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Are you a good multitasker? We're gonna take a little test.

You have three projects

have been assigned to you. Project 1 requires you to write the letter
A through J in a single column. Project 2 requires you to write
the numbers one through ten in a single column. Don't start doing it just yet by the
way. Project 3 requires you to write the roman
numeral I through X in a single column. Now together all three look like this. You
got Project 1 with a column,
Project 2 with a column, and Project 3 with a column. But the trick is you've got to
do your
work exactly as I tell you to do it, and I'm super demanding, and I'm only gonna
give you 15 seconds
to complete all three projects. You've gotta do the work the way
I tell you to do the work. Right now I tell you that
you must work this way. You have to fill in the A for Project 1
and the 1 for Project 2 and then the I for Project 3. And you can go back to the next
row and
fill in the B for 1, the 2 for 2, and the II for 3. And you've got to complete your
work this
way going from one project to the next, skipping across. So now, get ready because
gonna give you 15 seconds. Okay, are you finished? What? Why not? Okay, I'm
difficult, but
I'm not a complete jerk. I'm gonna give you another chance. This time, you can
finish all of Project
1, then Project 2, then Project 3. Now get ready, because I'm
gonna give you your 15 seconds. How did you do this time? Even if you didn't
finish, you most likely accomplished
much more than the first time. And this is an example of what
happens when you multitask. You skip around from task to task and you're just not
as effective as when you
can concentrate on one thing at a time. This does not mean that you should never
have more than one assignment at a time. Don't go telling your management that
can only ask you to do one thing cause that's not the point. That's going to be
career limiting. To do two things at once though,
is to do neither. This is a quote from a Roman
philosopher from 100 CE. Multitasking, think when you are writing
your status report or you're on a WebEx, or your texting your best friend and you
think you're doing so much more at once. But if you really do participate in
a WebEx while reading your email, and shuffling through papers,
and eating your lunch, or texting your best friend
something is going to suffer. And you're really not doing all
of these things at the same time. You're probably going to make some
kind of embarrassing mistake. What you do is you pay the price for multitasking in
what we
call switching cost. So what is Switching Cost? It's the time it takes for you to
transition from one thing to another, and then to another, and then back again. I
come to you, let's say,
and I say, work on task A. Then I come back 15 minutes later. I say, no, sorry, work
on task B. An hour later I call you and
I say, what are you doing? Would you please work on task C? And at the end of the
I come back to you. And I say,
well did you ever finish task A? No?
Well get on it. Every time you go in and out of task A, you need time to reacquaint
yourself with the task. Time to remember where you were, what you
were doing, and what you need to do next. So this is your switching cost. And it
means that although
task A could take two hours, it may take you up to three if I
keep pulling you in and out of it. And putting you back to work on it, and
doing something else, and back and forth. The best approach is to try and
focus on one thing at a time. Then transition to the next task. In fact a common
theme in all of the tips
that you might be thinking about highly productive people and highly
successful people is focus and discipline. So let's see how that plays out. You're
working on something, and
your manager comes to you and says stop it,
work on this other thing instead. Do you look at them and say no? No, not until I
finish this. You are forcing me to be inefficient. You may or may not really be able
have that kind of conversation with your manager. Maybe what you can do
is take a few moments before you transition
away to the next task. And leave yourself some notes as to where
you were and how to pick up back again. For example, if you're in
the middle of writing something. I said this earlier. Leave a note at the top of
the document with a reminder. Or if it's something on your desk, put a note on top
of it with instructions
as to how to resume your work. This way, you're gonna cut
down on your switching costs, and when you do have a choice, then make
the effort to work on one thing at a time. When you are writing, then write. When
you're talking on your phone,
turn your back to your computer and just talk on your phone. End results is that
be more productive and you're gonna feel less fragmented and
you're gonna make fewer mistakes. We've covered quite a bit of
ground in our time together. You can bring it all together. And the results can be
very powerful. We have discussed having a Work Plan, and
hopefully now you do or you're doing it. You're starting it. We have covered
understanding and
setting priorities. You now know the secret to Work-Life
Balance, be careful who you share it with. You have been given the opportunity to
really pay attention to
how you spend your time. And you have an approach to figure
out your strategic reserve time or the time that is left after you
handle your normal responsibilities. We have discussed Estimating and
keeping similar data together and performing Similar Tasks at the same time. We
have even considered the impact Time
of Day can make on your productivity. What's left? What's left is for you to bring
the information together and leverage it. So that you can create
a plan that supports you and your goals and helps you use your
time in the best way possible. Because remember that's
what this was all about. And is likely that you've realized that
you might want to make some changes and that's wonderful. Guess what?
A plan can help you with that too. You know what else will
help you with that? Clear priorities. So select one to three changes that you think
are going to be the most
helpful to you and work on those. Don't select more than three cause it's
too much and it's not fair to yourself. How does this work? You know I have a
story, right? So, a client of mine, she was once
really embarrassed because her colleagues commented to her about the fact
that she was always late for meetings. And the comment that really hit her
was that someone said that other than being late all the time she really
seemed to be like a true professional. And that just struck her to her core. And
here's what she did. She set an initial goal to be on time for
95% of all of her meetings and she created a goal that was measurable,
95% of all of her meetings. She tracked her meetings. Now she was a person who
carried a work
plan and a calendar around with her and what she did is if she was on time, she'd
give herself a star next to that meeting. And if she wasn't,
she'd give herself a check mark. Now she had to hold herself to
an honor system here, right? At the end of the week,
she counted all of the meetings and calculated what number
represented 95% of her meetings. And then she counted all her stars and
all her checks and if the number of stars met or
exceeded 95%, she hit her goal. When she hit her goal, she allowed herself to sleep
in an extra
30 minutes on Saturday morning. If not, no extra sleep in time for her. So you can
do something like this too. Set a goal, make sure it's measurable,
give yourself support, you know, to get to the meetings on time, she had
an alarm set and buzzers going off and different things, so
she would get there on time. Keep track, have a reward for
when you meet your goal, and don't beat yourself up if you don't. Just look at your
results to see if
there's something you can do differently. And try again. With that thought in mind,
go be fabulous. Thank you.

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