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Students face a number of academic challenges in college, including finding time to

study, understanding course content and maintaining a high degree of motivation. Along with

meeting these challenges, students often struggle to balance academic demands with work,

personal responsibilities and social experiences (Kokemuller, 2017). Nursing students are

encountering different challenges on their daily life as a student, they encounter challenges on

their academic, social, physical, and psychological and school related challenges. The self-

concept is a general term used to refer to how someone thinks about, evaluates or perceives

themselves (McLeod, 2008). The individual's belief about himself or herself, including the

person's attributes and who and what the self is (Baumeister, 1999). Coping mechanisms can

help people adjust to stressful events while helping them maintain their emotional well-

being. Psychologists (Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman) scientifically defined coping as the

sum of cognitive and behavioural efforts, which are constantly changing, that aim to handle

particular demands, whether internal or external, that are viewed as taxing or demanding. Simply

put, coping is an activity we do to seek and apply solutions to stressful situations or problems

that emerge because of our stressors. The significance of the study is to determine extent of the

role of self-concept in the challenges and coping mechanisms of nursing students. This will rate

the challenges encountered by students and the effectiveness of their coping mechanisms. This

study will benefit researchers on improving or giving solutions to these challenges, it will also

help educators in understanding and handling their students. The coping mechanisms that were
discussed in this study will also help other nursing students on how to cope with their challenges

in life. These are some of the articles that will support the study.

The following articles also discuss the coping mechanism by the students in open and distance

learning which also help this study to find more about the coping mechanism of every nursing

student IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciencents. ODL students suffer from a lot

of stress because of the many competing responsibilities they have to shoulder. With limited

support from tutors, the university administration like in the conventional system and the rigors

of balancing work, married life and studying, ODL students have to increasingly rely on coping

mechanisms to deal with these stressful events. As a result they have to develop these coping

strategies as buffers A qualitative study was done using various concepts from coping models

and theories. A lot has been written about coping mechanisms used by students in the western

world to manage stressful situations they found themselves in during their academic life. What

coping mechanisms do students do ODL students in Zimbabwe at Harare Region of the ZOU

use? Data was collected from twenty purposively selected students from different faculties in the

Harare Region of the Zimbabwe Open University. An analysis of the findings identified the

coping mechanisms used by students and what the students expect the institution to do to assist

in alleviating their stress (Nyatsanza, et al. n.d).

In addition, exploring experiences of nurses on how to cope with job stress emerged context-

dependent and original strategies and this knowledge can pave the ground for nurses to increase

self-awareness of how to cope with job stress. Nursing staff encounter a lot of physical,

psychological and social stressors at work. Because the adverse effects of job stress on the health

of this group of staff and subsequently on the quality of care services provided by nurses; study
and identify how nurses cope with the job stress is very important and can help prevent the

occurrence of unfavorable outcomes(Akbar et al., 2015).

Furthermore, this study determined the coping strategies and identified effective coping

strategies of senior student nurses in Competency Appraisal from a phenomenological point of

view of six (6) fourth year nursing students. For the past semester, 30 senior student nurses

nearly flanked Competency Appraisal I. Because Competency Appraisal tackles everything from

first year to fourth year of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, most students are having a hard time

coping with this subject. A structured interview was utilized to gather information needed. It

served as the primary tool for data gathering. Senior student nurses in the Philippines use

different coping strategies to cope with Competency Appraisal. Not all of the coping strategies

are created equal. Some were used more often than others and that some strategies effective to

some do not apply to all. My study concludes that facing or dealing with the challenges of

competency appraisal and taking a break are the main strategies used by student nurses. After

recognizing a stressor, a person consciously or unconsciously reacts to manage the situation.

This is termed as the mediation process. This is why the participants eat and sleep to cope with

the stress (Garin, et al 2015).

Nursing students often encounter high levels of stress through clinical practice that may cause

psychological or emotional problems during their professional life eventually affecting the

quality of patient care they provide. The aims of the current study were to identify the level and

types of stress perceived by nursing students in their clinical practice and to identify the coping

strategies that students used to relieve their stress. A descriptive, cross-sectional design was used

in this study. A total of 200 students who were enrolled in the nursing program were taken as

study respondents. Research data were collected using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and the
Coping Behavior Inventory (CBI). Data was analyzed using one-way ANOVA test, Pearson’s

test, and independent sample -test on SPSS version 22. Findings indicated that nursing students

experienced a high level of stress. The most common coping strategy utilized by the students was

problem solving, while avoidance was the least frequently used one. Saudi nursing students

experienced stress levels above the mean in clinical training. The most common stressors were

related to assignments and workload. The study recommends that clinical curriculum

requirements and the workload of nursing students should be reviewed (Salman H. Alsaqri,


High-stress levels can directly or indirectly impede academic learning, performance, and health of the nursing

students. There is ample literature reporting levels of stress and coping strategies used by the

nursing students from within western world. However, this may not be applicable to Asian

context. Therefore, there is a need to synthesize evidence regarding stress and coping of nursing

students from Asia (AtishamYounas, 2016).

