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Consumption are demand of the modern world. The links between the economy and the environment are
too many. The environment provides resources to the economy, and acts as a sink for emissions and
waste. The main factors of production which is mostly harmed are natural(land). Natural factors are
directly connected with the environment. Natural resources are essential inputs for production in many
sectors. While production and consumption also leads to pollution and other pressures on the
environment. Poor environmental quality turn affects economic growth and wellbeing by lowering the
quantity and quality of resources.
There are two types of market systems, market oriented and state oriented. Market Oriented system
creates more pollution problems than the state-oriented system. Environmental considerations are very
important in Micro and Macro economics, agriculture, industrial economics, public finance, regional
economic planning etc. Environmental policy becomes an important part of economic policy.
Environment Ministry implements this environment policy. This Ministry is considered as the main
ministry, because all other ministries have to depend on this ministry. The broad objectives of the
Ministry are Conservation and survey of flora, fauna, forests and wildlife; Prevention and control of
pollution; Afforestation and regeneration of degraded areas; taking action against in related
environmental issues and proposing environmental laws. The purpose of environmental law is to protect
and preserve the environment. There are two main subjects of environmental laws, control of pollution,
and the conservation and management of land. Both sections of environmental law protect land, air,
water, and soil.
The environmental policies can suppress the negative feedbacks from the economy on the environment.
The main mechanisms that link the economy and the environment are qualitatively known, assessments of
environmental policies are often hampered by a lack of relevant policies to compare the costs and
benefits, or by a more general lack of applicable evidence. Market oriented systems harms the most by
converting forestation to deforestation. Constructing and placing new factories, buildings, firms and
houses affects the environment by venting chemical, toxic, household and unhealthy wastes.
These wastes are polluting the natural resources like water, air & soil by blocking the harmful toxic
element which increases carbon dioxide. This is processing to climate change. Climate change is the big
environmental problem that humanity will face over the next decade, but it isn't the only one. The oceans
have become the giant waste dumps for plastic. What's more, there are other serious environmental
problems related to the oceans such as damage to ecosystems due to global warming, dumping of
pollutants, wastewater and fuel spills. While energy accounts for 60% of global greenhouse gas
emissions, it is calculated that 13% of the world population lacks access to electricity and that 3 billion
people depend on fossil fuels for cooking. Intensive food production harms the environment by depleting
the soil and damaging marine ecosystems. What's more, overexploitation of natural resources has put
food safety and the availability of drinking water at risk. The growth of cities, which will need to
accommodate around 5 billion people by 2030, will be another of the decade's big environmental
challenges. Due to CO2 emissions have increased by almost 50% since 1990 is accelerating climate
change. These threatens the survival of millions of people, plants and animals. This changes of climate
have already began to experience by the scaring disasters like droughts in U.S, fires in Amazon &
Australia and floods in The Philippines & Laos.
About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all
Earth's water. Water also exists in the air as water vapor, in rivers and lakes, in icecaps and glaciers, in the
ground as soil moisture and in aquifers. Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plants
and animals must have water to survive. If there was no water there would be no life on earth. Apart from
drinking it to survive, people have many other uses for water. But only 3% of the water are fresh and
clean water.


Food is a basic human need, and a growing world population means that demand for food and suitable
growing conditions for crops is increasing. This in turn requires good ground, water, infrastructure and
labour. Food security, food safety and food quality are important themes. Climate change presents an
extra challenge, because how are we going to deal with periods of drought or flooding that can lead to
water stress, salinization and erosion,
Clean water is a key factor
for economic growth. CAUSES OF WATER & SOIL POLLUTION
Deteriorating water quality
is procastinating economic
growth, worsening health
conditions, reducing food
production, and
increasement of poverty in
many countries. The
economic costs of water
pollution in the industrial
sectors in terms of losses
to agricultural production, Industrial Waste
human health, and Household & Sewage Waste
livestock. The cost Agricultural Waste
Construction & Mining
estimates revealed that the impact of industrial pollution on rural communities is quite substantial in
monetary terms.

