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There are strong indications Prajwal Kulkarni has used HMPL’s designs as an employee of

HydroInd to bid for the public company’s tender. However, Anil Deshmukh will require
evidence to prove his point as this is a violation of the Copyright Act (1957). Anil should do
the following things chronologically:
1. Inform HMPL’s board about the crisis: All board members should be apprised of the
situation as it concerns a former employee and there is a strong case of violation of
copyright. The board members will need to discuss the following issues:
 Responsibility and Accountability for why there were no data storage
measures in place
 How to conduct the internal inquiry
 Look into Prajwal Kulkarni’s contract and verify if there was a no-poaching
agreement and the confidentiality clause
 Reduction of bid offer be reduced as bidders have this option after
submission of bids, when the vendor calls the respective parties for further

2. Seek legal counsel: Anil should seek legal counsel for the following reasons:
 Violation of Copyright Act (1957)
 Who will be held liable? Since data security measures were not in place
 Jurisdiction of both the companies and where to file the case
 Financial Implications
 Reputation of the company

3. Solve the matter amicably: After seeking legal counsel, Anil should set up a meeting
 First with Prajwal, where a few board members, Anil and the legal team will
be present and try to go into the depth of the issue
 If Prajwal pleads his innocence, then HMPL should inform HydroInd about the
 Last option is to file a case against Prajwal Kulkarni

4. Implement a Virtual Private Network (VPN): This project should be undertaken

immediately to encrypt online activity and protect data.

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