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How my life has changed

My life has changed in the last five years. In the last five years, I
have been a teenager and my life has been easy. But a little
change was become through my life. I was becoming to attend
the university in Yangon. I had been difficult to stay away from
my family until the second year of my university. I couldn`t had
to do anything without my family support. But in the last three
years, I used to attend the courses that I want and I need. That
is why, I`m becoming more social, mature and I`m handling all
my problems by myself. Then I was also doing a small business.

How my family has changed

My family has changed in the last 7 years. In the last 7
years, my family lived all together in our home. And in the last 6
years, my elder sister was transferring to Yangon to go to
college. After that, I also would have to transfer. And then after
a few years, my younger used to go to border again. Our home
had been influenced with warm, happy, and noise of our laugh
until the last 6 years. But, we were going to each of our college
or school, our home was being unpleasant and silence. Now,
because of the covid-19 pandemic, my family is having all
together except my elder sister who is doing her duty in the
hospital. In the next month, she will come back to our home.

How my eating habits have changed

My eating habits have changed a lot in the last five years. I
have changed my eating habits because of getting more
weights. I had been very fat until the last two years. After
matriculation examination, I was getting more fat because of
eating late, more fast food, energy drink and eating more
carbohydrates like rice, noddle and bread. I can`t cut all of
them. As the Asian girl, I liked to eat rice. But in the last two
years, I used to change my eating habits like cutting fast foods,
energy drinks, lowering carbohydrates as I can, and drinking
more water. I also used to eat more proteins and was not
eating anything in the night after 6 pm. After a few years, I was
getting slim and having more confidence. But now, I am eating
more foods at least four times a day and also eating late in the
night. In the night before I sleep and in the morning when I
wake up, I think what I eat today. In the next month, I must
change my eating habits again.
How my free time has changed
My free time has changed a lot because of the
pandemic. I had had a free time only on Saturday and Sunday
during the opening of college. I used to walk around the
compound early in the morning and go to the ‘Kyauktawgyi’
Pagoda with my friends. After came back, I was taking a bath
and then taking a nap. On evening, I was reading a book with a
cup of coffee and at night, me and my friends were singing and
eating spicy noodle and green tea salad. That was how I was
spending my free time in college. But now, my free time has
changed because of the pandemic, so I am getting more free
times. On the morning, I am doing Yoga and reading a book
with a cup of coffee. In the afternoon, I am learning how to
make crafts like crochet, punching and etc… on youtube. And
then, I am doing the orders that I get. In the evening, I am
studying my class lessons and attending the class. At night, I am
watching TV with my family and going to bed.

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