Industries produce a huge amount of waste containing toxic chemicals and pollutants, mainly causing
water, soil & air pollution. Many industries, not having a proper waste management system, drain the
waste in the freshwater, which goes small water sources and later into the sea. The toxic chemicals may
change the color of water, change the temperature of the water, and create a severe hazard to water
organisms. The sewage and wastewater that is produced in each household are treated chemically and
released into the sea along with fresh water. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used by farmers to
protect crops from insects and bacterias. They are useful for the plant’s growth. However, when these
chemicals are mixed up with water, they produce harmful pollutants for plants and animals. This causes
both the water and soil harmful. As the world is getting over-populatied, so has the demand for housing,
food, and cloth. As more cities and towns are developed, they have resulted in increasing use of fertilizers
to produce more food, soil erosion due to deforestation, rise in construction activities, inadequate sewer
collection and treatment, landfills as more garbage is produced, increase in chemicals from industries to
produce more materials.


As the global population is expected to keep growing in the coming decades, the negative impact that
humans will have on earths finite resources, especially water, will become increasingly apparent as areas
of the world will start to experience drastic shortages of water. Overpopulation will strain current water
resources to their limits, cause an increase in water pollution, and lead to an increase in civil and
international conflicts over existing water supplies. Which ends up in ‘water stress’ the economical
The Scarcity in Economics
Even in that situation people might not care about the ecosystem but only price and create unpeaceful
environment and economical unrest. Water is a need for human, which indirectly states that people will
buy that in any way. But the real question is what is the possibility of clean water, being purified from the
waste water? Aside from water how longer people will consume processed or hybrid food? Perhaps, there
will be no more nutrition and minerals in the food that will be consumed in the future. Pollution of Water
and soil could bring the doomsday. That’s why it is necessary to have a control in population, which
could help the pollution in a great way. According to the prediction of economists Water Development
Report stated that nearly 6 billion peoples will suffer from clean water scarcity by 2050. This is the result
of increasing demand for water, reduction of water resources, and increasing pollution of water, drive by
excess population and economic growth. It is suggested that this number may be an underestimation, and
scarcity of clean water by 2050 may be worse as the effects of the three drivers of water scarcity, as well
as of unequal growth, accessibility and needs, are underrated. While the report promotes the spontaneous
adoption of nature-based-solutions within an unconstrained population and economic expansion, there is
an urgent need to regulate demography and economy, while enforcing clear rules to limit pollution,
preserve aquifers and save water, equally applying everywhere.


Plastic doesn't
biodegrade. As 7
plastic bag use 6
spread globally 5
their negative 4
externalities began
to emerge; reports
of littering, lack of
biodegradability in 1
landfills, ocean 0
contamination and Recycled Plastic Bottle New Plastic Bottle
other environmental
pollutants began to crop up. It disintegrates into microparticles that fish eat in the water bodies causing to
the loss of different species of marine and aquatic life. These microbes are hazardous for soil as it blocks
the layers between effecting to garbage pit everywhere. An intended sensible good quickly turned into a
non-disposable consumer good. Plastic bags are thought to pose an environmental threat and it is a
demerit good. But yet the leaders couldn’t work on it. Some producers are still producing plastic.
Reducing the amount of plastic isn’t enough cause plastic stays 5 times longer than an average human life
can live. For which recycling was introduced. But the largest producer of plastic China topped accepting
used plastic for recycling. It did this because most of the recyclables received from other countries like
the U.S. were contaminated, which overwhelmed China’s recycling facilities and threatened its
environment. As a result, many governments have simply ended their recycling programs. Now the cost
of plastic production is much less than the cost of recycling the plastic.
Cost of per Plastic bottles in USD
Day by day plastic are seen to be thrown away without caring about its recyclation. Everyone is scared to
recycle the used plastic for higher rates. Government should give subsidies to eco-friendly organigations
to work on the recyclation. Sustainable solutions should be adopted to work with the plastic rather than
burning and harming more. Such as converting used plastic to electricity.
The compensation principle might work if the estimates of damage are realistic. Further, mere passing of
laws and creating institutional structures are necessary but not sufficient to address the environmental
problems. Green law specially foe economical and environmental legislation should be more strict.
Policies should be implemented in their right perspective. Institutions should be strong enough, with more
autonomy and powers, to deal with the problems at hand. presented to assert that ecosystem specific
discharge standards is the solution and local communities are ready to participate in environmental
decision making such as pressure groups to boycott the firms who don’t produce or provide sustainable
environment to safeguard our world resources. The environmental problems are just not blamed to a
particular person or community, but ‘us’ as collectively. We are the one who pollutes and the reason for it
and we all should act together out.

N.B.The datas are collected from the reports of United Nations

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