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NOVEMBER 11, 2020

BSAC 2-9 1762 CFE 103

1. Limited resources of this country is in danger because it is not use in our

country. Foreign people are the ones who took charge of it instead of us.
This is the reality. Examples are mining companies; it is owned by
foreign businessman. It is so heart breaking that we cannot stand our
own resources. That’s the reason, this country is a waste for other
countries. In fact, we have been accepting the garbage of other countries
and it so disappointing.

From this situation, it is not easy to help but one thing that I can do is to
be part of tree planting advocacy. Plant more trees and protect our
watersheds. Doing these simple things can be of great impact in the
future. Yes, we are in changing because of technological advancement
but let’s not put so much effort onto that. Let’s remember the importance
of our resources before accepting the technology we have today. It is time
to plant more trees, do conservation of wastes and protect the nature at
all cost.

I am hearing a lot of nature warriors doing everything to protect our

resources. All we need to do is to be a nature warrior in our own little
ways. We don’t have the means but as we gather up we can make a
difference that only us could do that. Examples of the things that we can
do is to promote waste management, and start to integrate solar energy
to our homes for conservation of current and a help to mother earth.

2. We are the steward of this place and that’s the reason why God entrusted
this to us. It is time to give back and do the responsibility in recuperating
what we’ve done to this place. God allows us to be free in this place. We
have food to eat, water to drink, clothing and many more. It is time to
justify our actions into opportunities to fixed what have been lost and
destroyed. At the end of the day, justice is preserve not only to persons
but to God himself alone. Let’s make it happen.

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