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1. Given the ability to Project yourself into the past but no return, would you do so?
Where would you go and what would you try to accomplish if you knew you might
change the course of history.
R// I would not, I would not change anything in my life and I would let everything pass
without planning things and letting everything take its course

2. Do you usually make a special ffort to thank someone who does you a favour? How
do you react when you aren’t thanked for going out of your way for someone?
R// Of course, I try to show my appreciation in the best possible way. If they did not
thank me for something I did with effort, it would be a lack of respect for me, it would
be like not valuing my time and sacrifice

3. Would you rather play a game with someone more or less talented than you? Would
it matter who is watching?
R// I would prefer to play with someone who knows more so that he can teach me and
learn from someone with more skill and I would not care who saw because it is not a
competition, it is a game

4. Would you like to be famous? If yes, in what way? If no, why not?
R// I would like to be recognized but not famous because fame is not something that
comes with me

5. Which of the following restrictions could you best tolerate: leaving the country
permanently, or never leaving the state in which you live now?
R// I love Colombia, I love where I live but I would prefer to leave the country
permanently, because I would meet different things and different people and maybe I
would have more opportunities in another place

6. If you knew that in one year you would suddenly die, would you change anything
about the way you are living now? If not, why?
R// Yes, I would be more grateful for the things I have and would show my friends and
family that I really love them.

7. Is it easy for you to accept help when you need it? Do you usually ask for help?
R// If it's easy for me, I don't know everything and sometimes I need a little help to do

8. If you could have free, unlimited service for one year from an extremely good cook,
chauffeur, housekeeper, masseuse, or personal secretary, which would it be? Why?
R// I would choose an excellent cook, because I love to eat and I enjoy trying different

9. Would you enjoy spending a month in a beautiful natural setting? Food and shelter
would be provided but you would not see another person. Why would you say yes,
or no?
R// I would say no, because for me it is essential to interact with people, it would be
nice to be there but I would despair and I could not stay more than 1 week there

10. Do you feel that advice from older people carries a special weight because of their
greater experience?
R// Of course, older people advise because they have gone through everything that we
live and have an idea of the consequences or benefits that it entails

11. Do you think that the world will be a better or a worse place 100 years from now?
R// I think it would be worse, we are still not aware of everything bad we do to it and
every day that passes we get worse and worse

12. Your house, containing everything you own catches fire; after saving your loved
ones and pets, you have time to safely make one final dash to save one item. What
would it be and why?
R// I would take the albums from when I was little, because I would have a great
memory of everything I experienced, of my loved ones and of others.
13. You have the power to go any distance into the future and, after one year, return to
the present with any knowledge you have gained from your experience but with no
physical objects. Where would you make the journey to? What if it carried a 50 %
risk of death?
R// I would travel to when I graduated from university and got a job in which I was a
great professional and could travel and get to know Greece and different countries of
the world and I wouldn't mind dying in order to be happy and realize my dreams

14. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one ability or quality, what would it
be? Explain why you chose it!
R// It would be the ability to understand things easily, learn to do anything in order to
help people

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