Nursing is an emotionally demanding and a highly stressful profession as nurses has to deal with

different people, in various situations and different times of the day. During their everyday work,

they have to cope with extremely emotionally charged and rapidly changing circumstances. It is

a universally accepted fact that human nature is prone to wears and tears associated with daily

activities. These manifest in the form of stress and strains as witnessed in everyday life. Nurses

and other healthcare professionals are exposed on daily basis to different levels of stress and

burnout arising from the demand for their jobs. To explore the coping strategies of nursing

student against clinical and academic stress (Yasmin et al. 2018). This are the related literature

about self-concept and coping mechanism of nursing students which explains different coping
mechanism that will have in further study of the self-concept and coping mechanism done by the

nursing students.

Theoretical/conceptual framework

According to (MacLeod, 2018), the self-concept theory of Sigmund Freud is a general

term used to refer to how someone thinks about, evaluates or perceives themselves. To be aware

of oneself is to have a concept of oneself. Freud talks the 3 main aspects which may influence

the way we think of ourselves. In addition, as stated in the study of (Sicinski, 2018), he stated

that Rogers believes that there are three components of self-concept including self-esteem or

self-worth and it refers the extent to which we like, accept or approve of ourselves or how much

we value ourselves. There are two types of self-esteem that Rogers stated, (1) High self-esteem

says that you have a positive view of yourself and it tends to lead for self-acceptance,

confidence in their own abilities, not worrying about what others think and also optimism. (2)

Low self-esteem says that you have a negative view of yourselves and this low esteem that are

developing can lead to lack of confidence, always worrying what others might think, and want to

be/ look like someone else that it is one of challenges that we’re experiencing. The theory

explains the purpose of how individual think about their selves and how they compare their

selves to others. For example is the nursing students comparing their selves to others especially

in academic, return demonstrations and clinical duties and their self-esteem becoming low and

can’t focus. Developing a positive self-concept is important for every individual and not only for

the nursing students, it will help in boosting confidence to overcome the challenges or problems

that we nursing students are encountering.

A healthy self-concept determines how far you will step outside to your comfort zone to

solve a problem or achieve a goal. Moreover, it influences how you utilize your physiology

while confronting challenges, obstacles, and problems. It will help nursing students to overcome

the challenges or problems that they are encountering in their academic, physical, social, and

especially psychological. Being aware of the challenges will help you to understand why you are

experiencing this challenges or problems and how you overcome it. As stated by

( Ellemers,2017) social identity theory by Tajfel aims to specify and predict the circumstances

under which individuals think of themselves as individuals or as a group members. The theory

also considers the consequences of personal and social identities for individual perceptions and

group behavior. Every member of the groups will experience a threat or problems and this will

help them to be more motivated to overcome it and can’t be affected by the treats or problems

that other members of the group is saying or thinking about you. The study will answer, what

will be the extent of coping mechanisms of nursing students when it comes to the challenges

they’re encountering.
Figure 1

Paradigm of the study

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

1. Dimensions of self-concept 1.

a. Self-esteem
b. Self-efficacy
c. Academic self-concept
d. Sense of purpose
e. Social self-concept

2. Challenges encountered

a. Academic
b. Social
c. Physical
d. Psychological
e. School related

1. 3. Coping mechanisms

Level of awareness of nursing students

the following dimensions of

a. Self-esteem
b. Self-efficacy
c. Academic self-concept
d. Sense of purpose
e. Social self-concept

2. Degree of challenge of the

problems/challenges encountered by
the nursing students along the

a. Academic
b. Social
c. Physical
d. Psychological
e. School related

3. Extent of effectiveness of the

coping mechanisms practiced by the
nursing students

Statement of the Problem

The focus of this study is to identify the role of self-concept in the challenges faced by

the nursing students and their preferred coping mechanisms:

Specifically, the study will seek to answer to the following questions:

1. To what extent are the nursing students conscious of their self along:

a. Self-esteem

b. Self-efficacy
c. Academic self-concept

d. Sense of purpose

e. Social self-concept

2. To what extent do the nursing students find challenges along the following aspects:

a. Academic

b. Social

c. Physical

d. Psychological

e. School related challenges

3. Is there a significant relationship between the dimensions of self-concept and challenges


4. To what extent do the nursing students cope with the challenges?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the dimensions of self-concept and coping


Null Hypotheses

1. There is no significant relationship between the dimensions of self-concept and the

challenges encountered.

