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Class – VI

A. Fill in the blanks: 1 X 10 = 10

1. The Vedas contains ____________ in praise of Gods and Goddess.

2. By 600 B.C, the __________________ tools had become popular.
3. The Indus Valley seals also have a ______________ script.
4. Harshavardhana organized a grand assembly at Kanauj in _________________.
5. The _______________ acts as a link, between the state govt. and a municipal coporation.
6. ___________________ is a negative perception and should be avoided.
7. The tree shape of earth is _____________.
8. The position on ___________________ in Northern hemisphere is called spring Equinox. The position on
_________________ in Northern hemisphere is called Autumn Equinox.
9. _________________ is the outer most limit of our atmosphere.

B. Choose the correct answers: 1 X 10 = 10

1. How many houses has been excavated at Inamgaon ?

a. About 124 b. About 140 c. About 440 d. About 1400
2. Bimbisara was king of - a. Avanti b. Magadha c.Gandhara d. Chedi
3. The Buddha delivered his first Sermon at - a. Bodh Gaya b. Vaishali c. Sarnath d.Lumbini
4. The script used for Ashoka’s edicts was – a. Devanagari b. Brahmi c.Arbic d. Gurumukhi
5. The type of govt. that India has is – a. dictatorship b. democratic c. monarchy d. All of these
6. The Nyaya Panchayat is an institution which – a. maintains public wells and tanks b. provide speedy
justice c. imposes taxes on villagers d. meets government official to discuss villager’s problems.
7. What of the following is the world’s largest continent?
a. North America b. Africa c. Asia d. South America
8. ________________ helps to calculate the local time of a place – a. Latitude b. Equation c. Congitude
d. prime meridian
9. The owner of a land alone 5 hectares to hundreds of hectares is called a – a. middle b. big farmer
c.landless d. none of those

C. Write very short ansers: 1 X 10 = 10

2. Which Upanishad is the biggest of all?
3. Which Gupta ruler defeated the Saka and ended the Saka rule in India?
4. Name the book written by Megashenes?
5. Write the full form of NREGA.
6. Who is Mayor?
7. What is constitution?
8. Name the three organs of the Government?
9. What is loo?
10. Name the southernmost point of the Indian mainland?
D. Answer the following questions in brief: (Any 6) 3 X 5 = 15
1. When was mahavira born, and where?
2. Discuss the drainage system of Indus Valley Civilisation.
3. What are the sources of income of urban local bodies?
4. What are the constitutional provisions against inequality and discrimination?
5. Distinguish between lithosphere and hydrosphere.
6. Who are the landless labourers?
E. Long type answers: (write any 5) 5 X 5 = 25
1. What did Hiuen Tsang write about india?
2. Differentiate between primary, secondary and tertiary occupations with examples.
3. Describe, the season of retreating monsoon in India? Name the source of the river Ganga?
4. Differentiate between Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats.
5. Compare the features of the Torrid Zone and Temperate Zone. Explain with Diagram.
6. What are the functions of the Gram Panchayat?

F. Map Pointing: 5X1=5

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