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Multiple choice quiz

1. Which of these is a North American Easter tradition ?

a. The Pentagon Easter Egg Hunt.

b. The White House Easter Busket Brunch.

c. The White House Easter Egg Roll.

2. Which of these animals is not associated with Easter?

a. a lamb

b. a rabbit

c. a cow

3. For Christians, Easter is a celebration of____________?

a. Jesus Christ's birth

b. Jesus Christ's resurrection

c. the Hebrew's release from slavery

4. In 325 A.D., the Roman Emperor Constantine ruled that _______ ?

a. Easter must fall in April

b. Cupid

c. Faunus

5. How many roses are bought in the US for Valentine's Day each year?

a. 118 million

b. under 80 million

c. 180 million

6. How many heart-shaped boxes of candy (or chocolates) are sold?

a. around 36 million

b. around 3 to 6 million

c. around 6 million

7. What colour roses are traditionally sent on Valentine's Day?

a. red

b. yellow

c. white

8. How mush do US shoppers spend on Valentine's Day annually?

a. almost forty billion dollars

b. almost fourteen million dollars

c. almost fourteen billion dollars

9. What type of precious stone is associated with Valentine's Day and romance?

a. rubies

b. dimonds

c. pearls

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