2. There is no significant relationship between the dimensions of self-concept and coping

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the methods and procedures which were used in the study of the role of

self-concept and coping mechanism used by nursing students of Pines City Colleges. It describes

the nature of the research study, research locale, and sources of data, data gathering instruments

and procedures, and the statistical techniques which are to be used in the study.

Research Design

The study will make use of quantitative research design specifically descriptive. Quantitative

research design allows for data to be obtained from a large number of participants and is

structured to provide statistical and computational results of data (Hopkins, 2000). A descriptive

type of research according to Best (1993), involves the collection of data to answer questions

concerning the current status of the subjects in the study. It is designed to gather information or conditions

existing at a particular period of time. The descriptive approach aims to accurately and systematically

describe a population, situation or phenomena. It can answer what, where, when, and how

questions, but not why questions (McCombes, 2019). The researchers used this research design

to gather information to a large group of respondents and will answer the problems stated.A

survey-questionnaire will be carefully prepared by the researchers to gather data.

Locale and Population

There is estimated total population of Three Hundred eighteen (318) nursing students in Pines

City Colleges in College of Nursing 1st year level has population of One hundred sixty (160), 2nd

year level has population of One hundred (100) and 3rd year level has population of fifty eight

(58) students.
Sample Size Computation

n = ______N___________



n= sample size

N=population size

e =degree of marginal error (set at a minimum of 5% probability error)

Table 1. Population of Respondents

Student’s Year Level Population(N) Sample(n)

1st year year 160 112
2nd year 100 80

Total 260 192

Participants of the study

The chosen participants of this study are the Nursing students of Pines City Colleges that is

located in Magsaysay Avenue, Baguio City. The 1st year level is the respondents, both male and

female age 18-35 years old.

Research Instruments

The survey questionnaire consist the permission letter to conduct a study; the letter is addressed

to the dean and college coordinator of nursing department in Pines City Colleges. Part 1 consist
the profile of the respondents and the questionnaire that contains 25 items that will determine

self concept. Part 2 has 25 items and will be on the challenges encountered by nursing students

and Part 3 has 15 items and will be on coping mechanisms. A survey questionnaire is used

because it is relatively simple and it is the most appropriate tool to gather information. It also

facilitates the process of tabulating and summarizing the data gather. The questionnaire is an

information gathering five main questions in the pertinent area of the research problem that are

set up for the purpose of obtaining answers from the respondents involved in the study.

Validation of Instruments

The validity of the questionnaire will be established using content validity index (CVI). The

researchers will be consulting experts in the field of coping mechanisms. They will be requested

to assess the relevancy of each item for the content of interest using the following scale:

1= nonrelevant 

2=someone relevant 

3=quite relevant

4=very relevant

         The CVI will be calculated by determining the proportion of items on the instrument that

receive a relevancy rating of 3 or 4.

  CVI=number of items with a rating of 3 or 4

Total number of items

CVI is acceptable if it is .80 higher.

          The reliability of the questionnaire will be established using Cronbach’s Alpha. The

researchers will conduct pilot testing to the Nursing student of Pines City Colleges in Magsaysay

Baguio City.

Data Gathering Procedures

Before the conduct of the study, the researchers will have a consultation with their adviser to find

out if the content of the questionnaire is related to the researchers’ problem and if it is

constructed appropriately. After which the researchers will make a letter to the Registrar’s office

to get the total population of the nursing students of Pines City Colleges and to their Dean asking

permission to float a questionnaire to their students. During the data gathering procedure, the

researchers will start for greetings to the respondents and assuring them that their information

will remain confidential to ensure their privacy. The questionnaires will be sent through email or

messenger to 80 nursing students who were the target respondents of the study. Results of the

questionnaire will be utilized for the analysis and interpretation of data.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

The responses will be treated in a 4-3-2-1 Likert’s scale point with their respective statistical

limit and descriptive equivalents.

WM = ___∑ f__

WM = Weighted mean
∑ = summation
F = frequency
N = total number of Respondents

The obtained results will be interpreted with the use of the following statistical limits:

Numerical value Statistical limits Descriptive Interpretation

Equivalents (DE)
4 3.26- 4.00 Very much true of (if you strongly agree

me that you exhibit such

3 2.51- 3.25 True of me (If you agree that you

exhibit such

2 1.76- 2.50 Hardly true of me (If you barely agree

that you exhibit such

1 1.00-1.75 Not true of me (If you disagree that

you exhibit such


Chi-square is a test that measures how a model compares to actual observed data. The

data used in calculating a chi-square statistic must be random, raw, mutually exclusive, drawn

from independent variables, and drawn from a large enough sample Chi-square test in two

sample cases will also be employed to establish significant relationship between the dimensions

of self-concept and challenges encountered of student nurses with the formula of:
X2 = ∑ (fo –fe)2

X2 = the Chi- Square value

fo = the actually observed frequencies
fe = the expected frequencies


Name (Optional) __________________ Age: _____

Sex: ______
Year level& section: _______________________ Date: _________

Part I. This portion of the questionnaire will determine how well you know yourself.
Please answer all items by putting a check mark (/) on the box that best represent
your answer. The scale below will serves as your guide.

