip flexor.

Prepared exclusively for kjjames81@hotmail.com Transaction: 0030188156

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