4 - VERY MUCH TRUE OF ME (If you strongly agree that you exhibit
such characteristic)
3 - TRUE OF ME (If you agree that you exhibit such characteristic)
2 - HARDLY TRUE OF ME (If you barely agree that you exhibit such
1 - NOT TRUE OF ME (If you disagree that you exhibit such

A. SELF-ESTEEM 4 3 2 1
1. I manage to solve problems if I try hard enough.
2. I am proud of my strengths and aware of my weaknesses.
3. I know the subject areas where I am good and where I am poor.
4. I enjoy working with others.
5. I know I have a reason to be in this world.
6. I stick to my aims and accomplish my goals.
7. I am comfortable if others appreciate me.
8. I know what grades to expect in the different subjects that I have.
9. I know I have responsibilities towards others.
10. Some people wonder aimlessly through life, but I am not one of them.
11. I know what I want and how to get them.
12. I, right or wrong, I want to express what I think or feel.
13. I believe that my success and failure in school is the result of the effort
that I exerted.
14. I go out of my way to help others.
15. As I view the world in relation to my life, the world fits meaningfully
with my life.
16. I deal efficiently with unexpected events and problems.
17. I believe that my ideas are as important.
18. I can predict with good accuracy the grades I will get in every subject.
19. I can be a good leader or a good follower.
20. I have clear ambitions in life.
21. I can remain calm when facing difficulties because I can rely on my
coping abilities.
22. I feel good about myself.
23. I deserve the grades that I get.
24. I like participating in group activities.
25. I see positive things beyond trials and difficulties.

Part II. This part of the questionnaire presents you with problems that high school
student encounter. Please answer all items by putting a check mark (/) on the
box that best represent your answer. The scale below will serve as your guide.

4 - If you perceive the item to be a VERY GREAT CHALLENGE or a PROBLEM

3 - If you perceive the item to be MODERATELY A PROBLEM
2 - If you perceive the item to be just a MINIMAL PROBLEM
1 - If you perceive the item NOT A PROBLEM

A. ACADEMIC 4 3 2 1
1. I am getting very low grades and I am worried.
2. I cannot deal with my classmates.
3. I am not happy with my physical characteristics.
4. I am not motivated to do my school tasks.
5. My teachers are either too strict or too lenient.
6. I do not know how to study wisely.
7. I prefer to be alone despite others extending friendship.
8. I lack energy to do my activities.
9. I am often sad or anxious.
10. My teachers are not approachable.
11. I am unable to apply theories or concepts to practical problems or in
new situations.
12. I am not at ease in social crowd.
13. I am easily affected by the weather.
14. I easily give-in to what my peers tell me to do.
15. School policies are confusing.
16. I am unable to express my opinions in class.
17. I have difficulty in establishing new friendship.
18. I am not as attractive.
19. l lack self-confidence.
20. There are very few school activities for development or academic enrichment.
21. I am unable to submit workloads or requirements on due dates.
22. I cannot easily approach my teacher.
23. I am sickly.
24. I do not know how to manage my anger or frustration.
25. School facilities/resources are insufficient.
Part III. This section of the questionnaire will determine the coping mechanisms when
faced with different challenges. Please answer all items by putting a check
mark (/) on the box that best represent your answer. The scale below will serve
as your guide.

4 – If you believe the coping mechanism to be VERY EFFECTIVE

3 - If you believe the coping mechanism to be EFFECTIVE
2 - If you believe the coping mechanism to be MODERATELY EFFECTIVE
1 - If you believe the coping mechanism is NOT EFFECTIVE

Coping Mechanisms 4 3 2 1
1. I seek the company of friends or family.
2. I look for the good things in the problem.
3. I pay or visit church more when I have a problem.
4. I sleep more than I usually do when I get fed up with the situation.
5. I play sports to unburden myself from tension.
6. I consult people with similar problem and ask for suggestions.
7. I listen to my favorite radio station to unburden myself.
8. I ask the opinion of my teacher or friends on how to solve my
9. I keep myself physically fit through regular exercise.
10. I stay calm and do not let the situation overwhelm me.
11. I often go the mall for shopping or entertainment.
12. I express my thought and feelings through writing and drawing.
13. I eat more than the usual.
14. I consult guidance counselor for assistance.
15. I laugh all the time to hide my problem.


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